Read Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 (33 page)

BOOK: Bind and Keep Me, Book 2
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Love. Shit. I’d never said that before. But maybe I do.

Vigorously, she shook her head. “No. No. You made this up to get what you wanted. I never did that.”

“You think?”

“I’d never cry out
name. I didn’t want you back.”

I stroked the underside of her breast. So soft. So giving yet heavy. “Untrue.”

“Fuck no. I did not.” She sucked at her lip.

“Don’t swear at me.” I hardened my eyes. She froze. “The rules are back. Take care.”

Steph swallowed a few times. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Now you’re uneven. Not teasing your other nipple would be unforgiveable, though here is beautiful too.” I traced around the intricate shapes and whorls of her ear while she watched from the corner of her eye. “You’re breathing harder, girl.” I smiled as her tongue tip flicked out and back in. Worried. I liked that. “Why do you think I’ve strapped you up here like this?”

She shook her head the tiniest amount.

“Why do you think I need these to stay in place?” I brushed my palm over each breast, circling over each nipple until they were both taut, then I moved my hand onto her belly, over her belly button, watching her contract her stomach muscles as she gasped.

Her clit was poking out enough for me to find it unerringly with my forefinger. I toyed with the tiny button, then I caressed from low down between her legs where her labia had swollen out nicely. Her moisture came along with my finger as I traced a warm wet path from her entrance, up her cleft, to her clitoris again.

She hadn’t answered, but I guess I’d distracted her, judging by her closed eyes and the way her pelvis bowed outward seeking my finger.

“Why, little toy? Why would I want your breasts still? Can’t remember?”

“Hmm?” She moaned as I increased the pressure on her clit, making ever smaller circles on top of it.

I chuckled. “Never mind.”

I pushed off the wall and brought over the little table that held what I needed. “I’m going to move us all to another part of Australia, perhaps Western Australia.” I raised an eyebrow. “Somewhere no one is likely to identify you. After being on Rat Island I can see that we need to let you out to see the world now and then. Once you can behave, you can do that.”

I picked up the long metal piercer with the hollow stem.

Her gaze focused on the instruments and her brow wrinkled. “You never meant to let me go.”

“I did. I struggled with this. I did intend to leave you be.”

I’d sat up late arguing my way out of this, only to have Jodie and Chris show me that the alternative was possible. “Chris has found a way to stop Kat chasing us.” That had been the key. With her off my back, we could stay in Australia.

“What is that?” She licked her lips, staring at what I held.

“It’s a special piercing needle. Don’t you remember my vow to use metal to claim you? I’m going to pierce your nipples and put bars in them.”

“No,” she whispered. “Uh-uh. I don’t want that.”

“You have no choice. This is what I’m doing.”

Precisely this—almost putting a needle through Jodie’s nipple—had been what made me doubt myself and my sanity once before. I’d never have pierced Jodie without her consent, but with Steph, it called to me in a way that connected straight to my balls. The need to pierce and claim her was overpowering. It was my
. I owned her. She was my property to do with as I chose.

I ignored the rest of her protests. I placed the clamp on her nipple to hold it utterly still and she stiffened and keened quietly. After swabbing with antiseptic, I assessed how I should do this again. The long fat needle needed to go right to left just outside the center of each nipple. I settled the tip in the correct spot.

“Take a deep breath.”

That hesitation of hers said in bold letters how much this scared her.

, girl.”

She inhaled, expanding her chest outward. A half second later, I sent the angled tip of the needle a fraction of an inch into her nipple. Her gasp turned into a tiny scream as I squeezed the needle further into the flesh, watching her skin swallow then embrace the metal. Her little ragged whimpers enthralled me. As if by magic, the point came out the other side.

The weird joy I extracted from causing pain was at its utmost. Seeing that piece of metal projecting either side and knowing I’d just tunneled it through her nipple. Seeing the rise and fall of her breast as she inhaled and exhaled with her flesh embracing my metal.

Sexual possession, sadism, power—all rolled into one. I think my gaze was as sharp as the point on the needle. I had to count backward to ten before I could go on.

