Begin Again (3 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Begin Again
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He didn’t know why he was all over the place
lately. It was probably all of the wedding stuff. Dylan knew he had to make up his mind about Cassie, because if she was truly more invested than he thought, he didn’t want to string her along. She didn’t deserve that because she really was a good person and deserved to be happy. He just didn’t know if he deserved it or wanted it with her.

“It looks like they’re done.
I’ll see you there.” Cassie kissed his cheek, got up and walked out of the church.

He waited for his family and then they were off.









Chapter Three



The kids enjoyed story-time at the library
, and afterwards Journey decided to take the kids to the park. Nan was going to be keeping them all night, so she wanted to wear them out so they’d be good and sleep for her tonight. This was her first night away from them and she felt guilty leaving them with Nan just so she could maybe have sex tonight. In the past two years, she relied solely on her vibrator. Thank god for steamy romance novels. They provided her with the escape from reality that she sometimes needed.

By the time they got home she had enough time to get the kids settled over at Nan’s and then get ready for the reception.
Zach wanted to come get her, but he was going to the wedding. She told him it just made more sense for her to just meet him there. When she pulled into the driveway Nan had come across the street to meet her.

, sweetheart, did y’all have a good time today?” she asked as she pulled Joey out of his car seat.

“Oh yes.
We heard a funny story about a princess and a frog. Joey even liked it, didn’t he, Aunt JoJo?” Abby bounced around in front of Nan.

“You should’ve seen Joey. He sat in Abby’s lap the whole time.
I think it helped that the girl had puppets she used while she read.” Journey let them into the house. “I took them to the park and ran them ragged. I hope it wore them out for you.”

Nan reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
It was such a mom gesture it was hard for Journey not to cry right there.

“Honey, I don’t mind at all.
I’ve got the pack-n-play all set up in my room, and snacks and movies for Abby and I. Journey, you need this. Even if nothing happens, you need a night just for you. I’m so thrilled that you’ve met Zach because he’s a great guy, and even if nothing serious ever comes of this, you’ll still have a good friend in him.”

Journey wrapped her arms around Nan, squeezing her tight.

She left them
in the living room to finish getting their stuff together and joined them a few minutes later with both of their bags. Abby took her bag from her and Nan grabbed Joey’s.

, guys, give her a kiss goodbye.”

“Wait. I thought I’d help get them settled.”

Nan shook her head
. “Nope you’re going to get ready for the reception so you’ll be able to meet Zach there when it starts. We’ll be fine, won’t we, kids?” Abby jumped up and down nodding her head. Joey clapped his chubby little hands together and it was settled.

She took the baby back from Nan to kiss and
snuggle him quick. “Bye, my precious boy. I love you.” Kissing his lips quick she handed him back to Nan before she changed her mind and cancelled on Zach. She got down on her haunches in front of Abby.

You be a good girl for Nana okay? Help her with Joey.”

The little girl smiled and threw her arms around her squeezing her tight.
Abby let go and followed Nan across the street to her place. Journey stood there watching until they were all out of sight. She ran into the house to start getting ready.

After her shower, she was buffed, shaved and
was nervous as heck. She moisturized from head to toe. Afterwards she sprayed herself with the perfume Nan bought her for her twenty-third birthday. She slipped into a matching black lingerie set; the demi-bra gave her breasts a nice lift. They’d never been big until Joey, so now she was sporting a C-cup. The matching panties were the kind where the bottom of her cheeks hung out. Walking to the closet, she looked at her dresses, trying to decide what to wear.

She was excited and nervous to meet Zach’s friends.
The groom had been his friend since childhood. The bride was the best friend of the groom’s sister. She got back to the task at hand. She decided on a teal sheath dress that she’d worn to a wedding she had gone to with Nan. It had capped sleeves and a scoop neck that showed just a hint of her cleavage. It hit her a little bit above her knees. She slipped it on and paired it with a pair of gold-strappy heeled sandals. Going into the bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror. She had styled her hair in a loose chignon at the base of her skull. She curled the pieces that had fallen around her face.

She kept her makeup light because she didn’t want to look like she was trying too hard.
Wearing just a little blush, mascara and lip-gloss, she gave herself one more look in the mirror. She was satisfied with the results, so she threw her lip-gloss, powder, license and debit card into her leather clutch.

Heading out to the kitchen
, she took her phone off the charger, grabbed her keys and headed out the door. She glanced across the street to see Nan and Abby standing in the window. Abby was waving wildly while Nan gave her enthusiastic thumbs up. She blew them a kiss and jumped in her car. Before she pulled out of the drive way she sent Zach a quick text.


Journey: I’m on my way. I should be there in te


Zach: Great! C u soon. Text me when u get here and I’ll meet u out front.


Journey: K.


Journey pulled into the entrance of Springwood Country Club. “Wow,” she breathed. The clubhouse was beautiful; it was a large brick structure with white columns at the entrance and overhang. The landscaping was lush with colorful flowers lining the walkways. The scent of the gardenias invaded her senses as she got out of her car. She grabbed her phone and texted Zach that she was there.

Her palms started to sweat as she made her way to the doors.
People were milling around outside, a couple looked her way, but she just kept walking. She made her way through the doors and smiled when she saw Zach. He looked so handsome in his dove grey suit. The blue pinstriped shirt made his blue eyes even bluer. When he reached her she tilted up to accept the kiss he leaned down to give her.

“Wow, you look beautiful.”
Grabbing her hand, he led her towards the open double doors that led into the hall.

“Thank you.”
Her cheeks heated up and she got a warm feeling low in her belly and followed him into the hall. “You look great too. Did I miss much?”

