The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance

BOOK: The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance
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The weather was exceptionally cold and wet this time of the year.
It had been raining incessantly for the past several days due to which the inhabitants of the small town had hibernated into their respective homes. The cold and chill was too much to handle for many of them and they preferred to stay indoors. For a city that was proud for its sociability and hospitality, it looked quite dead and barren at a time like this.

But despite the cold and harsh weather conditions, there was one soul in this city for whom nothing made a difference except the desperation t
o keep her child warm and cozy; the need to protect her child who was suffering from pneumonia. Sarah was desperate to get some milk and food for her little one, who was sound asleep on the bed, his face flushed from the pneumonia that he was suffering from. She draped a long scarf over her head, a scarf which she always used as a muffler as well for such weather conditions.

“Nancy!” She called out to her housemate.

“In here, Sarah!” Nancy was buried in a box of flour in the pantry, cleaning it. Sarah walked into the pantry, fully ready to go out.

“I’m off to get some milk for
Jake; please can you look after him until I come back?” She asked her.

“Sure, Sarah.
Don’t forget to protect yourself from the cold.” She called back. Sarah picked up her bag, kissed Jake on his forehead and was out in a flurry of black coat.

Sarah Mitchell was the daughter of a wealthy Calgary socialite. She
had spent all her life being the pampered child at home and it has taken a toll on her upbringing as well. Being the only child of her parents and therefore, everything she ever asked for was fulfilled as soon as it was out of her mouth; she thought that the world was at her feet. Brown hair, which was always long enough to reach her waist, almond shaped green eyes and a sweet, sensual mouth that was meant to be kissed. She drew everyone’s attention as she walked passed. She was one of the most popular and pursued girls in high school and therefore, was asked out by the most eligible and gorgeous dudes occasionally whom she always turned down graciously. Life was a piece of cake for Sarah, as she had no idea of the difficulties and hardships faced by many people. Her life began to change when she went to college. Things were not strawberries and creams for her there as she felt rivalry and hatred from her fellows in college. Many boys asked her out in college but she rejected them. She always said that she hadn’t met her Mr. Right yet. The girls became jealous of her and would backbite which resulted her becoming unpopular and rejected.

such crucial times, when she was quite lonely and forlorn, she made a new friend. Liam Michelson was the head of the football team and her classmate. He was known to score morein the bedroom field than in the football field but that reputation did not deter him from being the captain of the football team. As soon as he started pursuing Sarah, she was immediately accepted in the cheerleading team and thus, her life started to become normal but not for long.Two years in the college, she found out she was pregnant and all her dreams for the future crumbled at her feet back then. When she informed Liam of her pregnancy, he flipped her right out of her life, never returning even when she gave birth to his son. She turned to her parents for help but their reaction was identical to Liam’s, therefore she had left college and now, here she was at the mercy of Nancy who had given her shelter for the past two years. With her help, she was taking care of Jake and providing what tiny bit for him she could with the pennies she earned from her work on the small and shabby looking shopping mart down the road.

She bowed her head against the rough wind, her thin scarf pulled over her ears.
Walking quickly towards the shop at the corner, she was unaware of two men following her. She rounded a bend and was about to step in the light of the shop when a hand shot out of the darkness, muffling her and sweeping her up towards the darkened alleyway. She fought against the hand, with her puny strength but she was no match against the giant of a man.

Once inside the alley, the
thugs withdrew his hand from her mouth and threw a piece of paper at her. She glanced at the paper at her hand and then at his face.

“Who sent you here?” She asked, positive that either Liam was looking for her or her parents.

“Your father wishes for an audience with you tomorrow. You are to bring the baby with you as well.” Having delivered the message, he turned around and left, his coyotes following him.

Sarah shook her head at the arrogance of her parents and grew
angrier.Shaking her head at what had just happened; she turned around and stepped into the store. Getting milk and some baby food for Jake, she quickly hurried to the dingy one room shack that she and Nancy shared.

Since Sarah had left her college in between to have Jake and raise him, she was not qualified to earn much to provide Jake with the necessities of life.
He was going to be two years old soon and as he grew up, his demands for survival were beginning to increase and that worried Sarah. She loved her son more than anything. She knew he had to be sent to school soon and try as she might, she did not get a job worthy enough to handle the expenses. Looking down at the bill in her hand, she quickly stepped into the warmth of their room and pulled off her coat and scarf. Nancy had already gone to bed and she had taken Jake with her. She moved closer to check Jake’s fever and when his head felt cool, she sighed with relief.

She sat down on the bed, the note still in her hand. Now that she was home, she would think about what she was going to do on the morrow.
She unfolded the note and read.

Dearest Sarah,

I know that you are very angry with your father and me. We were not the parents that you would’ve expected of us to be. We should have understood your predicaments but in that case, we just threw you out of the house. We are mollified in that account and wish to see you in person tomorrow. Now, we think that it is good enough time for your temper to have cooled down (As you have inherited that from your father). We would like you to visit us tomorrow, in hopes of overcoming this rift between the family which your father has created and reconcile.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,

Your mother,


P.S. I would like to meet my grandson.

