Beast of Venery (9 page)

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Authors: Isabell Lawless

BOOK: Beast of Venery
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              “Oh no, Andy, your little pretty bride is crying. Too bad you can't come over and cuddle her, make her feel all better.” His baby voice made her feel like a wounded puppy searching for comfort.

              The sudden attack made Andy explode. Deadly furious, his muffled shouts could be heard across the whole house, trying to escape into the open air from behind the silver tape covering his mouth. Pulling and moving in all directions from the chair, he called Brian every god damn name in the book. But just like earlier, his efforts were completely useless. His restraints didn't budge and they were both left in the same positions as when they started.

“This is it. He's going to actually go through with this.”
Her mind was racing a million miles an hour.

“And I can't do anything to stop this from happening.”

              Brian took hold of her face once more by pinching the skin of her chin hard between his thumb and his finger. Letting her head tilt once more at Andy. The wetness from her shed tears changed their path running the other way down her cheeks. At that moment she noticed she wasn't the only one in the room crying. Her emotional, teary eyes were mirrored his.

              Brian's fist brought her out of the connecting moment with Andy and pulled her back into reality once again. His hands caught hold of her outer thighs, pushing his fingers deep into her flesh, and pulled her further down the table, closer to his hard erection. Her butt cheeks ended right on the edge. With the dragging movement came not only her body, but both the table cloth and the standing steal chandelier on the table. With no time to waste, he pushed her thighs wide apart. Wide enough for her knees to touch the table cloth on each side of her flat body.

              She could feel her feet dangling in the air on each side of his thighs from the movement, and with her hands stretched out over her head, she anticipated he would do her most possible damage. He enjoyed her vulnerable like this. Creating complete impairment of her delicate insides.

              Brian wanted to bury that damage deep. Brand her. Physically and emotionally. Any way possible, just so she would never forget him. Never to recover from. Never be only Andy's again. That's what he always wanted.

              Fingers were sliding in from her knees, over the thin skin of her inner thighs, to reach the sensitive spot in the middle. With a heavy breath, he watched the process, groaned, and pushed one long, hard finger inside her, and in the next stroke one more. His moans kept going as he stroked his own erection with his other hand through the fabric of his jeans. A few more thrusts with his fingers touching the insides of her vagina, and the third finger joined in. And then his final his forth. 

              Her mind blacked out somehow and couldn't seem to comprehend what was happening around and inside her. It was all too much. His loud uninterrupted moans and the amount of fingers slamming against flesh could be heard throughout the room.

              Andy's savaged, muffled screams from the side of the table could not be mistaken for anything else than a man desperate to get out of his bounds and ferociously pound on the man abusing his wife to a vicious death.

              God, did she wish she could just close her eyes and let her dreams take her away to another place. Far, far away from Brian's grunting and monstrous touch.

“Why am I wet?”
It was the first thought that came to mind where she was laying helplessly in the middle of it all. 

“I'm not turned on by this and I don't want to make it any easier for him to slide inside me.”
              Eventually his fingers came to a halt and he pulled his hand back slowly out of her vagina. He stroke his four wet fingers down her inner thigh before he closes his eyes and place them in his mouth and sucked loudly.               

“Please don't watch him! Close your eyes!”

              She was screaming in her head and on top of her lungs, but Andy, sweet Andy, couldn't take his eyes off the man who was intimately fondling his wife's every single body part and was now even tasting her.

              It could easily portray an erotic scene between a loving couple, the sound of licking ones fingers, the delicious smacking of lips, even the aroused moaning could all be bottled up and sold as aphrodisiac all over the world. But not the way these sounds came to life. Not like this. These sounds were as far away from a loving moment as humanly possible.

              The low noise of jeans being opened and zipped down, fabric scuffed around legs, made it clear what was about to come next. No ripping of a condom wrapper made it even worse. The tip of his erection lingered at her entrance for a second, and his hand forced his cock to slap her wet flesh before plunging deep and hard inside.

              It was just what she was expecting - the feeling of being ripped apart came first to mind. Her body bounced up and down on the table like a floating buoy on a mad ocean, just tagging along with his violent movements. 

              His hands were grabbing both sides of her stomach with force, hurting her, and would most definitely leave purple marks of bruises behind. He suddenly eased himself out of her slowly, to thrust inside again with unimaginable force. She could feel a definite stretch inside of herself. She must be bleeding by now.

“Nothing should ever feel like that.”
She thought, but Brian didn't seem bothered and repeated his furious motion over and over again. 

“When is he going to stop? How can he possibly keep going? I can't be tight any more after all he has done, and I'm sure as hell bleeding... I must be.”

              It seemed like hours had gone by, yet time seemed to stand still. It was vacuum and space all mixed together.

              “I could stay here forever, just feeling myself inside you. Feeling your pussy wrapped around my cock like it used to. And letting him watch us is just the top of the icing. We will never apart again.” 

              He was standing still, trying to slow down his rapid panting, while he bent forward placing a tasty bite of the skin on her stomach. Slowly he slid himself out of her, and ran his hand over the pulsating lips he just violated between her legs.

              “Now be a good girl, like old times, and let me roll you over. There are more places I need to revisit, and I know you know what I mean... remember?” 

