Beyond Famous (Famous #3) (36 page)

BOOK: Beyond Famous (Famous #3)
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I heard the click of the outside hotel room door open and within seconds Cade was calling my name.  "Brook, I have food and coffee!" 

I walked into the sitting room to find him pulling pastries out of a bag and setting them on napkins, along with the paper coffee cups on the table near the couch.

"I see it's your usual choice, hon; health food," I teased dryly. Cade glanced at me, his blue eyes roving over my wet hair and the towel that I was grasping around my body.   A crooked grin split his face, flashing his white teeth, but he looked as tired as I felt.  The stubble, the messy sex hair, still slightly damp from his shower, was gorgeous even if he made no effort.  I licked my lips as I picked up a cherry Danish and bit into it.  "However, today I have to agree with your choice."  I held it out for him.  He opened his mouth wide and took half of it in one bite, pulling me close to him at the same time.

"Mmmm. Well, time doesn't allow for egg white omelets today, so I did the best I could."  His hands slid down my back and over my ass to pull me in tighter and bent to drop a series of kisses along the side of my neck and down to the curve of my shoulder.  "Delicious," he murmured.

I was still holding the remnant of the Danish and the towel with the other, so I couldn't put my arms around him.  Instead I turned my head and nuzzled the side of his face with my nose, and then pressed my lips to his jaw, silently hoping he'd turn his face and kiss me like I wanted him too.

"I agree."  He pulled back and kissed me softly on the mouth one time. 

"We don't have time to get into this now, love.  Peter is waiting downstairs.  We've got to be at the theater in thirty minutes or so."

"I could have sworn you were going to try to get out of it.”

“Yeah, but I’m anxious to see how it turned out.”

“That’s a first.  Is that how you managed the food?"  I asked as I took the last bite and went into the other room to get dressed.

"Yeah.  We drove around looking for a place until we found this little bakery.  Peter went in and got it while I hid in the back of the limo.  Bloody lucky those windows are solid black.  The screamers were still hammering on them even though they didn't know that I was inside for sure.  How in the hell do they always know where to find us?"

"This is the information age.  Tweet, tweet, tweet." I mimicked the sound.

"Yeah.  If I thought we could buy the company and shut it down, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But another would spring up instantly."  He flopped down on the bed and crossed his legs, leaning back on his elbows as he watched me pull on a black lace thong and matching bra.  "Not fair, Brook.  You're just being mean now."

I raised my eyebrow and laughed.  "Hey, no one is holding you there.  You can leave if you don't like the view."

"I like the view.  Too much," his voice was low and hungry. When I looked at him, his gaze was intense; watching every move I made.  The look on his face was full of desire and it made my stomach muscles tighten and the throbbing start.  It was so bad that I could feel my heartbeat throbbing in the core of my body.

"I like the one from over here too, so we're both in the same boat."  I pulled on a white sleeveless T-Shirt and dark jeans before digging back in the suitcase for my dark gray hoodie.  "I love you, you know."

His lips lifted in a small smile.  "I know.  It never bloody stops." 

The phone rang in my purse and it was Jeanne, I flipped it open at the same time that I sat on the edge of the bed next to Cade and ran my hand along his jaw in response to his sweet words.

 "Hello?" I answered.

"Where the hell are you guys?  Get your asses over here, Brook. You’re late!"

"Humph!" I expelled my breath  "Good morning to you, too, Jeanne.  We're on our way.  Give us ten minutes."

I shut the phone without waiting for an answer and Cade rose from the bed at the same time.   I walked across the room and pushed my feet into my chucks before running into the bathroom and putting on a little eyeliner and lip gloss.

"Come on, Julia.  Let's not keep them waiting," Cade teased in his American accent.  I loved his voice and the sound of that accent transported me to a memory of our first film.  I began to associate that accent with when he was allowed to touch me and kiss me... when we could lose ourselves in the world we wanted to be in, and not the one that kept us apart.

