Read Bedding the Bachelors Box Set (Books 1-3) Online

Authors: Virna DePaul

Tags: #Romance

Bedding the Bachelors Box Set (Books 1-3) (34 page)

BOOK: Bedding the Bachelors Box Set (Books 1-3)
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Their breaths soughed together, loud and erratic. His deep groans mingled with her high cries of excitement. He gave her the illusion of control, not touching her, but the piercing intensity of his gaze kept her trapped as surely as the feel of his body did.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the rise of pleasure inside her. She could feel it building and building and building. But at some point, it faltered and she almost cried out in despair.

“You gonna come, baby?” he asked, causing her eyes to pop open. “You going to get what you need like this? Cause this is all for you.”

His heated words of encouragement made her body tighten and desire surged through her again. Her movements grew almost frantic as she sought release.

But it remained outside her grasp.

It wasn’t going to happen. No matter how badly she wanted it, no matter how determined she’d been to make him hot and take control of her own sexuality, she was going to fail again.

With a small whimper, she stopped moving and collapsed into him, burying her face in his neck. Her fingers clung tightly to his T-shirt as frustration thrummed through her. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around her, one hand cupping the back of her neck while the other rubbed soothing circles on her back.

She was so frustrated and embarrassed that she wanted to cry, but somehow she managed not to. Minutes passed. Eventually, she tried to pull away, but he stopped her.

She refused to look at him, instead staring at the floor. All she could think about was escaping his intense gaze. If she’d only stuck with her plan, directing and controlling his pleasure, she wouldn’t have to deal with having another talk about her sexual defects. Maybe it wasn’t too late…

She tried to slip away again, this time to return to where she’d been before, on her knees. His arms tightened, refusing to let her go.

“Look at me, Grace.”

With a sigh, she did.

“It’s okay…”

She laughed harshly. “Nothing about this is okay.”

He shook her slightly. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”

“How can you say that? I was into it. What we were doing was hot. I should have been able to—”

“Grind against me in a public gym for less than five minutes and make yourself come?”

“Five minutes, five hours, it wouldn’t have mattered. It wouldn’t matter where we were, either. I was almost there. I always
t get there. I just can’t cross the finish line.”

She used more force to pull away from him and this time he let her go. With a sigh and a teasing smile, he also stood. “Five hours? Really?”

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

Arms crossed, he leaned against the wall. “What I know is you’ve somehow gotten it into your head that if you can’t orgasm, sexual pleasure isn’t worth a damn.”

“Like you think any differently? Would you be okay settling for morsels that only leave you starving for a full meal?”

“I wouldn’t be okay with it. But I hope I’d appreciate what I could get. And I’d keep working toward more.”

“I guess I’m just not as enlightened as you are.”

“No. You’re frustrated because you’ve been dealing with the reality of this for years. I get it. But you’re also embarrassed and ready to give up as a result.
. And I’m telling you I’m not going to let that happen.”

“It’s not up to you. Look, I’m sorry for wasting your time but I can’t do this again. Not with you. Not with anyone. But thank you for all your help.”

She moved toward the door.

He straightened and stepped in front of it, blocking her escape.

He stared at her.

She stared back.

She waited for him to give up and move aside.

He didn’t.


“Giving over control to me scares you that much, doesn’t it?”


He stepped toward her and she instinctively backed up. He kept coming. She kept backing away. Until her back hit the wall and he caged her in with his arms on either side. He leaned in close, until she saw nothing but the pure perfection of his green eyes. “We had a deal. I gave it up and you enjoyed it. No, you didn’t go all the way, but I’m not a quitter and neither are you, Dixie. We’ve barely gotten started.”

She flattened her palms on his chest and pushed, not budging him an inch. Beneath his workout shirt, he was muscled. Hard. Luscious. She curled her fingers into fists. “What’s the point in getting started? You want me to admit I want you? That I see you as more than a tool to get me off? Fine. I want you, Max. Y. O. U. But that doesn’t matter. Even with you giving me anything and everything I want, I can’t even—”

He took hold of her arms and lightly shook her. “I haven’t given you everything you want, Grace, because I haven’t figured out what that is. Despite your attempts to protect yourself, I will. You want me? Well, I want
,” he said. “I want to explore you. I want to savor you. And I want you to do the same with me. I want to prove doing those things is a reward in and of itself, and worth any frustration you might have to deal with.”

