Begin Again (8 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Begin Again
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“I need some time to think about it, okay?
I promise that whatever happens, none of this will affect the relationship I’d like you to have with our son.”

Well, that was
n’t the answer he was hoping to get, but it was better than nothing. He knew it was going to take time for her to trust him, but he was a patient man and he’d prove to her that she could.









Chapter Seven



Dylan was quiet after he watched Journey drive away. He didn’t even notice that Bellamy had come out until he felt her arms wrap around his middle, and Carrington’s arms wrap around his leg.

“Dyl, she’s wonderful.
So are Joey and Abby. What’s going to happen with you two?”

“I honestly don’t know.
I asked Zach to back off so she and I could get to know each other again. I know it was a shit move, but I couldn’t stand the thought of Zach anywhere near her or Joey. He just called me Dada. I thought it would take a lot longer for him to do that.” Dylan could still hear Joey’s sweet sounding voice and it caused warmth to spread all through his body.

, she did try to find you, so she probably told him about you. He’s getting to the age where they’re starting to remember stuff. Look at all of the times you and Dustin tried to see if you could fool Violet. She picked Dustin every time.”

“Do you have feelings for her?” Bellamy picked up Carrington to put her in the truck.
It left him to ponder that question. Two years ago he did—a lot, and that was part of the reason why he left. It had scared the hell out of him. She was so much younger than him, but he cared a great deal about her in such a short time. It took him a long time before he stopped thinking about her every minute of every day. He felt a lot of regret where Journey was concerned, but he knew that those feelings he used to have could easily come roaring back.

“I don’t know
, Bell. The feelings I used to have for her ran really deep, so maybe they could come back, but it’s not going to be easy winning her over.”

“Give her time.
I do really like her. Mom is going to go crazy when she meets them, you know that, right?”

His sister was right.
He had no doubt that Journey, Abby and Joey would succumb to the overwhelming love given by Ruth Carmichael. It would be the same way his mom felt about Luke and Stacy. Sure the two of them had been in their lives forever, but as soon as his mom met Journey, he knew it would be the same. Getting Journey on the same page was going to take some work.

“Of course she is, that’s what she does.
I’m glad you guys came. It’ll make it easier on her come Sunday.”

After he dropped them off, he went home and walked directly into the bedroom across from his.
He was going to turn it into Joey’s room when he stayed with him. The room was just plain white walls now, but he’d enlist his mom’s help decking out the room for his boy. He flipped the light off and went out to the living room. He wasn’t sure if Journey was still going to call him, but they did need to talk. Kicking back on the couch, he turned on the TV to some MMA fights and sprawled out on the couch.

He was just nodding off when his phone rang.
He grabbed it off of the coffee table and saw that it was Journey.

“Hey, how’s it going?” He was an idiot, he just saw her.

“Um, I’m fine, Dylan. How are you?”

“I’m good.
Did you get the kids all settled in?”

“Yeah, Abby’s in my bed watching a movie and Joey’s zonked out.
I really like your sister. She and your niece are beautiful.”


The silence that settled between them was awkward. It was like when he was a kid talking on the phone to a girl for the first time. He knew he was just going suck it up and bring up the elephant in the room.

So…I’m a dick. You know it, I know it. It was a shit thing to do, going to Zach and asking him to step aside, but I’d do it again. I don’t know where we’re going to end up, but I do know that if we don’t see where this goes we’ll both regret it.”

He was met with silence. Great, did she hang up? “Journey?”

“Yeah, I’m here.” He could hear her breathing through the phone. “Okay. We should spend some time together; get to know each other again. I have one rule.”

“A rule?”

“Yes, a rule. I know it’s stupid, but we’re taking this slow. So in the meantime, please don’t sleep with other women. I know I have no righ—”

.” He wasn’t that guy and he wouldn’t do that to her.

“What about Katy Perry?”

“Who?” He didn’t know what she was talking about.

“The girl from the wedding, your date.”

“Journey, Cassie is just my friend. Yes, we had sex, but we were more friends with benefits. You have nothing to worry about there. Plus, after the way I acted at the reception, she hasn’t been talking to me anyway.” Dylan couldn’t believe she was really going to give them a chance. It was clear she had walls up, but he’d find a way to knock them down.

“Will you tell me about Joey?”
He leaned his head back on the sofa as Journey started telling him about their boy.




Journey was freaking out. She couldn’t find a damn thing to wear to Dylan’s parents’ house. She didn’t want to look like she was trying hard, but she also didn’t want to look like a bum. What if they looked at her and thought she was too young and incapable of taking care of Joey and tried to take him away from her? She had to make a good first impression.

The day before
, Dylan had come to get Joey and spent a couple of hours with him. It had been so hard to watch her baby boy leave, but she knew he was in good hands. Dylan had already bought his own car seat so she didn’t need to give him hers. She still had to go out to the truck and make sure it was installed correctly, though.

She was prepared for Joey to start crying when Dylan loaded him up in the truck, but he didn’t.
He giggled and babbled to Dylan the whole time he was strapping him in. She didn’t want to admit that it hurt a little that her baby didn’t seem to mind that he was leaving her. While he was gone, she kept checking the phone, worrying that she’d miss Dylan’s call should anything happen to her boy. Sure it was irrational and stupid, but they really had never been apart, and if they were it was Nan who watched him.

Journey was scrubbing the kitchen floor when Nan came over to find out how it went the night before and this afternoon.
After she told her how it went, she told her everything else that she’d hadn’t told her yet.

