Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 (22 page)

Read Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Bind and Keep Me, Book 2
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I needed to know where I was with her. Had I gone too far?

“Put your hands to the wall,” I grated out. “Lean in but keep your ass out where I can fuck you easily.”

Would she do this? Yes, she did. Greedily, triumph burning in my veins, I inhaled through my teeth.

I ripped the packet, rolled on the condom. Then after carefully extracting the plug, I lubed up my cock and her ass.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

I pulled her head around. “What do you think?” She knew, of course. All she did was blink at me. “I’ll be gentle. I know you’re not used to this.” I released her and pressed my cock to her there; feeling the tiny circle of muscle widen, I pushed some more. Her heat slowly swallowed me, squeezing my head, tight.

Mouth opening wide, I took some hard breaths.

The test, remember? I had to stop, didn’t I? I touched her clit, slowly bringing her into the headspace of an orgasm, getting the rhythm going while I barely rocked in and out of her by a fraction. And she let me in, a little more each time. Her fingers on the wall clenched in like claws, her back bowed toward me.

Then I stopped moving, everything, though every muscle, every screaming atom of me, wanted to spear into her all the way to my balls.

“Stephanie. You have to choose. Now. I’ve changed my mind. I’m not deciding in a few days, not on the basis of whether I scratch my letter on your ass, not on anything but what I ask you next. I want you to think.” I sank my teeth into the natural place for a man’s teeth—the angle on a woman’s neck where it curved into shoulder. I hung on until she groaned and whimpered and her anus contracted strongly on my cock.

The rest of my words I rasped out with my lips brushing the lobe of her ear. I breathed my words into her, and I prayed.

“Your choice. If you want me to fuck you here, in your ass, if you want to be our little fucktoy, to be taken whenever we want you, however I want to, until the day we free you…if you want that, stay here, with me. If not, walk away, now.”

Then I waited, partly inside her, blood thumping so urgently through me I was in danger of erupting any second. I wanted to fuck her hard against the wall, but I also needed her answer.

She didn’t move or speak. Afraid to? Or not sure? If that…damn…yeah that was so significant.

I wrapped my forearms around her below her breasts, squashing them in, making her feel how easily I could subdue her, if I wanted to.

“Ours, or not? Are you my naughty little fucktoy, or not? Slide back onto my cock, and you’re mine, girl. Or walk. Which?”

“I…” She heaved in more air, and her throat moved in a swallow. A bead of sweat dribbled down the side of her face into the strands of hair sticking to her cheek.

Yeah. I’ve done this because I wanted to. I wanted to take her and hurt her and I really don’t know if I can let her go. But if she says no, I’ll try. I will fucking try.

As I held her to me, I could feel her heart thudding and hear the harsh in and out of her breath. I could smell her sweat, feel her pain, and with my cock impaling her, I couldn’t stop wanting her.

“Decide.” I shifted my hips forward a minute amount and smiled at her gasp of pleasure.

Chapter 18

The most poorly timed question
. I could barely think with him inside me like that. The ache to come was overwhelming. The need to have him finish fucking me there, to have him come inside me in that dirtiest of places, it trampled on all rational thought. I groaned as he moved the tiniest amount, exquisitely aware of how my body gripped him, of his cock tunneling in.

“Fuck,” I whispered. My legs shook, my arms shook and would not be holding me away from the wall if his arms weren’t barred across my front. As it was I had my sticky forehead leaning on the hard cold surface as well as my poor flogged, bitten and abused nipples.

I was a mess of sweat and a weary woman. From the juices dripping from me and slicking my thighs, I must look like a whore done over by a football team.

But it was just him.

Stupid. Walk away. He’s said it. I can walk. Surely this is the bad alternative?

“Well, Steph. Walk? Or stay.” Then, contrary to his words, he began going in and out more and more to the timing of his speech. “Walk or stay?

“Stop.” I gasped.

“In. Out,” he murmured, and I felt him chuckle. “Can’t decide?”

“Bastard. Bastard. Bastard.” And then maybe, just maybe, I pushed back, the most minute amount. I felt the pulse of his cock. Felt the imminent burn. Felt the weight of his hard muscles pressing on me, pinning me, keeping me his.

