Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4) (6 page)

Read Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4) Online

Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Adult, #Erotic, #Western, #Cowboy, #Ranch, #Brothers, #Series, #Saga, #Montana, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Forever Love, #Remington Ranch, #Paradise Valley, #Real Estate Co., #Single Mother, #Five-Year-Old, #Daughter, #Chance Encounter, #Family Life

BOOK: Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4)
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“Are you okay?” asked Susie, making her realize that she’d been standing there staring while she thought about it.

“Yes. Sorry. I’ll just get my purse and be on my way.” She stopped at the front door and hugged Ruby to her. So what if Beau thought she was a monster? What did he know? “You be a good girl.”

“I will. You have a nice time.”

Corinne kissed her cheek. “Thank you, sweetie.”

Susie held the door open for her.

“Call me for any reason, okay?”

Susie smiled. “Stop worrying. But yes, I promise I’ll call you if we need you.”

“Thanks.” As the door closed behind her, Corinne wanted to run back inside. She felt as though she was being pushed out into her new world, her new life, and she wasn’t ready for it yet. She took a deep breath and made herself get a grip. That was ridiculous. Of course she was ready. She was going to get this new life off to a great start. Screw Beau Remington! She chuckled as she walked down the path to her car. No! That was one thing she was not going to do.

It was just a short drive up East River Road from the ranch to Summer and Carter’s place. Mason and Gina had offered to pick her up on their way there, but she’d declined. She didn’t want to seem rude or standoffish, but she did want to be able to make her escape whenever she was ready. She needn’t have worried. Gina had given her an understanding smile and had stopped Mason from trying to insist. Corinne had a feeling that she and Gina might become friends given the chance.

She didn’t have any problems finding the place. She’d driven by yesterday just to make sure she knew where she was going. She turned in and drove down the long driveway. Once she’d pulled up in front of the house she took a good look around. It was a beautiful place. A gorgeous log built home that was far too grand to be called a cabin. It sat on the bank of the river and there were beautiful views of the mountains in every direction. She started to regret her decision to wear jeans. Maybe she should have dressed up more. She turned to look as a truck pulled up beside her.

Gina grinned at her through the window. Corinne was relieved to see that she was wearing a nice, but not dressy, top.

“I told you, you should have let us give you a ride,” said Mason as he got out of the truck and came around. He too was wearing jeans, and a shirt she’d seen him wear at the ranch.

Gina smiled at Corinne. She really had understood. “I know I’d have driven myself if I were you. There’s nothing like being able to make a quick exit when you want one.”

Corinne smiled back. “It’s only because of Ruby though. I’d hate to have to cut your evening short if Susie calls.”

“We could have taken you home and then come back,” said Mason.

Gina patted his arm. “We all know you can take of us, Mase. We get it. But I think Corinne is used to taking care of herself.” She linked her arm through Corinne’s and started up the steps to the front door.

“I do appreciate the offer.” Corinne smiled at him. He seemed like he was used to taking charge and taking care of people. Even though she didn’t want or need his help this evening, she didn’t want to offend him.

He grinned. “That’s okay. I’m learning. Gina here says I can be a bit domineering, but I’m only trying to help. Apparently you ladies like to be a bit more independent than I give you credit for.”

Gina linked her free arm through his and smiled up at him. “You really are learning. And I do love you for trying.”

The two of them were obviously very much in love. It made Corinne smile to see the way they looked at each other. She’d never had a love like that; she’d doubted that it even existed, but Gina and Mason were living proof that it did.

As they reached the top of the steps the front door flew open and Shane appeared. “You made it!”

Mason laughed. “Of course we did. We’re not even late.”

Shane rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean you, asshole. I mean my new best friend, Corinne.” He took hold of her arm and led her inside.

“Hey everybody, Corinne’s here!” he called as he led her into the kitchen.

She already knew Shane well enough to know that this was just his way. He was full of life, and energy—and loud!

Cassidy caught her eye and laughed. “I’m sorry. You’ll have to excuse the asshole I call my fiancé.”