“So let me see if I understand this correctly.
Dylan kisses you at the park the first night and then goes to Zach and asks him to step back so you guys can see if there is still something between you. Then he’s super late to meet you yesterday, but that’s because he brought his sister and niece to meet you. You talk last night on the phone for two hours after agreeing to give him a shot, but you’re taking it slow. Do I have it all?”

, yes?” She certainly didn’t beat around the bush.

“Well, honey
, I think it’s worth a shot. Try because you were once in love with him. I don’t like the fact that Zach gave up so easily, but I can understand why he did. I hope he meant what he said about you two staying friends, because you don’t really hang out with anyone but me. Maybe you and Dylan’s sister could hang out.”

It was true
. Outside of Nan, she really didn’t hang out with anyone. She had tried to put the kids in play groups, but the other moms would look at her with disgust. Oh, they would be fine at first, but they always assumed she was the nanny. She figured they had a problem with the fact that she was so young, single, and had two kids. It hurt, but she got used to the judgmental looks.

“She wanted to exchange numbers with me so the kids could play, so that’s good.
They also have a sister-in-law we’ll get to meet tomorrow.”

“That’s great, sweetheart.
Are you nervous about meeting his family tomorrow?” Nan asked as she sat down at the dining room table.

“I am.
What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m not capable of taking care of my kids?”

Nan stood up and grabbed her hands
. “Honey, stop worrying. They’re going to love you. Those kids are doing amazing, and you know why? Because of you. Not everyone who has dealt with what you have could handle all of this, but you have. If I had a daughter like you, I’d be extremely grateful, proud and lucky. If they try to start shit with you, then they’ll have to get through me.”

She wasn’t lying
, either. Nan was protective of them all.

Nan had stuck around to meet Dylan when he
brought Joey back a couple of hours later. Journey wanted to roll her eyes when Nan got her first look at him. Of course she understood the appeal. When she had first laid eyes on him her heart literally skipped a beat. He had been sitting out on the patio at the bar and grill she worked at. It was one of the moments out of a romance novel.


Journey picked up her tray and went out to the patio to start getting orders. She had been working at Cabana’s for a couple of months. The pay was shit and tips were only good if you flirted with the male patrons. She was wearing the typical uniform: a tight red tank-top, a short denim skirt and sparkly tennis shoes. The skirt was so short she was scared to bend over for fear of her girly bits showing.

She walked outside and grabbed some drink orders and turned them in at the bar.
She ran back outside, grabbing a couple more orders and then went back inside. She loaded her tray with the drinks and thanked Jerry. She made the rounds a couple more times when she got the sense that she was being watched. When she glanced around she met the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. When she let her eyes roam over him, she felt her heart flip over in her chest. His hair was short, the color was dark brown. She could tell he had a muscular body. He had a strong jaw, a slight dimple in his chin. His lips were full, but in a masculine way.

eyes seemed to be glued to hers. She knew she should look away, but she couldn’t. Journey couldn’t tell what he was thinking because his face gave away nothing. She licked her lips nervously and she could’ve sworn she saw him shift slightly in his seat.

“Journey, your order’s up
,” Jerry the bartender shouted from the door, breaking the spell she seemed to be under. She quickly turned and went inside to get her order.

The next hour she avoided looking over at his table, afraid that she’d again be trapped in his unwavering
gaze. She took a second to run to the bathroom. After she did her business, she washed her hands and then looked herself over in the mirror. She adjusted her tank top and smoothed down her skirt. When she reached the bar she picked up her tray when Sara, one of the other waitresses, came up to her.

, Journey. There’s this hot guy out there asking for you.”

“For me?”
Sure, he had been staring at her, but there was no way he wanted her. Several of the other waitresses were prettier than she was.

“Oh yeah, he specifically asked for you by name.
He made my panties wet just listening to his voice, you lucky bitch.”

Her heart started beating a frantic rhythm in her chest. She took a deep breath and walked out the door.


Journey shook her head and stepped forward to take Joey from Dylan.
When she reached them Dylan was smiling. It warmed her heart to see the obvious delight on his face.

“Did y’all have a good day?”
Joey leapt at her and she caught him in her arms kissing his little cheeks.

“We did.
I took him to the park and then back to my place for lunch. We did have a little incident when I was changing his diaper. Does he normally squirm when you change him?”

She smiled
, knowing where this story was going. “Yeah, that just started a couple of months ago. Did he get away from you?”

“Yeah, I turned my back for one second and the little shi
—I mean stinker was up and running with his naked behind just hanging out there. He thought he was so funny too, didn’t you?”

She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips.
She felt Joey’s hands slap at her cheeks and giggle. “Were you ornery for your daddy?”

“Dada dada!” He clapped and pointed at Dylan.

The look on his face every time Joey said it made her want to melt into a puddle.
His eyes would go all soft and his smile was the sweetest she’d ever seen. Not wanting to separate father and son yet, she did something that shocked her.

“Would you like to stay for dinner?
It’s nothing fancy, just fish sticks, macaroni and cheese and applesauce. Abby picked the menu tonight.”

He seemed pleased that she asked.
“Yeah, that’d be great, thanks.”

“Okay, well
, I’m off. You kids have a good night,” Nan declared as she kissed Journey goodbye and then each of the kids. She even gave Dylan a peck on the cheek before she breezed right out the door. Dylan watched her, wide-eyed as she did all that.

“Is she always like that?”

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