BareBottomGirl (8 page)

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Authors: Sarina Wilde

BOOK: BareBottomGirl
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For several stunned seconds, they were immobile, Liam’s
broad shoulders slumped as he knelt still between his lover’s thighs. Chas’
head was back, his mouth open and his eyes closed as he tried to catch his
breath. And Greer was poised on the edge of a cliff, hesitant to ask their

Liam was the first one to recover, turning those dark-brown
bedroom eyes her way. “Let us help you,” he murmured, his voice husky.

“It’s okay. You don’t…”

“Yeah, we do,” Chas interrupted, turning his head to look at
her. “Let us make you come. You can keep your shirt on, if you want.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought
he knows
but for the moment, all she could concentrate on was the seductive rumble of
their voices, the molten heat in their eyes, and the lava-like glide of hands
sliding up her thighs, over her stomach. She ached.

“Lie back.”

She wasn’t sure who’d spoken, but she obeyed, putting her
trust in these two men who’d already seen her at her worst. Chas leaned over,
flicked open the buttons on her shirt so he could nuzzle and suckle her
breasts. Liam moved in closer, his clever fingers stroking along her thighs,
teasing her but not quite touching her throbbing pussy. Instead, he kissed her,
the feel of him different than Chas. She expected a brand of ownership like the
way he handled Chas. Instead, his touch was gentle, almost tentative.

Greer twined her arms around his neck and held on. Chas
moved from her breasts, over her belly until his tongue nudged Liam’s fingers
out of the way.

“Fuck. You taste like honey and all I want to do is lap you
up.” Chas returned to tonguing her as Liam bent his head to suckle her other
nipple. Greer wished she were bigger, wished she filled their hands.

As if he’d read her mind, Liam lifted his face and turned
her to look at him. “You’re beautiful, Greer, so delicate and pretty. Let it go
and come for us.”

He kissed his way along her body, pressing his mouth to
where hip met thigh. Then he and Chas were kissing, Liam tasting her on Chas’
lips. As though choreographed, Liam and Chas spread her wider, taking turns at
her pussy with tongues and fingers working her.

What they did was amazing, but just seeing both their heads
brushing between her thighs sent her over the edge with a high, keening cry.
The orgasm rolling through her went on and on, her legs quivering, her hips

They held her, stroking her sensitized skin gently as if
they realized how the nerve endings throughout her entire body burned.

“Easy, sweetie,” Chas purred in her ear. “That’s our girl,
so pretty when you come.”

Greer felt heat stain her cheeks. She raised her hands to
hide the tell-tale color.

“No,” Liam murmured. “Don’t hide. You’re amazing, delicious.”

She looked from one to the other, overwhelmed by what had
happened, amazed she’d only known them for a few days. Maybe she should feel
ashamed. Instead, what she felt was cherished. Chas extricated himself from the
tangle of their arms and legs, leaving the room and reappearing just a few
minutes later with a warm washcloth which he used to clean her, patting her dry
with the towel he’d slung around his neck.

Greer’s eyes began to droop, the pain in her finger forgotten.
This was the most amazing dream, and she hoped she never awakened.

* * * * *

Liam would never have heard the phone over the sound of the
air compressor and his pneumatic chisel, but he did feel the persistent
vibration in his pocket. Mouth tightening with displeasure, he switched the
chisel off and pushed up his safety goggles. After stripping one glove, he dug
in his pants pocket and extracted his phone.

Missed call. View now?

Fuck, no.
He had a deadline, but when he saw the
number he sighed. Julie. There was only one reason for her to be calling this
early on a Friday morning. Something was up with Wyatt.

Hitting speed dial, he stepped out of the air-conditioning
and into the heat and humidity of an Ohio River Valley summer morning.

“Liam, I don’t know why you never answer your phone…”

“Good morning to you too. I know this comes as a surprise,
but I was actually working.”

“Drop the sarcasm. I need you to take Wyatt for the weekend.
Holland Schmidt has invited me to a house party in Lexington.”