“No blood. Pity.” I kept the timbre of my voice low as I stroked her shoulder, admiring her minutely as she huffed out a series of shallow breaths to control the pain. I was struck by a need to both reassure her and to do this again. “Good toy. You’re behaving beautifully. I’ll be quick.”

Then I did the other nipple. I was quick, but I still couldn’t help being absorbed in that moment as it slid through her. The penetration of her with a needle seemed to echo the intimate pleasures of sex.

I was breathing harder at the end too. Two pieces of metal in her. I checked her face but every few seconds I was drawn back to look at those embedded needles. Just for the pure sensation of holding her, I cupped my hand under one breast.

“How do they feel?”

” She sucked in a gasp. “It hurts! They’re throbbing. What do you think!”

I smiled as I carefully inserted the short bars through the hollows then withdrew the needles and screwed on the bulbs that kept the bars from falling out. “I think you’re brave. And…” I leaned down and kissed the top of each nipple once. “I think you’re ours now, whether you want to be or not.”

She summoned courage from somewhere though her reply was squeaky. “No. Never. I’m not.”

“Oh?” That was defiance if anything was. Deliberately, slowly, I unstrapped her from the wall. I watched her fidget as if wondering what to do with her hands. I kept my voice low. “You’re going to show Jodie and me how good you are. You’re going to give us a gift to show that you are hers and mine. What do you think you should do?”

Then I took two slow steps back, folded my arms, and I waited.

Eyes dark and wide, she stared.

Strange, after all that had been said and done, this moment had become everything. If she refused, I would doubt my convictions. If she refused I found I had abruptly grown a ludicrous need to let her go. Though I wanted her to be mine, I
to see evidence she had some tiny inkling of that same desire within her. A desire for submission. A desire to be mine. Though it might be colored by fear, I needed that. Right now, I needed to see.

Seconds ticked past. I made myself be still even though mentally I was willing her to submit with every atom of my being.

When Steph bent her head for a while, then inch by inch shuffled to her knees, put her hands on those knees and raised her head to look up at me, my balls tightened and inside my head a roar blanketed all thoughts.
Yes. My god, yes.

“Put your hands behind your head.”

Though she winced at the pull on her breasts, she did so, lifting her tits perfectly.

Hell, yeah. Mine.
She’d also gifted me with an especially rigid erection. “Thank you.” I nodded as if this were entirely as I’d expected. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of her with her breasts outthrust showing off her new piercings. “Now cup them with your hands.”

This time she did it straight away. I took another picture. The longer I examined her the more her face softened, the less focused her gaze became, and the more dilated her pupils. My quietly stated,
good girl
, resulted in her eyelids fluttering down for a second, as soft and amazing as a petal falling in slow motion.

Beautiful. Everything…I saw everything there that enthralled me—serenity, acceptance, a willingness to give, but also a willingness to take whatever was given her. I inhaled raggedly. Submission, deep, deep submission.

I let Steph see the photo before I sent it, and also let her see Jodie’s text reply of,
Thank you, pet. You look beautiful. I’m going to be home tomorrow to kiss you. Stay safe. Trust Klaus

Moisture glistened on her lower lids and she clutched my thigh as I patted her head. My next act came so naturally it surprised me. I went to one knee, cradled her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. Then I whispered to her as I looked into her eyes. “We own you now, but you are also our most precious possession.”

She blinked slowly then nodded.

I rose to my feet.

“Wait there, pet.” I sighed looking down at her, feeling a surge of that protection Jodie had told me to make sure to use. This had been hard on her and for the first time I truly understood Jodie’s use of
. I figured I’d be using it a lot.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. Don’t leave me. Please, don’t leave me. I’ll be good now, always.”

Damn. I stared down at her, wishing I could put aside everything on the instant and do more to her, but I only ruffled her hair. “I’m not going to leave you. Be good. I have to ring Chris.”

This was the last of it. I prayed he’d done what he said he could.

He answered on the second ring. “Hi. How did it go?” I kept petting Steph, deriving as much comfort from the feel of her hair under my palm and her arms wrapped around my leg as she probably was from my caresses.

