Betrayal (45 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“I'm… sorry, Niko. I shouldn't have doubted you. You've never given me reason to.” Bethany whispered. I felt bad for my Nikolas. He didn't deserve the third degree that he had endured, and being forced to prove himself when he had done nothing wrong was nothing short of ignominy. Yet when he turned to look at Bethany, his deep love for her was very evident in his eyes, along with the hurt, and he wasn’t ready to forgive her just yet.

“Please Bethany, don't torture yourself. It's not very becoming. It's been a long day, darling, and I wish to retire.” Nikolas said, his tone softening yet still maintaining a frosty edge as he dismissed her, all the while looking her in the eyes. It was evident that he was furious, yet he still continued to maintain the peace. He was a gentleman.

“Yes it has, my love.” Bethany sighed “A long day indeed.” She knew it was best to let Nikolas have a moment. “Sleep well, sweetheart.” she waited for a second or two probably hoping that he would wish her a good night’s sleep as well, but the silence was more than she could bear. I scrambled for a minute as I expected her to come through the same doors I spied through, but instead, she walked through the wall, and disappeared into the bathroom that she and Nikolas shared. The lover's quarrel appeared to be over. I could now hear Bethany in her room as her light went out under her door. I figured I better get to my room as well.

“Uh...” I gasped.

I was about to get busted. Nikolas was walking toward his bedroom doors, and I was still kneeling behind them. In my haste and clumsiness, I fell backward onto my back, and into a compromising position – the skirt of my petticoat and robe around my waist. I didn't rebound fast enough, and heard the click of the door as I scrambled up to my feet. To my surprise and relief, Nikolas didn’t come out of his room, but locked the doors shut. I vowed to be done with the super sleuth life style, and scurried back to my room, gently shutting my doors with as little noise as possible.

What I had just seen and heard was one for the books. Suspiciously at first, I was kind of leery of Nikolas’ new turn the other cheek approach when he decided to take Sacha home. Sacha was beautifully lethal. He could have walked right into a trap. She was too close to the prime evil that I've been told we must never find ourselves unprepared for. Luckily Sacha was sincere in her misery although, I don't think she should be trusted no matter how miserable she appears.

I guess Bethany's jealousy was expected only she should have trusted Nikolas. It's hard to imagine him knowingly putting the family in jeopardy. For as long as I have known him, when I was under the impression that he was Bethany's brother, and not her boyfriend, he was always super protective over her and me. Nikolas is loyal to the end. Bethany was probably worried about Sacha exposing her.

Then there was the mention of the Apolluon vampire that owned the Bucket o’ Blood saloon. I found the name for the saloon perfectly fitting. I wondered what happened at that meeting. The idea of demigods conversing with vampires would have been inconceivable pre death, but now it was as normal as… I wasn’t sure what the criteria for normal was anymore.

Suddenly, my parched throat reminded me that I had never gotten that drink of water. I was awfully thirsty. I looked at the clock, and the time read four o'clock. I decided to give it another shot. I didn’t like the idea of drinking the water from the bathroom, so I slipped out of my room, and tip toed down the long staircase. Once I was on the first floor, I saw that a few lamps had been left lit so I began my trek to the kitchen. By now my throat was so dry that it hurt. I just made it passed the parlor when I heard voices… again. Male voices.


Was I ever going to get some water? Doesn’t anyone ever go to bed in this house? I guess someone has to always be on watch for any evil entities hoping to invade the house. I plastered myself against the wall. I knew the voices all too well. It was Evan and Nikolas. I listened intently, and hoped that they couldn't sense me. I didn't want them to think that I was snooping.

“I stopped the mirage before Beth could hear Sacha's proposition.” Nikolas informed, to my surprise.. “You know as well as I, that Bethany would not have agreed to it. I come to you brother. I believe this could be the opportunity we've been waiting for.”

“Are you sure she was convinced that you really left Sacha's house?” Evan asked, anxiously. “We wouldn't want Beth paying Sacha a visit.” I tried to concentrate on what he said, and not his captivating voice.

“Yes, I’m certain.”

“Good. Show me.”

