Betrayal (21 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“As demigods, our powers begin at adolescence and mature at the age of seventeen,” Bethany said. “But then, dreadfully, they decrease substantially once we physically age past fifty. We live hundreds of years with power then live hundreds of years without.” Bethany tried to explain where her father's hostility stemmed from. Her face was somber as she looked at the archway her father had just gone through.

“For some it is a reality that is very difficult to... accept. It is as Zeus intended.” Nikolas added.

“My parents live vicariously through the power of their children as all the elders do. The elders are sought for guidance, wisdom, and are respected and admired for the world they’ve kept safe for us. We, the children fight the wars as they had for their parents and so on and so on. We must keep the world safe so that our children may not have to fight any wars.”

I suddenly felt really bad for Thaddeus and Alexandria. They must feel so helpless. “Wow. This all seems more like a curse than a gift.” I waited for a response but no one said a word. It led me to believe that they saw it that way too, and maybe that was Zeus’s intent. Maybe he was punishing us.

Evan commented on what Bethany had said, and acted as If he didn’t hear me. “That does not give him the right to be condescending and accusatory.” The anger didn’t show on Evan’s face but there was an unmistakable trace of pure venom in his voice. There definitely was a whole other side to Evan; a mystery.

“Father is patient, and he trusts you, Evan,” Bethany said. “You know that father is not accustomed to being without any power or control.” I watched Bethany who showed so many signs of maturity. She spoke with such wisdom. She was so different from the easy going teenager I befriended two years ago. She was a woman with insight. I had to come to terms with the fact that I really didn’t know her.

“Listen Evander, I think the warning will be well received. Lucas' corpse is a direct message.” Nikolas was standing up and leaning over Bethany to get closer to Evan.


“Who is Lucas” I asked. Again they ignored me. It was as if I wasn’t even in the room.

“The warning certainly shows that we can and will get close enough to avenge his extremely bad decision of coming here. He will know that we don’t take kindly to threats although, the warning will not go unanswered. The ‘forgotten son’ will try unrelentingly to get what he believes to be his.”

Evan said, confidently. Something in his expression came across wicked, and I was taken aback.

I looked at Evan and then at Nikolas. I saw two boys who were behaving like grown men. It was the way they spoke, so self assured, so mature, and so deadly. It came off rather natural, but left a strange and bitter taste in your mouth.

“Lucas' first mistake was thinking that Evan's visit was an attack,” Nikolas said. “His second, he actually believed his second hand powers were a match for a genuine Ischero, a demigod. It’s actually amusing if you think about it.” Nikolas chuckled, and gulped what was left of his wine. I had no idea what Nikolas was talking about, or if I should remember any of it.

“Who is Lucas?” I asked again, this time a lot louder. Neither Evan nor Nikolas said a word. Bethany decided to answer. It turns out, after Evan disappeared through my ceiling, he had paid an unexpected visit to Victor's notorious head disciple, Lucas, a thick muscled brute. Evan thought it best to send a verbal message to Victor through Lucas.

“Why is it that when you talk about Lucas, you speak of him in the past tense?”

“I think Cordelia should know what transpired with Lucas this evening” Nikolas said, nodding to Evan.

“Yes. I agree with Niko. She should be aware of what we are up against.” Bethany added, staring at Evan. Then she looked at me, as if challenging me, as if perhaps I couldn’t handle the details. We locked eyes for a moment. She was right. I should be aware of what’s going on. But she was underestimating me if she thought that I was a wimp. I was prepared for whatever they were about to tell me. At this point I was ready for anything. I dug deep inside of me, searched for strength, and braced myself.

Both Nikolas and Bethany waited for Evan, for what I guessed to be his approval. He shrugged as if he didn't have a care in the world if I knew what had happened.

“Tonight, Lucas was stealing a quiet moment in the parlor of the lone mansion that sits behind Gold Hill; an unusual place for a mansion actually.

All the other wealthy families live on Millionaire’s Row, looking over the town. The rest reside across from Gold Hill. Lucas’ home is very large, and that’s not accounting for the acres of land surrounding it. He inherited the house and its land from his adoptive parents. Tonight he wasn’t home alone. Sacha, his twin sister, was also home, preparing herself for what I'm sure would be a long evening at the saloons,” Nikolas said, smirking.