Would he even let me go? It seemed not. The way he held me like I was the most precious thing ever, and wanted, threw me in the deep end. I was drowning, and didn’t have the faintest idea how to rescue myself.

“You moved, didn’t you.”

Rhetorical fucking question. I tried to shake my head but he kissed my hair.

“Bad girl. I’m done waiting. Clearly you’re staying.” And at the last word he thrust deeper, further, all the way, parting me easily. “I’m fucking this little almost pristine ass, all the way…in.”

A last thrust and I was shoved to the wall, my breasts flattened. I had to turn my face sideways to get air.

Klaus withdrew almost to the tip then shoved back into me. Pleasure flared with a tinge of burning pain when I was stretched just a bit too far.

“Unnh.” My tongue seemed stuck to the roof of my mouth. He plowed in and out of me like a piston, stroking my clit with his free hand, making me
his next drive inward, making me throb and moan quietly as another climax built then spilled through me, roaring in my ears, tumbling my thoughts, fast and hot as a fire.

My eyes rolled back. I let him take me as he willed after that. I curled up my hands, letting them slide on the wall as the force he used thumped me into it, over and over. Too exhausted to fight, or to move, or do more than be his fucktoy. He was right. I’d never had a lover like this. When he came, I smiled a small smile, but I knew he couldn’t see it.

He was done, and panting in my ear, the bristles of his poorly shaven face scraping my neck and cheek. More hurts. My whole body throbbed in unison with my blood. When he released me, withdrawing slickly, I sagged then slid a small distance down the wall until he caught me. He let me down the rest of the way carefully.

“I’ll be back. I have to go clean up.”

True to his word, he was back soon. Huddled there, I hadn’t counted seconds. Besides, everything was a warm buzz. He carried me to the mattress then lay down behind me, cuddling in. That woke me. Klaus cuddling? Spooning?

“What the—” I slurred.

“Rest. I’m staying for a while. You can shower and I’ll get you food and check the damage I did, after you rest.”

“S’okay.” I muttered, eyelids closing, brain shutting down fast. Black rolled in and smothered me in sleep.

When I awoke, I found that Klaus had turned me onto my stomach. I half-rolled to look over my shoulder and found him staring.

“Marks,” he explained, tracing a finger so lightly over my butt that it tickled and made me shiver. “I like them.”

“Oh.” I shrugged.

“Okay, shower time.” He put out his hand and helped me up. At some time, he’d pulled his pants back on.

The gentlemanly behavior had me puzzled, but the look he raked over my front made me cover my breasts.

“No. Hands down. I’ve seen all of you already, anyway.” Though said softly, I knew there’d be consequences if I disobeyed.

There wasn’t much point in hiding, so I lowered my hands.

“Good. Just so you don’t forget, they’re mine, girl.” He nodded. “Put your hands under them. Hold them up for me.”

Hell no. This was so foreign, so odd. Nudged by a sudden shyness, I ducked my head. I should look up. Chicken. This was totally the wrong cue to give him. I may as well roll over and whine.

“You’re going to do it, Steph. Get used to this. You had two choices and you chose this one, staying and being mine, and when I allow it, being Jodie’s also.” With his fingers underneath, he made me raise my chin. “Look at me.”

Slowly I did, uncomfortable meeting his eyes, and aware of my femaleness, of my nakedness, for the first time in ages. I’d forgotten, hanging there, tied up, I’d just been
for what seemed hours. The things he’d done to me…

“Shy, suddenly?” He cocked an eyebrow. “I like that. Hold your breasts up for me, unless you want me to crop them.”


And so, though my face heated as I did it, I cupped my breasts, and raised them a little. The tiny quirk of his lips and the blatant way he studied me, brought heat back to my groin. I was naked, and my clit was swelling.

“How does it make you feel, doing this for me? Before you answer, I have to say you have great tits. I like them heavy and yours are perfect.”

I curled my toes and tried to stay calm, or calmer. Sex was a constant preoccupation around Klaus. The man had me programmed like a push-button doll. I fumbled for something to say.

“Do you feel aroused?” When I still didn’t answer he covered my palms with his own. Every place on the skin of my breasts where his fingers slipped between my own, where his skin touched mine, I knew.