All of the oil lamps were snuffed out instantly, and a sparkling light streamed into the foyer. I peered into the parlor, and saw that Evan and Nikolas were watching a mirage. It was of Nikolas and Sacha in Sacha's house again. But this was different from what Nikolas had shown Bethany. It was a continuation. Nikolas stood over Sacha as she cried in never ending sobs into the marble floor.

“Get up.” Nikolas demanded. Sacha continued to cry; apparently she didn’t hear him or see him reappear in her parlor.

“I said get up... whore.” Nikolas’ voice was malicious. Sacha's head rose up slowly. She had a surprised look on her tear stained, but still a beautiful face.

A conniving face if you didn't allow the beauty to fool you.

“I’m not a whore... not anymore.” Sacha looked and sounded wounded. Her voice trembled. “You have a good heart... I hoped you would return. I know... you feel that I am not... worthy.”

“Tell me where Victor is.” Nikolas said, still standing over Sacha, who was slowly getting to her feet.

“Will you help me?” Sacha asked, anxiously.

“That depends.”

“I thought you said that helping me... would be breaking your family's rules. Why do you want to... help me now?”

“I don't. What I do want is Victor… dead. You know where he is, don't you?”

“Yes... but you must protect me. If you promise to help me, I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that I was worth it.” Sacha said, reaching for Nikolas’ large hand, and gently cupping it. Nikolas pulled his hand out of Sacha's tender grip, and stepped back.

“Are you afraid of me?” She asked, with a slight seductive hint in her tone.

“I could very well kill you right now, without a second thought.” The look in Nikolas’ eyes was intense, yet they maintained their natural hue. Sacha eyes bulged. She looked shocked and terrified.

“Will you protect me?” Evan watched Sacha intently. He didn’t appear moved at all by her.

“Enough” Evan said. “I've seen enough. Just tell me.” The mirage vanished. I quickly hid in the hallway again, pressed up closely against the wall.

“She says that she will lead us to Victor's hideout, but she won’t know ahead of time, since he moves around constantly. She informed me that it’s always an unexpected move.” Nikolas explained.

“Well that’s convenient.” Evan said, sounding annoyed. He was beginning to think that this was a waste of time. “Always the coward with a dozen hiding places yet he calls us weak. Our residence is public knowledge.” Evan noted, sarcastically. “It's pathetic really. He's not even being hunted... yet. If he doesn't trust anyone then how can we be sure that she can lead us to him?”

“Sacha says that she has always been led to the designated hiding place blindfolded, because Victor trusts no one, but Lucas to the routes of his hideouts.

She is prepared to lead us to Victor once he summons for her. She will notify us once she is summoned. We will then follow her.” Nikolas informed.

“I see.” Evan mused as he took a sip of something. My mouth began to water.

“No, I don’t like it. We could be led to our deaths. It could be a trap.” The boys were quiet for a moment before Evan spoke again.

“I’m sure she wants something.”

“She has only one request.” Nikolas said, with a deep long sigh as he took a seat in the large leather smoking chair.

“She’s in no position to make requests.” Evan said. “She tried to attack Cordelia and Bethany.”

“Sacha will only lead us to him if we agree to protect her indefinitely.” Nikolas explained further.

“And Lucas?”

“That’s not part of the deal, and she is well aware of that.”

“She will never defect from her brother. Her twin brother. Sacha is a major risk. I saw what happened, and I'm not convinced. Sacha has always been violent, corrupt, and we know that it’s not only because she is under Victor's control.”

“Yes. She’s a major risk.” Nikolas sighed deeply in agreement. “But you saw her. She is genuinely afraid of him.”

“Yes, but her fear of Victor does not guarantee her loyalty to us.” Evan reasoned.

“I’ve spoken to Julius. He has reported another attack by Victor’s army. They have begun slaughtering the elders. Your parents are in danger. Evan, Victor’s power will continue to grow with every drop of our blood. You know this better than I. Cordelia’s memory is taking much longer than we expected to be restored. We must do something.”

More silence.

The silence was broken by ice clinking in a glass. I was so thirsty. I had a strong desire to barge into the room, grab that glass, no matter what vile liquid it contained, and empty it. I was forced to suppress this desire immediately in order to find out what they would decide to do.

“I’m well aware of the escalation of attacks, Niko. Why do you feel that we can trust her? Is there something that you're not telling me? Did you feel her emotions?” Evan asked curiously. I was also curious to hear Nikolas’ reasoning.

