Betrayal (14 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Not human?” I asked knowing well what she meant and how incredulous and sickening it was at the same time. I just needed her to say it.

“We are descendants of the gods. We are demigods, part human and fortunately part god.” Bethany said proudly.

“So, we’re goddesses?” I said, pointing back and forth from Bethany to myself.

“Yes, demigoddesses to be exact, divine, nonetheless.” Bethany confirmed. She had a look on her face that couldn’t be mistaken with anything other than grandeur. Bethany was impressed with what she claimed to be. I on the other hand, was speechless and blown away. No matter how hard I tried, my brain wouldn’t let the truth settle there. It was as if my mind was a metal detector and this implausible concept was a huge chunk of iron. The alarm in my head kept going off with each attempt to compute it. Denial was my friend. I rubbed my face in my hands, then my temples as if I had an excruciating migraine. Bethany just sat and watched me with an inquisitive expression on her face, and said nothing.

“So I don’t get my powers until I remember who I am, right?” I asked. Bethany began smoothing the silky ribbons woven into the edge of her emerald jewel toned dress.

“The powers that you will soon possess are supreme and will never be matched by any other entity, ever.” Bethany said in a strangely subtle tone.

“As far as what you’re capable of, Delia you are the dominant force; the most powerful of any Ischeros that has ever existed or ever will. All of your capabilities have yet to be revealed.” The most powerful being was a daunting idea. It was too overwhelming. To possess powers was beyond my realm of normalcy and logic.

“I must summon your housemaid. I will return momentarily,” she said, evenly avoiding any eye contact. She quickly walked passed me, and then vanished from the room, and there was that brisk breeze again that seemed to always follow Bethany’s rapid movements.

I have my own housemaid? Just who do these people think they are? I don’t need a housemaid. I went over to the fireplace and stared at the pictures of myself again. It was strange, seeing myself that way and trying to see an Empress; a descendant of gods. I jumped when I heard the doors close behind me. Bethany was back and was instructing a young Native Indian girl, who looked about our age, to prepare my bath.

“This is Sun Paw.” Bethany announced, motioning to the girl. I eyed her for a moment. Sun Paw’s jet black hair was parted down the middle and twisted into a braided bun at the nape of her neck, and away from her heart shaped face. The terra cotta tone of her smooth skin shone in the sunlight with eyes the shade of iridescent amber. Sun Paw was stunning without even trying. She wore her uniform, a long black dress with a long white apron over the front.

“Hi” I said. Sun Paw didn’t say hi back, instead she nodded almost obediently.

“Sun Paw is here to help you dress, assist you with all that you need around the house, and to run errands for you.” Bethany said.

Basically it was Sun Paw’s primary duty to be available at my every beck and call. I pulled Bethany aside, and insisted that I didn't need a servant, but she said that it was customary and that if I didn't ‘make use’ of Sun Paw, then she would be let go. The thought of Sun Paw ending up jobless made me cringe, so I agreed. Bethany explained that she as well as her mother also had personal housemaids. Bethany’s housemaid’s name was Moon Rose, Sun Paw’s older sister. Beth’s mothers’ housemaid was Sun Paw’s mother. Her name was Light Shine. I thought their names were beautiful and wondered if they had meanings as most Native Indian names did.

Bethany explained, “They have been with our family for years, even before Evan and I were born. Sun Paw’s family has always been treated fairly, and has stayed on with my family when many other members of the tribe moved on. Sun Paw, along with her mother, brother, and sister, live in the lower floors of the house, just above the storage rooms.” Yeah real fair, I thought. But I guess if they chose to work for the Capius’ willingly, then who was I to judge?

Bethany gave Sun Paw precise instructions on my bath. Sun Paw looked at me as if I was an enigma that she couldn’t decipher. I felt selfconscious for a couple of minutes as we stared at each other. Sun Paw eyed my new mini sundress as if puzzled to see a young woman expose her body, mainly my legs, which was unacceptable today. She seemed to stare in disbelief.

Rudely (no point in being respectful to the help), Bethany explained to Sun Paw that I wore a new style of petticoat and that her job was to assist me and not to gawk at me. I felt embarrassed for Sun Paw. I could never speak to her in that way. I hoped that I had never spoken to her in such a belittling way, before I left. Bethany deliberately spoke down to Sun Paw. I was disgusted with her behavior.

