Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle) (121 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)
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Somehow I managed to stand for longer than two
seconds, which seemed impossible considering how shaky my legs felt.
After, though, I crumpled, toppled, nearly fell to the floor except Asher
caught me. Mouth never leaving my nipple, he cupped my panty-clad behind
in one hand while he held my back with the other, easing me onto the floor.

I lay there on the floor, rapt, completely and utterly
his. Absolutely. He flicked his tongue across my nipple, tormenting
me with pleasure. I moaned and gasped and whispered his name.

“I need you, Asher, please,” I said, though
I didn’t actually know what I was saying or why I was saying it. It just
seemed like the right thing, the proper words.

He looped a finger into the waistband of my panties
and peeled them away from my sex and down my legs. I didn’t realize how
aroused I was until he mentioned it.

Grinning, he said, “You’re so wet. You’re
underwear’s clinging to your body.”

With a slight reprieve from his tongue on my breast, I
managed to convince myself to look lower. It was true; my panties were
practically soaked with my arousal for him.

“I want you,” I said. “I want you
so badly.”

“Shh,” he said, covering my mouth with his

He covered my crotch with his other hand, pressing
against me. I bucked, unexpectant, against his palm, pleasuring myself
against him.

“Calm down,” he said.
“Shh.” He kissed me, slow and soft.

His words were at odds with his actions. He
wanted me calm, but then why did he push two fingers inside of me? His
hand cupped my sex, his palm keeping me pleasantly warm, while his two fingers
delved deep into my slit. No nonsense, no teasing, he curled them and
went straight for the rough flesh of my g-spot. I thrashed, my lower body
becoming a thing of its own, while he kissed me and coaxed me to calm down.

“I can’t,” I whispered. “Asher,
no, please don’t do this. I want you. I can’t calm down.

“Shh,” he said, grinning as he kissed
me. “Jessika, calm down.”

I kicked my legs against him, but he ignored
that. I didn’t want to hurt him, because I still had my heels on, but…
I couldn’t calm down. My God! Did he really think that was
possible? He pushed me higher, harder, fingers expertly goading me
towards orgasm. When I thought I might be able to calm down, to listen to
him and relax and fight against the pleasure he wanted to induce in me, he
completely destroyed that idea.

His mouth left mine and I kissed at the open air for
half a second before I realized it. Where.. where was he going? I
didn’t understand. Then he clamped his lips onto my nipple and I lost
it. His tongue swirled around my breast, eking pleasure from my upper
body, while his fingers roamed inside me and tantalized my core.

I couldn’t stop it now, couldn’t contain the tide of
my arousal. It rose up, a giant wave, and consumed me. I rode
through it, lost myself inside of it. Asher never let me forget it,
either. His tongue, his hand, always insistent and coaxing me to greater
and better passion. I writhed on the floor, a hot mess, entirely unwound
and undone.

Before my climax finished, I grabbed him. I
pulled his head away from my nipple and wrenched him back up to my face.
I kissed him, hard, needy, all over; on his cheeks, his lips, his chin, his

“Please,” I begged. “Asher,
please, inside me.”

With him kissing me now, with me no longer needing to
hold his face and pull him up, I grappled with his pants until I had them
somewhat undone. I kicked them away, pushed them down with the toes of my
heels, and then narrowed my brow in frustration when I couldn’t get his pants
all the way off because of his shoes.

He laughed and helped me remove his shoes and
pants. “Calm down, Jessika.”

“It’s not funny!” I shrieked, trying not to
laugh, too. “I need you inside of me right now.”

“What if I say no?” he asked.

“Asher,” I said, panic-stricken.
“You wouldn’t. No, don’t. Please. I’m begging
you.” All conversational skills abandoned me. “Asher, no,

I got no further before he grabbed the sides of my
thighs and buried himself inside of me. Every synapse in my brain let out
an electric sigh of wonder at the insane amount of pleasure he brought
me. His cock drove into me, steady and thick, completely satisfying my
need of him. Or, satisfying that current need, though I suddenly realized
I needed so much more.

“Yesssss,” I hissed.

“I love you,” he said, kissing my
cheek. “I really do, Jessika. I love you.”

“I know,” I said, sobering up enough from my
intense arousal to speak regularly for a second. “I love you,
too. I love you so much, Asher.”

We made love. We had sex. We fucked.
We did all of it at once in some indulgent conglomeration of lust and
love. I wanted him, needed him. I wanted to kiss his face and
relish in the touch of his lips, and I wanted to savor the feel of his manhood
inside me. I wanted him to nibble on my lower lip and stare at me with a
predatory gleam in his eye while he shoved his cock into me and pushed us
across the carpets of his office. I wanted to relax and calm down and
languish in his love, but I wanted to speed up and press against him and desire
his lust, too.

We did all of it, all at once, and I lost myself in
him. His body pressed against me, onto me, keeping me warm and safe while
seducing my bare skin with the touch of his own. He filled me completely,
satisfied me, and while our coupling was somewhat primal, it was an act of
intense affection and devotion, too.

I screamed aloud when I came, my slick folds kissing
at the shaft of his cock and my inner walls clenching around him. He
kissed me everywhere then, every inch of my face, leaving my mouth so I could
announce my climax to the world in wild, illogical utterances. My body
twisted beneath him, but I didn’t want to go anywhere. He held me tight;
enough to let me squirm in pleasure but not so much that I could slip away from

“I’m going to,” he said.

My orgasm was still in full effect, my eyes rolling
into the back of my head. I tried to look at him, but I couldn’t see more
than bright lights and shadows. “Inside me,” I said, a pleading
whisper. “Please, inside me.”