Answer him.
“I feel…that, yes.” True, of course. Nothing like a man making me hold up a part of me that’s a major sexual part to get me hot and bothered. Obvious. Both of us holding my breasts at once. I resisted squirming.

“I thought so.” His eyes spoke of mischief. He bent at the waist and kissed and lightly sucked on each nipple.

“Oh God,” I whispered, melting at the flood of warmth tingling through me.

Smiling, he straightened, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Let’s go have that shower. Then I’ll massage some ointment into you. I’ll keep my hands off you until then.”


On the way past the tiny bathroom mirror, I caught sight of my back and ass and I stopped to check.
Twisting my body had reminded me of the stiffness in my muscles. Like him, I had a curiosity about the marks. A little scared, a lot curious. But it wasn’t the bruises that grabbed me, it was where he’d begun to do the
. Because there was a full letter
there, red and drawn in thin blood.

Only he could have done that. I wasn’t sure why, since he’d done so much that freaked me out, but seeing that had sent a streak of cold down my back – resonating like a violin playing in the darkness in a B-grade horror movie.

He’d said Jodie knew what he was doing and I guess I accepted that. She wasn’t someone who would lie down and let him do this if she disagreed…I thought. I could be wrong. Hell, I didn’t really understand their relationship. I would never have thought she’d help someone kidnap me, but then, we were all in outer space with this. It was way beyond normal.

I didn’t know anything for sure, except that I wanted her to be my girlfriend, and I’d done something she regarded as so awful that she’d, probably, consented to
doing this to me. Drawing letters in blood, fucking me in this room down here after beating me. I was lost. I’d betrayed her. Maybe this was karma, my penance for being a fool.

I wish I could take back what I’d done to her.

I shook off my unease and my stupid guilt. Least a shower was ordinary. Except that he joined me.

Having a naked man built like Klaus sharing my shower…I’d probably have paid someone a fortune for this…before, if I’d had the courage.

I barely resisted reaching out and caressing his biceps. I didn’t know too many guys whose muscles shone when wet because they were so ripped. He was handsome too. The short sandy-blond hair reminded me of surfers who spent days in the sun. His shoulders were bulked out just enough to look biteable, his thighs were heavy and with enough hair to say all man, his dick was on its way up…god. I was staring like a lovestruck fan.

I think he guessed.

Despite his declaration about no hands, he took stock for a few seconds then grumbled, muttered
, shoved me backward, and kissed me thoroughly. His favorite seemed pinning me to the wall while he fondled me. I breathed through it, attempting to recover some brain cells.

“What if…” I began to ask him. My wrists remained fastened to the white tiles above my head, gripped by his hand. My lips seemed swollen. But I was feeling feisty again.

Though he held me, I could see the power I possessed. I might have the man in the palm of my hand if I played my sexual cards right. “What if I said now, that I want to walk?”

He smirked down at me. “Too late. I wouldn’t let you.”

What the fuck? This was scary.

“But, you have to! You said—”

“That you had a choice? That was then. This is now. You can’t go until I free you, little fucktoy.”

“That’s not an endearment!” I spat.

He gripped my throat. “It will be. One day. Speak to me again like that and I’ll put you over my knee, sore ass or not.”

I sucked in my bottom lip, reconsidering my rebellion.

“Apologize, properly.”

“I’m, I’m sorry.” I shut my eyes. “Sir.”

“Look at me.”

I did, and found myself mesmerized by the gray of his eyes. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Good fucktoy.”

Damn him. I shook. From fear, outrage, the aftereffects of being so amped up for so long? Who knew?

Finally, I stopped shaking. “I need to know something.”


“Why are you doing this?” Before he could answer I rattled out the thoughts I’d just assembled. “You don’t need to. You don’t need to beat me or tie me up, or…” My voice lowered. “Or have sex with me. You should have just sat down and said, let’s be friends. Maybe that would have worked.” I blinked away a stupid tear.

“Oh? But then I wouldn’t have so much fun, and I’d not be so certain about you. I’m not sure simply friends is enough to tell if someone will betray us to the cops. But a fucktoy…believe it or not, that’s a firm bond, once you know your place.” He stroked my belly. “I love women’s belly buttons.

“There’s the truth and truth is a good place to start a relationship. That goes both ways. Remember that I expect you to be truthful also.” Gently, he ran his finger through the water trickling down me.

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