Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 (17 page)

Read Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Bind and Keep Me, Book 2
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“Poor baby.”

Her lips twitched and she frowned but barely opened her eyes more.

“Don’t like getting called baby?” I smiled.

She grunted so quietly I almost missed it. Cute.

“Do you, Jodie? Do you like being called baby?” Klaus wrapped his arms about her and pulled her to him, taking a breath with his nose against her neck. “Women smell wonderful.”

“Sometimes I like it.” Funny—seeing him cuddle with another woman. She’d tensed for a moment but soon relaxed.

Again I searched, but there was no jealousy in me. Why? I couldn’t figure myself out. I
seeing them together.

I guess we’d tired her out. Sex and pain did that to me too. She’d had a lot happen in one day. I wondered what she thought of this all, but here and now was a bad time to ask. How much did she hate him…me? I didn’t see her as a threat. I didn’t see what we were doing as wrong, or not any more. Perhaps when Klaus wasn’t around I could get her to talk honestly? Tomorrow then.

I watched as he stroked her hair and simply held her. When she fell asleep and breathed in the slow, steady way of the dreaming, Klaus got up, took her into his arms, and placed her carefully at the end of the bed then covered her with a light blanket. Though she stirred, she went back to sleep, mostly curled up below my feet. It was a king-size bed, but his feet reached the bottom. We had a carved timber frame and it would stop her rolling from the bed in the night.

“Won’t she be cramped, sleeping cuffed?” I whispered.

“Maybe. Can’t be helped. I can’t set her loose, but I want her sleeping with us.” He took my hand and kissed it.

I focused on his face, searching for clues. “Are you happy, Klaus?”

“Happy?” He frowned slightly, the crease on his forehead joining the few permanent ones that marked his almost forty years of life. “I’m happy whenever I have you near me.” A smile curved one corner of his lips. “Don’t you know that yet? You’re my everything, Jodie. If you are happy, I am. Whatever hurts you hurts me also. And you are happy, aren’t you?” Cupping my face, he rubbed his thumb across my cheek. “This woman makes you happy, despite the reasons she is here.”

A statement, not a question. True. I nodded. Wonderful, strange, yet true. “I don’t really…” I thought. “I don’t want to really hurt her. If you understand?”

“As in spanking not being included in that hurt space?”

I waggled my head against the pillow, flummoxed by my own reasoning. “I guess.”

“I understand completely. Jodie, there’s a few things I want to say between us.”

“Yes?” Oh boy, what was this?

“One.” He toyed with my lip. “I am a little worried about Kat, but I will handle that.”

“She is very persistent. I’ve always felt flattered by her attention but, wow, persistent.”

“I know. As I said, I can handle her. She’s a friend and that makes it simpler. Two. Just in case, I’m getting us fake passports and working out a way out via Papua New Guinea.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I recalled something. “All the gear you took—the camera, the vacuum cleaner and all. Disposed of?”

“Mostly. Not the camera.” His frown returned. “I should check that. It’s just…”

Ah, my Klaus’s soft side returneth. “You don’t want to see what was done to me?”

“No. I don’t.”

I shrugged. “I trust her.”

“I know. I’m still not sure I do.”

“Mmm. You’ll learn to. Give her a chance.”

I fell asleep wondering which of us was correct. Me, I hoped. Klaus wouldn’t be happy if Steph ever proved him wrong, but then neither would I.

The next morning was the first time I’d ever awoken and found a woman curled at my feet at the bottom of my bed. Having glimpsed a hint of her black, tousled hair, I sat up and blinked away the bleariness of sleep.

“Oh my,” I breathed. The window light from above my head filtered through the drifting lace curtains, dappling the skin of her face and breasts with moving gleams—pretty as sunlight shining through the leaves of a forest canopy.

Quietly, I folded back the sheet and crawled to her. Careful not to wake either her or Klaus, I sat on my heels just looking. She’d discovered a way to sleep with her hands folded together under her head. The mildness of the day was to my advantage as she’d thrown off the covering. Though, I supposed, unwrapping her would be almost as wonderful a present as finding her like this. With little more sound than the slide of knees across quilt, I went closer and leaned over her, aware of the rounded plumpness of my breasts only an inch from hers.

Her eyes opened and a heartbeat of time later, she smiled tentatively. A gift of immeasurable value. A smile.

