Billionaire Romance: Club Billionaire (The Complete Series) (3 page)

Read Billionaire Romance: Club Billionaire (The Complete Series) Online

Authors: Lexi Duval

Tags: #billionaire romance, #erotic billionaire romance, #steamy romance, #kindle short reads erotica, #kindle short reads romance

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Club Billionaire (The Complete Series)
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Of course, there are a couple of catches. First of all,
the offspring of billionaires are also allowed access, but only if
they're working within the family business. So, if a billionaire's
son decided to turn away from the weapons manufacturing business that
built the family fortune and become an artist, they wouldn't be
allowed in.

Then again, someone like that probably wouldn't want
to anyway.

Another catch: no women allowed. Billionairesses, self
made or otherwise, cannot enter. It is a male club only, a true
gentleman's club in the traditional sense, and every single member is
a man.

And that's where I come in, because for the staff, it's
quite the opposite. The club is exclusive in another way: it's only
staffed by women. And beautiful woman at that. The sort of women who
make men drop to their knees. Who cause the older gentlemen to have
heart attacks with a flick of their hair, and the younger ones to
gush in their pants through lack of experience.

The staff there, these gorgeous woman, are seemingly the
most expensive eye candy in the world. Serving the needs of some of
the richest and most powerful men on the planet.

And tonight, I'm going to take my bow in this most
private of worlds. As Kyle told me, the tips can be quite

I follow his instructions to the T when making my way to
the venue of the club. Apparently, it has fixed premises in Central
Manhattan, as well as providing other separate events at other
venues. These, from what Kyle told me, are often out of the city and,
sometimes, the country.

Tonight, however, it's Wednesday, one of the quieter
nights at the club. So, as per my instructions, I make my way towards
the address listed. I take the subway, despite Kyle suggestion to
take a cab, owing to my current financial difficulties.

The listed address takes me to the east side of Central
Park along 5
Avenue, not too far from Kyle's bar where I
met him two days before. Among the tall residential buildings and
hotels, I spot a building which looks out of place; a beautiful,
Victorian mansion stretching several floors up and decorated in the
most ornate external furnishings I've ever seen. Like a beautiful
diamond among a pile of coal, it sparkles and stands out, drawing the
eye of everyone who passes by.

But it could be something else that draws their eye too.
Outside, standing in a dark navy suit and looking, appropriately,
like a billion dollars, is Kyle. He surveys all before him as if he
owns it, standing as motionless as the Queen's Guard outside
Buckingham Palace, keen eyes piercing the world.

When he sees me approach, he casually wanders down the
steps of the high doorway towards me. I swallow hard, feeling more
nervous than ever at the sight before me.

Didn't I tell you to get a cab?”

I was happy to walk from the subway. Cab's are
expensive.” I drop my eyes, realizing who I'm talking to. He could
probably buy every cab company in New York with his spare change.

I understand. After tonight, that may not be a
problem anymore.”

He smiles and kisses both my cheeks. I can't help but
catch a waft of his cologne, surging up my nose. It's subtle, yet
delicious, and nothing like anything I've ever smelled on a guy

Follow me Belle. I'll show you around.”

He steps forward, and I trail in behind him, getting
interested looks from those nearby. Wondering who he is, and who I
am. Wondering what this place is, so opulent compared to the
buildings around it, yet mysterious at the same time. I know from the
hours I spent on the Internet trying to find information about the
place, and the club, that these guys like to stay behind closed

I follow Kyle through the main doorway, and my eyes are
immediately drawn to two guards standing either side of it on the
inside. Both wear black suits and white shirts, their faces stern and
unblinking, like modern versions of the Queen's Guard. They don't
move as we pass. They just stand, holding automatic weapons in their
hands, and stare at the door.

Don't let them intimidate you Belle. I'm sure
underneath that rough exterior they're nothing but puppy dogs.” He
says it loud enough to get a rise from them, but they don't bite.
Although I'm sure the corner of one's mouth curls in the faintest of

I hope you don't mind, but we took the liberty of
running security checks on you. As you can see, this place is highly
exclusive and well guarded, even on a quiet night like this. The
entire building is fitted with the most state-of-the-act security
measures known to man, and we have highly trained security teams
stationed nearby in case of emergency.

Wow,” is all I can manage.

Don't worry though. The place has never been
attacked. There wouldn't be any point really. All of our wealth is
tied up in real estate, banks, stocks and the like.”

I nod, and Kyle continues inside. The main lobby is
quite spectacular, decorated with golden statues of gargoyles and
angels that bleed out of the wall like branches from a tree. The
floor is feathered with heavy crimson rugs, the walls made from
beautiful wood paneling that looks like it was carved by
Michaelangelo himself.

Jaw gaping, I trot on, ogling the place with wonder.
When we reach the back wall, we're greeted by an elevator. As we walk
in, I notice the lightest flash of green rush across me as I pass the

What was that?”

Scanner,” says Kyle. “Like I said, we have a lot
of security features. There was another one when you walked through
the main door, didn't you notice?”

I shake my head.

It's essentially a high tech x-ray system designed to
pick up any weapons, and not just beep for metal. Later on, you'll be
assigned your access information which you'll have to present on
entry. The guards didn't ask today because you were with me, but next
time you will.”

I suck in another breath of air, quickly becoming
overwhelmed by the place.

Inside the elevator, Kyle hits a button entitled B. I
assume it means basement. I feel the elevator dropping, before coming
to a quick stop. I already know that we're underneath the New York
streets, giving me a pang of claustrophobia. The idea of being
underground has never been particularly welcoming to me.

