Beast of Venery (8 page)

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Authors: Isabell Lawless

BOOK: Beast of Venery
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              A sharp pain, resembling a bee sting, punctured the skin on the right side of her neck, sending a shiver throughout her body. The last thing she remembered seeing before everything around her turned into a blurred reality was the closed front door, thinking how she desperately needed to get out of there right now. 









Chapter 5


              Her head was turned in Andy's direction and pushed so hard into the white table cloth beneath her on the dining room table that it seemed to stick to the skin of her face. It would most likely leave marks when this was over. Knowing the intruder, she knew there were likely worse things to come than being stuck with fabric wrinkles on her face.

              The fuzzy blur subsided a bit from her vision and let her see the contrasts of the figures around her, but the sounds and voices reaching her ears were still too smooth-textured to make out any words. As her mind became clearer by the minute there was no question of what was happening in the room around her, or who was there with them.

              She was unable to break away from Andy's panicked gaze searching a response from her face. And even though she wished she could actually look away and not allow him to see her own anxiety, it just seemed impossible. Nothing she did worked.

              Noticing the non-responsive movements of her body, she also felt her eyelids inability to fully close over her eyes. Not able to even blink or moisten them. They seemed stuck. Small pieces of something sticky were sitting on her eyelids, slightly attached to the eyebrows. Must be tape, she thought. Her eyes felt as dry and rough as sandpaper. Tears didn't seem to help. Her eyes simply stayed open.

              In that instance she almost wished she could return to the wonderful stage of unconsciousness to avoid any of this. At least that would make her unaware of anything that happened to her, and her panic would succumb to a quiet, dark nothingness.

              A low voice broke the silence of the room and her thoughts were instantly shattered. Her whole system turned on high alert. A face she knew too well was hovering over hers. That face couldn't be mistaken even in the worst blurriness of her vision. Brian. This was very bad.

              “Hey, Welcome to our show tonight baby.”

Total confusion went through her mind.

              “They say your eyes are the opening to your soul baby, so let's show our dear Andy here what your soul has remembered from our time together. Us. You and me. The love we shared, the sex we had, and the beautiful way we were together. I made you feel so fucking beautiful then. I don't know what he has done to you, but if you come back to me I promise to make you beautiful again.”

              His lean hands were pushed flat down on the table framing each side of her body, and whispered words in her ear. He moved himself slightly over her and put his left warm, sweaty cheek tenderly against hers. His line of vision followed hers in the same direction, at Andy. Without seeing it, she felt the muscles in his face turn his mouth into a vicious grin.

              “Hmm...” His breath came out through his nostrils and made it sound like he had just sniffed a thousand scented flowers on a summer field. He obviously enjoyed her like this and the scent of her skin. Maybe it was more the taunting of Andy than admiring her body. She saw him close his eyes and suck his upper lip into his mouth between his teeth.

              “I'm going to fuck you now. Like I used to... make sure your little boy is watching us.”

His breathing turned heavy, and with his lips and disgusting tongue, he licked her right cheek to taste the saltiness of her skin. As evil as the snake in the garden of Eve she could cut the neck of that slithering thing coming out of his mouth to cover her in wet saliva.

              “Does he know how you really like it, baby?”

              He tried to make his voice seductive letting his whisper blow just by her ear. The air from his lungs was warm, but a chill still vibrated through her body. She knew that tone of voice as the back of her own hand. Still hovering over her, he faced a stunned Andy once more.

              “She likes it rough, Andy, and I'm not quite sure you know just how fucking rough. She can really take a pounding, did you know that? I mean really hard. You need to watch and learn, just like I made her watch movies and learn. Take some mental notes for the future, man. Let this be an enlightenment to how my girl likes it, okay.”

              Every thought in her brain and every single muscle in her body screamed in fear.

“NO! Please stop! Don't do this!”

              Her body seemed to misunderstand any and all mental commands, and remained completely motionless in its place. Her mouth could not produce the words she so desperately wanted to scream and yell. Muscles unable to fight back the coming intrusion. 

              Instead, she was left with the single thing she would so desperately try to avoid; she had to keep her open eyes glued on Andy while another man's investigating hands were moving hard and slow down her body.             

              Tightening around her neck to feel her pulse, his hands ran down over her collar bone, onto her chest, around the outside of her breasts, cupping them roughly then pulling hard on her nipples. All she could think of was Andy, and all the things she wanted to tell him right there and then.

“No, I don't like it this way at all! I have never liked it this way. Please don't believe what he is telling you. He's not right and don't ever think that what you do to me when we make love is not enough, or that I don't love your touch.” 

              She prayed to God that telepathy worked, but as her vision kept a steady focus on his face, the answer seemed to be an obvious

              Big, blue eyes were following Brian's hands down her body from afar. Touching her in places where only he was suppose to touch. Knowing that her worst nightmare was about to become a reality. His eyes darted quickly between the movement of Brian's hands, up to her face in an attempt to read her expression, down her body, and back again. Back and forth, all over. His eyes were a wandering mess.


              He wished he could read her mind to know what she was genuinely thinking. Those eyes of hers were just too much to look back into. He needed to focus on getting away from all the visual threats, and not give in to this madness. He could not allow himself to surrender to someone else getting inside his wife, with or without her consent.

              The erratic stomp of his feet on the dining room floor could be heard from around the house.  His actions made zero success in getting him away from the chair to become free from his restraints, when suddenly, reality hit him. Hit him hard. He wouldn't be able to do anything else but watch what was about to happen. Just try to survive the violation of the most precious thing in his life. His love. His wife.