“Good morning,” I smiled also, letting it show in my eyes. Then I pushed on her shoulder until she shifted onto her back. I swallowed as I surveyed the voluptuous length of her body, all mounds and curves that fairly begged me to touch, to kiss, to devour.

“Stay there.” I assessed her quietness and the way she seemed content to merely wait. My smile spread. “Stay, little toy. I want to taste you.”

Though for a moment challenge reared in her eyes, she said nothing. Her breathing grew uncertain. Under my hand, her bare skin shivered. Without taking my gaze from hers, I pressed my mouth to her mouth, light as a teardrop, sliding my lips along hers, inhaling her essence, slowly becoming more eager as she stirred and kissed me back.

The journey down her body beckoned. I paused, speaking into her mouth and kissing her between words. “I want to taste you. I want. You.”

Steph shuddered, straining upward and opening her mouth wide to encompass mine.

I sat back and pushed her down then put my fingers around her jaw. “No. You’re not to move. I’m going to kiss my way down to your thighs. Be good and I’ll kiss you there too.”

“Jodie? I can’t—”

“Shh. You’ll wake Klaus.”

The plea in my spoken name had made me grin evilly, as did the little writhe of her hips. But I bent and kissed her jaw then the hollow of her neck. I left tiny nips and licks there and on the upper curves of her breasts, plus at least one mark from my teeth on her nipple that made her whimper and try to grab my hair with her tied hands.

I pressed her back again and resumed my gentle torture. I tasted her a hundred times on my way down, circled her navel with my tongue and spiraled around and around that tiny dip in her belly. By then her breathing was jagged and punctuated with gasps. By teasing her endlessly, by nipping her thighs and licking closer and closer to where she truly wanted me to go—two inches, an inch, a half-inch from her very visibly erect clitoris—I had her moaning and attempting to shove her pussy at my mouth.

“Bad girl,” I whispered, and I repositioned my body atop hers, straddling her face with my legs. She couldn’t pull me down to her, but I slowly lowered myself until her tongue flicked on me. “Oh fuck.” I shut my eyes.

Her giggle brought me back despite the mounting pressure in my groin as she studiously sucked on my clitoris. I looked down at her mons and had my tongue out, about to tap upon her nub when Klaus sat up, leaning on his elbow.

The sheet slid from his body. “Up early and being naughty, are we?”

“No.” I gasped and wriggled. “Yes.” Damn, Steph was still licking at me. My hips undulated of their own accord.

“Wait.” He slipped out of bed, retrieved a condom from the bedside drawer, and came over to me to where I was poised above our girl’s pussy. He was already unrolling the condom down his cock. “Keep teasing Jodie, little miss toy.”

She grunted and, I swear, sucked my clit entirely into her mouth.

“Uh.” I ducked my head at the swell of pleasure. The little bitch was obeying him. But she lifted her hips from the bed in a silent call to me to do the same.

“Jodie, make her come while I fuck her.” While Klaus lifted her bottom up with his palms beneath, offering her to my mouth, he probed with his cock for her entrance.

I shifted sideways so there was room for him and had a grand view of the proceedings as the head of his phallus disappeared an inch inside and her cunt spasmed. Magic. I stared. Stage shows had nothing on this. The slow thrust in then the pistoning out and in again mesmerized me. The wetness of her on his cock as he drew it out, the tightening of her thigh and stomach muscles as he worked at her over and over. Oh my god.

I bent, still watching. His cock in her pussy, my tongue and teeth and lips on her clit. Her groans and whimpers built, dragged from her. Mine did also as she’d found me again with her hand. I panted and had to clamp down on the hot coiling lust she evoked with all she did to me. I could hold out. Yet I moaned as I played with her nub, stroking my tongue across and biting her so she squealed.

“What about here?” Klaus paused and slid his hand closer, below her slit. From her squeak and attempt to shift away, I figured out where he probed.

“Not there!” She tensed.

Smiling, I swirled across her once with the flat of my tongue to keep her still.

“Hmm. You’re pretty open. Maybe next time, toy.” He gave a slow, deliberate thrust. “Fuck, you’re tight in here as it is.”

Oh my. If he took her there, I’d be watching avidly.

“Mmm, Jodie. Please. Please,” she breathed. She was close—her thighs came in like a vice, trying to grip Klaus.

