Billionaire Romance: Club Billionaire (The Complete Series) (4 page)

Read Billionaire Romance: Club Billionaire (The Complete Series) Online

Authors: Lexi Duval

Tags: #billionaire romance, #erotic billionaire romance, #steamy romance, #kindle short reads erotica, #kindle short reads romance

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Club Billionaire (The Complete Series)
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With my confidence creeping up, I take a breath and
launch myself into the main room. I scan it quickly, hoping, for some
reason, to see Kyle. As if just seeing the guy who brought me here
will give me some support, some reassurance. But he's not in the

I do see several waitresses, however. Aside from Alice,
there are two more. With me, that makes four for this evening. A
quick count of the number of men here suggests that's about enough.
There only look to be about 20.

Still, 20 billionaires and sons of billionaires in the
same room. Many from far flung corners of the globe. I gulp again and
try to push the idea of such wealth to the back of my mind, picturing
them all as regular men. But they're not regular men. Their lives are
so alien to my comprehension that I can barely begin to think about
how they must live. Sleeping on beds of money. Bathing in gold.
Bedding the most beautiful and eligible women in the world.

And here I am, little old me, in the middle of it all.
The thought, scary and intimidating as it is, brings a smile to my
face it's so farcical. That smile, I know, I'll have to keep there
until the place is empty. One bad review tonight, and it's game over,
back to unemployment and an apartment filled with stoners playing
video games.

I shudder at the thought.

The night flips into gear, and I quickly encounter the
sorts of things Alice was telling me about. The looks, the lustful
stares. Some offer sexist remarks, commenting on my ass, my tits. At
one point, I even get a slap to the butt, something that brings a
raucous amount of laughter from a small group of youngsters. They
look about my age, perhaps even younger. Born into obscene wealth.
Looking down on lowly people like me.

I grumble inside, but smile and play along. I even
manage a sexy wink at the boy, who looks much like your typical
college football player, only dressed in a suit and not in his sports
kit. He's got long, curly blond hair, blue eyes, and a surfer's tan.
Frankly, I'd imagine he probably spends amble time on exotic beaches.

As I depart his table, ordered to bring more champagne,
I can hear him continuing with his lewd comments and eying my ass.
Somehow the thought doesn't repel me as I'd imagine it might. In
fact, it gives me a sense of power. Sure, he's looking at me like I'm
a piece of meat, but my power comes from the fact that he wants me,
and I know it. A woman's pussy

Mostly, however, I'm merely treated with some mild
indifference, particularly by the older gentlemen. They appear to
have little interest in a young girl like me, so just make their
orders and take their drinks. Some compliment me, or even engage me
in light conversation.

In general, the night passes by seamlessly, and I
quickly fall into the role. I smile, I strut sexily, and I even
manage to draw a few laughs. Somehow, down here, I feel like a
different person. Like I'm acting a role, stepping into a new set of
shoes away from the daily grind of the real world up above.

It's actually strangely liberating.

Chapter Six

As the night washes by, a curiosity begins to envelop
me. It centers around the doors leading to the other side of the
building. On several occasions I see men come and go from them,
slinking inside and returning 10, 20, or 30 minutes later. I know
they're not bathrooms – those are at the north wall of the social
chamber – so what are they?

At one point in the evening, I find Alice preparing some
drinks at the bar.

You're doing well this evening,” she says without
prompting. “It's obvious the men like you.”

Thanks,” I say. “It's not as intimidating as I
thought it might be.”

Well, rich or not, they all still just men. Give them
a flash of cleavage and a good look of leg and they're putty in your
hands. You'll do fine here honey.”

Before she can fly away with her trademark swish of
hair, I stop her.

So what's on the other side of the building?” I

Her expression changes subtly. It's hardly noticeable,
but obvious enough to pique my interest further.

Nothing for you to worry about Belle. How are your
tips tonight?” I can tell she's changing the subject, but I have to

Amazing,” is all I can manage, thinking of the
collection of bills stuffed into my pocket. Most are 20's, but I've
even got some 50's and even a 100. When serving, I've hardly had time
to count it all up, but I'd imagine I've already got more in tips
than I would working a week at my previous job. Maybe even a month.

Good. And this is a quiet night, trust me honey. Just
wait, things only get better.”

With that, she knocks the door open with her back and
disappears out into the hall which, by now, has begun to grow quiet.

Soon, however, most have left. As the younger group
depart, the surfer boy billionaire comes to me, smirk on his face,
and slides a hundred dollar bill between my cleavage.

That's for enduring my banter this evening. I'll look
forward to seeing you again.”

He licks his lips, has one last look at my tits, and
turns away. Only then do I let out a breath and drop the smile from
my face.

Eventually, there's no one in the room but me. Alice and
the two other waitresses have moved through into the bar and server's
rooms, leaving me to clear the remaining tables.

I begin at one by the far wall, near a door leading to
the other side of the building. A door I've had my eyes on all night,
one I've been cryptically told to forget. The mystery in itself has
made me forget completely about Kyle, who I haven't seen since coming
down here. In particular, I've barely had space in my head to think
about that small kiss he gave me at the top of the stairs.

As I clear the tables, I feel as if the door is burning
into me. I find myself checking it every so often, as if I'll
suddenly know what's inside. Each time I turn to look at it, another
thought crosses me mind, another potential use for the space beyond

But none of it's real, only thoughts in my head,
creations of my imagination. With the final table cleared, I can take
it no more.

