Because You Love Me (16 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Because You Love Me
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After several frustrating moments of looking at the message and finding nothing even remotely like a pin number, Bridget put her head down on the table.

She was leaving the day after tomorrow. Her escape from reality was about to come crashing to a painful halt. While she’d loved every moment of her time with Matt and Mark, none of them had discussed what would happen after she boarded that plane and returned to New York. She sensed that the men, like her, were afraid to admit something they all knew.

They lived in Wyoming on the land that had belonged to their family for over a hundred years. They earned their living on that ranch. She was a city girl—born and bred. Her apartment, her job, her friends and family all resided on the east coast.

She felt a hand land on her head, lightly massaging her scalp. Mark’s. She’d become accustomed to their touches, knew whose hand it was without looking. They’d played a game in bed one night where they blindfolded her, then took turns touching and kissing her. After each red-hot interaction, she had to guess which man it had been. She’d been right every single time.

Matt stood up, coming behind her to rub her shoulders. “It’ll be okay, Bridge. We’ll get that flash drive out of the bank. You and Rodney can take it back to New York and Rodney’s job will be safe. You have to believe that. You’ve come too far to give up hope now.”

She didn’t respond. Depression was closing in fast. Leaving them was going to be the hardest thing she’d ever done. “What’s going to happen to us?”

She’d resisted asking the question for days, fearing the answer, not wanting to accept the truth. She couldn’t hold it in any longer.

A chair scraped along the floor and strong arms lifted her from the table. Mark. She never ceased to be amazed by his sheer strength. No one had attempted to pick her up since she was a child. He did so with ease, walking across the room and gently depositing her on the bed.

Mark lay down beside her, wrapping her up in his warm embrace. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, darlin’. All I know is I don’t want to lose you.”

Matt sat on the edge of the bed on her other side. “Me either. You kind of crash-landed into our lives, didn’t you?”

She grinned. “That’s one way to put it.”

Matt’s face sobered, more serious than usual. “We’ve got a lot of stuff to mark off our list before we start worrying about that. We need to get that flash drive out of the bank. We need to get you and Rodney back to New York safely and you need to testify. That’s a lot of shit to deal with, and until that’s off our plates, I don’t think we should make any other big decisions.”

He was right. She knew that. Right now, she was an emotional basket case, living in a constant state of fear, anxiety and arousal. Until she finished this latest chapter in her book, she’d be a fool to start a new one. “You’re right.”

“But Bridget,” Mark said, turning her face toward his, “you need to know, whatever happens, we’re crazy about you.”

It was the closest any of them had come to admitting their feelings. If she’d felt free to speak what was written on her heart, she would have been screaming the words
I love you
to both of them. “I’m crazy about you guys too.”

Mark leaned forward and kissed her. She could hear Matt taking off his clothes behind her, felt the bed dip when he joined them. Mark released her and Matt took over, offering her long, deep, tantalizing kisses as his twin got undressed. Then, together, they slowly peeled off layer after layer of her clothing, taking their time to caress each newly bared bit of skin.

By the time she was completely naked, she was flushed, hot, aching.

Every night their passion grew, every interlude more exciting, more thrilling than the one before. Bridget had become a master of multiple orgasms, something she’d never hoped to have, let alone enjoy night after night.

Mark rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. She loved being on top and had shared that tiny tidbit with them on their first night alone together in the cabin. She grinned at Mark’s invitation as he handed her a condom. She slid it on him, then slid herself on it, both of them groaning when her ass reached his thighs. He filled her completely.

Originally she’d thought the twins were identical everywhere, but as they continued their explorations of each other’s bodies, she’d learned that Mark’s cock was thicker where his brother’s was longer. The distinctions allowed them to stroke different pleasure points inside her. She loved the stretched sensation Mark’s cock created.

She started to move, thrusting up and down along his erect flesh. She was surprised when she felt Matt’s hand press on her shoulder, halting her.

She glanced back at him, confused. His face was hungry, determined. Her pussy clenched with excitement. She didn’t know what he had planned, but she’d loved every erotic adventure he’d led her on. She trusted both of these men—with her body, and if she was being completely honest, with her heart.

“Bend forward.” He lightly pushed on her upper back, moving her into the position he wanted. She leaned over until her breasts brushed Mark’s chest. Mark wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. His cock still filled her and she shuddered, a strong wave of arousal coursing through her with this new position.

Matt stroked her ass softly and she moaned. Yesterday afternoon, she’d started a small water fight, throwing some on Mark and then Matt as a joke. They’d chased her around the cabin, threatening to spank her for being a brat. Once they caught her, they bent her over the kitchen table, pulled down her pants and put their money where their mouths were, taking turns placing erotic slaps on her ass until she was begging for them to take her. She trembled as she recalled Matt fucking her from behind as she gave Mark a blowjob.

“I haven’t been bad tonight,” she teased, wondering if he wanted to resume the spanking. She’d never tried such a thing before yesterday, never thought she’d enjoy it. It had been very clear to all three of them she’d loved it.

Matt ran his hand along her right ass cheek before gripping it in his large palm and squeezing. “You’re right. You haven’t.”

She was confused by his vague answer and his hesitation. It was clear he had something on his mind, but he seemed afraid to pursue it.

Then he moved, his fingers drifting between her legs, pausing at her anus.

She stopped breathing, blinking rapidly as he pressed a single finger against the ridge there.

“Matt,” she whispered.

“Say no and it stops here.”

She shook her head and he paused. She hastened to explain. “I don’t want to say no.”

Mark’s hand stroked her hair. “You understand what we’re asking for?”

She grinned against his chest. Mark—ever the protector.