“Fuck. Fuck. Slow down,” I pleaded to her, squirming. “Not there. Not…not.” I squeezed my legs together on her fingers.

Klaus chuckled and thrust so far in she screamed and I managed to remember my job and gave her a series of hard tongue swipes and a rhythm of sucks guaranteed to eventually—

She screamed and came under me, bucking, while he speared into her arching body a few more times.

Once she’d relaxed a little I put my head up.

“Me too?” I begged Klaus, squirming.

Without further encouragement, he withdrew from her. Her moisture leaked and dampened the sheet at the join of her legs. Hoping to provoke another climax, I straddled her again and kept licking, with the lightest touch, only to be interrupted by Klaus rudely grabbing my butt and thrusting into me.


Bare cock. So much nicer than a condom.

For a moment I forgot her, absorbed in the multiple sensations—her wet lips and searching slippery tongue at the very core of my pleasure, his cock hammering into me so high, fast, and deep.

No. Not yet. Not…

My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, my neck arched, my eyes saw nothing, and an orgasm tore through me like a tsunami, bearing away every speck of consciousness except the last drive of his cock into me and his last shudder as he came.

Light sweat coated my skin, cooling already.

I gulped in air and rolled off her, weak and spent. After disposing of the condom he’d worn to fuck Steph, Klaus crawled up onto the bed then dragged Steph around the right way up. With an exaggerated sigh, he collapsed between us on his back. I chuckled at his melodrama. He kissed my nose, then turned his head and kissed hers, before he drew us together.

I peered across his chest at Steph. Though she looked as messed up as me—red of lip and flushed, with hair like an aroused medusa—she was also staring at Klaus as if she’d found a small but amazing creature in her house and didn’t know whether to rehome it outside or squash it. Then she spotted me and looked aside.

Had I read more into that than was there? Minds are funny things and mine was a little blown right then. I sighed and hugged Klaus some more. This would sort itself out.

Chapter 14

Before I went out the front door to head off for work I double-checked how Jodie would handle Steph. Jodie’s safety was my main concern. Nothing would ever be perfect—that was impossible—but I could make it as close to perfect as I could.

I held Jodie’s chin and moved her head slightly to and fro. “Don’t remove the cuffs. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“When you get her from the room, make her click the lock on the link of her cuffs to join them.”


“And no orgasms while I’m gone today.” I smirked. That one might make her squeak.

But after a pause: “Yes.” She twitched her eyebrows up as if in pain. “That’s going to be difficult.”

I chuckled. “I’m sure it will, knowing you. You are both to be waiting here kneeling when I get home. Actually, be in my favorite position. Over the hall table. I want to see two pretty, naked asses. You can wear a dress, though.”

“We might need more clothes soon. Since I’m sharing with her now.”

“Yes. You should go shopping this week, as long as you aren’t away too long. Hook the fire and burglar alarms to the app on your phone. Make sure they’re silent. We can’t risk the neighbors or the police coming here because the cat set them off.” When she nodded I thought of my last request. “Last of all, I want her wearing the new diamante butt plug every day when I get home.”

“You want our toy’s butt to sparkle? That plug was going to be mine, Sir.” Despite her small dissent, there was mischief in her eyes.

“I’ll order another. As well as more cuffs. Hers seem to be getting wet from showers an awful lot.” I bent and kissed her well. “You taste so good. Have fun putting the plug in.”

She grinned. “You have me figured out already.”

“I do, yes. You have permission to get her close to coming. If she goes over and it’s her fault, spank her for me.”

“I will.” Jodie inhaled deep, her grin even more intense.

“But…no emails mentioning her in any way, ever. If you ever have some emergency, phone me and mention the word…” What was an innocuous thing to say? “Say you’ve seen another stray cat in the yard.”

“Stray cat. I’ll remember.”

It was only a five-minute drive to my office. I parked my jeep in my usual spot, but before I went in, I crossed Nelly Bay Road to the beach opposite, took off my shoes and socks and ventured down to the sand where it merged with the grass under the palm trees. So peaceful. Already a mother had her toddler exploring the dunes and the shallow frothing water. The screams here were ones of pure delight. The screams at our home were as likely to be from pain as from pleasure.

I took a deep, deep breath and let the gentleness of my surrounds calm me.

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