Shane grinned. “Ignore her. She’s mean to me. Mean I tell you.”

Summer laughed. “Don’t buy it for a minute, Corinne. No one is ever mean to Shane. He just likes to go for the sympathy vote every chance he gets.”

Carter gave her a shy smile, and nodded. “It’s true. Can I get you a drink?”

She nodded. Wondering what might be on offer.

“I already poured you one.”

Beau! He’d made it then. Part of her had been hoping he wouldn’t, but she couldn’t deny that part of her had been hoping he would.

Chapter Six


Corinne had to catch her breath at the sight of him standing there. Wow! She’d seen him in a suit in the wine store, in riding gear—complete with cowboy hat—at the ranch on the weekend, and now here he was rocking the casual GQ look. He was gorgeous! She tried to recover her composure when she realized that everyone was watching.

Beau came toward her with two glasses of red wine. He held one out to her. She looked down at it then up into deep brown eyes. She ran her tongue over her lips, not sure she’d be able to speak, her mouth had gone so dry. She didn’t miss the way his pupils dilated before he smiled.

“It’s good stuff. I know you like it.”

She looked down at the glass again. More of the expensive Cab?

He nodded, seeming to have heard the question she hadn’t asked as she took it from him.

“Thank you.”

“Can I take it you two have met before?” asked Shane.

Corinne wasn’t sure she liked the mischievous gleam in his eye. She simply nodded, unsure how best to answer.

Beau surprised the hell out of her when he came to stand beside her. “We have.”

Her traitorous body was loving the closeness of him. Waves of goose bumps chased each other down her spine as he rested his hand on the counter behind her. Why could her brain not take charge and remind her racing heart and butterfly-filled stomach that this man thought Ruby was a monster?

“Hey, Corinne,” called Cassidy. “You need to come out on the deck and see the view from here.”

She knew Cassidy was trying to rescue her—from the brother that she thought had his head up his ass! Part of her wanted to stay by his side, but that was crazy! Cassidy was offering her weak-willed self a lifeline, and she needed to grab onto it while she could.

“If you’ll excuse me?” She didn’t dare look into his eyes; she just hurried over to where Cassidy was waiting by the doors that led out onto the deck. She could feel him watching her with every step she took.

Once they were out on the deck, Cassidy closed the door behind them and held up her glass in a toast. “You can thank me anytime, though now would good.”

Corinne laughed and chinked her glass against Cassidy’s. “Thank you.”

Cassidy raised an eyebrow. “So how do you know Beau?”

“I don’t know him. We just ran into each other a couple of times already.”

“Oh, shit! You don’t like him, do you? I didn’t screw up, did I?”

“No! I appreciate you springing me from what could have been an awkward moment.”

“Why awkward? And why didn’t you say no?”

“No to what?”

“To the question of whether you like him.”

Corinne blew out a sigh. “Okay. I can answer both questions in one go.” Why not? She may as well admit what was going on. Cassidy was going to be a part of her life, she hoped they would become friends, and friends shared confidences. “Awkward because, yes, I do find him attractive.”

Cassidy shrugged. “I can see that. He is a good-looking guy.”

“However, he can’t stand Ruby and,” she had to smile, “I have it on good authority that he has his head up his ass!”

Cassidy chuckled. “Umm. I’m guessing I may have screwed up and said that when Ruby was around?”

Corinne nodded. “Just a heads-up, if you don’t want something repeated, make sure she’s not within earshot when you say it.”

“And try to make sure I don’t use any bad words, right? I’m sorry.”

Corinne held up a hand. “No, I wasn’t…”

“It’s okay. You’re too nice to say it, but I should know better. Anyway, where does all that leave you with Beau? Torn, I guess?”

Corinne shook her head. “No. It has to be cut and dried. How could I like a guy who thinks my daughter is a monster?”

Cassidy pursed her lips. “I’m sure Beau thinks all kids are monsters. It’s nothing personal.”

“It is to me!”

