Beyond Famous (Famous #3) (34 page)

BOOK: Beyond Famous (Famous #3)
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I'd managed to stay away from her most of the summer while I worked on
.  I spent most of the free time with Nathan and communicating with Cade.  Wendy made that half-assed attempt to suck up to me at Comic-Con, and I’d been surprised by Cade’s vicious smack down.  He even asked Jeanne and Denise to arrange our interviews without her to avoid any confrontations.  The
Entertainment Weekly
interview was done in two parts so that we didn't even have to see her, but then she ambushed us on the sidewalk outside the event.   That weekend had been supercharged enough, considering Cade and I had barely seen each other all summer and our emotions were pretty raw. I shouldn’t have been surprised his fuse was short about Wendy.

Cade was sitting next to me holding my hand; his thumb caressing the inside of my wrist.  I glanced over at him and smiled.  Since Comic-Con, we’d seen more of each other because he'd come back to Los Angeles to be with me the final two weekends of filming in New York.  It might seem silly to some, running back to my side when we'd be together for three months beginning only two weeks later, but after that horrible fight and our decision in the back of the limousine, we just needed the validation of being together. 

My heart swelled as I thought about it.  I promised I'd stop denying our relationship and we decided that we still wouldn't come right out and confirm it, but we weren't going to put much effort into hiding it either.  I'd stayed with him at his hotels, we'd gone to Daniel Mayfield’s concert, and we were photographed together on two or three occasions out and about in L.A.  I didn't even try to sneak around that much when leaving his hotel.  While that caused problems for Joel, Denise, and Jeanne, it made Cade happy and that had become my first priority.

Most of the cast knew we were a couple anyway, and the deal Cade had made with the studio would ensure that once we got to Vancouver, we'd be in the same hotel.   Once again, our management team was taking care of us.  They booked an entire floor for us and would post security at the entrances to the stairwells and the elevators so we'd have complete privacy.  The rest of the cast was staying at a different hotel a few blocks away.  It sounded like heaven, and I was thankful that Jeanne and Denise were our friends, not just our managers.  The closeness gave them more room to yell at us for not being as careful, but they really cared about us and were also sick of the “lie.”

The plane banked and the engines whirred as we made our approach.  The lights were low in the cabin and the one overhead reflected off the golden highlights in Cade's hair.  It wasn't as long as it was when we started
The Future of Our Past
because he was just coming off another film
Martin had a dumb idea of putting extensions in it, and Cade quickly put the clamps to it.  I'd laughed my ass off and Cade told him he wasn't "
bloody Fabio"
and said surely Ryan could get a haircut

I bit my lip, to stifle a giggle as I remembered, and then his eyes narrowed on my face.

"What, love?" His blue eyes sparkled and his lips lifted at the corners.

"Just...” I shrugged, "what a difference a year makes, huh?"

"Yeah, but it's been more than a year.  We were together already by this time last year." His fingers laced through mine tightened.  "The best times of my life."

"And the worst," I said softly.  Turning toward him in my seat, I reached out with my free hand to touch the stubble on his jaw; so gorgeous, without even trying.

"Hmmph."  He pushed his breath out in a huff and then smiled.  "Yeah, but worth it.  Haven't you ever heard that the depth of the love is measured only by the depth of the pain?"

I shook my head and looked at him intently.  He always said the perfect thing
  "Only you would say something like that, but yes.  I get that too."

“I wish I could take credit, but it’s in the script.” He pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it.  "I love you," he murmured against my skin, his hot breath causing my own to catch in my throat. 

My heart started racing just like it always did when we were close or when he looked at me like that.  "Love you, more."

He laughed.  "Don't start.  You won't win that fight."

"I'll tell you a secret.  Fighting is not what I'm in the mood for." I raised my eyebrow at him with a smirk.

He chuckled softly.  "Me either.  I wish we'd bloody get there already."

"I have a surprise for you."  He turned toward me so that we were almost facing each other and tugged me closer.  I didn't want to tell him until tonight in the room, but I couldn't help myself.

"Really?  Did you get me out of the screening tomorrow?" he asked, his eyes full of mischief.  He hated watching himself on screen, but this was the first chance we'd have as a cast to see the entire second movie after editing.  "Or is it a very

"Don't get too excited, babe.  It's not
type of surprise; however, I can see that happening, if that's what you want."  I bit my lip and then gave up as my lips parted in a big smile.

"Mmmm.  Stop teasing.  Tell me."

"Imagine Dragons are playing in Vancouver tomorrow night." His eyes widened and his brows rose in the adorable way I loved.

"Yeah? I'd love to go, but I doubt they'll let us off the leash that soon."

"No, they wouldn't let us go alone.  We have to take the entire damn cast, but I had Jeanne get tickets for one of the upper balconies, so that security can keep us separated."

"That's brilliant.  I love Jeanne!" Cade teased.

"Hey!" I shoved his shoulder, a mock pout settling onto my face. "It was my idea." 

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me full on the mouth.  It felt good, but I was surprised.  "Cade!" I gasped out.

"Shh... Just, shhhh."  His mouth was on mine, warm and insistent and I allowed him to pull me closer.  My hand lifted to his face to curl around his jaw and his hand moved up to hold on to my wrist.  He licked my top lip as he pulled away and I wanted more.  I lifted my face and sucked his lower lip between both of mine.

"Uhhh, Brook.  You're so good to me."  His mouth hovered over mine and I wanted to melt into him, but had to remember where we were.  I pulled back slightly and leaned my head against the seat, still unable to pull my eyes away from his.

His eyes watched mine for a minute and then he got a little crinkle between his eyes as his brows dropped. "I have to tell you something, love.  While you were in the bathroom, Wendy slunk up here and gave me an ear full."

