Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle) (123 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)
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I lay on top of Asher, panting. He was panting,
too. He finished inside of me, but I didn’t want to get off him, so I
kept him in me while the aftereffects of our sexual romp settled inside
me. I felt so glorious and glowing and like this was the way everyone
should wake up every day. Oh my God, I was physically tired, but now
completely awake.

“You’re rough,” Asher said, smiling.
“I shouldn’t have used such a flimsy shirt.”

“I liked that,” I said. “I mean,
I was kind of annoyed, but… I liked that.”

“I never meant to upset you,” he said,

“If you do that again I’m going to have sex with
you in your sleep,” I said, defiant.

He laughed. “Promise?”

“I love you,” I said all of a sudden.
I don’t know why, but it felt right.

“I love you, too,” he said.

Leaning up to kiss me, just a quick one at first, he
decided it best to do it properly and pulled me down into it. I went
willingly. Maybe I’d quenched my carnal desire(for the time being), but I
still wanted him so badly. To be with him, to be near him, talking,
touching, small, inconsequential things, nothing important, not all the
time. Just him and I and everything, all of ourselves.

“We need to get up,” Asher said.
“I need to find out if Beatrice is here. She wasn’t last night,
which probably made everything a little easier, but we can’t put this
off. I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen, but it needs to happen

“Alright,” I said, nodding. “I’ll
help. I’ll do whatever I can, Asher.”

“I know,” he said. “Thank
you. I really do appreciate it.”

He went to take a shower, leaving me to languish in
bed. I watched him strip off his shirt through the open bathroom
door. I hadn’t bothered with that article of clothing when I’d freed
myself from the headboard since it hadn’t seemed necessary to my goal.
Seeing Asher strip the rest of his pajamas off right in front of me, then walk
over to the bathtub and turn the shower on was oddly erotic, though. Maybe
he had a good point with patience and relaxing, because if I’d removed his
clothes entirely I wouldn’t have gotten to see this show.

After testing the water with his hand, Asher stepped
into the steaming shower. Not all the way, though, not entirely.
Before he closed the door he looked at me. Something in his eyes, a
glimmer of admiration. He crooked his finger, beckoning for me to join
him. I watched him disappear behind the frosted glass of the shower door.

Scrambling out of bed, I bounded towards the bathroom,
slipped out of my pajama tanktop just like he had, and pulled open the shower
door. I jumped inside, into his arms. He smiled at me and held me
close to him while hot water from the showerhead streamed across our bodies.

“Glad you could make it,” Asher whispered
into my ear, kissing my earlobe.

“I missed you,” I said, giving him a silly

“Because I was so far away?” he asked.

I nodded twice. “Mhm!”

He ran his hands across my body, letting water cup
between my skin and his palms, and then sluiced it over me. I tried to do
the same, but he stopped me. “Not yet,” he said.

I nodded and stood and let him wash me. He
grabbed a bottle of body wash from a shelf off to the side and squirted some
into his hand. Lathering it between his palms, he gathered a good amount
of bubbles and then slid the soapy foam across my body. He coaxed me to
lift my chin and coated my neck with soap, then down my shoulders and my arms,
between each of my fingers. He washed me, focusing on my chest. I
closed my eyes and opened my mouth, letting out a moan when he squeezed my
breasts in his hands and toyed with my nipples.

My breasts were apparently very dirty, so he spent a
lot of time there. Before I could moan again, he pressed his mouth to
mine and kissed me. The sound went from my throat into his, reverberating
between us. I laughed.

“Asher!” I said, regaining some
composure. “We’re showering! You said we have things to

“I did, didn’t I?” he said, coy.

His hands roamed lower, across my stomach. He
pressed a finger into my belly button and tickled my side with his other hand.

“Stop it!” I laughed and playfully
slapped at him.

Then, without warning, he pulled me closer.
Spinning me around so my back was against his chest, latching his lips onto my
neck, warm water from the shower spraying against my breasts and my stomach, he
held me tight. All semblance of washing left us, with only the soap
remaining to remind us of what we were supposed to be doing.

Asher slipped his hand between my thighs and rubbed at
my clit. I staggered, but he stepped back and braced us against the rear
of the shower so neither of us would fall.

“Just once more,” he said.
“Please. I know we have important things to do, but just once

I nodded. “It won’t take a lot,” I
said. “I’m really horny today. I don’t know why.”

He didn’t reply, just sucked on my neck. His
teeth bit lightly into my soft skin and his fingers pressed and stroked against
my clit.

“Like that,” I said. “Just like
that. Don’t stop.”

He didn’t, never. I closed my eyes and thought
about him and what we’d just done on the bed, what we were doing now.
Leaning my head back, I relaxed and let him take me. It was probably the
shortest build up to orgasm I’d ever experienced.

The familiar feelings of climax bubbled up inside me
and then burst out. I tensed, unfamiliar with the sensation of doing this
while standing. “Now,” I said. “Now, don’t stop,
please. Just, just lighter. Softer.”

He softened, but remained insistent, his fingers
brushing against my clit. He held me up with his other hand and squeezed
my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said.
“I love watching you like this.”

“I want to, too. I…”

I was at a loss for words, swept up in pleasure.
The rippling echoes of my climax shivered through me, delightful and
sweet. When they lessened, calmed to a faint swell, I loosened Asher’s
hands from me and slipped away from him. Getting to my knees, resting on
the slippery floor of the tub, I gazed up at him, lovingly.

He never said a word, only looked down at me and
smiled. He looked so sweet and caring and I wanted to kiss him, but I
stopped myself. We were in a rush and I needed to make this quick, and
after today maybe we could spend all the time we wanted adoring each other,

Better not to think about that since I wasn’t sure
what would happen. I knew what was going on right now and that was
it. Later, I hoped for a lot of things, but right now I had Asher and
that was enough.