“I know, but…Damn, I can’t believe I’m going to stick up for him, but I guess he and I are the same in this. He’s not used to kids. He doesn’t know how to treat them, and well, more than that even, Beau’s not used to anyone telling him what’s what. From what I’ve seen, Ruby speaks her mind.” She smiled. “You know, I just realized that maybe I’ve struggled with Ruby because she and I are pretty much alike. Strong, smart and not afraid to speak our minds.” She nodded. “She’s a good kid!”

Corinne had to smile, thankful that Cassidy’s breakthrough regarding Ruby had come so easily. If only the same thing could happen for Beau! “Okay, so you figured out what
problem with her has been.” She noticed that Cassidy made no attempt to politely deny that she’d had a problem. “What do you think Beau’s problem is?”

“Like I said. She speaks her mind. She tells it like it is.” She thought about it for a few moments. “I guess they’re too much alike as well. He’s used to getting his own way. And he’s used to being in charge, in control.”

Corinne nodded. That certainly described Ruby even though she didn’t like to admit it. “But they’re traits that are acceptable in a little girl, even if not desirable. But she’s just exploring her world and finding her place in it. Describing a full-grown man in the same way doesn’t make him sound very appealing.”

Cassidy shrugged. “Maybe I’m being too harsh.”

“But you don’t like him?”

“It’s not that. It’s just. I don’t know. He’s not as open as the others, I don’t know him as well, but I think that’s because he’s not easy to get to know.”

“Hey, ladies,” Summer stuck her head out the door. “The coast’s clear in the kitchen now if you want to come back in?”

“Thanks.” Corinne followed Cassidy back inside

“Where’ve they gone?” asked Cassidy.

Summer smiled. “Carter decided he wanted to show them his new greenhouse he’s working on. Though I think it was really just an excuse to get all the guys out of the way so us girls could talk.”

Gina smiled. “He’s such a sweetheart. He makes out he’s so clueless, but he keeps an eye on everything, doesn’t he?”

Summer’s eyes shone and she nodded her agreement. “He’s the most amazing guy ever.”

Corinne smiled at the way Cassidy rolled her eyes. “Forgive our little love-struck missy here.”

“Nothing to forgive,” said Corinne. “I think it’s awesome.”

“Thank you,” said Summer.

“Looks like someone else is love-struck from what I could tell, too,” said Gina. She raised an eyebrow at Corinne. “What’s the story with you and Beau?”

She sighed. “There isn’t one. I mean, he’s an attractive guy. I know none of you will argue with that, he’s a Remington after all, but that’s all there is to it.”

“You don’t like him?”

“Whether I like him or not is irrelevant.”

“But why?”

“Because he doesn’t like Ruby!”

“Oh.” Gina’s face fell. Corinne had to notice that she didn’t have any arguments to offer. She shrugged. “It’s okay. I’m used to it. Being a single mom and dating don’t exactly go well together. If I’m going to take a risk on a guy I need to have a pretty strong inkling that he’s worth it. From what I’ve seen,” she looked around at the others, “and heard, Beau doesn’t exactly inspire the right feeling.”

“Aww,” Summer looked upset. “I wish you’d give him a chance. He means well.”

“If it was just about me, I probably would. But I have Ruby to consider. It’s hard knowing that she thinks the world of him, when he can’t stand her.”

“I think it’s more like he’s scared of her,” said Gina.

“Whatever it is, I don’t want to take the risk of her getting hurt. It’s just not worth it.” She turned at the sound of guys coming back in. “I’m glad I got to talk to you all about it, but I’d rather we just dropped it?”

The others nodded their agreement.

“What’s going on in here?” asked Shane as he came and wrapped an arm around Cassidy’s shoulders. “What kind of trouble are you ladies brewing?”

Cassidy turned to look up at him with big wide innocent eyes. “Nothing. What makes you ask?”

“Now I’m worried,” said Shane with a laugh. “I didn’t think you were up to anything till you gave me the Little Miss Innocent look. Now I’m pretty damned sure you are.”

Cassidy laughed and pushed him off her. “What are you saying?”

Shane shrugged. “That you, my love, can be accused of many things, but being innocent isn’t one of them.”