She decided to sleep on this and decide what she was going to do the next morning. Maybe, Nancy could suggest some solution for this problem. With this, she lay on her side and closed her eyes.



Sarah sat on the bed, her head in her hand, the next morning. She was in a dilemma whether to go and see her parents or not. She looked at Jake, fast asleep as the medicines she had given him for the fever were still affecting him. She turned around when the door was opened and Nancy stepped inside. She gave her a sad smile.

“Hey, Sarah.
My, you're up early! Is everything alright?” Nancy asked her, looking worried at Sarah’s pale and peaky complexion.

“Hi. I don’t know if anything has ever been right since I stepped into college but yes, there is something that I want to tell you.” She said.

“Yes, I’m all eyes and ears.” Nancy gave her all the courage that she needed.

Last night, when I went outside to buy milk for Jake something happened.” She told her everything. From the time the thug had scared her to the letter from her mother. She held the letter to Nancy to read. As Nancy read the letter, her eyes grew wide in shock and her face showed her distrust.

“So, what do you think this is about?” She asked Sarah, confused.

“I believe this is their plan to take my baby away from me.” Sarah said.

“How can you be so certain, Sarah? They haven’t contacted you or looked at Jake in two years. They have no reason to want to do such a thing.” Nancy was confused as well.

“They are my parents, Nancy. I know how stubborn and demanding they become as I, myself, have inherited such traits in me. They want to take my Jake away from me, I know because I haven’t been able to give Jake what he deserves.” Sarah cried. She was scared and frightened for her child.

“What do you want to do now?” Nancy asked.

“I will go home and tell them to stay out of my life. No more spooky notes or kidnappers.” She said, wiping her nose on the handkerchief that Nancy had passed her. Sarah was a strong, independent single mother and she was confident that she could fight the world on her own.She would protect her child with her life and if that meant facing her parents for the security of her child, she would do that. She took a deep breath and stood up.




The beautiful mansion atop the hill had been her home as long as she remembered. She had grown up in this big house, played, studied, learnt her riding and swam with her friends in the big swimming pool there.Now, returning to a place which had sentimental value to her, a place which should’ve been rightfully Jake’s home as well, she felt nauseated and depressed.Holding the sleeping figure of Jake against her shoulder, she rang the doorbell.

“Who is there?” The housekeeper's voice shouted over the loudspeaker. Jake fidgeted against her shoulder. She patted him on his back.

“Marilyn, it’s me, Sarah. Open the gates.” The gates were immediately opened before she had finished. Sarah walked inside, her heart melancholy of seeing the famous surroundings once again.As she got closer to the main doorway, the heavy door turned on its hinges and Marilyn stood there, her eyes filled with tears. Sarah smiled softly at her and entered.

“Where are they?” She asked her.
She had given up calling them mom and dad since they had turned her out.She called up whenever she had brought back from college, she would bang on the door and shout at Marilyn, “Where are mom and dad, Marilyn?” and Marilyn would grin at her and point to the lounge. Marilyn had been her childhood savior whenever Sarah was stuck in mischief; it was her who would save Sarah.She pointed to the same door today as well and kissing Jake on the cheek, she went away.

Now, the time had come to meet her
parents.She walked softly; her footsteps muffled by the thick French carpet and opened the lounge doorway.Her mother stood up as she saw her, shabbily dressed and carrying a sleeping infant to her shoulder who was also wearing worn out pajamas and torn t-shirt.She ran towards Sarah and embraced her, holding the sleeping Jake from her but her father kept sitting where he was, his face harder than before. They watched each other in silence, not moving a single muscle. Her mother broke the spell.

“Sarah, why is his forehead so hot? Is he ill?”

“Yes, mother. He’s suffering from pneumonia for the last three days.” She told her. Her mother’s shocked looked registered on her. Sarah gave her a gloomy smile.

“Come, sit down.” She rang the bell for the maid and ordered some clean clothes and medicines for Jake to be sent
while she also ordered refreshments for Sarah. Sarah sat down on the settee, counting the minutes when she would be well on her way.

“Why did you call me here?” she asked directly of her father. He looked at her, his disgust for her obvious on his face and did she notice the hatred in his eyes, she wasn’t sure.

“Your mother believes that you are not able to take care of your child alone. She would like you to stay here so that she can assure that the baby receives all that he deserves.” Her father stated coldly.

“He is your grandson as well.”
She said. “And why would you care what Jake deserves? Did you not think of giving me a phone call? Is this the way to summon someone?”

“He is not our grandson.
” Her father said, ignoring her questions.“It is my order,Sarah that you come back to this house and start getting accustomed to living here which is really your home, otherwise the consequences will be more ominous than what happened to you last night.” With that, he left the room.

Sarah looked at her mother, who held Jake so affectionately and tears came into her eyes.
Her arrogant and eccentric father was giving an opportunity for Jake to have a family and live a normal life. Her father’s threat was meaningless to her. Her main subject of worry was her son, Jake. She could roam the earth or even beg for Jake if he asked her that. Thinking of what her father had said she was happy thatJake was going to get what he deserved; he was going to be a happy and healthy child. She would sacrifice her hatred and ego for her child, she vowed.So, she decided she would give Jake the home that he deserved and that was his birth right.

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