His manhood greeted me, jutting out from between his
legs. I scooted forward and wrapped my hand around his shaft and stroked
him. With the water helping me, my hand slid up and down his length
easily. Asher watched me, eyes glazed and halfway shut and his mouth agape.

I stopped for a second and reached up, fumbling for
the bottle of body wash. Asher didn’t say anything, didn’t
complain. I squirted a little of the soap into my palm and mixed it
between both hands, then grabbed his cock once more. This time, with the
slipperiness of the soap, my hand glided across his shaft in quick, smooth

“My God,” he said after the first few
strokes. “That feels amazing.”

I was in control now. Asher was mine and mine
alone. I relished the thought and quickened my hand movements.

“Cum for me,” I said. “I want you
to. All over my chest.”

“Jessika!” Asher said, a gasp, shocked.

I laughed. “You told me to tell you what I
want before, so I’m telling you.”

“Keep… keep going,” he said. “A
little faster. If you keep that up it won’t take long.”

I stroked him with one hand and, in a fit of erotic
genius, grabbed his balls in my other hand. I squeezed them and rolled
them between my fingers, urging him towards climax. Asher didn’t
disappoint me, either. He tensed and his cock swelled and three sticky,
white jets of cum shot onto my neck and breasts. I laughed, watching him,
and slowed my strokes. When he finished, I ran my fingers over my chest
and played with his cream.

“My God, you’re insatiable,” he said.
“That was amazing.”

I got up and smiled at him and pressed hard against
him. “I love you.” I tried to remain serious, but it
didn’t last for long before I giggled.

He laughed along with me. “You just wanted
to get my mess all over my chest, too, didn’t you?”

I backed up and admired my work. Asher’s sticky
climax was spread fairly equally between his pecs and my breasts.
“Well, we’re in the shower so it’s easy to clean off.”

“Alright, alright. Let’s actually clean up
now,” he said. “No more funny business.”

“You started it,” I said, poking my tongue
out at him.

“Yes,” he said. “Well, yes.
And I’m alright with that.”

“Me, too.”



Asher stood at the stove watching the pancakes while I
diced up fruit and mixed smoothies in the blender. We were waiting for Jeremy
to come by so we could all eat breakfast together. They texted each other
a lot for simple things like this. It was kind of weird and something I’d
need to get used to. It made sense in a way, since it was faster than
trying to track each other down through the entire mansion grounds, but it
still seemed a little different to me.

When Jeremy arrived, he came in without knocking; no
need to, really. He smiled and thanked me when I handed him a cool glass
filled to the brim with my strawberry banana smoothie concoction. Asher
doled out the pancakes onto three plates, we topped them with more strawberries
and whipped cream, then we all sat around the dinette table, munching.

“So,” Jeremy said in between pancake
bites. “Beatrice left earlier. I’m not sure exactly
when. She’s not a huge fan of me, so I couldn’t just stick around her
without being obvious. She left a note with her maid, though. Said
to give it to you if you asked about her. It’s Saturday, so I figure she
figured you wouldn’t be working and might ask around for her.”

Asher nodded. “We usually have lunch
together when she’s home on the weekends. That makes sense.”

“What does the note say?” I asked.

“Ha! That’s the funny part. It says
she’s going out to find a book. A present for you, in thanks for what
you’re doing. She suggested Asher take you out to lunch instead of her,
since she’ll just grab something on her own. It’s actually very
casual. Kind of strange for her.” Jeremy shrugged.

“Yeah…” Asher sighed. “I
don’t want to suspect the worst, but it’s all coming together. Being
away, suggesting Jessika and I go to lunch. If she’s hired someone to
keep tabs on us, they could take some controversial pictures. Turn an
innocent lunch into weekend debauchery.”

“Why a book, though?” I asked.
“Why is she doing that? I don’t understand.”

“You showed an interest during dinner the other
night,” Asher offered. “It’s not exactly a secret that you
enjoy reading. I mentioned to her that you enjoyed the library in the
guest home, too.”

“I just think it’s odd. I don’t know

“Yeah, well, you should,” Jeremy said.
He gave me a pointed stare, chomping on a large helping of pancake.

“I don’t understand?”

“Did you forget already? That bookstore you
dragged me into? Where this all started? I doubt it’s a coincidence
she’s going to get a book now. Maybe she’ll grab one, but…”

“Oh…” I blinked. Popping a bit
of sliced strawberry in my mouth, I nibbled on it absently.
“Right. Do you think that’s it? I did wonder why they were in
that bookstore. It’s not really the type of place I’d expect to see
anyone like them.”

“So rich people can’t go to a nice
bookstore?” Asher asked, feigning indignation. “I don’t recall
either of you mentioning this to me, either. What happened, exactly?”

Jeremy and I told him, piecing the story together.

“Yeah, and then she drags me into an alley and
kisses me. I’m like, whoa! Hold up there, Jessika, but she just
keeps on going at it. I don’t even know.”

Asher narrowed his eyes at me. “Really now?”

Blushing, I looked down at my plate and kept my eyes
looking at anything except Asher. “Sorry,” I mumbled.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time. I didn’t want Beatrice or
Solomon to notice us.”

“Yeah,” Jeremy said. “Like in
those spy movies, you know? I guess that was it. It worked, but I
didn’t see Solomon or Beatrice, so who knows.”

“You know, you make it sound like I wanted to
kiss you in an alley!” I said.

“I’m an attractive guy. Maybe you
did? I don’t know.”

BOOK: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)
10.08Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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