Because You Love Me (13 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Because You Love Me
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She narrowed her eyes, ready to protest his insult, but they didn’t have time for the argument. And he was right. She was clumsy as hell, especially in the dark.

“Fine. I’ll stay here. What happens if you don’t find anything?”

Rodney sighed. “Then I’m afraid we may have to crash the reception after the funeral. Maybe try to question the relatives. Somehow.”

She could tell from his tone Rodney didn’t like that option.

“You two didn’t make it very far,” Mark said as he joined them.

Rodney quickly shoved the obituary back in his pocket as Mark handed Bridget a sweatshirt.

“Not sure where Jessie keeps her sweatshirts and I didn’t think she’d appreciate me rifling through her drawers. Brought you one of mine. Might be a bit big.”

“This is perfect. Thanks.” For several minutes, she tagged along as Mark showed Rodney around the stable, introducing him to the horses. It gave her time to consider Lyle’s message. They’d broken the first half of the code and it had led them to Ellen Updyke in Saratoga. Bridget silently prayed Rodney would find the flash drive tonight, so they could put the rest of infuriating puzzle away.



After dinner, Rodney claimed he had a headache and announced he was heading back to the inn for the night. Neither of the twins questioned his departure, obviously assuming she’d set it up with him because of their invitation.

Jacob declined to watch a movie with them, opting instead to head to bed with a book.

Matt grasped her hand and started to take her into the living room, but she held back.

“Where’s your bedroom?” she asked. She’d spent most of dinnertime alternating between anxious butterflies in her stomach and an ache between her legs. She wanted to sleep with Matt and Mark, even if the idea of taking on two wholly masculine, very virile men at the same time made her nervous as hell.

Mark pulled her close. “Bridget, we don’t have to do anything tonight if you aren’t ready. There’s a guest room that you’re more than welcome to—”

She held up her hand. “Stop right there. The only way I’m sleeping in a guest room is if you two are with me.”

Matt took the hand she’d raised in his and led her down the hallway. “Then so be it. Both of our bedrooms are upstairs, but so is Jacob’s. Tonight we’ll sleep in the guest room. Lucky for us, it has a nice, big bed.”

She followed Matt into the room, then turned to watch Mark close the door and lock it.

He gave her a guilty grin. “Just making sure we’re not disturbed. Jake is a nosy fucker. Wouldn’t put it past him to come looking for us later when we don’t come up.”

She giggled. “Do you think he’ll be scandalized when he realizes we’re all in here together?”

Mark shook his head. “My kid brother? Hell no, nothing shocks that guy.”

Matt turned her to face him. She sucked in a breath at the pure hunger in his gaze. Rather than speak, he simply bent forward and kissed her. His lips grazed hers softly at first before he deepened the action. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck, letting her fingers glide through his thick, dark hair.

His hands grasped her face, gently turning her head this way and that so he could advance the kiss, keep his lips on hers. It was heady, dizzying, perfect.

She heard Mark approach, felt his hands grip her waist from behind. He didn’t try to break her and Matt apart. Instead, he added his warmth to the union, pressing his lips softly against the back of her head.

After a lifetime of amazing kisses, Matt stepped back and let her turn into Mark’s embrace. Mark took over, claiming her lips. She waited for Matt to touch her as well, but he didn’t. Mark didn’t give her a chance to wonder about Matt’s absence for long.

As his lips devoured hers, he worked the button and zipper on her jeans loose, then pushed the denim over her hips.

He released her lips and she reached down to strip the jeans the rest of the way off. All of her nerves fled in an instant. There was nowhere else on earth she’d rather be at this moment than with her two beautiful men.

Glancing over her shoulder, she giggled when she spotted Matt. While Mark had entertained her with kisses, her second lover had been busy. Not only was he naked, he’d lit several candles in the room and pulled down the sheets on the bed.

“Anxious?” she asked.

“Impatient.” Matt reached for the hem of her shirt, tugging it over her head. No sooner had the material hit the floor than Mark had her bra following.

She stood, soaking in Matt’s muscular physique. There was no question he was a physically strong man who worked outside for living. His skin was darkened by the sun and his muscles had muscles.

Mark’s sudden movement caught her eye and she watched as he removed his clothing. The identical features didn’t stop at their faces. Mark’s body was as beautiful as his brother’s.

“Damn,” she whispered when her gaze drifted to the lower regions. Though she’d sampled a bit of both men this afternoon, she hadn’t had a chance to study their physiques. Neither man was hurting in the cock department. She squeezed her legs together as her arousal built.

Mark moved closer, kissing her again. She loved the feeling of his bare skin against hers. Every inch of her was on fire, sensitive to the touch. Matt’s hand brushed her ass and she jumped a bit.

Mark noticed the movement. “Okay?”

She didn’t want him to misinterpret her response. “So horny.”

Matt chuckled. “Well, we can take care of that. In fact, I think we better do it soon because my cock is about to explode.” He took her hand and led her to the bed as she laughed.

Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined a night like this. She never would have thought herself bold enough, brave enough to do something society would dub so completely scandalous. And yet, here she was, embarking on one of the most exciting adventures in her life.

As she lay down on the bed, she was surprised how easily Matt and Mark followed her. It was a new experience for them as well, yet neither of them was balking or shy. Instead, they seemed completely focused on her.

Mark lifted her slightly, moving her to the middle of the mattress before covering her with his body and kissing her once more. She liked his kisses, liked the time he took exploring her mouth. She’d had lovers in the past who treated kissing as an item on the sex list—once they’d given her a few, they’d checked it off and moved on.

As Mark continued to kiss her, Matt let his fingers do the walking, caressing her breasts, stroking her stomach, rubbing her feet. There was no part of her left untouched, and after several moments, her body began to react like a live wire, sparking at every subtle brush of Mark’s tongue in her mouth or Matt’s fingers on her skin.