"Promise not to run off with Ethan right away, huh?" I was teasing but I bit my lip as I looked up at him.   His eyes darkened and his lips twitched slightly in the start of a smile. “Plenty of time for that later when I’m strapped in the salon chair while they torture me.”

"Fuck Ethan."  His arms slid around me and lifted me up before his mouth devoured mine in a deep and very passionate kiss.  My hands lifted and slid into his hair as my lips parted to admit his probing tongue into my willing mouth.  I lifted my legs and wrapped them tightly around his waist and I could feel the evidence of his arousal grinding into me, his hips pushing forward as if he couldn't help himself.  I pushed back and he dragged his lips from mine and buried his face in my shoulder, his breathing heavy and still holding me tight.

"Ugh... hell, Brook," he groaned against me.

"Yeah," I agreed and nuzzled into him but he didn't raise his head, despite my attempts.  Instead, he leaned down and loosened his arms as he set me on the floor and ran a hand through his hair.

He laced his hand through mine and led me without a word to the door.





on my shoulder as I left the theater.  Brook was walking in front of me and Noah was talking to her.  The rest of the cast filed out behind us while he and I shared a conversation about the film and it’s coming promotional tour.  Three months from now, he and I would be going to Japan together after
A Love Like This
wrapped for part of the promotional tour for film number two.

"What did you think, Cade?"

I turned toward him, but out of the corner of my eye I was watching Brook's interaction with Noah.  She and I agreed to take our own limousine to the concert downtown, even though many of the other cast members were joining us there. Peter was waiting at the curb with the door open for her.  Noah was very excited about what he'd seen in the film and he should have been.  He was very animated and he had Brook laughing hard. I tried not to be annoyed.

"I thought it was great, Martin.  I'm looking forward to seeing the final cut after the soundtrack is added, but overall, I think it was something you can be proud of."

"We all can. Editing it all together is the real work. No offense." He laughed out loud.

I shook my head.  "I don't know how they do it.  It's amazing."

"See you on set tomorrow.”

I was distracted because I wanted to get into that limo and felt that it was going to take my intervention to get Brook into the car.

"Sure thing, Martin.  When we met two years ago, I wasn’t sure how these films would turn out, but you’ve impressed me. I'm really going to miss working with you, and sorry to see it end."  I shook the hand he offered and lowered my voice.  "Brook and I really appreciate your understanding of our relationship. "

Martin swatted his hand as if batting at a fly. "Bah! You two kids deserve a break.  Just take care of her. The rules, be damned; you’re only young once.  But, I’ve noticed Brook is very sensitive, even though she tries to hide it.  The gossip affects her, but I guess I don't have to tell you how it is."

I smiled and ran a hand through my hair and down to rub the back of my neck.  "No.  That's for sure.  Are you coming with us to the concert?" I asked.

"No.  I'm just going to go back to the hotel.  My wife and kids came up for the weekend, so we have plans. My wife gets tired of me being gone, so this is an attempt to soothe her ruffled feathers before we really get into filming."

We walked up to where Noah and Brook were talking and she turned toward us, a bright smile splitting across her face and her arms opened.  She hugged him hard.  "Martin, it was so wonderful! Even better than the first one!” Her voice thickened slightly as Martin hugged her. 

"You're a great cast," he said sincerely. “But the chemistry between you two blows off the screen. It’s believable.” He winked at Brook and she smiled.

"We were lucky you were the director, Martin" I murmured. 

Brook moved to my side and my arm slipped around her to pull her close, my hand resting on her hip and I felt her head tip to rest against my arm.  The familiarity of it was not lost on the others that were filing past us into the waiting cars, but this time, they were all told about the situation and the need to keep it under wraps.  At least Pinnacle had done that for us.  We could be open with each other on set if nowhere else. 

"What’s this ‘were’ bullshit? We still have one film to make.” We laughed. “You guys go and have a good time and stop thinking about the films.  Pre-production starts tomorrow, so we have plenty of time for that.”