              His voice splayed great satisfaction and his lips lifted a smirk. Her legs, arms and rational mind were completely useless from the tranquilizer shot he distributed into the right side of her neck earlier. He took his chance while he was all over her in the kitchen and pushed her body face down onto the floor, using the whole weight of his body. 190 pounds easily held down 150, and the shot itself had been quickly apportioned into her system. Locking her eyes on the front door before they started to lose focus was one of the last things she remembered before she woke up on the dining room table.

              Her mind kept bringing back small, short, fuzzy details of Brian rolling her around on the floor in the kitchen, his eyes looked her body over. One of his hands settled around her stomach, which was touching the floor, and squeezed her naked back and buttocks with the other. He made sure he undressed her, touching all her naked skin with his hands.

              That made her an easy target for his investigating hands and fingers. By all means, that act must have come from his private erotic dreams that he needed to be fulfilled, knowing his fondness of “playing doctor”, and his incurable interest on genitalia and sex.


              Snapped back into the present, she felt something sipping out of her warmth, and as disgusting as it might be, it was either his cum or her blood. Either one was as good of a guess as the other.               His thorough examination of her vagina earlier could be an obvious reason, as could his recent violent pounding and finger fucking inside her.

              Since he still wasn't finished with her and held the ability to keep on and stay hard, she made the assumption it must be the latter of the two. Her IUD had been the first thing he had swiftly pulled out of her after he undressed her. It made her feel stretched out and completely violated by his finger. Or fingers. Plural. It was all just plain disgusting.

              The recent memory from the events in the kitchen was not even so much of his internal investigation of her mounds, while he had hummed contently as if talking quietly to himself. Instead, it was the memory of Andy's muffled shouts, calling for her from the dining room, and his facile ability to some type of movement from his restraints. Most definitely terrified of why his screaming and fighting wife suddenly turned silent on the other side of the wall, while he was situated blindly and separated from it all.

              She wished she could have yelled something back into the room, reassuring him she was still alive, but her every movement was unresponsive at that point. It was the panic in his voice that hurt her the most. She so wished her thoughts could have been formulated on her tongue, but they couldn't back then, and her mouth was still rigid shut and quiet.              

              “Like I just said, let's roll you over and let me see that sweet ass of yours.” 

Without further comments her body coiled away once more from Andy's gaze and down the table, her eyes once more staring into the wall. This time with her naked behind in the air.

              “Beautiful baby. Just beautiful. This ass is what I've missed the most. I don't care about your plump lips, or your bouncy breasts, or even your tongue on my cock. I could survive on this ass alone.” He whispered and quickly sucked in a shaky breath, fondling her butt cheeks with both of his hands. 

              “You used to be so tensed up and this ass so tight, that you had to have a few shots of vodka or several glasses of wine before
could even think about loosening up a little and give me a chance to enter.  Remember those times when you came home from your 'girls' night out' being little too tipsy to drive, but not drunk enough to let me fuck you? I would have to talk sweetly into your ear, play with your nipples, pretending that I cared about anything you said, just to get you on my side, just to get you to down a few more glasses of wine. I loved that. I knew you would eventually get to the point where your words would slur and you had a hard time walking in a straight line up the stairs. Those were the moments I knew I had the chance to fuck this sweet ass of yours without much resistance. I loved how you let me take advantage of you that way... let's do that again.” 

              The memory must have triggered something in his mind because as soon as he finished talking his hands started to rub her cheeks much harder. Spreading them apart he took one thumb in his mouth, soaked it with saliva and locked eyes with Andy, who still sat like a statue at the other side of the table. Holding up the very same hand he had just soaked in his mouth, he yelled loudly.

                “Thumbs up!” 

In utter shock she inhaled deeply and felt his stiff thumb go straight in and up her ass. 

              “Oh, baby this is just fucking marvelous.”

His voice came out as hissing sound. Circling inside of her, his thumb made a straight shot as far in as possible just to pull all the way out, over and over again. 

              “Oh my god, I have to stop for a second. Your ass is so damn tight that I'm gonna come right here if I don't hold off for a second.” 

              Panting with heavy breaths, he released his thumb and put his hands back on his hips before moving down to rub himself in short strokes just over the head of his cock. Just as he was about to lubricate himself for entry, Andy went completely nuts in his seat. If he continued in the same way he might, by the look of things, somehow release himself from his confinement.  

              “You need to shut up and calm down before I do something
stupid.” Brian growled, like someone had interrupted him during his last meal. However, his growl didn't even seem to reach Andy, who by now was moving the chair in different directions in complete rage and raw strength.               Angrily pulling up his pants, Brian left the dining room in the dark just to return a second later holding the carving knife for the Thanksgiving turkey that usually sat on the magnet strip of the kitchen back splash. 

              “I told you to shut the fuck up! But since you're not, I have no other choice than to do something about that until my business here is finished. You got that?!”

              In an accusing voice he calmly walked over to Andy and slammed the knife he held in his hand with full force right into Andy's left thigh.

              The room went completely silent for a moment before Andy's scream of pure pain resonated off the walls. If they only had closer neighbors they would have heard the volume of his scream like it was in the room next door.

              Brian held his stand on the floor, with arms crossed in front of his chest, peering down at Andy with great interest. With malicious content he simply shook his head, turned away, and walked back to what he started on the table. 

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