Begin Again (7 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Begin Again
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Dylan was running late. He’d gotten held up at a jobsite outside of town. When he was leaving, Bellamy called and begged to come with him to the park. She wanted to meet her nephew and Journey. Even though she was 26 now, she could get Dylan to do whatever she wanted. Maybe he was a sucker, but he loved her, and after what she went through, he’d do everything in his power to make sure she was always smiling. He knew he should call Journey or at least text her, but he wanted to hurry and get there as soon as he could.

Pulling into Luke and Bellamy’s driveway
, he watched his baby sister and niece come out the front door, followed by Luke. Cari, his niece, waved to him and ran towards the truck. He jumped out and picked her up, tossing her high as she laughed. “How’s my princess?”

“Unca Dyl
, we go to the park and see Joey?”

“You bet, sweetheart.
Let’s get you in the truck.” He walked around to the passenger side and groaned. Bellamy and Luke were inhaling each other’s faces. He looked at Carrington, who simply shook her head at her parents.

“I don’t really need to see this.” Dylan huffed.
Luke, the bastard, pulled away from Bell and took Carrington from his arms.

, Dylan, stop.” Bellamy looked at Luke and he smiled. “Dyl, we’ve got some news. We wanted you to be the first person we told: we’re going to have another baby.”

Dylan watched his baby sister’s eyes fill with tears that leaked over, spilling down her cheeks.
He grabbed her, pulling her into a bear hug. They had debated on having another baby for a long time since Bell had an emotionally exhausting pregnancy with Carrington. He couldn’t blame her, though. She’d carried his first niece almost to the end of her pregnancy before she died due to a cord accident.

“I’m so happy for you guys.
This is great news, and you told me before Dustin!” Bellamy smacked his chest with a laugh.

“Well, keep this quiet.
We’re telling everyone else tomorrow.” Bellamy kissed her brother’s cheek before she moved away from him to take Carrington from Luke. He turned away from them as the family shared a moment. When he figured it was safe, he turned back around as Bellamy strapped the princess in the back seat. Dylan went over to Luke and the two friends shared a man hug.

“I’m so happy for you guys.”

“Thanks, bro.” Luke grabbed Dylan’s shoulder and gave him a little shake with a goofy-ass grin on his face.

They said their goodbyes and finally they were on their way. He looked at the clock and it was already twenty after six. He hoped Journey was still there waiting. Again, he should’ve texted her, but he was in such a rush to get Bell and get to the park he kept putting it off.

, Dyl, what’s Joey like? I bet he’s cute. I’m so excited to have a little nephew to spoil. Is Journey nice? What a strange name for a girl. I wonder how she got it.” Bellamy was babbling a mile a minute.

, slow down there, turbo. I’ve only met him once, but you should see him, Bell. He’s beautiful. He and Violet could be twins. He’s super smart, too. Mom’s gonna go crazy when she sees him. Y’all are going to like Journey, too. It’s obvious she’s been doing great with him. They’re coming to Mom and Dad’s on Sunday.”

A few minutes later they pulled into the parking lot. He looked around for Journey’s car
—feeling his heart sink when he didn’t see it until he looked towards the exit and saw her pulling out. Quickly he pulled out of his parking spot and followed after her.

, what are you doing?”

“That’s her ahead of us.
She probably thought I ditched them.” He followed behind, and when they pulled into Shakey’s ice cream palace, he pulled in behind them. Parking his truck next to them, he noticed a little girl in the back seat. She looked up at him and smiled. He turned to his sister.

Wait here a second.”

He hopped out of the truck as Journey was getting out.

“Journey.” She jerked her head up in obvious surprise to see him.
“I’m so sorry I was so late. It’s no excuse, but I got held up at a job site and then my sister wanted to come, so I had to get her and my niece. I should’ve called you or at least texted you, but I was just trying to get there.” Journey didn’t say anything at first and it made him nervous. Her expression didn’t give anything away.

“That’s okay, Dylan. I’m glad you caught up with us.
Do you want to join us for some ice cream?”

, I’d like that.”

“Are you Joey’s daddy?” the little girl from
the backseat asked. She looked just like Journey.

, I am, and who are you?”

“I’m Joey’s cousin,
Abby. I live with my Aunt JoJo.” He raised a brow in Journey’s direction.

“It’s a long story.
” She reached into the backseat and got Joey out as he opened the other door for Abby. The girl was tiny for her age. Care Bear was younger, for sure, but was almost as big as Abby. He felt Bellamy come up behind them. Journey came around the side with Joey in her arms.

“Journey, this is my sister Bellamy and her daughter Carrington.
Bell, this is Journey, Joey and Abby.” His sister, being the sweetheart she was, walked right over to Journey, throwing her arms around her and Joey and hugged them tight.

“It’s so nice to meet
you and you, little man.” His sister held out her hands and Journey didn’t hesitate to hand Joey over. “Journey, he’s so beautiful.”

thanks. Shall we go in?” He could tell Journey was just a little uncomfortable.

She quickly herded Abby and Carrington towards the doors.
The two little girls were already gabbing like they were the best of friends. His sister was talking her ear off, but he could tell the smile on Journey’s face was genuine.

Everyone ordered their ice cream and then the girls took the kids to sit down.
When they walked away, he couldn’t help it and let his eyes wander down Journey’s backside. Two years ago her body had been amazing. It was toned and tanned, but now she had more curves and his dick wanted to stand at attention. Her hips flared out a little and her ass was more rounded but tight. It was probably from carrying their son, but even in cut-offs he could appreciate what he was seeing. He would’ve loved to have seen her swollen with his child. Watching as every day her curves became a little more pronounced and her tits got bigger and fuller.