Noah walked beside us as we left the theater. "I wish I had more time on screen," his mouth tightened but then he smiled and shrugged.  "That's the breaks, I guess."

“You’ll get a lot more jobs after this, Noah. You’re just getting started,” Cade encouraged.

We were still in the lobby, but the paparazzi were flashing photos of the others as they got into their cars and they pulled away.  When only Peter's limousine and one other SUV waited at the curb for Noah and Martin, we said our final goodbyes and started to leave.  Noah took the lead, followed by Brook and myself, then Martin.  We rushed out and dove into the back of the car as quickly as we could. Peter closed the door behind us. 

"No doubt our shared limo will make the blogs and live TV in thirty minutes," Brook said in disgust as I settled in next to her.  In seconds she was straddling my lap and kissing my mouth gently.  My hands slid up her body from her hips to her shoulders and down again as she gently sucked on my lips.

I felt the dull ache in the pit of my stomach start and my dick started to harden instantly.  "Brook, stop.  We don't have time.  God, you feel so good," I said despite my protests.

"I love watching you kiss me on film.  The piano scene was
," she whispered. “It was so hot. I swear the screen melted.”

"Because it was real. I was telling the truth when I said I didn't know how to live without you," I said against her mouth, then bent to kiss her hard, my tongue sliding into her mouth hungrily.  She opened and her hands threaded through my hair as we kissed deeply.  Her tongue met mine and I sucked it into my mouth.  She moaned into me and my hips involuntarily thrust up into her.  She was so hot; I could feel her heat through both layers of our jeans. " I'll never be able to, Brook."

"I love you."  She moaned softly as she ground her hips into mine.   I felt a growl well within my chest, but she swallowed it with a kiss so it only came out a soft moan.

I pushed my hands greedily under the hem of her shirt, seeking the soft warmth of her skin.  I shoved it up quickly, letting my hand close over her lace-covered breast.  The nipple was hard under my thumb and I ached to push her back into the seat and ravish her.  "Babe, you're so bloody hot... I can feel you through our clothes."

She smiled against my mouth and then nibbled on my upper lip.  I let my teeth graze at her lower one.  "That's ‘cause I’m on
...” she chuckled softly and I had to join in at her reference to the concert we were on our way to attend, "for you."

I grabbed her hips and surged against her again, leaving her in no doubt just how aroused I was.

"Mr. Cade, Miss Brook; we've arrived at the concert hall. " Peter's voice came across the intercom, effectively halting my movements. I dropped my head to her shoulder with a frustrated sigh. 

"Bloody hell."  I looked up into her flushed face and sparkling blue eyes.  The dark hair made her eyes pop even more and I could drown in them.   "I can't decide if you're an angel for arranging this concert or the devil for working me up when we can't assuage the need."

"Poor baby...” Brook smirked as she pulled her shirt back down against the protests of my seeking hands.  "Cade, stop.  Come on.  We have to go. You wanted to see this concert."

In a flash, I flipped her on her back and ground my pelvis into hers, my hand closed over her breast to massage and tease her nipple, and my lips assaulted the curve of her neck in a series of soft, sucking kisses that I knew drove her crazy.  "This," my hand slid down her body and began rubbing her sensually through her jeans until her hips started undulating in response. "This is what I want."  It didn't take long until she was gasping and trying to pull my mouth up to her own.  She was moaning against me when I pushed away and started to straighten my clothes.  I left her panting, wanting more and she gasped in response.

I shoved my stocking cap on my head and threw the hat she'd brought with her in her direction.  Her eyes narrowed at me but she took it and scrambled into a sitting position.

"Don’t forget two can play at that game, love.  I'm not going to be the only one uncomfortable as hell all night." I knew I surprised her and I reached over and pushed the intercom button.  "Peter, we're ready now.  How does it look outside, mate?"

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