“Just please - don't cry.  You're my rock and strength, no tears please.”
Her mind was calling out a silent whisper. She wished he'd be strong for her.


              Brian's hands were continuing down her body from the unsettling rough tease and pull of her nipples, down the sides of her stomach where they halted, and grabbing a hold of her skin for a few seconds giving him the time to add.

              “I'm glad you stopped drinking that glass of milk and eating that god-awful banana every night and kept your fat off. Glad that my interference has made it a habit to stay away from that. You were starting to look bad when you packed on those extra pounds. Bet you're happy about that too, Andy. Right?”

              Brian's voice echoed loudly through the room, like he was just shouting out some football references to a buddy of his, but never taking his eyes of her tummy. His touch spread down to her hips and swerved in towards her lower abdomen. She could feel all of his five fingers on each side of her stomach now, pushing down while he turned his face to Andy once more.

                            “These ovaries used to work you know, but somehow during our years together things stopped and she refused to get it looked at. Have you told him that baby, that the doctor said I bruised your ovaries so bad with rough sex, that they may not start working properly again? Did you tell him you had a miscarriage?” An eerie silence spread among the three.

              “Thank fuck you did though, otherwise we'd be stuck with diapers and shit. Probably have had to marry you too. You know I wanted you for other things than babies. I highly doubt you would've been able to provide much for the baby anyway. It would have been just me handing out some fucking allowance whenever you wanted money, pretending to love you in front of people, playing happy mommy and daddy. I just wanted you to follow my fucking rules and be a good girl. Was that so much to ask for? When you did, we were good together. You know that. Why the fuck did you have to mess things up?”

              In the instance the information sunk into Andy's brain, cultivating deep roots, it seemed as if the energy just left his body. His shoulder sunk as far down as they could possibly go. He looked into her eyes but said nothing.                            

              How could she not have told him this? They had been married for seven years. Built love and trust together. Still she hadn't told him this. Why hadn't she? Had she been embarrassed? Had she felt shame? Or had she simply tried to block it out and forget about it? He knew she loved him, and she should know how much he loved her too by now. She could have told him anything and he would have listened without any judgment or criticism.

              “Oh, baby. Ha ha, no! This is too much.” Brian's laughter broke the silence between them. “You never told him?! Oh, man. Maybe she doesn't trust you enough Andy, ever thought of that? No worries. She lost it early, just a bloody blob in the toilet one night. Perhaps a few weeks old. Some pain sure, but the baby didn't make it. Right babe?” Brian was obviously seeing his chance to put that knife deep into Andy's heart and twist it until he was utterly and completely broken. He knew it, and played it well. Looking between them both, he went to town, enjoying it immensely.

              “Oh, yeah. We had fucked hard like usual, and a few weeks later her period didn't come. It used to be regular because of the low dose pill she was on, and painful as hell too. She took a pregnancy test and noticed she was pregnant. She knew I wouldn't be happy about it, so she hid it in the bathroom trash until I found it when I cleaned the bathroom, which she ALWAYS fucking messed up.”

              He had turned his burning gaze back at her face. She couldn't do anything but look and listen, hoping he wouldn't jump on her at any second.

              “Don't worry Andy. We never had the baby, and to be honest, it didn't mean that much. Miniscule thing really. Emotionally and literally. It was flushed down the toilet and out of our lives. Couldn't have imagined taking care of two needy people. What if it had been a girl? Uh, no. Anyway, our lives continued as before and we were doing great. Right baby?” Once again, his face turned away from Andy's gaze and glued to hers.

              The silence stretched on. No one said anything for a long time. Andy's look had fallen to his feet. Apparently he couldn't look at either of them anymore. He shook his head slight before turning his gaze back up, straight at Brian. Even though his mouth was covered up with silver tape his slow enunciation of words somehow made them perfectly clear in the muteness between them.

              “You. Are. Fucking. Insane.”

              Andy's words made something trigger inside of Brian. He left Danielle on the table, took the few steps that separated them from Andy, and slammed his fist hard down into his face.

              Watching Andy, she could see his eyes flicker, bracing himself for the punch without a chance of defense or to cover his face. His head ricochet to the side, following the flow from the blow of the fist.

              A few strands of his blonde hair made it out of the knot on the back and framed his bruised face. She noticed a few red lines of blood going slowly down his face, one from his nose and another dark smudge below the tape, close to his bottom lip. He shook his head as to get rid of the pain. The blob of red darkness landing on the wooden floor made Brian huff out a laugh before he sedately turned his attention back to Danielle on the table.

              His eyes searched hers over again. One of his hands reached up and grabbed onto her chin, not giving her a chance to refuse his look. Then he slapped her. Hard.

              The blow came as a surprise out of nowhere, immediately making her head bounce over from one side to the other as a result of the impact. Instead of facing Andy, she blankly stared into one of the walls of the dining room. Maybe this was better, she thought, not having to look at her husband while someone else took her roughly on their table, having him face it all.

              The hard slap left a tingling sensation on her skin and she wished she could drag one of her hands up to cover the sore area, softly caress the place of strike. The sting kept lingering, creeping over every cell of her cheek like a thousand bees had feasted on her flesh. Her inability to move away from it all made her eyes water but she didn't stand a chance to stop the tears starting to trickle slowly down her cheeks, running down the skin of her neck.

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