My breath caught and I visibly stiffened. 
When would it end? 
He could see me tense and his hand tightened on mine.

"Don't stress.  She was just pointing out that we weren't doing a good job of hiding our relationship based on our actions.” He gave a low chuckle. “She said she was only pointing it out
as a friend
."  My mouth tightened into a thin line and he rolled his eyes slightly.  "She said she wanted us to be aware of how it looked to others."

"How considerate of her," I said in disgust, pushing back into my seat.  "Interesting how she couldn't point it out while I was sitting here, isn't it?  She pisses me off!"  I straightened in my chair.  "What did you say?"

"Not much.  Just that it wasn't her concern and we weren’t idiots.  Basically to sod off," he said calmly and shrugged.  "Besides, she brought that guy so I don't know what the bloody hell she's so worried about us for."

"That poor bastard.  He's only here to keep people from thinking she's crushed over you, obviously."

"He's utterly ridiculous if he allows her to use him like that.  She’s hardly worthy of our pity.  Anyway, Wendy's a bloody boring subject.  Let's talk about something else."

I smiled.  "Yeah?  Like what?"

His eyes got serious and the smile left his lips.  "Like what I'm going to do to you later when we're alone.  Finally back together...
day and night
.  Mmmmm.  I missed you more than I can articulate." 

The velvet voice oozed around and over me: causing my insides to melt and the delicious throbbing to start.  I felt my face flush and my breath rushed out before I could stop it.  We'd made love last night and again today before we left to go to the airport, but I was hungry for him like I hadn't had him in a year.

His eyes darkened as he looked at me, and he licked his lips.  He was super hot when he did that.  My eyes dropped to his perfect mouth.  "God, Cade."  I ran my free hand through my hair and shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to assuage the want that was pulsing through me. “Cut it out.”

He pulled my hand up to kiss the inside of my wrist again.  "I'll take care of you later, love.  I'll make the ache go away, I promise," he whispered and leaned over to brush his lips along my cheekbone and up to my temple.  His breath was hot and sweet as it washed over my skin.  The scent left his taste on my tongue and I trembled.

"Will it ever go away?  You can make me so hot with only a word or a look."  I blushed as I whispered the words, our eyes locking and holding.  He was still leaning toward me and the corners of his lips lifted in a small, satisfied smile.  "I mean... it's uh, really... it makes me feel completely helpless," I admitted. 

"Brook," he breathed.  "You're not the only one who's bloody helpless.   You make me ...
.  I can't even think of anything else.  You consume me, day and night.  No matter if you're right beside me or thousands of miles away.  I always want you.  To feel you, touch you... taste you."

My heart thumped in my chest, thinking about how hard these past months had been.

"Uhh...” His words always left me breathless.  He was so romantic and beautiful.  "I love you." 

"You'd better.  I'd be in a world of hurt if that weren't the case." He sat back and pulled at the front of his jeans.  "Maybe more than I already am, if that's at all possible."

Heat pooled between my legs at his movements and excitement flooded over me, just as it did every time I knew he wanted me. I found myself wishing it was two hours later.

"What are the odds we can ditch the cast dinner tonight?"   I asked quietly, glancing up into his face, with hooded lids.  I knew he could read the same desire on my face that I saw on his.

"Ugh, love.  I wish.  It would be rude of us, yeah?"

"I guess," I said, resigning myself to the unavoidability of the situation as the plane touched down on the runway.  "Here we go again."

"Yeah."  Cade grinned wide.  "Five months with you constantly.  It'll be torture; that."

I was forced to smile in agreement as he nudged my chin with his thumb.

Denise’s head popped up and she shot Cade a look. “Cool it, Romeo. Don’t push our luck, please.”

“Sod off, Denise,” Cade murmured with a grin. Denise and I both laughed.





in the room.  Brook had thrown her shirt over the alarm clock on the nightstand, so I wasn't sure what time it was.  It had to be very early morning because we'd come back from the cast party around midnight and then made love.  My body quickened just from thinking of the way she had melted into me and the hot way she always responded so completely, surrendering her body, heart and soul to me.  My heart swelled along with my groin. 

I listened to the sound of Brook's even breathing and realized how comforted I was, just to have her near me.  I rolled on my side toward her and reached out my hand.  Her skin was so soft, like velvet or cashmere under my fingers.  I couldn't resist touching her whenever she was near me and my fingers softly ran down her bare arm that was clutching the covers up to her chest. 

The summer months in New York had seemed like forever.  I'd been miserable. There were always people around, but I felt completely isolated because Brook wasn’t there. The time difference and our schedules kept us from talking as much as we wanted but I burned up my cell with texts whenever I could.  The fans had been ruthless and I barely left the hotel other than the first weekend when Daniel came to town or when the studio demanded I make an appearance with Davina.  Those were the longest fucking three months of my life.  Leaving Brook crying at the hotel the morning I left for New York had ripped my bloody guts out. I’d thought about that a hundred times since then, agonizing that we had many of those times in front of us, and wondering if it would ever get easier.

I drew in a deep breath, expanding my lungs to the point of pain and closed my eyes and leaned my head closer to hers, resting on her pillow beside her.  I nuzzled her forehead, anxious for her sweet scent and the warmth of her skin under my eager mouth.  She shifted and turned toward me, cuddling closer as my arms slid around her naked body.

"Cade...” she murmured breathlessly as I pulled her against me.  Her hands glided across the sides of my body and around my back, her nails scratching my skin on purpose and I tensed at the shivers it caused.    I was hungry; as hungry as if I hadn't had her in ten years.  I grabbed her hips and shifted her beneath me and automatically, Brook lifted her legs around my waist.  I brushed her hair off of her face and pressed her into the bed, grinding my pelvis with hers.  She rocked her hips in response.

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