“Lucas was Victor’s most trusted, most loyal, and most powerful disciple. Whatever Victor says, Lucas does. You’d expect to see marionette strings attached to the overgrown thug,” Bethany explained. Her aquamarine eyes sparkled as she described Lucas. “Lucas’ features were striking, but a sharp contrast to most of the residents of this town. Where ever Lucas went, he stood out. Not because he was colored, but because he wasn’t entirely colored.

Lucas’ skin was the color of sand –”

“And his soul was as gritty. Because he was extremely muscular, he had a false sense of confidence.” Nikolas added.

“His roguish exterior made him one of the most feared men in Nickel City, besides Victor himself. Lucas was born and raised here.” Bethany said, leaning over the table as if she was revealing a wellguarded secret. “Nikolas, I think it is best that you show Cordelia what happened.” Bethany suggested.

Nikolas nodded and pointed his finger to the far right wall, and again I was in awe of the magic. It was another mirage. I wondered if they could all do this or was Nikolas the only one with the gift.

Looking at the mirage was like looking into another room that had a sparkling lining edging its entrance. The parlor was dimly lit by several oil lamps, and appeared as large as the one in this mansion. The major difference was that everything seemed to be made of shiny ivory marble or onyx.

The floors, the tables, even the massive fireplace were made of marble or onyx or a combination of both. It made the room appear frigid.

A young man, about my age I’d guess, sat relaxing in a chocolate brown, leather tufted smoking chair. He was dressed in the customary gentleman's attire. I knew it was Lucas the moment I saw him. Bethany's description of him was exact. Lucas was very muscular in a bulky way, and extremely handsome. He reminded me of the former wrestler turned actor, The Rock.

Lucas’ eyes were closed, and he leaned his head against the back of the chair. He appeared to be dozing, but he wasn’t. Lucas raised his drink to his lips, and sipped it then casually shook the glass from time to time causing the ice chips to clink. I guess he was one of the few who owned an ice box.

Out of nowhere Evan appeared in the room like an apparition or something, first appearing like a vapor then fleshing out into a person. Evan stood tall and genuinely gorgeous. He made himself comfortable, opposite Lucas, in an identical chair to the one Lucas rested in.

“Is it bedtime already?” Evan questioned his adversary’s evil cohort. “I would have expected you to be out terrorizing the town at this hour.”

Startled, even if only for a second; Lucas looked directly at Evan with intense hazel eyes.

“Where are your manners, Evander? Don't you know that it’s customary to knock?” Lucas responded in a deep voice similar to the low growl of a Rottweiler.

“Knock? Why would I want to confuse you by giving you a false impression of respect for you?” The sarcasm rolled off of Evan's tongue as he casually got up, walked over to the onyx and marble bar, fixed himself a drink, strolled back to the chair, and sat back down. Evan’s arrogance clearly antagonized Lucas, who watched Evan all the while, as a thick vein appeared at his left temple. Lucas was definitely stewing.

Lucas cleared his throat and smiled. “Ahh…I am a hospitable man. My door is always open, especially for the Divine One. I hear she is back from her... trip. Perhaps I should swing by your place… unexpected. Is the Empress of Ischera free tonight?” Lucas was being facetious, and allowed a vindictive chuckle to escape his lips as he crossed his legs. The ice chips in his glass clinked again as if applauding him for his clever retort. Evan's eyes blazed red for a split second with Lucas' reference of me, but somehow he was able to stay composed. It was obvious that Evan wasn't there for a fight.

“Tread carefully, son of a streetwalker. My battle is not with you.” Evan eyed Lucas scornfully, yet cautiously, the way one would regard a slithering snake that at any moment could strike at you unexpectedly. I guess you can never be too sure.

“Although, I’m enjoying this conversation immensely, I can’t stand the suspense any longer. Why are you here? Ahhh… let me guess. You have yet to find Lord Victor, the true emperor of the Ischeros” Lucas laughed, sounding more like a growl.

“Lord, as in master?” Evan chortled, lightly. “Well, your master may believe that he has secluded himself, but it’s only a matter of time before he is found and terminated. It’s inevitable. And any slave riding his coat tails will go down with him,” Evan said, watching Lucas tense up at the idea of being referred to as Victor’s property.

“I’m no one’s slave. I choose to serve the real leader of the Ischeros.” Lucas said, uncrossing and recrossing his legs. His face was beginning to redden.