We step out, and move down a short corridor, dimly lit
either side with lamps fastened to the wall. There's something
gothic, almost macabre, about the setting. Like I've stepped into a
medieval world below the bright lights of modern New York.

When Kyle walks through the next door, however, my jaw
drops further. We've entered into what looks like a banquet hall, or
the most lush and opulent social chamber you could imagine. Fountains
tinkle here and there, incredibly ornate chairs sit in small
groupings around fabulous glass and wooden tables. The walls are
dotted with famous works of art, the ceiling covered in lighting
fixtures that shine out a celestial light.

Here and there men mingle, dressed exclusively in suits
that could cut steel. Various races present themselves: Chinese,
Middle Eastern, Spanish, African, Caucasian. Some are old, but many
are younger, the rich sons of men who have conquered the world. Kyle,
to my side, looks proudly at his peers. I merely quiver like a mortal
looking at the Gods of Olympus.

There are many doors leading out of the room, but
this is main social chamber,” says Kyle. He guides my eyes to the
bottom right hand corner. Through there is the bar. That's where
you'll make the drinks and bring them through here.”

He points now at a girl, walking through the swing door
carrying a tray laden with what looks like whiskey. She's stunning.
Blonde, beautifully shaped, sparkling blue eyes. It's the same look
that I offer, yet to my eyes she's a cut above me.

She serves a group of men before gliding around the room
with a gorgeous smile, probing for any further orders.

That's Alice, she's been here a while now. She'll
help you get settled in, OK.”

His eyes linger on me a while, and then he does
something completely unexpected. He leans in, and gives me the
lightest of kisses to the lips. I'm left stunned as he turns and
walks off, joining a group of young, jock-like men sitting around a
table with several bottles of Dom Perignon for company.

I stand, hands half shaking, at the edge of the gallery
surrounding the hall at the top of the stairs, feeling like I've
stepped into another world. Then I close my eyes, grit my teeth, and
set my sights on the door to the bar that Alice has just wandered

Chapter Five

So you're the new girl?” says Alice, looking me up
and down. Her eyes cover every inch my me, stopping here and there,
as if sizing me up. “Yeah, you'll do fine here.”

She's older than me, maybe in her late 20's, but
stunningly gorgeous. Like me, she's blonde with blue eyes, but hers
are a little brighter, a little more sparkling. She stands an inch or
two taller as well, and her features aren't quite so soft as mine,
marginally more angular. In a word, I'd call her beautiful to my
being cute.

I'm standing in the room beyond the main social chamber,
which is also incredibly lavish, but slightly more functional.
There's a long bar running along the top wall, containing just about
every type of alcohol I could imagine. Beyond, Alice tells me, are
more stock rooms leading out of here, and a kitchen where delicious
foods are prepared.

Do they ever come in here?” I ask.

Alice nods. “Sometimes they do. It really depends on
the man. Some like to come and fetch their own drinks, which, of
course, is their prerogative. Others prefer to only be served. Some
only like to be served by a specific girl.”

I raise my eyebrows.

When a billionaire takes a fancy to you, you don't
question it. If one of them wishes you to serve them, make sure you
give them extra attention, OK.”

I nod, jotting things down in my head as I go. Luckily,
my good memory serves me well in that respect.

So, you're just here to be a waitress?” Alice asks.

I nod. “What else is there?”

Never you mind Belle.”

She begins leading me around the room, and through into
the rooms leading away; stock rooms, a large, sprawling kitchen,
various others that don't seem to have much use.

This side of the floor is for us, for the servers.
This is where you'll prepare all of the drinks and deliver any orders
to the kitchen. Remember, here it's all about personal service.
Always be smiling, always be charming. Never, ever bite or get angry
no matter what one of them says to you. Can you take that?”

Well, I've worked in bars before. I've been called
all sorts of names...”

And did you retaliate?”

I think a couple of years back, to when I was first of
drinking age and legally allowed to work in a bar. One night my
temper got the better of me and I engaged in a slanging match with
one of the bar's regulars. That was my last shift at that place.

No,” I say, “of course not.”

Her lingering looks suggests she can tell that I'm

Well, if you do that here you won't last the night.
These men are incredibly powerful, and many of them don't respect
serving staff like us. You may get some offensive remarks thrown at
you, especially when they've had a few drinks and, in particular,
watch out for the younger ones. You'll get plenty of compliments too,
of course, so just learn to filter everything through and ignore it.
Just smile, be polite, and you'll do fine.”

Anything else?”

Sure. Memorize every damn drink in the book. It will
help. Mostly they just want whiskey and brandy and champagne, but
some of them are a bit more, how should I say, fruity. Expect some
strange cocktails. There's a book behind the bar that lists them

Got it,” I say confidently, although inside I'm
already screaming. My previous stints behind bars have hardly been in
cocktail joints. Mainly just pouring beers and handing out chips.

With a swish of her hair, Alice begins making her way
back toward the door to the social chamber. She stops before reaching
the door.

One more thing. Don't hassle anyone. Just float
around, and be as sexy as you can. We're not only here to serve
drinks. We're here to be gorgeous. We're here to please these men, do
you understand?”

I nod, and she's gone. Really, I'm still trying to catch
up with what she told me before, hoping that things will grow clearer
as the night goes on. Still, several questions linger in my mind that
I still have no idea about, and my heart is rattling along like a
steam engine, puffing and roaring in my chest.

You've got nothing to lose here,” I say out loud to
myself, trying to jeer myself up. “It's just another job. Take
orders, serve drinks. Nothing could be easier.”

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