Cassidy huffed as she pushed him again. Corinne loved the banter and the sparring those two had going most of the time. She turned away and found Beau watching her. A jolt of electricity shot through her veins, making her scalp tingle—and other places too.

He raised his glass to her and came toward her. He really was a good-looking guy.

“Listen, I wanted to apologize for what I said about Ruby.”

She nodded. She didn’t know what to say, she hadn’t thought he’d address it directly.

He leaned his head down and looked into her eyes, making her heart flutter, just the way he had when she’d first laid eyes on him. “I mean it. I’m sorry.”

For a moment she stared back into those big brown eyes. It’d be so easy to get lost in them and to believe that he meant it. Like she’d just told the girls, if it were only about her, she’d take the risk and see where it went. But it wasn’t just about her. It was about Ruby too. “Thank you.”

He held her gaze for a moment longer and then gave a brief nod.

~ ~ ~

Beau turned away. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t lie and say that he thought Ruby was great really. He didn’t! He did want to get to know Corinne, but he wasn’t sure that Ruby was an obstacle he wanted to overcome in order to do so.

He was relieved when Summer called them all to sit down. Though when he made his way to the table he found himself seated beside Corinne. He gave her a rueful smile as he sat down.

“Do you think you can stand it?”

“Stand what?”

“Having to sit next to me.”

Her smile took his breath away. She was so goddamned beautiful! “Of course I can. And since Ruby’s not here, I’m guessing you can stand to sit by me as well.”

He nodded. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“I know.” She shrugged. “It’s hard not to be defensive about her though. I’m all she’s got. She’s all I’ve got.”

Beau thought about that. The perspective of a parent wasn’t one he’d considered before. He nodded. “I’m sorry.”

She gave a little laugh. “You don’t need to keep saying it. How about we move on from there?”

“Gladly.” He looked up to see the others watching them. He caught Mason’s eye and lifted a shoulder.

He was pleased that Shane seemed to be in great form tonight. He kept everyone entertained with tales about the guest ranch. Occasionally Beau stole a glance at Corinne. She was enjoying herself, laughing with the others, not afraid to throw in a comment here and there. On more than one occasion their eyes met as he caught her looking at him. Why, oh why did she have to be Ruby’s mom? It’d be a no-brainer if she wasn’t. He was pretty sure that she felt the same way, but she did have a kid to consider. No matter what he thought of the kid, he did respect that. He thought again about what she’d said earlier. She was all Ruby had, Ruby was all she had. What must it be like to be wholly responsible for someone else’s life? He shuddered at the thought. He’d never really given much thought to the matter of parenthood. Yeah, he’d assumed he’d be a dad someday. But someday was a long way away.

When they’d finished eating, the conversation turned to Corinne. Beau sat up a little straighter, eager to get to know more about her.

“Yeah,” she was answering Mason. I did love Napa, I would have stayed there if I could.”

“Just as long as you don’t plan on hightailing it back there the first chance you get!” interjected Shane. “I need you.”

Cassidy pushed at him. “Then start behaving like a grown-up or poor Corinne will want to get out of here as fast as she can.”

Corinne laughed. “No, I like it here.” She grinned at Shane. “Even though I’m not sure about my new boss yet.”

“You should have a probationary period,” said Cassidy. “Only the opposite of the usual. He needs to be on his best behavior if you’re going to stay.”

Corinne nodded. “That could work.”

“And how about Ruby?” Beau couldn’t figure out the look Summer shot him as she asked the question. “How’s she settling in?”

Corinne nodded. “So far, so good. She’s looking forward to starting Pre-K. And Susie’s going to be picking her up and dropping her off.”

“I’m glad that worked out,” said Shane.

“Me too. Thanks so much for suggesting it.”

“Sure thing. I knew she was looking after her grandkids, and I figured it might help you both out. Plus it gives Ruby some built-in friends before she starts school.”

“Is she with Susie tonight?” asked Beau. He’d wondered where she was, but hadn’t liked to ask.

“She is.” Corinne checked her watch. “And I should probably get going. I don’t want to leave them too long on their first night together.

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