“It's alright. I know I look strange to you but I will be dressed in what you are used to seeing me in.” I smiled at Sun Paw as she led me to the bathroom. I could tell that she was surprised at my tone. It led me to believe that I may not have been so nice to Sun Paw when I knew her. I promised myself to treat her with respect from now on.

The bathroom was a small room, adjacent to my bedroom. I checked out the roomy claw foot tub. I was deep and looked comfortable. I almost couldn’t contain myself when I saw the porcelain toilet. It actually flushed! Yes! Indoor plumbing – whoohoo!

“Are you alright Miss Cordelia?” Sun Paw asked due to my boisterous outburst. I hadn’t realized that I had exclaimed out loud. Her English was nearly perfect, but I found being called “Miss” ridiculous, especially by a girl my age.

I had to clear my throat from embarrassment. “Ahem…uh…yes. I’m great.” Sun Paw looked leery of me.

Later Bethany explained that the plumbing was possible due to the pipe running from the toilet to a wooden box about two feet above it. She called the box a “water closet”. I called it, and considered it a miracle; the first good thing that has come about since I’d been brought back. There was also a sink with running water and another vanity table. I was so ecstatic about these phenomenal and advanced accommodations, for this day and age.

I really had to focus to control my glee.

Bethany left my room saying that she would return once I was ready to get dressed. As Sun Paw ran my bath, I decided to ask her the question that I wondered about since being introduced to her.

“Sun Paw, does your name have a meaning?” I hoped that I wasn’t being intrusive, or made her feel uncomfortable. I knew that Native Indian names had special meanings. I just wanted to know a little bit about her since she was here because of me.

“Makes Life,” she answered, while checking the temperature of the water. She seemed pleased with it and didn’t bother asking me to test it. The meaning of her mane was an interesting one, and I wondered what it meant.

“You mean as in a mother and child?” I asked.

“Yes,” she smiled slightly. “It means that someday I will bear many children.” She seemed happy with the prospect.

“I see.” I said, taking a seat on a small bench against the wall right below a small painting of a meadow full of yellow lilies. At this point how could I be surprised that the bathroom had been ornately decorated? “What kind of Native Indian are you? I mean, do you belong to a particular tribe?”

“My tribe is Paiute. We were once a part of the Paiute tribe.” She answered. “I will leave you now. I will return when you are ready to be dressed.”

Sun Paw said leaving me alone. I looked at the bath that she had drawn. Ugh! I couldn’t see the bottom of the tub through the extremely cloudy water. I undressed and carefully dipped my foot into the hazy water. I did this while saying a silent prayer that something didn't snatch my leg from underneath.

The water was tepid and fragranced with lavender. I would have preferred it to be a lot warmer.

So far so good. My leg was still attached to my body. I went for it, and dipped my other foot in, and then slowly lowered myself. I quickly bathed with soap that never lathered. Only one word came to my mind... torture. After my tepid bath of odorless soap, and thankfully no hidden underwater creatures, I began the grueling process of getting dressed–with Sun Paw’s assistance of course. I asked Bethany to stay in the room because I wasn't comfortable with Sun Paw seeing me naked.

The petticoat was first. “Only one since it’s still very warm.” Bethany whispered as I slipped into the frilly white slip. I sighed and decided it would be best not to fight something that was inevitable. Sun Paw started helping me with my corset, an unforgivable contraption. She pulled at the lacing in the back and cinched my waist until I had to scream out because I was unable to respire.

“This is unbearable. I remember reading about woman...” I trailed off when I saw the alarmed look on Bethany's face as her eyes darted from me to Sun Paw and back to me again.

“It is customary, besides you are
used to it
. Now take another deep breath.” Bethany ordered, as Sun Paw appeared to ignore us. She didn't seem to be listening, but I was convinced that she was.

“Um… uh ... I mean... these things... are... so... uncomfortable.” I said trying unsuccessfully to catch my breath in between words and not alert Sun Paw. After nearly crushing my ribcage, Sun Paw finally had me fitted in my corset. I was actually thankful for the petticoat, a slight buffer for my skin from the contoured bone like wires of the corset.