“Good.” Chris sounded a little breathless. “All’s good. You don’t have to worry about Kat anymore. I have her phone with that photo. I doubt she made copies after Moghul and I told her not to throw accusations about without being one hundred percent certain.”

“Thank you.” I closed the phone and stood with my eyes shut and my head bowed for a minute.

May whatever deity might be up there in the heavens please forgive me for what I just may have done.


I slipped the phone back into my pocket and swiveled on my shoes to look again at what I’d wrought. This was something new for me. At least it was in real life. For a long, long time, I’d wanted to do this. The craving had become so excruciating that seeing the result was close to orgasmic. Hands on hips, I stared down at her.

Helpless. No safeword. No friends. Just me and her, and each day from now on, whatever struck me as a good thing to do to her, I could do.

I pulled out her phone and had another peek at the offending photo. Taken from a boat off shore, like she’d said. Only it was so fuzzy I had no idea to how she’d used it to decide anything. Three people, yes. Klaus and Jodie, maybe, but the third was only vaguely identifiable as female. I put the phone away.

Kat lay on her side curled backward with the zip ties fastening her wrists and ankles behind her. One lady who abso-fucking-lutely wasn’t getting loose until I cut those ties. She still growled at me despite the huge gag. Her glare wasn’t stoppable with a gag. That needed something else. I dragged the duct tape from my pocket.

I stepped up to her and went to one knee, yanked the back of her head toward her nape by a handful of her bright red hair, so she was compelled to look at me. I tapped her nose with the hand holding the tape. “I need to cover those pretty eyes of yours.”

Her look would have melted the sun, but I only grasped her throat.

“I’d kiss you and knock some of that fire out of you here and now, Kat, but the gag is a bit of an obstacle.” I thumbed the hard ball sitting between her teeth while she breathed moistly and scowled. “You need to think about where you are, woman. I’m going to make you beg and cry and fucking crawl. When I’m done, I’ll be your oxygen, and the very blood in your veins, because I’m going to get into your head right there.” I pressed my finger in the center of her forehead. “Where you can never ever get me out. You hear me?”

She shook her head angrily and growled.

I chuckled. “You think you’re a tiger? Maybe. Maybe you were. Not now. You’ve haunted me forever, woman. You’ve been so unreachable, so sure you can’t be tamed. But I like challenges, and you are my ultimate one. Here’s how it starts.”

I took out the duct tape, settled a couple of pads over each eye, then I wrapped the tape round and round her head, covering her eyes, while I talked quietly. “You’re going to be blind for a few days. When I take this off, you’ll be somewhere far from civilization. There will be no one who can help you. There will only be me.”

The End

Books by Cari Silverwood

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Glossary of US and Australian terms

In the interests of not jerking most of my readers out of the story with some unfamiliar word usages, I opted to sometimes use the US word instead. However, since I completed the book, I’ve been told by many American readers that they’d rather I use the Aussie words.

I’m not entirely convinced. Since I think I have far more American fans than Australian, I may still be tempted in Book 3, “Make Me Yours, Forevermore”, to use some American terms. If you want to tell me otherwise, feel free to pop a comment on my facebook wall.

This example is why I hesitate:

Klaus put on his thongs and strolled out the door to take his daily walk on the beach.

US word vs Aussie

Cell phone = mobile —
US term used in the story

College = University or Uni —
Australian word used

Dishcloth = tea towel —
I used the US word

Flip flops = thongs —
This was explained in the story

Cooler = esky —
US word used with the Australian word

Popsicle = ice block —
US word used

Shrimp = prawn —
This was explained in the story

Spatula = egg flip —
This was explained in the story, and it’s a regional Australian term that isn’t used nationwide, I think

SUV = Four wheel drive —
US word used

There may be others I substituted but missed seeing. I have become so used to doing this in my stories that it’s almost automatic. I have also used US spelling throughout. Though this book is self-published both of my earlier publishers, Loose Id and Lyrical Press, used US spelling.

BOOK: Bind and Keep Me, Book 2
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