Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4) (8 page)

Read Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4) Online

Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Adult, #Erotic, #Western, #Cowboy, #Ranch, #Brothers, #Series, #Saga, #Montana, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Forever Love, #Remington Ranch, #Paradise Valley, #Real Estate Co., #Single Mother, #Five-Year-Old, #Daughter, #Chance Encounter, #Family Life

BOOK: Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4)
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He sighed. “No. As a matter of fact, I want to do something nice for them. Not that you’ll believe that of me. See ya.”

He hung up, pissed that everyone got so antsy about his opinion on the division of the ranch, or more specifically on Chance getting a share. He stared out the window. Why shouldn’t they get that way, though? He never missed an opportunity to make his opinion known. He felt bad. Shane had only been trying to talk honestly with him, and he’d shut him down. He needed to stop doing that. Wanda’s words about him putting up walls and keeping people out echoed in his head. He picked his phone up and called Shane back.


“It’s me, asshole.”

“I know.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Can you just wait while I find a way to record this conversation and then repeat that?”

He had to laugh.

“I’m sorry, too, Beau. I didn’t mean to piss you off. I guess we’ve just gotten so much more relaxed with each other lately. I felt comfortable enough to say it before I remembered I shouldn’t go there.”



“Am I that bad?”

“You haven’t been lately, no.”

“Well, I guess that’s something, at least.”

“It is. Anyway, we don’t need to be on the phone for hours doing kissy, kissy make up stuff. I’m sorry, and I’m thrilled that you called me back.”

“I’m sorry, too. I think I’m getting a bit better. And I’m glad I called you back, too.”

“Great. Then everything’s just peachy again. Kissy, kissy, smoochy, smoochy, love you big bruv. Talk to you soon.”

Beau laughed. “Yeah, right. See you soon, Shane.”

Beau hung up smiling to himself. Not so long ago it would never have occurred to him to call Shane back. Nor would he have given the conversation another thought. It seemed he was changing. Was it just because Wanda had pointed out his shortcomings? He didn’t think so.

Chapter Eight


Corinne woke early the next morning and lay staring at the ceiling, running over her encounter with Beau. At dinner at Summer’s house, she’d seen a guy she liked, in personality as well as looks. Well, apart from that one minor detail about Ruby! He was someone she could be friends with. Then when he’d come after her on the way home she’d seen a guy she liked even more, and someone she’d like to be more than friends with. Was that true though? What he was offering was sex. That wasn’t
more than
friends. It was different from friends, wasn’t it? She sighed. And was it something she was interested in? A wave of heat washed through her. Hell, yes! Her body, at least, was more than interested. The question should be whether or not it was a wise move. It’d be the odd night here and there. He was her new boss’s brother. He was an integral part of the social life she was going to have here. How would it be when they were out with everyone else as they no doubt would be? Would they just screw each other on the quiet and then be civil acquaintances when anyone else was looking? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. And the most important question was, what about Ruby?

“Mommy? Are you awake?” As if on cue, Ruby came into the bedroom clutching her favorite bear.

Corinne sat up. “Yes, I’m awake, sweetie. I’m just getting up.”

Ruby climbed onto the bed and sat beside her. “How many days until I start school?”

“Four more.”

Ruby smiled. “That’s not many.”

“Are you excited to go?”

“Yes, I get to play with Tara and Josie, and I get to go to Miss Susie’s with them after school too.”

Corinne nodded. Ruby was an outgoing little person. She was glad she didn’t have to worry about her being shy or nervous. “Did you have fun with Miss Susie last night?”

Ruby nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. We did letters and we went for a walk and she told me all the horses’ names. When can I ride Gypsy again?”

“I don’t know, sweetie. We’ll have to ask Mason.”

“Tell him I’ve been good, won’t you?”

Corinne smiled. “I will, because you have. You’ve been very good. Now, do you want to come and help me make us some breakfast?”

“Yes! Can I squish the oranges?”

Corinne laughed. “You can help.”

Once they’d had their breakfast and were dressed and ready for the day, Ruby wanted to take Corinne for a walk to show her where she’d been with Susie last night. Although she still had a lot to do before she started work on Monday, she agreed, knowing that once she did start work there wouldn’t be many opportunities like this to just enjoy time together.

As they walked down the path from the cabin toward the barn, Ruby chattered about the horses she’d seen last night.