“You’re talking in circles. One second you say you’ll get me off. The next you’re telling me I need to accept getting off isn’t necessary to enjoy sex. You really think you’re good enough to juggle both those concepts at once?”

“I think
going to be that good. You had your turn at control. It’s only fair you give me mine.”

She stared at him. “I don’t know what you want me to say. All I can say is what I said before. I’ll

He seemed to ponder her words before reaching some mysterious conclusion, after which he released her, stepped back and nodded. “Fine. This time, I’m willing to accept that answer.”

“Why now and not before?”

“Because now I’m beginning to understand the reason you came to me the other night isn’t because of my reputation as a playboy, but as a bad boy.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you giving up control isn’t what you need, Grace. Me taking it away from you is.”


“You’re high as a kite.”

“Am I?”

“You are if you think I’m going to let you ‘take’ anything from me. I’m not into the BDSM scene, Max. Whips and chains don’t work for me.”

“How do you know? Have you ever tried it?”

“I know.”

He shrugged. “That’s not what I’m talking about anyway. I don’t need leather and chains to take what you need me to take from you, Grace. A private room, you armed with your safe word, and the two of us naked, preferably with a bed in the mix, will do just fine.”

“And what if I don’t want you to take what you’re so dead set on taking? You’re going to hold me down and make me?”

“Assuming you don’t use your safe word? That’s right.”


“And just the thought of me holding you down and taking everything you have to give me, everything you secretly want to give me, has you turned on.”

“You’re wrong.”

“I’m not. The piercings, that damn sexy tattoo on your back—which I am going to see before this day is over—all your talk about knowing what you like and part of that being control, hell even the pole-dancing and lap dance… That’s all part of you, yes, but mostly it’s a cover to hide what you really want. What you’re really most ashamed of. You can try to fool yourself, but you’re not fooling me. Lots of women get off on being dominated. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I’m not embarrassed, it’s just not true. You can think whatever you want, but if you intend to hold me down and
anything from me, that changes things. I’m leaving.”

“I thought we already established you’re not leaving until I’m ready to let you leave.”

His utter gall amazed her. Her own undeniable reaction, evidenced by the moisture that pooled between her thighs and by the near-painful tightening of her nipples, shocked her.

This time, she didn’t walk toward the door. She lunged and ran.

Before she knew it, he had her against the wall, his body pressing into hers, her wrists pinned at either side of her head. Instinctively, she fought him. Kicked out and tried to push him away. But he didn’t budge, and she was faced with how strong he was. How his suave, sophisticated, civilized exterior was a complete and utter sham. Deep down, he
a bad boy. He just didn’t need a leather jacket and biker boots to announce it to the world.

Fear trickled through her, but he was right—arousal was there, too. So much arousal that she had to actually go looking for the fear. But she found it, and clung desperately to it. She had to. A grown woman who got off on being dominated by a man?
by a man?

“Look at me, Grace.”

“Go to hell.” It was on the tip of her tongue to say it.
. But she didn’t.

Because she didn’t really want him to let her go.

He transferred both her wrists to one hand, pinned them over her head, then cupped her chin with his other hand and made her look at him. Even as he did, she was conscious of how gentle his touch was. “What did I promise you last night?”

“You promised a lot of things,” she shot back.

“I promised I wouldn’t hurt you, and if you didn’t like something I did, after giving it a fair shot, I’d stop. You trusted me then and you have to trust me now.”

“I’ll trust you if you let go. This isn’t you, Max. You’re not a sexual barbarian.”

“I already told you, Grace, I’m whatever my lover needs me to be. A sexual barbarian might not be who I am most of the time, but it’s part of me. Just like wanting to be sexually submissive is just a part of you. It doesn’t define you. Outside the bedroom, it doesn’t mean a goddamn thing.”

