Because You Love Me (11 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Because You Love Me
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She blinked in surprise, then glanced down, mortified to discover her bare legs sticking out from beneath the blanket. Mercifully, Rodney couldn’t see exactly how naked she was from the waist down.


“Wait,” Matt said, putting his hand on her arm to prevent her from rising. “Why don’t you two spend the night here? Now that we know what’s going on, we’ll be better prepared.”

She shook her head, fighting back the tears at his chivalrous offer. He had no idea what kind of shit storm awaited her. Even if Thompson’s henchman didn’t find her, she had no choice but to return to New York City. While there, she’d continue to be sequestered during what was certain to be a highly publicized trial.

“No.” She couldn’t continue with the charade. Much as her heart longed to stay here, she knew she’d only be living on borrowed time. That wasn’t fair to Matt and Mark. “We really should head back.”

Wrapping the blanket securely around her, she headed toward the guest room and her own clothes. She’d only made it one step in the room when she felt a tear slide down her cheek. She batted it away quickly. Matt and Mark would never let her leave if they saw her crying. She took a deep breath and dressed quickly.

All four men were standing in the living room when she returned. While Jacob looked disappointed, Matt and Mark looked downright miserable.

“I had a great time.” She felt like she owed them at least a little bit of truth. The reality was tonight had been one of the best evenings of her life. She reached for Matt’s hand, then took Mark’s in her other. Squeezing tightly, she smiled, trying to hide the sadness behind it. “Honestly. You’re both amazing men. I can’t thank you enough for…” She paused, a million words flying through her mind—the riding lessons, the omelet, the friendship, the sex. Finally, she just said, “Everything.”

Mark’s face darkened. “You make this sound like a good-bye.”

While it had to be farewell, she also realized how much harder this would be if they knew she was planning to run. “Does it? I don’t mean it that way. I guess I’m just overly tired. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

And that was the most painful lie of all. She swallowed, but the lump forming in her throat held tight. She was saved from having to speak again when Rodney stepped up beside her.

“You ready to go, Bridge?”

She nodded and let him lead her away from the ranch.

Away from them.

Chapter Six

Bridget opened her eyes the next morning, then closed them again quickly to shut out the bright stream of morning sunshine.

Still here
, she thought.

She and Rodney had gotten into a hushed-voices version of World War III last night after Jacob dropped them off at the B&B. It had been their first major disagreement since being thrust into each other’s lives six months earlier.

When they’d tiptoed up to their room shortly before two a.m., Bridget had been ready to start packing their bags immediately, but Rodney told her she was overreacting. She’d just managed one of the most difficult tasks of her life—walking away from Matt and Mark in order to keep them safe—and he said she was overreacting?

Her head had exploded as they heatedly argued—in whispers lest they wake up the other patrons of the inn—for nearly an hour. She’d lost the fight.

Rodney informed her they had nowhere to go and no money to purchase transportation out of town. He also insisted that he was determined to crack Lyle’s code and find that flash drive. According to him, he couldn’t go back to New York without it and expect to keep his job. Even with it, he feared he was facing the unemployment line. Rodney intended to continue searching for Ellen, the godmother, even though Bridget was beginning to think that clue was as wrong as “God’s grave” had been.

She’d told him as much and then accused him of only wanting to stick around for Jacob. Rodney got angry and said she only wanted to run because she was hot for two cowboys and too chicken to do anything about it. After that, they’d gone to bed, the silence in the room suffocating her until she finally managed to drop into a restless sleep.

“I know you’re awake.”

She didn’t open her eyes or acknowledge Rodney’s comment. She was still mad.

Her bed dipped and she felt Rodney’s thigh press against hers as he sat next to her. “Bridget? I’m sorry about last night.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him. She didn’t like the tired look in his eyes or the sadness on his face.

“I’m sorry too.” She was. She’d been overwrought. Her mother always accused her of being melodramatic. Last night had been a perfect example of that character flaw.

Rodney grinned. “Things always look better in the morning.”

She considered the fact they were stuck in a strange town with no money and a hit man on their trail, and were no closer to finding the flash drive. Then she remembered Matt and Mark, the way they’d caressed and kissed her last night. She smiled too. Maybe things weren’t so bad after all.

“So I take it you and Jacob had a good time last night?”

Rodney leaned closer, his face answering her question without words. He looked downright cheerful. “It was okay.”

She laughed, picking up her pillow and lobbing it at his head. “You go to hell for lying.”

He dodged her blow. “Hey, I’d say in comparison with your evening, my night was only okay. I just can’t imagine how your pants—and panties—ended up on the floor.”

Fucking observant cop. “I’m not answering that.”

“Come on, kitten. We’ve been living celibate lives here. You gotta give me some details. Inquiring minds want to know. Which James twin were you with?”

She blushed. She thought he’d figured it out already, but apparently he hadn’t. Saying it aloud was going to be tough. “I wasn’t with either of them. We just sort of fooled around some.”

Rodney nodded. “Okay. So you fooled around. Who with?”

She opened her mouth, determined to put him off, but then she thought better of it. She needed advice. Bad.

“Both of them.”

Rodney was silent for only a moment, and when he opened his mouth, it wasn’t to speak or judge or condemn her. It was worse. He laughed. Loudly.

Her temper was piqued. “This isn’t funny.”

Rodney continued to chuckle. “You’re damn right, it’s not. It’s fucking hot. Holy shit, girlfriend. I knew you were pretty cool, but I had no idea—”

She smacked him on the shoulder. “I’ve never done anything like that before. Hell, I’ve never even had a one-night stand. This is just…” She threw her arms out in frustration. “I need advice here. I’m flying blind. Big time.”