He nodded, though I didn’t see it. I sensed it,
though, a wisp of a breeze caused by the nod of his head because of how close
we were. He thrust into me, faster now, imminent and urgent. Then
deep, deeper still, claiming every inch of my body with his own.

The warm gush of his seed enveloped me. I felt
his cock pulsing and twitching inside me and the warmth of him unleashing his
pleasure into the deepest part of my body. I held him and squeezed him,
with my arms and the walls of my pussy.

“I don’t want to let you go,” I said.
“I won’t.”

He laughed. “Alright. I’m not going

My orgasm still tremored through me, minor fits of
pleasure. “I’m going to keep you here until you’re hard again,”
I said. “Then we’re going to do this again.”

“That might not take too long.” He

“That was so good. Did you like it,

“It was wonderful. You’re wonderful.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”



We made love another time. I squirmed and
writhed and wiggled beneath him, begging him for everything. I doubted I
made sense after awhile, I was so caught up in my passion, but I didn’t
care. Asher didn’t seem to care, either. After we finished for a
second time, he rolled to the side of me when I forgot to hold on tight to him.

“No,” I said, whimpering like a little
child. “I need you more.”

“More!” He laughed. “We
can’t just make love in my office forever, you know?”

“Why not?” I asked, pouting.

“Well, first off, Jeremy’s waiting for us.
And second, you need to explain what you were doing in Solomon’s office.
I heard a little about it, but I don’t quite understand.”

“Oh,” I said. Yes, we should do
that. And then make love again, if possible. “Hold on, wait

“Hm?” He watched me curiously as I
scrambled to my hands and knees and crawled over to my discarded shirt.
For good measure, he slapped my ass hard before I moved too far away.

I squeaked and looked over my shoulder, favoring him
with a devilish smirk. “I said hold on!”

“I’m holding! I’m just having fun while I
do it!”

Rolling my eyes at him, I then turned away and fetched
the USB flash drive from my shirt pocket.

“Here,” I said, crawling back to his side
and handing the flash drive stick to him. “I think this will explain
everything, but I don’t know what exactly.”

“Alright. Let’s have a look.”

He got to his feet and then picked me up. I
laughed and wrapped my legs around him, making him carry me over to his
desk. He grunted and feigned annoyance, but every so often he looked at
me with this sublime, loving expression. Captivated, in love, I couldn’t
look away from his face.

He sat in the chair behind his desk, nude except for
his socks, and I sat on his lap, naked save for my high heels. Opening
the wider middle drawer behind his desk, he retrieved a tiny netbook and set it
onto his desk. Flipping open the lid, pressing the power button, the
laptop began to switch on.

“I…” How should I explain this
better? I was empowered by our sexual sessions from a moment ago, but I
still didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know how to say this, and I
don’t like it, but Beatrice is cheating on you, Asher. She’s been having
an affair with Solomon.”

Asher frowned, grave. “Jeremy said as
much. I don’t want to believe it, but if there’s evidence here…”

Quick thinking reminded me of earlier.
“She’s making reservations for them at a place in California. The,
um…” What was it? “The Solage Calistoga.”

He chuckled. “With my money, no
doubt. That’ll be easy enough to look into. I can call them and
figure that out.”

The computer was on now and finished setting up.
Asher plugged the USB drive into the side and waited for it to load. A
window popped up asking him what he wanted to do. He clicked on the
button to open the folder and view the files.

This was it. Whatever Beatrice and Solomon were
planning, we’d soon figure it out. I stared at the screen, ready for

Ready, that was, except for what happened.
Another window popped up, prompting Asher to input a password. He looked
to me for the answer.

“I don’t know?” I shrugged.
“I didn’t think there’d be a password.”

Asher sighed. “I’m not sure what Solomon’s
passwords are for corporate accounts. He’s high enough up on the ladder
to have his own private set up instead of needing to use the public ones like
most employees. I can have someone from the tech department take a look
at it. Maybe they can crack it, but…”

“No,” I said. “There’s not enough
time. We need to figure…” I tapered off. Wait.
Maybe…? “Let me try.”

He moved his arms back and gave me free reign of the
keyboard. “Feel free.”

I typed it in. “P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D.”

I hovered the mouse over the “OK” button,
then clicked. The flash drive accepted my password and allowed us access
to Solomon’s private files.

Asher laughed, impressed. “How did you know

“It’s one of the most common passwords people
use,” I said. “It was just a guess.”

“I like it,” he said. “Now let’s
see what we have here…”

We browsed through the files. A lot of it was
scattered, but all of it told a story. Small bits and pieces, worked
together. Contacts Solomon had made, people who were interested in making
money and weren’t against destroying Landseer Enterprises to do it.
Multiple press releases, pre-formatted for what Solomon intended, all
explaining in lurid details the fall of Asher’s billion dollar company.
Notes on Beatrice Landseer’s stock profile, and how she’d privately been
selling off her stock for the past year, and the last batch to go which would
coincide with the beginning of her and Solomon’s master plan.

“Bed bugs,” Asher said, confused.
“It’s so simple.”

“It’d be devastating, though. If he manages
to infest all of your vacation resorts and hotels with bed bugs, it’d cost a
lot to fix.”

“We have insurance for those situations, but it
seems Solomon has plans for that, too. Apparently we haven’t paid for the
policy on most of the hotels for months now and they’re due to let it lapse
into nothingness for non-payment if the problem isn’t rectified soon.
Also, apparently there’s more than a few people lined up to sue me for
emotional and physical damages when they contract the bugs after their upcoming
stays at my resorts.”

“It’s because you don’t look at the reports he
gives you,” I said, shaking my head.

BOOK: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)
9.93Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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