“God,” she said, breaking away to suck in some much needed air. “Please. I need more. I’ll die without more.” She was about to spontaneously combust. She’d never thought there could be such a thing as too much foreplay, but she needed a man inside her. Now.

Matt reached beside the bed, toward the nightstand. “Well, we can’t have that. We’re just getting to the good part.”

He grabbed two condoms, tossing one to his brother.

“Matt,” his brother warned. “I thought we agreed we were going to take this slow.”

“No,” she said loudly. “Please, I’m begging you.” She squeezed her legs together, trying to find some relief. She’d never felt so empty, so needy.

Matt grinned at his brother. “You can go slow later. I’m just going to help her take the edge off.”

Before she could respond, Matt was between her legs, his cock poised at the entrance to her body. Their eyes met as he pushed inside. No more questions, no more kisses, just the two of them looking at each other as their bodies joined. It was amazing.

Once he reached the hilt, he paused for a second. He gave her a goofy, completely adorable grin. “We’re doing it.”

She giggled. “Yeah, we are.”

He didn’t say more as he started to thrust inside her. She groaned in relief and pure pleasure as he moved—his cock filled her completely, and for the tiniest second, she considered that he seemed to be made for her.

That thought was driven away when he started to move faster, deeper. She threw her head back on the pillow and cried out. They’d teased her for too long and Matt felt so damn good. She was close.

“Matt, I—”

“It’s okay, Bridge. We’ve got all night.”

Then it came. The touch.

Glancing to her right, she saw Mark lying next to them on his side with his head propped up by one hand. He was watching her face, her reactions. When she looked down, she noticed his other hand had entered the game. He wiggled his finger and applied more pressure to her clit.

She exploded. Matt groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic, slower as her pussy clenched around him.

“Jesus, sweetheart. Fuck. I wanted to go longer, but—”

Matt gave up. His climax began just as hers started to wane. Mark pressed against her clit again and she screamed. The motion triggered a second, quick orgasm. She’d never, never had a second orgasm in a single night.

“Holy shit,” Matt gasped. “So fucking good. So hot. Christ, Bridge, I thought you were going to squeeze my cock off. Your pussy should be declared a lethal weapon.”

She grinned, loving his dirty compliment.

Mark’s finger disappeared as Matt withdrew and fell to the mattress on her opposite side.

Mark sat up. “That’s quite a bedside manner you’ve got there, bro. Do you have to describe everything in vivid porn detail?”

Bridget could tell he was more amused than annoyed. Still, she felt she should come to Matt’s defense. “I like it. Makes me hot.”

Mark gave her a crooked grin. “Don’t encourage him. I’m sure he’ll only get worse.”

Bridget lifted her arms to Mark. She should have been exhausted. She expected to feel wrung out and hung out to dry. Instead, the moment she saw Mark and his lovely erection, she got her second wind.

Mark accepted her silent invitation, covering her body with his. She was a tall woman. She’d never felt tiny in any man’s presence, yet Matt and Mark left her feeling petite, almost delicate. She liked it.

Mark kissed her again, but rather than the long, deep, soul-searching kisses he’d given her early, these were shorter, quicker, but just as sexy and romantic. “You sure you’re up for another round? We can wait a little while. Give you a chance to rest.”

She was touched by his thoughtful gesture, then she glanced down at his painfully erect cock and shook her head. “No way. I want you now.” It was the truth. Though she’d only known these men a few days, it felt like much longer to her. She wasn’t sure if in the past she would have jumped so quickly, but she was different now.

Since Lyle’s death, since her life had become a day-by-day attempt at surviving, she’d learned to take each moment as it came and to enjoy it. The old Bridget would never have jumped into a threesome so quickly, never would have taken this chance.

The old Bridget was a fool

“Come inside me, Mark,” she whispered.

He quickly donned his condom and then he was there. Like Matt, Mark knew how to use his equipment.

Her smile grew at the thought and she briefly considered saying it aloud. Matt would have laughed at her raunchy joke, but she knew Mark was trying to make this moment special for her. His gentle soul touched her.

His movements, unlike his brother’s, were slower, more controlled, but no less potent. Mark paid attention to her body’s cues, her quick intakes of breath. He read her body’s language to slowly and methodically drive her to the peak once more. Unlike Matt’s quick, explosive style, Mark took his time and gave her time to get there too. She wasn’t sure how long they clung to each other, their bodies pulsing together, but she was brought back to earth when she heard Matt mutter the word “beautiful” beside her.

It was beautiful. Every part of it. Mark reached down and stroked her clit. He’d learned during her interlude with Matt how much that simple touch turned her on. It had the same effect again. It was the trigger to her climax, and she cried out as she came. Mark joined her. Together, they trembled and gasped as their bodies took their pleasure.

Sated, Mark pulled out of her, then bent down to kiss her. Once he moved to her right, Matt gripped her chin and pulled her face toward his, adding his kiss to the mix.

“Best night ever,” he murmured when they broke off the kiss.

Mark and Matt, though identical, had offered her two very different experiences. Mark, ever the gentleman, was a romantic, thoughtful lover. When he placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, she thought she’d melt, while Matt brought out the fun parts of sex, talking dirty and making her laugh. It was the ideal combination.

She agreed with Matt’s sentiment wholeheartedly. “Best night ever.”



Bridget tiptoed down the hallway the next morning. It was well after six a.m., but neither man had stirred. She was wearing Mark’s sweatshirt and Matt’s boxers that she’d snatched from the floor. She grinned as she recalled the night. She should be back in bed, sleeping like the dead as well, after the workout the twins gave her. Instead, she was wide awake and giddy.

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