“I read her emotions, and she is deathly petrified of Victor, and desperate to escape him, yet she loves her brother more than she loves herself. There was a lot of selfloathing there.” Nikolas said, flatly.

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other causing the floor to make a light creaking sound. I held my breath. There was no doubt that they heard it too. For a short while no one spoke, and I thought that perhaps they knew that I was listening. I wasn't sure if I could make it back up the stairs without being seen or heard. Suddenly Evan started talking which gave me the clearance to breathe again.

“We have to approach this cautiously, if we do decide to go forward with using Sacha to get to Victor. We have to bring this to the council.”

“Of course.” Nikolas sighed.

“Well since you missed our meeting with Matthias, I’ll fill you in.”

“I’m listening.” Nikolas said.

“I was forced to tell Matthias that Cordelia has her powers although, she wasn’t aware that they had resurfaced. Therefore she didn’t realize what she had done to Driella.”

“And he believed that?” Nikolas asked, with a large dose of skepticism.

“Surprisingly he did. Matthias told me that he saw Cordelia yesterday.” Evan said. My ears perked up with the mention of my name and the head vampire’s name in the same sentence.

“What? Where?” Nikolas asked, shocked.

“He was outside, in the front garden of her parents’ estate. She was being ushered into the Bergnum’s home. Apparently she was expected there.” Evan paused, and took a sip from his glass as I almost fainted. “Matthias said that she saw him as well, and she didn’t seem to know who he was. Due to this unexpected encounter, Matthias understands that the killing wasn’t premeditated.” Evan knew. He spoke of my visit with Gerald so casually, yet I knew he had to be hurt or upset. Either emotion was expected, and probably both were hidden away beneath the surface.

“I see. So Matthias is a sun walker?”

“He is now, now that he’s been freed from Hades. With my persuasion, and my promise of protection, he has decided not to inform Hades of the death of Driella. But he wants to be certain that Victor will not send the message of his wife’s death to Hades. He wants us to kill Victor promptly. I assured him that it is a top priority. Matthias will do anything to prevent Hades from finding out about one of his highest undead being killed under his watch. He doesn’t want to be forced to return to the Underworld. Matthias is also sure that Hades will not make a deal with Victor.”

“He is certain of this?”


“How can he be absolutely sure?” Nikolas asked.

“Hades vowed to Matthias, and several older undead a century ago that he wants to hunt all Ischeros, and will not negotiate one for another. He wants every last descendant of every Olympian. He is as adamant about it today as he was then.”

“As expected, I suppose.”

“Indeed.” Evan confirmed.

“I'm concerned about Cordelia's memory, as I’m sure you are with the threats and the Masquerade Ball for her crowning scheduled in just a few days. It’s taking surprisingly longer than we had anticipated. Is there any plausible reason why her memory is delayed?” Nikolas asked.

“I’m plagued with that same question, Nikolas. There is so much as stake. Cordelia’s as well as our lives for one, and of course the crowning of the Empress. Unfortunately the crowning must be made on the New Year, or we would postpone it. If she doesn’t have her memory by then to receive the fortifying bolt from Zeus, it will be the first time in our history that we go into a new year without a reigning heir, ultimately powerless.” Evan explained, solemnly.

I was numb. It all made sense now. They were in a severely precarious situation. The members, every single Ischero, would be rendered powerless without my anointment. The empire would be defenseless to the Apolluon. But what about Victor? Would he be powerless too? He was an Ischero once.

If he was aware of this then why would he want to kill me? Doesn’t he want to keep his powers? Maybe he isn’t aware that his powers would be diminished as well, or maybe he believed by killing me, he would be emperor.

“I’ve spoken with the elders at length, and they are convinced that all will go as planned,” Evan said optimistically. “They’ve asked me, so I will ask it of you. I ask that you have faith and patience.”

“Yes, of course,” Nikolas agreed. “Why was Delia at the Bergnum’s home?”

“She is searching for something.”

“Searching for what?”

“Her memory, perhaps? Perhaps, she doesn’t feel comfortable here, that’s understandable. Possibly, she doesn’t trust us. I really can’t be sure.” Evan said, sounding defeated. I immediately felt guilty, but only for a moment.

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