The corset created cleavage I didn’t know I had, yet I still couldn’t see why a bustle was necessary. I knew not to complain or even question it in the presence of Sun Paw so after finally getting the ridiculous bustle in place, I chose a lavender taffeta dress. It had the least embellishments of lace frills and bows, a scooped neckline and threequarter sleeves. Sun Paw helped me get into that too. The dress fit seamlessly. It was like it was made for me. Ironically it had been the year I left for the future.

Once I was finished dressing, I wanted Sun Paw to leave my room so that I could talk to Bethany again, alone. “I think I can manage from here.

Thank you, Sun Paw.” I said, managing a beaming smile although, I could barely breathe.

“Of course, Miss Cordelia. I will be in the kitchen if you need me.” Sun Paw said, nodded, with a blank expression as she quickly departed.

I tried to walk in the dress and found my feet shuffling amongst the abundance of fabric that made up the layers of the skirts hem. I felt as if my ankles were tied up in vines. I decided to move around as little as possible, and sort of dragged myself to my vanity, and then sat in front of the mirror.

Bethany passed me a pair of matching lavender, satin, one and a half inch, heeled shoes. They fit perfectly.

I peered at myself reflection in the mirror. Although my features hadn’t changed, it was the same heart shaped face, clear tanned skin, full lips, and emerald green eyes, yet I didn’t know who it was that was looking back. I stared at the pretty fabric that made up my dress, which looked more like a gown, and felt completely uncomfortable donned in it.

I picked up the gilded hair brush, monogrammed with the letters ‘CT’, which were my initials now as it had been in the future. The thick bristled brush was set between its matching gold comb and hand mirror. I began brushing my deep auburn hair, and noticed something different almost immediately as I brushed my hair. I moved a little closer to the mirror and stared at my reflection I wasn’t sure if what I was seeing was accurate, but my caramel highlights were gone. I had just gotten them done a week ago at the beauty salon in the Summit Mall.

“My hair is different. My highlights are gone.” I said thoroughly shocked and deflated. I stared at the strands of my hair, and caught Bethany looking at me in my reflection.

Bethany held out her hand to me. “Let me.” She took the brush from me and pulled open one of the drawers of the vanity, revealing an array of sparkling jeweled hair combs and satin ribbons.

“Nothing from the future exists now. So your hair is at its natural state, as it was before.” Bethany explained as she brushed my hair and pulled it into a loose bun. She secured the bun with a jeweled comb at the top of my head. I observed my reflection in the mirror. I looked exactly like I did in the pictures.

Sitting there for a moment, completely motionless, and staring at myself, the tears welled up in my emerald green eyes, all over again. Got to stop crying, damn it. Got to stop.

I wasn’t crying about the highlights. Hair treatments and make – up didn’t matter to me, never had. It had been my mom’s idea. I let her take me to the salon just to make her happy. We’d gotten highlights, manicures, and pedicures. At first I’d been apprehensive about the whole beauty day thing, but I’d seen my mom’s face so happy with the prospect of glamming me up so I went along with it, for her. It just felt like everything I had in the future was slipping away.

I fought an unsuccessful battle to yield my tears from rolling down my cheeks. I surrendered to my uncontrolled emotion and held my face in my hands.

“I... I…feel so... so out of place, Beth. Why can’t I remember this so called life that I lived? I miss my parents, my family. Since I’m alive now, can't I just go back home? You can send me back, and no one has to know. Maybe no one will find me, this time.” I said my voice breaking into sobs.

Bethany’s expression was doleful but her words were concise and inflicted pain. “You belong
. Those people were
your parents.” Bethany scolded lightly. She quickly changed her tone when she saw the wounded look on my face. “
are your
.” She added in order to attenuate the damage. But the damage was done. My stomach dropped to my feet and I began to feel vertiginous.

What do you mean … not my parents?” I demanded. Our eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. She saw the anger exuding from my eyes. She turned around and walked away from me. I was not prepared for the bomb my best friend dropped next.

Bethany cleared her throat. “Memories were implanted so that the transition to the future could be successful. Everyone has already forgotten you. They have moved on. That was part of the plan,” Bethany declared, her voice unwavering with the blow she delivered like a champion kick boxer.

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