“Do you want to know who’s my favorite?” she asked.

“I bet I can guess.”

“Go on then.”



“Oh, I don’t know then.”

“Him!” Ruby pointed to a tall dark horse grazing by himself.

“And what’s his name?”

“Troy! Isn’t he handsome?”

“Yes, he is.” He really was a beautiful horse.

“He belongs to Beau.”

“Oh.” Just the mention of his name sent shivers racing through her as she remembered the feel of his lips on hers. Thinking about the way he’d felt as he held her to him, she wondered if there was any way she could turn down his offer.

“Are you okay, Mommy?”

“I’m fine, sweetie.” There was her reminder why she should turn him down. She’d have to keep secret from Ruby where she was going, and that just wasn’t right.

They’d reached the fence and Ruby called to Troy. He lifted his head and looked in their direction, but didn’t come over.

“I don’t think he likes me.” She looked so disappointed.

“I’m sure he does.”

Ruby shook her head forlornly. “He wouldn’t come last night either. All the others do.”

“Maybe he just likes to be by himself more than the others do.”

Ruby shrugged. “Gypsy!” The pony lifted her head and neighed loudly when she saw them. She came cantering over and stopped at the fence, poking her head between the rails to nose at Ruby.

Ruby giggled. “See, I know Gypsy likes me.”

Corinne nodded. It certainly seemed that way.

“Hi, ladies.” Shane came out of the barn and striding toward them. “I wondered what was up with Gypsy, now I know she’s just excited to see her friend.”

Ruby grinned up at him. “She is my friend. I’m excited to see her, too. Can I ride her?”

“Ruby!” Corinne didn’t want her pestering for rides every time she saw Shane. That would get old very fast.

Shane smiled. “Not right now, I’m afraid. Maybe this weekend.”

“Thank you!” Corinne was relieved that she was appeased with that, and that she remembered her manners. It was important to her that Ruby should be polite to her new boss and not get too familiar with him. Shane was easy to be around, but he was still her boss.

He smiled at her. “So, you got home okay last night?”

She nodded, willing herself not to look embarrassed. He couldn’t know what had happened between her and Beau on her way home, could he? She forced herself to smile and to speak. “Yes, thanks. It was a lovely evening.”

“It was. You’d better get used to it, we do that once a week at someone or other’s house.”

“I did enjoy it, but don’t feel you have to invite me all the time. You gave me a job, you don’t need to provide a social life too.”

Shane grinned. “Sorry, too late. You’re stuck with us. Can you imagine the…” he hesitated and looked at Ruby, “...the grief Cassidy would give me if you weren’t there? You’re one of the girls now. You’d better get used to it.”

She nodded. “I do enjoy their company.”

“And I hope you enjoy the brothers’ company, too. We’re not so bad when you get used to us. And I know one brother in particular is more than happy to have you even up the numbers.”

She willed her cheeks not to flush. “I enjoy everyone’s company,” was the best neutral response she could come up with.

Shane raised an eyebrow. “You do?”

Oh, no. Was he reading more into her reply than she’d intended?

She nodded, deciding that
least said, soonest mended
was a good one to try for.

Shane winked. “Good to know.”

She smiled. Hoping that was the end of the awkwardness.

“How would you feel about joining us on Saturday evening? We’re having a cookout for all the guests. They’ll have checked in Saturday afternoon, so they’ll be your first guests when you start Monday. I thought it might be nice for you to meet them before you’re in your official role.”

“That’d be great,” she smiled, relieved to move the conversation back to work matters.

“Great. I need to get going for now, but I’ll see you around.”

“Okay, boss.”

Shane laughed. “I have a feeling when you get started I’m going to be the one calling you boss.”

“Probably. I won’t deny I like to take charge once I find my feet.”

“Good; that’s what I need you for.” He looked down at Ruby. “What are you two doing today?”

“I wanted to go for a ride.” Ruby’s bottom lip was starting to slide out.

“But since we can’t ride every day, we’re going to go up to town and do some shopping,” said Corinne.

Ruby’s smile reappeared. “We are?”

“Yes, we are. After you finish telling me all the horses’ names.”

Shane lifted a hand. “I guess I’ll catch you later, then.”

“Bye, Shane,” called Ruby as he walked away. He turned back and gave her a wave. “I like Shane,” she said when he’d gone.