Turning to check that there's still no one in the room
with me, I creep toward the mystery door. I grab the handle, twist,
and let it fall open. I'm greeted with dim lights, and the distant
sound of groans.

My heart rate lurches inside me, and I quickly step
inside, letting the door fall gently shut behind me.

I seem to be in a corridor, stretching ahead of me with
doors to the left and right. I pace forward, examining my
surroundings. Each door is numbered, starting at ONE and ending at
TEN. That's five doors on either side.

I hear another light groan, and my heart rate quickens
again. I can't quite make out what it is, or where it's coming from.
It sounds like a woman, like the sound of pleasure...

I reach the first door and listen. Nothing.

Beneath the number ONE I notice a light. It's green.

I take the handle, turn it, and enter. Inside it's pitch
black. With a shaking hand, more through intrigue than fear, I feel
on the wall for a switch. I feel it and press down. Immediately the
room glows to life, so bright it hurts my eyes.

It's small, square, perhaps only 20 by 20 feet. Inside,
it's luxuriously adorned in drapes and sheets. It's got an exotic
feel, like something from Asia, colorful and scented with jasmine.

But the most striking feature is the bed, right in the
middle of the room. It's large, covered in cushions and blankets and
soft duvets. It looks like it's been used.

I turn back, switch the light off, and return to the
corridor. I go to room TWO, the light beneath it also green. I enter,
find the light, and gaze at an identically sized, but differently
styled room. This one's got a tropical feel. Tasteful still, but with
a different scent, a different atmosphere. Again, there's a bed in
the middle. It's been used.

I check the third room and find the same. It's more
gothic, darker and more threatening. This time, the bed's untouched.

When I retreat, I almost fall back over myself.

There, standing ahead of me entering number FOUR, is a
small woman with a white outfit on and holding fresh bedding. She's
older, rounder, and much less attractive than the waitresses.

Sorry,” she says to me, sounding almost afraid. “I
didn't know you were still, um, working.” A sound comes from room
FIVE, the grunt of a man, and she drops her eyes.

She turns to retreat, scuttling off back down the
A cleaner?

Now I'm turning to room FIVE, and see that beneath the
number is a red light. Something grips at me, an urge to twist the
handle and go inside. To know what's going on in there, even though I
already do. To see it all for myself.

But I don't have to.

Suddenly, without warning, the door swings open. There,
in front of me, stands Kyle, dressed in nothing but a small towel
around his waist. It bulges slightly in the middle, pushed out by

What's going on out here....”

His eyes meet mine. “Belle!”

Over his shoulder, I see the same layout as before. The
bed, the drapes, lustful colors of deep red. But this time, on the
bed, there's a woman. A naked woman, her hands tied to the posts, her
legs spread wide so I can see the detail of her pussy.

On her face is a look of delirium, of feverish pleasure.
She drips with sweat, her forehead beading and shining, her skin
sparkling under the light from above; a light that displays every
detail of her body, every crease and wrinkle and freckle.

Belle,” Kyle repeats, looking slightly shocked.
“What are you doing back here?”

I scan his body, every muscle defined, shining with
sweat. His hair is ruffled and slick, his chest pacing up and down
with quick breaths. His lips, his soft gorgeous lips, look wet with
the fruits of the girl's cunt.

I...I'm sorry...”

It's all I say before I drag my eyes from his perfect
form and dart back down the corridor, a thousand thoughts running
through my head.

But with a warm slickness growing between my thighs,
there's one thought that dominates them all.



Chapter One

I dart through the door, back into the main social
chamber, and make my way straight to the elevator to take me back to
the top floor.

With my hand hovering over the button to summon it, I
hear a voice behind me. It's Alice, and she sounds accusatory.

I thought I told you not to go through that door,

I turn on the spot, flushed, my cheeks burning with
embarrassment, my chest panting and heaving. She's got a stern look
on her face, that of a teacher about to reprimand a naughty student.

What did you see?” she questions.

The ping of the elevator sounds behind me, and I
consider turning, stepping inside, and escaping from this place for
good. But I don't. Curious to a fault, I find myself stuck to the
spot, wanting to know more.

A brothel,” I say, unable to hide the indignant
tone from my voice. “Rooms used for sex. Is that the real purpose
of this place?”

Alice climbs the steps toward me, drawing closer. Her
voice is calm, collected, when she speaks.

The real purpose of this place is to provide these
men with what they want. To satisfy their desires. That's why we're

We?'m not here for

Alice smiles and nods. “Come with me, Belle. Let's
have a drink.”

She turns, confidently, and makes her way back down the
steps. I hesitate before following, suddenly suspicious and on edge.
She moves through toward the door to the bar and I step in behind

What would you like?” she asks.

Gin and tonic please.”

She begins preparing the drinks like a pro, making sure
mine is nice and stiff. I taste it and instinctively cough. It's
strong. Too strong for my usual tastes, but right now it's what I

Let me explain exactly what this place is to you,

She takes a sip of her own drink and places is carefully
down on the bar.

We are here to service the needs of these men. But we
only go as far as we wish. I assume you caught sight of something you
weren't supposed to see?”

I nod vacantly, thinking of the girl tied up to the bed,
her legs wide open, her body streaming in sweat. And Kyle, perfectly
formed, like a Demigod sent down from above to tease and torture all
women with his beauty...

Belle?” Alice says, regaining my attention. I draw
my eyes back to her, my mind still populated with images of lust and
limbs and the scent of sex.

I saw...a girl, naked and...a guy...”

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