If Liam had thought his mouth had tightened before, it was
nothing compared to the way his jaw clamped until it nearly cramped now. Julie
was always ready to dump Wyatt if a better offer came up on the weekend, and
honestly with as many games as she played, it was the easiest way for him to
see his son more often. With Greer’s help, Julie’s last-minute changes in plan
would go more smoothly.

“That will be fine. We have a house…”

“Boy?” Julie’s voice dripped ice. “Adding another toy to
your collection.”

Liam took a deep breath to control his temper. “Greer’s at
the grocery right now, but I know she’ll be delighted to have Wyatt for the
weekend. She’s been looking forward to meeting him.”

He smiled grimly when silence yawned.

“I’ll have to bring him by in the next hour.”

“You’ll have to wait until lunchtime. I’m on deadline and
Greer’s running errands. I don’t expect her back before then.”

Julie huffed impatiently. “Whatever.”

After he’d disconnected, Liam started to shove the phone in
his pocket then changed his mind. Instead, he called Chas, leaving a voice mail
that Wyatt would be with them for the weekend. After that he dialed the cell
number Greer had given him.

When she answered, her voice had a slightly breathless
quality making Liam smile. She’d been so cute this morning as she’d made
breakfast for them, blushing and stammering until Chas had pulled her into his
arms on the pretext of seeing how her finger looked since he’d taken the
stitches out. Liam had approached her from behind and wrapped them both in his
arms, kissing her neck and then kissing Chas on the mouth.

“I thought I’d dreamed it,” he’d heard her murmur.

“Oh no, sweetie,” Chas had grinned. “It was definitely no

Now even through the phone, Liam heard the lingering shyness
in her voice. “Did I forget something?”

“No, baby,” he reassured her. “It looks like you’ll be
meeting my son sooner than we thought. My ex-wife just called to say Wyatt
needs to stay here this weekend, so I thought I should let you know to buy a
few more things at the grocery.”


“Pull-Ups. We’ve been working on the big boy pants during
the day, but he still needs the pull-ups at night.” Liam rattled off a couple
of other things Wyatt liked.

“Do I need to get back sooner?”

Her question made him smile. “No, take your time. I told
Julie she would have to wait until lunch time.”

Greer had mentioned needing to run a couple personal
errands, so no way was he interfering. God, after last night, seeing the look
on Chas’ face as she’d stroked him off, she could have as much time as she
needed. Liam had never imagined he could feel something for another woman, not
after the way things had ended with Julie, but Greer was so different. Sweet
and amazing and an incredible mixture of shyness and seductress.

He started to say something to her about Julie, warn her,
but he clamped his mouth shut. The less said about his ex-wife, the better.
Greer needed to form her own opinions. In the end, all he said was, “Come get
me when you get back, and I’ll give you a hand with the groceries.”

No sooner had he hung up than his phone vibrated again. He
checked the ID—Chas. He swiped his thumb across the screen. “Hey.”

“So is Julie dumping Wyatt again?” was Chas’ opening line.

Liam sighed. “I wish I could make an excuse for her, but I

“Why would you even try?” Chas snapped.

“Because she is Wyatt’s mother. Every kid deserves to have a
mom who loves him.”

“Where to this time?”

“House party with Holland Schmidt.”

Chas sighed. “Last-minute schedule change. One of the other
docs had a family emergency, so I’m on ER rotation this weekend.”

“And I’m on deadline with the museum commission.
Fortunately, we have Greer.”

“Not as much as I’d like to have her,” Chas purred over the

Liam’s cock stirred.

“She was so beautiful. You don’t think we scared her, do

“No. God, Lee, all I can think about is having her in our
bed. It makes me hard just picturing it. Good thing I’m in my office right now.”

“I have to admit, I had my doubts, Chas, but it feels right,
like she was always meant to be with us. You think she’s all right with this?”

“It’s there in her expressions. She may still be trying to
wrap her mind around having two men, but I see the warmth when she looks at
you. I feel it when she looks at me.”

“I wish I could keep her away from Julie, but I don’t see
how. As Wyatt’s mother, she does have some right to meet the person we’ve hired
as a caregiver.”

There was silence on the other end for a heartbeat. “You’re
way too good to her, Liam.”

