Burning For Claire (The O'Connell Family Book 2)

BOOK: Burning For Claire (The O'Connell Family Book 2)
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Burning for Claire

The O’Connell Family

C.M. Steele


Copyrighted ©2015 C.M. Steele

All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is prohibited without the express permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


“Williams. In my office, now,” called my director. Damn, I knew I was in deep this time. I was probably getting fired.
Why didn’t I learn my lesson?
I had to get crazy and act like I was some unstoppable badass, destroying everything in my path to catch one dang criminal.

I walked into his office ready to get my ass handed to me. I closed the door and took my usual I’m in trouble seat.

“What’s up, chief?” I asked as I waited for him to lay it on me.

“You know you’re really a pain in my rear, Williams. The government doesn’t like to fork out money to fix the damage caused by their own agents,” Director Edgar Martinez said. We’d been partners many years ago when I joined the bureau, but because of a case I was suspended and he was transferred and promoted. We still stayed friends, but he wasn’t as reckless as me and that was the reason he was the director of the McAllen office, and I was just an agent.

“What was I supposed to do? He had three hostages.” I tried to plead my case.

“Hey, off the record, I think what you did was pretty awesome. The problem is this isn’t an action movie. You destroyed over two million dollars in city property.”

“So what’s going to happen? Am I fired now?”

“No, you’re not, but I want you to lay low for a while. I’ve got an assignment for you out in the suburbs of Chicago.”

“What? In Chicago? Far Enough?”

“Actually it’s a suburb of Chicago, and Juneau, Alaska could be an option if you’d like?” the prick said with amusement. “Do you remember the Lake family that lived outside of Victoria?”

“Yes. Didn’t they move away to somewhere up north?”

“Yes. They moved to a town outside of Chicago called Collinsville.”

“Okay, so what’s the assignment?”

“I need you to go undercover and befriend their young daughter. Rumors are going around that they're going to sell her to the highest bidder on her 18
birthday. That’s almost two years away. We need all we can get on the potential buyers. A larger issue may be at play than just a sale of one girl. Rumors are that the people involved are used to making these deals, and she’ll be the oldest one, yet.”

“Why isn’t the Chicago field office handling this one? It’s in their state now.”

“They are inundated at the moment, plus the mess started before they left our jurisdiction, so they feel it belongs to us. If you need help they’ve got your back. Hell, they’re even willing to throw in your brother-in-law to help you with the case.”

“So this is a two year assignment? Damn, you really want me to lay low.”

“It’s up to two years. We might be able to pull the plug sooner.” Lying ass bastard.

“Okay...I’ll do it. I don’t have any reason to stay here.”

“I thought you had a girlfriend?”

“Me. Nope, we ended it three months ago. I wasn’t ready to settle down with any woman, let alone a broad with a broken moral compass. I don’t need the extra stress.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve been married for a decade, but it’s worth all the grays I've got. Although, some of grays are from you.”

“I’m so glad I could contribute,” I said with a smirk.

“Yeah, prick. Take this file and get out of my office.” He handed me a file with a manila envelope. I opened it up and saw all my new identification and credit cards.

“You were sure I’d take the job,” I accused.

“Have you ever turned down a job helping those who can’t help themselves?” I just shook my head. “I rest my case. You leave by Friday. Good luck and remember winters are shitty there, so you might want to solve it faster than the two years.”

“Shit. Okay.” I got back to my desk and started to look at my file then a moment later, I was back in his office. “A district manager? Really. I couldn’t just be a mall cop? Or why not the mall custodian. Thanks for the upgrade in my lifestyle,” I hissed.

“Hey, if it was up to headquarters you would've been a bum on the street and visit a soup kitchen she volunteers at. So you’re forced to live like a normal person for a change, instead of a wealthy lawman—deal with it.”

“So, I have a vehicle there already or do I have to purchase one? Because hell if I’m taking public transportation.”

“You can purchase a vehicle once you get there, and it shouldn’t be anything from the last two years. You’re a district manager, so you could reasonably afford a used car or truck.” He was laughing at me, and I wanted to belt his ass. I just walked out with a subtle screw you and headed to my family ranch to get my goodbyes in.

Two weeks later…

I’d been through a lot of training at another location, now it was game day. I walked into the mall wanting to pull my damn hair out. Suburban little brats roaming around with nothing to do but spend their parents’ money. I wasn’t ready for this. I hoped she was as sweet as she appeared on paper or I’d drop out of this assignment.

I walked into the store where she worked and made my introduction. “Hi, I’m Brady Williams, the temporary district manager,” I said as I stuck out my hand.

She took it and responded, “I’m Samantha Lake and the new supervisor.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She already seemed really shy and nervous. “So, Super Sam, is it always this dead here?”

“At this time of day it is. Most teens don’t wake up before ten on summer vacation, which is great for giving you a walk through.”

“Do you want to walk around and show me how things operate at this location?” I had to learn either way, might as well get started.

“Sure,” she said with a smile. I was supposed to be filling in temporarily for a woman on maternity leave, then I was going to stay on because she decided not to come back to this location.

We walked around for an hour as Samantha showed me all the basics. That was the start of friendly relationship. By the end of the week, I’d learned many of her fears and her interests. All her fears stemmed from her parents flaunting her in front of the elite friends and fear of the opposite sex. Serving at a soup kitchen and reading were the only things the girl did for fun. If that could even be called fun.

Three months later…

I was looking over the latest information I was given on the case and the possible buyers after work. The list was growing, and I had already two major players at the time. I’d just poured a glass of rum when there was a pounding on my door. I rushed to the peephole because it was eight at night. It was Samantha.

“One minute,” I called out before rushing back to the coffee table, nearly falling over it, grabbing all the files and running them into my bedroom. I’m glad I’m still in really good shape and got to the door without being out of breath, but I didn’t think she’d notice. I opened the door and Sam stood in the rain crying...

“Shit, Sam, What happened?” I asked. I moved to the side and let her walk in before closing the door.

“They set me up on a date with an old man,” she sobbed out. I knew she had a date, but I didn’t realize that it was with an old man. They made it seem like she was going on a date with a young dude. I thought maybe they were going to play the supposed buyers. She wasn’t even close to eighteen yet.
What the hell was their game plan?

“Come here.” I took her into my arms and held her tightly. Her body was racked with sobs as she let out all her pain. It was about another five minutes before she was ready to speak. I walked her to the sofa, got her a glass of water, and took a seat next to her.

“I didn’t have anywhere else to go,” she moaned. “I’m sorry I intruded on you like this.”

“Don’t worry. It’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re okay. Do your parents know that you’re here?”

“No, they don’t. I left out the back door when they thought I was still in my room getting ready.” The tears caused her voice to crack with every word.

“Good. I don’t want them pounding on my door because I'd have to kick some old ass.” This got me a small smile from her. “I was going to order a pizza. Are you hungry?”

“Yes. A little,” she murmured. She paused before asking what I expected her to ask. “Can I stay for tonight? I promise I won’t be a bother, and I’ll leave in the morning.”

“You can stay as long as you need to. I’ll bring some sheets, and you can sleep on the couch for tonight. Tomorrow I can clean out the second bedroom, and you can stay in there.”

“That’s too generous of you. I can’t.”

“Would you help me if I needed it?”

“Of course.”

“Then let me help you when you need it.”

“Okay.” She relented.

The moment she fell asleep, I contacted my team and let them know what happened and the change in plans. The next day I learned that it was John O’Connell, the mobster, who was her date. This was not a good thing. Our pasts were going to collide, hopefully I’d close the case first or my cover would be blown.

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