He pulled her hand up and kissed the back of it
. “No, they just finished the speeches and everyone’s having cocktails before dinner. Let’s get you a drink. Then I’ll take you around and introduce you to everyone.”

“A drink would be good.
I’m nervous; what if they think I’m too young for you?” She hated admitting that, but he was eleven years older than her.

“Don’t worry, beautiful.
They’re all going to love you.” Giving her a reassuring smile, he handed her a glass of champagne from the bar.

As they enjoyed their champagne
, Journey listened and smiled when Zach told her about the wedding ceremony. She couldn’t wait to meet Dustin, Stacy, and their little girl, who was the same age as Joey. Maybe she’d make some friends and Joey could have playdates with their daughter. Someone announced over the microphone that dinner would be served in fifteen minutes.

She needed to slow
down, as she was on her second glass of champagne when a couple with a beautiful little toddler came towards them.

“Oh great, here’s some of the people I wanted you to meet.” He waved them over. “Hey
, guys, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend.” He squeezed her hand when he called her his girlfriend. That warm feeling spread through her again.

“Journey Cummings, this is Luke and Bellamy Carter.
The little peanut is their daughter Carrington, otherwise known as Care Bear. Guys, this is Journey.”

She froze for just a second at the last name Carter, but shook it off.
Dylan looked nothing like Luke. She covered her mini-freak out quickly by reaching out and shaking both of their hands.

“It’s really nice to meet y’all.
Your little girl is beautiful.”

Bellamy beamed at the little girl and Luke.
She learned that she was the baby sister of the groom and best man, whom she had yet to meet. They talked for a few minutes and then they walked off to talk to an older couple.

, Zach, I can see why you’ve been hiding this one. You’re gorgeous, doll.” The guy who spoke up as he reached them had light brown hair and eyes. His smile made him look like he was up to no good.

“Dude, seriously.
Journey, this idiot is one of my best friends, Skeeter Samuels. Yes, his parents hate him to give him that name. Ass, this is Journey, my girlfriend.”

Skeeter gave her a mischievous smile and wink then stuck out his hand.
She placed hers in his and couldn’t help but laugh when he brought her hand to his lips, kissing like Zach did earlier.

“It’s nice to meet you, Skeeter.”

“If you get tired of this dick, come find me and I’ll treat you right, sugar.”

She kept hold of Zach’s hand as they made their way towards their table.
Right before they reached their seats, he halted her.

, here comes the bride, groom, and the best man.”

It was like a movie.
She turned to meet the newly married couple and felt her heart stop. It was him: it was Dylan. Journey tried to school her features, even though her insides began to quake. Her body felt like it was instantly covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He wasn’t paying attention as they walked towards them because he had a tall, leggy Katy Perry look-a-like snuggled up to his side. She was going to be sick. She’d played out their reuniting over and over in her head, but it was never while he was wrapped around some other woman.

Of course
, she had Zach, and he didn’t seem to notice the death grip she had on his hand. Maybe Dylan would keep walking and not see her, but dang it, she needed to speak to him. She needed to let them know that they had a son. Not here, though. She wasn’t going to do it around a bunch of strangers and his family. The bride and groom reached them and she tried to put on what she hoped was a genuine smile.

, Zach. Who’s this?” the bride asked.

, Stace. I want you guys to meet my girlfriend. Guys, this is Journey Cummings. Journey, this is Dustin and Stacy Carmichael.”

; he lied. When they had met, Dylan told her that his name was Dylan Carter. She felt the tears start to well up in her eyes as the truth crashed through her like a tidal wave. She meant nothing to him. While she was stupid and falling in love, he was probably biding his time until he could be rid of her. The tears almost kept her from seeing the look of surprise cross Dustin’s features.

She quietly congratulated
the couple and tried to back away. Zach looked at her in confusion. “Babe, what is it?”

, um—I need to find the restroom.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dylan stiffen and slowly turn towards them.

He took a step towards her, but she backed away. “Journey, don’t go.”

She felt so exposed with them all staring at her
. Why? Why did it hurt so much? He looked the same, except for maybe a little leaner and his hair was longer than two years ago. He still had those piercing blue eyes that had always seemed to suck her in.

Her mouth started moving before she could stop it

“It’s nice to see you again, Dylan
, but I thought your last name was Carter?”

Stacy turned to Dylan and gave him a perplexed
look. She felt Zach turn her until she was facing him. Both of his hands cupped her face, she could see the realization hit him. “Joey?” Journey could only nod as a tear slid down her cheek.

“I’m sorry
, Zach, but I have to go.”

She felt his touch on her arm and turned to Dylan

“What’s going on?
” he asked. “Who’s Joey?”

No, no, no.
She couldn’t do this here, not in front of virtual strangers. They were all going to judge her. Plus she didn’t want to ruin anyone’s evening. What she had to tell him wasn’t something to do at a wedding reception, and especially not in front of his girlfriend.

“Journey, what are you doing here?” Dylan was trying to get into between her and Zach.
Why couldn’t he just walk away? He was going to make her say it here, in front of everyone. She shook her head.

, you need to back off,” Zach said.

“Stay out of it, Zach
,” Dylan said, not even looking away from her. “Why are you here? Are you stalking me? Have you been following me around?”

Journey felt the blood drain from her head.
There was a roaring in her ears. He thought she was stalking him? This was just getting worse and worse. She should’ve just forgotten all about him. How did she not see that he was an asshole? She really didn’t want him anywhere near her son if this was the kind of jerk he was. Her mind was racing. Her palm itched to connect with his face. This man standing in front of her wasn’t the guy she spent an amazing two weeks with. This wasn’t the man who gave her the most precious gift ever. He must’ve stayed in Florida when Dylan got on the plane and left her.

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