Liam sighed. “Not her. Wyatt’s who I care about.”

“I know. And you need to get back to work now, just like me.”

After they’d hung up, Liam shoved his phone in his pocket
and returned to what he’d been doing. To get his mind back in the right frame,
he studied the model he’d built out of clay, running his hands over it to get
the feel for the smoothness he wanted the stone to have. He switched out the
chisel for a grinding wheel so he could begin smoothing some of the larger

The piece would go inside the Children’s Museum where he
could already picture tiny hands running over its surface, chubby legs settling
astride the back. He wanted this sculpture to be loved and touched. That
tactile aspect was what he loved most about sculpting. This was art that
involved its audience in a multisensory experience. Years from now, those hands
would add the patina to the stone, giving it a life of its own.

He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d been working when the
studio door opened. Even with the air compressor running in the background, he
sensed Greer’s presence. It wasn’t the noise she made, just her life energy.
Liam switched off the grinder.

She hovered near the door as if afraid to interrupt, so he
smiled to reassure her.

“You’re back.”


Without Chas’ presence, Liam felt as if Greer wasn’t sure
what to do around him. He stripped off his gloves and tossed them on a nearby
chair before pulling his safety goggles off and throwing them on top.

“Let me just wash off some of the dust and I’ll give you a

Without giving it much thought, he grabbed the hem of his
T-shirt and peeled it over his head. Greer’s gasp halted him as he got ready to
throw it on the chair back. She stared at him, eyes wide and lips slightly
parted. Letting the shirt drop on the chair, he slowly walked toward her,
fingers hooked in the pockets of his khakis. Obviously she enjoyed seeing skin.

“You like what you see?” he teased, his eyes never leaving

She nodded. He stepped in, knowing he was in her space. When
she started to take a step back he tilted her chin to the light. “I’d like to
sculpt you. Would you let me?”

Her eyes widened.


She shut down, withdrawing into herself so quickly it left his
head aching and his swelling cock all excited with suddenly no place to go. She
pulled back, not violently, not even quickly, and he got the feeling her
problem wasn’t with him. Still, he wanted to kick himself in the ass for
pushing her. This wasn’t a game. He wanted her with an intensity of feeling he’d
only ever experienced with Chas.

“I should get the car unloaded.” She edged toward the door.

“I’ll help.”

“It’s okay…”

“I said I’d help, Greer.” He took pity on the paleness of
her cheeks and the way her gaze skittered away from his.
Damn it.
felt as if they’d just taken ten steps back to their first encounter…and that
had ended with her in a full-fledge panic attack.

“Go on,” he told her quietly. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

She fled. He couldn’t describe it any other way. He watched
her go, the echo of the door slamming behind her still reverberating in his
head. Liam washed off the dust and pulled on a clean shirt without bothering to
button it. As he approached the car, Greer was gathering bags.

“Hand me some.”

She did, without looking at him. As they got ready to make
the final trip in, he grabbed her arm.

“Greer, I’m sorry if I spooked you.”

She shook her head, her gaze focusing anywhere but on him. “It’s
not you. It’s me.”

Her voice was barely even a whisper, but he caught the
words. Feeling like he needed to move as cautiously as a trainer with a wild
animal, he stroked his fingers down her arm. “Is it because of last night?”

“No. That was amazing. It’s…”

Her words stalled. They both turned at the sound of car
tires crunching along the drive.
The moment was lost. She’d been
about to tell him something significant, but not now. As he turned toward the
approaching car, his scowl deepened. Julie. He brushed a hand back over his
hair and schooled his features into something resembling civility. Not for her,
but for Wyatt. His son didn’t deserve to feel any of the animosity he harbored
toward his ex-wife.

The car pulled in next to Greer’s. Julie exited, long legs
first, and rose as gracefully as a model to her full height. Greer shifted next
to him, and he wanted to tell her what she saw was only window-dressing. Julie
was short on substance, short on anything approaching humanity. His ex-wife’s
eyes skated over Greer dismissively. She arched a perfectly shaped brow.

“This is who you’ve hired to watch Wyatt?”

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