“I like him too. And it’s a good job, since he’s going to be my boss.”

Ruby nodded. “He won’t be a mean boss.”

“You don’t think so?”

“No. I can tell.”

Corinne smiled. Her daughter did tend to be a good judge of character. She had good instincts about people. So what did that say about Beau? She still claimed he was her favorite.

~ ~ ~

It was twelve-thirty by the time Beau got to the office. Wanda peered at him over the reception desk and gave him a questioning look. “I hope you’ve had a busy morning?” she asked.

He laughed. “I thought I was supposed to be the slave driver around here?”

“Well, it’s almost lunch time and I haven’t heard a peep out of you yet today. I figure there are two possibilities. Either you’ve been a busy little Beau, making pots of money so you can give me a raise. Or, you’re avoiding me because you don’t want to tell me how last night went.”

Beau came in and closed the door behind him. “I’ve had a very busy morning, if you must know.”

“And you don’t want to talk about last night?”

He laughed. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you know I’m going to interrogate you about Corinne and Ruby!”

He shrugged. “Ruby wasn’t there. It was a nice evening.”

Wanda gave him a stern look. “And?”

“And what?”

“What happened between you and Corinne?”


“Don’t lie to me, Beau Remington. I can tell by the gleam in your eye that something happened.”

He shrugged. “It wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to go talking about it though, would it? I need to protect the lady’s reputation.”

Wanda’s hand flew up to cover her mouth. “Now you really have to tell me! What happened?”

He laughed. “Nothing!”

“Something! Or you wouldn’t have said that.”

“I just said it to get you going. You’re too easy to wind up.”

“I’m not buying it, Beau. Something happened.”

“Okay.” Beau couldn’t believe it, but he was about to tell her what he’d done. Part of him wanted to know what her reaction would be. He’d been rationalizing his offer to Corinne as a practical solution for two people who were attracted to each other, but who didn’t want to get involved in each other’s lives. A little voice in the back of his head kept telling him it was wrong though. He knew Wanda’s reaction would give him a good read on that. “I made her an indecent proposal.”

Wanda laughed. “And what exactly does that mean?”

“I suggested that since we’re obviously physically attracted to each other, but we both know I wouldn’t be any good with her daughter…” he hesitated. Here it came. “…we should just get together to have sex sometimes.”

Wanda’s eyes widened and she stared at him, seemingly speechless. That didn’t last long. She laughed loudly. “You son of a gun, Beau! You take the biscuit. What did she say?”

“I didn’t give her chance to answer. I left her to think about it.” He smiled, remembering the way she’d felt, rubbing herself against him, kissing him back so hungrily. “I think she’s giving it some serious consideration though.”

Wanda grinned. “Well, good for her!”

“Really? You don’t think I’m an asshole for even suggesting it?”

“I don’t. I think you may live to regret it, but it’s probably just what a girl like her needs.”

That took Beau by surprise. It was pretty much the opposite of what he might have expected—Corinne might live to regret it, but it was just what
needed! “Why would I be the one to regret it?”

Wanda grinned. “Oh, I dunno. I just have a feeling that you like her a lot more than you realize. And by the time you do realize, she’ll just see you as bonking material, not boyfriend material!”

He laughed. “Bonking material?”

Wanda laughed with him. “Or whatever you call it these days. Someone to screw around with, but not someone to settle down with.”

“That’s fine by me. That’s exactly why I suggested it. I’m not looking to settle down and most definitely not into a life that includes Ruby.”

Wanda nodded sagely. “Only time will tell.”

Beau nodded. She had him wondering now. “I guess it will. In the meantime, how are the docs coming for Hickory Lane?”

She tapped the top file on the pile beside her. “All done and ready to roll.”

“Thanks, Wanda. You’re the best.”

“And don’t you forget it!”

“No worries there, how could I forget when you remind me every day?”

“I just need to make sure you appreciate what you’ve got.”

“I do, and to prove it, how about I go pick us up some lunch from the coffee shop?”

“That’d be great! Thank you.”

“The usual?”

“Yeah, and don’t forget my cookie!”

He laughed. “I won’t. See you in a few.”

He let himself back out and walked the few blocks to the coffee shop. He was making his way to the counter when he stopped in his tracks. Ruby was sitting at one of the tables by the window. Corinne had her back to him, but Ruby had spotted him. A big smile was plastered all across her little face.

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