She lifted her head and looked him straight in the eye. “I know exactly what you’re asking for.”

Matt shifted on the bed. As she glanced over her shoulder, she watched him pull a tube of lubricant from the nightstand drawer.

“You keep lube in the cabin?” Her question was meant as a joke, but there was a thread of seriousness underlying it.

Matt gave her a guilty look she found completely adorable. “I packed it when we went back to our place for clothes. Along with a shitload of condoms. Call me optimistic.”

She couldn’t help it. She giggled. He always managed to make her laugh, even in the most serious of times.

She placed her head on Mark’s chest and let the steady thumping of his heart soothe her. He ran his hand through her hair, adding to the calm that was quickly taking over. A tiny part of the old Bridget briefly woke up, telling her she should be freaking out and backtracking as fast as possible. She dismissed the thought the second it arose.

She wanted this more than she’d ever wanted anything. For the past week, her men had been taking turns inside her body, sharing her.

Tonight, they would truly be together, a trio, the perfect blending of three.

Matt squeezed some of the cool lube on her anus, working it in slowly, first with one finger, then two, and finally three. She’d begun to squirm, anticipating his motions, as her body began to demand more. When Matt put on a condom, covering it with a generous amount of lube, she knew she was about to get her heart’s desire.

He placed the head of his cock at her opening. None of them spoke as Matt slowly pushed his way in.

She felt Mark’s heart begin to beat harder against her cheek. She lifted her head to look at him, but her vision was cut off when Mark gripped her face and pulled her lips to his. His kiss told her everything she needed to know. He felt it too. He knew exactly how special this night, the moment was.

They were crossing the boundary, moving into unexplored territory together. With this one act, the three of them were committing themselves and their bodies to the ménage, to each other.

Once he was seated to the hilt, Matt released a long sigh. She appreciated the care he’d taken to prepare her for this, to make sure it didn’t cause her any pain. Neither of them would ever hurt her.

Mark released her lips and looked over her shoulder at his brother. No words were spoken, but she could read the silent communication between them now. She understood. They were brothers. They were in this together. It was good.

She smiled and felt a small tear trickle down her cheek.

“Bridget?” Mark asked, swiping the moisture away. “You okay?”

She nodded. “I’m great. This is perfect.”

Mark grinned. “Better than perfect.”

Matt reached around her chest and grasped her breasts in his hands. “Ready for the next level?”

She glanced over her shoulder, torn between laughter and happy tears. “So ready.”

They took her at her word, both men beginning to move in tandem. As Matt retreated, Mark thrust in. When Matt returned, Mark moved out. The sensation of being doubly penetrated, doubly taken, was too intense, and soon Bridget felt herself spiraling out of control as orgasm after orgasm racked her body.

Mark was the first to join her in ecstasy, crying out as he came. “God, so good.”

She wanted to agree, but she’d expended every ounce of breath, exhausted every scream she had.

Matt came next, squeezing her breasts as his release took over. All he said was her name over and over. “Bridget. Sweet Bridget.”

None of them moved for several moments, none of them willing to break the connection. Matt was the first to retreat. Pulling out of her body slowly, he placed several light kisses on her back as he left her. Falling to her side, he threw his arms over his head.

He was a sweaty, gorgeous mess.

She laughed. “You okay?”

“Un-fucking-believable. I think that was probably the single greatest experience of my life.”

Leave it to Matt to sum things up so succinctly.

It was her turn to move next. She pushed herself upright on arms that felt like Jell-O. Mark released a light groan when she lifted up and his soft cock fell out.

She looked down and repeated her question. “You okay?”

He shook his head. “I’ve never felt anything like that, Bridget. Never.”

She agreed. She wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to go back to plain old vanilla sex with one man. Matt and Mark had ruined her.

“Ruined you?” Matt asked, laughing.

Had she spoken aloud? From the amused looks on their faces, she guessed she had. She rolled her eyes, then gave in. “For other men? Yeah. Completely.”

Mark’s gaze darkened. “Good. I don’t want you with any other men besides us. Ever.”

It was as close as any of them had come to speaking their desire for a future together.

Matt reached over and ran his hand along her arm. “Me either. Lay down, Bridget. Let us hold you.”

She claimed her spot in the middle, accepting their individual cuddles as they each took turns going to the bathroom to dispose of condoms and clean up. She was touched when Mark brought back a warm washcloth and cleaned her gently.

“Sore?” he asked when he ran the soft rag between her legs.


He gave her a disbelieving look and she giggled.

“Maybe a little. But I like it.”

Matt laughed. “Our little pain junkie. You need to stop teasing me like that or I’m going to start taking you seriously.”

She didn’t respond. Instead, she curled into Mark’s embrace, wrapping her arm around his waist. Matt claimed his spot behind her, spooning her. They’d discovered early on this was their ideal sleeping position. She sighed contentedly. She had a million things to think about, to consider, but her body was simply too tired.

She gave herself up to sleep. For the first time in months, her nightmares disappeared completely, replaced by sweet dreams of her handsome cowboys.

Chapter Ten

The next day passed in a whirlwind of activity as they prepared for Rodney and Bridget’s return trip to New York. Rodney hadn’t seen the hit man since that day outside the hotel over a week earlier. They were hopeful he’d determined they weren’t there and had moved on.

With the trial date quickly approaching, Rodney had returned to the cabin as they planned their departure from Saratoga. He’d secured them airline tickets under assumed names with the help of his partner on the police force. His partner had confirmed that Rodney’s chief had blown a fuse after their disappearance and wouldn’t be satisfied until Rodney’s head was served to him on a platter.

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