“Sir?” The waitress brought him out of his thought
s. He grabbed the tray and headed over to the table with the others.

Carrington and Abby were sitting together, while Bellamy still held Joey in her lap.
He seemed to be soaking up the attention. Journey glanced nervously at him as he set down the tray and handed out all of the treats. He watched her tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her face was clear of makeup, but she was still one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

When the treats were passed out
, he held out his arms to Joey. “Come here, buddy.” To his surprise, Joey smiled big at him and held up his arms.

,” his boy shouted. He scooped him up in his arms and hugged him close. How was it possible to love someone so much already?

“How’s my boy? Have you been good for your momma?”
The grin he got from his little boy melted his heart and he knew that he was going to do whatever he had to to make sure his boy smiled like that all of the time.

After everyone finished their ice cream
, Bellamy gave Journey her phone number so they could set up a play date with the kids. Bellamy grabbed Care Bear’s hand and excused herself to take his niece to the bathroom. He watched Journey wipe off Joey’s face with a wet wipe while he fussed and fought her, but she was so gentle with him. She looked up, catching Dylan staring at her. She quickly turned her head, busying herself with wiping off Abby’s hands.

Dylan hated that she was so uncomfortable around him.
Maybe she was mad at him. He wondered if Zach had backed away like Dylan asked him to do. Was it a dick move? Probably, but Zach was already having second thoughts, anyway. He knew that Journey and Zach worked together, so he couldn’t help but wonder if Zach already talked to her.

“Listen Journey, I talked to Za
—” she cut him off quick.

With a saccharine sweet smile on her face
, she turned to look at him, “I’m aware of what you did. Expect a call from me later because I’m not talking about this right now in front of the kids.” Her jaw was clenched so tight he was surprised he didn’t hear the sound of her teeth breaking.

“Sure thing.
Are you mad at me?”

We’ll discuss it later. I just want to know one thing.” He could see the hurt in her eyes even though she tried to hide it. “I want to know why.”

Before he could answer her
, Bellamy rejoined them and Journey got up to leave. “We have to get going, it’s getting close to Joey’s bedtime. Bellamy, it was so nice to meet you.” She turned towards his niece and got down in front of her. “It was nice meeting you too, sugar. You’ll get to see Abby again on Sunday, okay?”

Bye, Abby.” Carrington waved to Journey’s niece.

“I’ll walk you guys out.
Bell, I’ll be right back.” He put his hand to the small of Journey’s back before he realized what he did. He could feel the heat of her skin through her shirt and caught a light floral scent that wafted up to his nose. He tried to stop himself from thinking about how soft and smooth her skin was. The way her body flushed right before she’d come so hard for him. She had been a screamer and had a filthy mouth when he’d fuck her.

When they reached her car
, he took Joey from her so she could get Abby situated in the backseat. He opened Joey’s door and placed Joey in his seat. This time he was able to strap his boy in quickly. Leaning forward, he kissed Joey’s forehead. He felt Joey slap both hands on his cheeks. “Dada, dada!”

Dylan felt something seize up in his chest, his vision blurred. He called him
“dada.” He often thought about what it would be like to hear Joey call him that. Now that it happened, all he could think about was the fact that he had missed so much already. All because he was an asshole and lied about his name. Feeling a tear slide down his cheek, he wiped it away before Journey could see it. He looked up and she was giving him the biggest, brightest smile he’d ever seen. Dylan knew she could see he still had tears in his eyes because her smile turned soft and her eyes warmed. He turned back to Joey, kissing his head again and taking in his sweet scent.

, I’m your dada, I love you so much, buddy. Be a good boy for your momma.”

He laughed and then unfolded himself from the car.

“Bye, Miss Abby.
You be a good girl for your auntie and help with Joey, okay?”

“I will! Bye, Dylan.”
He shut the door and Journey was standing right beside him.

Dylan stared down at Journey. Neither said anything as he watched her
—he loved her lips. Her bottom lip had a little split in it and was slightly fuller then her upper lip. He couldn’t help but remember the first time he kissed her.


Dylan had been reluctant to go dancing, but once he and Journey got to the nightclub he was glad he did. She was a great dancer and they danced and drank all night long. He couldn’t remember a time in the last ten years that he felt so alive. His face hurt from all of the smiling that he did. It took a whole 24 hours since he met her to feel light and free.

A slow song c
ame on over the speakers, so he pulled her out to the middle of the dance floor. She placed her hand in his and the other went around his waist. They swayed to the music as he held her closer. Dylan knew there was no hiding his erection, but he didn’t give a shit. As they danced he stared down at her and when she looked up at him, her smile was dazzling. He couldn’t help himself. He let his hand slide up her back until it reached her neck. Her pupils dilated when she must’ve realized what was about to happen. His face lowered, but she met him halfway. At the first touch of her lips, Dylan couldn’t take it anymore: his lips slammed down on hers. Her mouth opened for him and he thrust his tongue into her mouth. Her tongue touched his hesitantly at first, but she quickly joined in.

They d
idn’t move from their spot as the kiss went on and on. Dylan realized that the music had stopped and people were staring at them. He eased his mouth away from hers. Her breathing was shallow and rapid. She looked around and even in the dark lighting he could tell she was starting to blush. Grabbing her hand he dragged her from the dance floor, out of the bar and into the humid night air.


“Dylan?” Her voice thrust him back into the present.

“Shit, sorry. Listen
, I know you’re mad about Zach and I should’ve just let whatever was happening-happen, but I don’t know. I just thought we could spend some time together getting to know each other again.
Can we do that?”

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