“It’s fitting that he leads an army of primitive brutes. What could a troglodyte know of reigning an empire? He knows nothing. Your Lord, as you call him, is no longer an Ischero.” Evan’s voice was climbing as his hand gripped the glass fiercely.

“You and your clan should beware of the inevitable take over. Join us now, Evander, before it’s too late, and you’re forced to kneel to the true Emperor.”

“Whoa… Victor’s really got you under his thumb. Do you hear yourself Lucas?”

“We are stronger and will defeat the Ischeros.”

Evan laughed heartily. “Of course you will. Since you’re already accustomed to taking orders, give your lord a message for me.

“I take orders from no one.” Lucas seethed glass still in hand, but no more clinking. The ice had melted.

“You and I both know that you will do as I say. You let your master know that he should stay away from my house, and all who reside there.”

There was a significant trace of malice in Evans tone that quieted Lucas for a moment. “I will be the one to end him, and anyone who does his dirty work, if they dare to come near Cordelia or my family again.” Evan warned icily.

Lucas’ hazel eyes could barely be seen as he narrowed them. “Oh, Evander, Evander, Evander. Tsk, tsk.” Lucas said, shaking his head slowly from left to right. “Victor does not take kindly to threats and neither do I.”

“Fine. Don’t take it as a threat. It’s a promise, and I’ll clarify so that there is no confusion. I don’t break promises.” Evan said casually getting up from the large leather chair, and walking over to the bar.

I thought I was ready, but I wasn't. How could anyone prepare for what was in store?

“You won’t come into my house, and exploit my hospitality!” Lucas snarled, and then got up from his chair. Lucas was taller and larger than I had expected. He had to be at least six foot – six inches tall. His suit actually strained against his broad chest and bulging arms. He stood a few inches taller than Evan.

“Sit down Lucas, and finish your drink.” Evan ordered as he drained his glass and sat it down on the counter of the bar.

“Don’t order me around Evander; I’m not one of your foolish minions.” Being the brash fool that Bethany described him as, Lucas acted impulsively.

In one swift move, Lucas flew across the parlor to where Evan stood at the bar, and lunged for Evan's neck. I couldn't believe the rate of speed in which Lucas moved. It was like watching a flash of light, but with a whole lot of muscle. But Evan was the quicker of the two well – dressed young men.

In a matter of an immeasurable second, Evan was now behind Lucas.

Using the strength of what must have been ten men, I figured it would take that many to stop Lucas, Evan punched Lucas in the back. The forceful and equally thunderous blow connected, and I nearly jumped out of my chair as I watched in disbelief as Lucas leaped several feet forward. Just then Nikolas appeared out of nowhere like a ghost, unbeknownst to both Lucas and Evan. Nikolas glided at an accelerated speed to catch Lucas' bloody and grotesque and still beating heart in his hands just as it burst through Lucas’ chest right before he slammed into the marble bar in one booming crash.

A white cloud of dust like the ash of a volcano filled the air momentarily with the crumble of crushed marble.

Not a sound had escaped Lucas’ lips as he landed on the bar. He was a hulking heap covered in white dust. The surprised look of terror on Lucas’

face was frozen forever. The crash could surely be heard throughout the house.

I couldn't believe what I just saw. I hadn't realized it, but at some point I had put my hands over my mouth in shock. My hands were still positioned there now.

As it looked, Lucas was obviously dead. Dead, by Evan's hand. Oh my God! Now I know why Evan didn’t want Nikolas to show me what had happened. He was afraid that I would think of him as a monster.

The truth was I didn’t know how I saw Evan. I didn’t know him. What I was slowly learning about him, all of them was that I didn’t want to be like them, and live this way. They may be demigods, but they were also murderers. The fear of knowing myself rose in me. Please God…I don’t want to be a murderer. Perhaps I’m praying to the wrong God.

I shut my eyes for a moment. I had seen enough. My stomach churned as I tried to overcome the urge to vomit. When I opened my eyes again, I looked over at Evan who was looking directly at me. His eyes were intense as if he could see right through me. His expression was difficult to read. He must have been watching my reaction the entire time the horror movie played. I turned away, but still felt his gaze boring into me; into my soul. Tears welled up in my eyes as I couldn’t see how I could have been in love with this boy.

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