What he was saying made so much sense, but the fact he was persuading her just freaked her out even more. She struggled some more to no avail. “Max, I’m not kidding. You need to stop. Keep it up and I swear, I’ll cancel your birth certificate. I’ll cut your tail. I’ll slap you to sleep, then slap you for sleeping. I’ll—”

With his body pressed against hers, she felt how he shook with laughter.

“This isn’t funny,” she snapped.

He struggled to wipe the amusement from his expression and finally succeeded. “Calm down and look at me.”

“I am looking at you.”

“No, Grace,
look at me.”

She did.

“Am I hurting you?”


“Then what are you scared of? Besides, as we’ve already established, losing that precious control we talked so much about.”

“I don’t know. I’m just—I don’t like this.”

“You’re scared of it,” he said. “Of what it’s making you feel. You came to me, Dixie, and now I see you came to me because you’re tired. You want me to take care of things for you. So let me.” He bent and kissed her neck, then nipped at her, the resulting pain contrasting sharply with the way his tongue immediately soothed the area.

She couldn’t help it.

She sighed.

He pulled back, awareness and satisfaction in his gaze. “This is your last chance. Decide you’re going to trust me or we stop things now and walk away. Say the word, and this is done and I won’t bring it up again. But think carefully before you give me your answer. And study what you’re feeling right now. Is it fear or is it desire that has your pulse beating so fast?”

It was desire. Pure desire. She liked the feeling of being pinned down by him. She liked the idea of not having to take responsibility of her pleasure, of her damn orgasm, anymore. But she still couldn’t admit it. All she managed to get out was, “Tell me what you mean by making me take what you have to give me.”

“I mean you’re going to take everything I have to give you. Every inch. Every drop. And when the time’s right, you’re going to come. Because I’m not going to give you any another choice.”

Her whole body trembled, all her muscles clenching, including the ones at her core. She felt empty. Achy. She wondered… if he was inside her at that moment, if she clamped down on the hard length of his cock…
she come?

Without loosening his grip on her or lessening the pressure he was using to hold her down, he kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth again and again until she felt drugged. His soft lips contrasted so deliciously with his hard jaw, covered with just the beginnings of stubble. She imagined that roughness against the inside of her thighs, and felt her core spasm so hard she bit his lip. He jerked and kissed her even harder. She lost track of how long they went at it. When he abruptly pulled away, she felt dizzy and disoriented.

She whimpered in distress and he immediately kissed her again, this time keeping the pressure light. Savoring. Comforting. Eventually, he graduated to sprinkling gentle, close-mouthed kisses across her face and throat.

Finally, he released her wrists. Pushing back her hair, he cupped her face. “You okay?”

She nodded.

“You still scared?”

“A little,” she whispered.

He stepped back. “Too scared to take my hand?”

He held out his hand, his implicit message clear. She couldn’t say it yet. She couldn’t admit she wanted what he said she did. But by taking his hand, she wouldn’t have to.

She couldn’t justify it. She couldn’t rationalize it. It was just something she felt deep down in her soul. If she was ever going to trust anyone with the hidden parts of herself, it would be him.

It was now or never.

She took his hand.

Chapter Seven

Max’s Magic Rule #8:

The best magicians fake it on stage, never in bed.


After Grace took his hand, Max gave her one last light, close-mouthed kiss then murmured he was going to shower, change and meet her up front. Grace did a quick rinse off and clothes change, silently lamenting she hadn’t brought make-up or anything fancier than a T-shirt and jeans. Why would she? She’d been planning on working out, not going a few rounds with Max, but now that she had, now that she’d agreed with no-room-for-doubt to let him take whatever he wanted—no, now that she’d agreed to let him take whatever she secretly wanted to give him, and the answer to that was
—she was seriously nervous and longing for some feminine battle armor. If she had some mascara and lipstick, hot rollers, a LBD, and some seriously rocking heels, she’d be feeling a bit more prepared for whatever was going to come next.

BOOK: Bedding the Bachelors Box Set (Books 1-3)
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