“And you think I can tell you how to proceed in this little threesome you’re indulging in? Don’t mean to disillusion you, Bridge, but I suck at dating one person at a time.”

“You don’t think I’m, oh, I don’t know, sort of slutty for messing around with both of them?”

He shook his head. “You don’t have a slutty bone in your body. Do you think this is normal for them? I mean, maybe it’s a twin thing.”

“No,” she replied quickly. “They said last night it was new for them too. I’m not sure why I’m even letting myself get carried away with this. We have to leave soon and then—”

A knock at the door prevented her from finishing.

Rodney stood and opened the door. Matt and Mark stood in the threshold. She glanced at the clock. After their late-night argument, she and Rodney had slept in. It was nearly eleven o’clock.

“Still in bed, sleepyhead?” Matt asked.

Rodney came to her defense. “We had a bit of a rough night. Thought we’d treat ourselves to a lazy morning.”

Mark walked in to the room, concern written on his face. “More bad dreams?”

She shook her head. “No. It was nothing really. Everything’s better today.”

“Good,” Matt said, entering the room and lifting up a basket. “Because we’re taking you on a picnic.”

“A picnic?” She laughed. “It’s February. And freezing outside.”

Mark shrugged, unconcerned. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“Inside, where it’s warm,” she joked.

Matt shook the basket lightly under her nose, the scent of fried chicken causing her hungry stomach to growl. “Seems a shame to waste this big lunch.”

“Where are you taking her?” Rodney asked.

Mark never missed a beat. “It’s a secluded place on the James Ranch, Rodney. No one will see her there. Promise.”

Rodney seemed appeased by his answer. “Sounds like fun, Bridge. You should go.”

“What about the ranch? The horse training. Surely you haven’t finished all your chores.”

Matt picked up her jeans from the floor and tossed them to her. “There’s a local guy who helps out sometimes whenever one of us is sick or we need a day off. All work and no play…”

Mark headed back toward the door. “Get dressed. We’ll wait for you downstairs.”

“Okay.” Her head chastised her heart, which was racing at the thought of spending an entire afternoon alone with the handsome twins again. She’d been so determined last night to avoid them, to keep them safe.

The door closed and she looked up, surprised to find Rodney still there.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I’m weak-willed and stupid.”

He walked over and sat down beside her once more. “No, you’re not. You’re a beautiful woman who’s falling in love.”

“I don’t deserve to fall in love. Not after what happened with Lyle. If I hadn’t insisted that he bring me that information instead of going to the cops—”

“Stop,” Rodney said firmly, his voice laced with anger. “Don’t you ever say that again. You were not responsible for Lyle’s death. He called you. He offered you the information.”

“I should have told him no. Told him to go straight to the police. Instead, all I could think about was myself. I wanted that damn promotion so badly. God, I screwed it all up. I should have insisted we meet in public instead of that abandoned warehouse. I should have put my recorder somewhere where it would have actually picked up voices. I should have insisted we take backup.”

“You can’t live your life based on
should have
, Bridget. Lyle was a grown man. He knew what he had. His death was not your fault. Lucian Thompson killed him. Not you. You’re a good friend. You’ve put your life on hold for months so that you can see that murderer brought to justice. You’re risking your life to find the information that can bring down God knows how many more criminals as well.”

Rodney’s words were comforting, though she couldn’t quite let them penetrate the part of her that would always feel responsible for Lyle’s death. Still, she appreciated his effort. “Thanks.”

“Go on your picnic. Have fun. Hell, one of us may as well try to get laid.”

She laughed. “What will you do today?”

“Same old, same old. The Ellie Parker lead was a bust. Struck up a conversation with her while she was making my root beer float. Her given name is actually Ellison. She gets offended when someone calls her Ellen. Really? I’m pretty sure there’s an Ellen somewhere in this damn town. I’m going to find her. Tell you what. I’ll meet up with you at the James Ranch later this afternoon. For right now, it looks like we’re still on the day-by-day plan. Lucky for us, there are three cowboys willing to help us wile away the hours.”



Matt leaned back on the large, plush quilt and grinned at Bridget as she dug into the chocolate mousse they’d packed with enthusiasm. For a slim woman, she sure did enjoy her food. The picnic had been Mark’s idea. Matt had to admit it was inspired.

The gazebo rested in the middle of a meadow on the east end of the James Ranch. Their father had built it for their mother as a wedding gift during the first year of their marriage. It was positioned with the perfect view of the mountains on one side and the ranch—far off in the distance—on the other. The winter she’d been diagnosed with cancer, their dad had added the glass windows and the small gas heater, so Mom could rest in comfort while enjoying the view of “her” mountains, as she called them.

Neither he nor Mark came here often. They’d always considered it their mom’s place, but bringing Bridget had felt right.

“I have a confession,” Bridget said.

“Another one?” Mark teased.

She swatted him with her cloth napkin. “Very funny. I’ve never had homemade fried chicken before.”

Matt sat up. “Get out of here. Really?”

She nodded. “Really. My mom didn’t like to cook. My experience with fried chicken doesn’t stretch much beyond a red and white tub with a picture of the Colonel on front.”

Mark reached over and lightly tugged on a strand of her hair. “Damn. It’s downright scary how much of life you’ve missed out on. You may need to make plans to stick around here a few more weeks, so we have time to catch you up.”

“A few weeks,” she teased. “You think that’s enough time to expose me to all the wonders of good country living?”

“Better make that months,” Mark added. “Or even a year, just to be sure.”

Though Matt knew they were kidding around, he also knew there was a strand of seriousness behind his brother’s request. Matt wanted more time with her too. More time to figure out what this feeling was and what to do with it. He’d known Bridget less than a week, but he felt certain he was falling in love with her.

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