BareBottomGirl (6 page)

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Authors: Sarina Wilde

BOOK: BareBottomGirl
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Chas leaned into him and gave him a kiss. “You’re such a fucker
most of the time, I hardly know what to do when you’re nice.”

“Back at you, asshole, but it just feels like she could use
company until the meds kick in. So, yeah, I can be nice.”

Liam snagged him for another kiss, only releasing him when
they heard the door open. Both men turned to see Greer watching them, eyes

“S-sorry,” she stammered. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Liam smiled at her. “You didn’t. Take her away, Doc, and
give her drugs while I clean.”

Chapter Four


Liam watched them go. He’d never seen Chas show interest in
a woman. Liam wasn’t exactly sure where this was going. If it were anyone other
than Greer, he’d simply suggest they all get together for a long, leisurely
three-way. He’d never said no to hooking up with men or women…or both at the
same time. If that made him a man whore, then fine. Maybe Julie, his ex, was
right. He was a slut.

But Chas had been different. From their first handshake,
something had sparked between them. He loved pleasuring Chas. He loved the fact
that the surgeon, so in command in his professional life, wanted Liam in charge
when it came to sex. More importantly, Chas had brought out feelings of
commitment. So how did Greer fit into that? How would she change the equation?
Liam closed his eyes, his hands grasping the counter edge until his knuckles
felt like they’d crack. He would do anything for Chas, anything but lose him.
If he was interested in Greer, Liam would welcome her—even if he had his own

He started coffee, finishing the kitchen cleanup while it
brewed. Taking the tray with the coffee mugs into the family room, he saw Greer
seated cross-legged in the middle of the couch, Chas to one side and an empty
spot on her other side, obviously intended for him. Liam set the tray down and
handed them mugs.

Whatever. He would go with the flow. If Chas wanted to
explore a relationship with Greer, Liam could get on board. He’d give them
privacy, if they wanted it. He grabbed his own mug and took a hurried sip.

Greer’s flowery scent teased his nostrils as he leaned
against the back of the couch. She was attractive. She was sweet. To give her
credit, it hadn’t seemed to blow her mind when she’d seen him kissing Chas. He
watched her cradle the mug between her hands. Even the bandage didn’t hide the
delicate gracefulness of her slender fingers and fragile wrists. On a whim, he
reached out and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear. Hell, who was he kidding?
He was just as interested in her as Chas appeared to be.

Startled gray eyes turned in his direction. Lord, a man
could drown there. Liam cleared his throat.

“Interesting movie choice.” He’d expected a chick flick, but
Greer had picked a picture with a lot of action.

“You expected something like
The Notebook
, right?”

“I did. Is this really your choice or are you just being

She grinned. “It’s mine. I guess I just haven’t had enough
of knives and blood tonight.”

She shifted her position, curling her legs to his side and
leaning a bit more into Chas. Liam found his gaze drawn to the slender length
of her thighs, the shapely calves and feet that looked too delicate to actually
support anyone. She was different from his usual type. Liam had always gone for
tall, stacked women. Greer was…not fragile…but built like a sculpture in ivory
with carving so fine it looked as though it might break at the drop of a hat.
The reality was much tougher. Liam suspected she was too. Her attention was on
the movie, but Chas was watching him. When their gazes locked, Chas arched a
brow. Liam took a sip of his coffee then slowly smiled.

An hour into the movie, Greer started to droop. Liam took
her mug and set it on the table. “Why don’t you stretch out?” he suggested. “Put
your feet across my lap and your head in Chas’.”

“Okay.” She blinked slowly, just like Wyatt when he was
fighting sleep. Liam wasn’t used to feeling protective about anyone other than
his young son.

Chas put a pillow there for her. When she stretched her feet
and calves across him, Liam set his mug down and slowly began to massage her
arches. Greer moaned. He smiled, gently continuing to rub her feet and ankles.
When she felt boneless, he glanced over and saw she’d fallen asleep.

“Leave her for a bit. She’s fine,” Chas murmured. He stroked
the hair back from her forehead. Arms stretching along the back of the couch,
Chas twined his fingers with Liam’s. The message was clear. Once they had her
tucked in, they would take care of the desires swirling between them, more
complex now they were both deeply aware of Greer.

The movie ended, and Liam slid from beneath her legs. “I’ll
carry her. You turn back the covers.”

“She’ll probably be out the rest of the night.”

They worked quietly so as not to disturb her. Once Liam laid
her down, Chas covered her and turned out the light.

“She’s beautiful,” Chas murmured.

Liam nodded. She was. It was a different type of beauty,
more natural, less sophisticated than women like his ex, but still stunning. He
took Chas’ hand.

“Come on.”

Liam barely had time to pull the door to when Chas pushed
him against the wall and wrapped his arms around him. “I don’t want to mess
things up, Liam, but I need to know what you’re feeling.”

“Attracted, scared. We never really discussed including
someone else in what we have.”

Liam had done a threesome before. In fact, it was how he’d
first realized he was as interested in men as women, but he hadn’t shared a
woman with Chas. Until now it had been just the two of them. They had talked
casually about it once or twice, but only in a “what if” way because they hadn’t
met anyone they wanted to include…until now. Funny how she had so quickly made
such a difference…especially with Chas.

He leaned forward and kissed Chas. Hard.

“Do you want to?” Chas asked, his blue eyes a little wide. “Include

Liam wrapped his arms around Chas, resting their foreheads
together. “Yeah. I think I do. It’s got to be for more than just fucking,
though. You know, right?”

He felt Chas’ nod. “How do we do this?”

Liam let out a soft chuckle. “I have no clue. The only
threesomes I’ve ever done were at parties. We were all shit-faced and
everything was a big joke. This is different.” He cupped Chas’ neck. “You said
she’ll be out the rest of the night?”

“Should be.”

“Then let’s go back in the other room. I want to suck you.
Maybe you should imagine it’s Greer.”

Chas smiled. “And will you be doing that when you’ve got
your cock up my ass?”

Liam swatted him on one butt cheek. “Oh, I know your ass too
well, but yeah, I’ll be thinking about what it might be like to have her with

If this was what Chas wanted, Liam was definitely on board,
and not just for Chas’ sake either. Greer might be another matter. She seemed
so innocent. The fact she was still here, though, knowing he and Chas were
lovers, had to be a good sign. Didn’t it?

* * * * *

Greer wasn’t sure what awakened her, wasn’t really even sure
how long she’d been asleep, but she did know she was no longer lying across
Chas and Liam. Greer stretched, smiling a little despite the faint throb in her
finger. Liam’s massage of her feet had been incredible. While he’d been
stroking from her soles to her ankles, Chas had smoothed her hair almost as
though he were unaware he even did so.

Greer rolled over and sighed. There were undercurrents to
this new job, and she was far from certain where they were going to take her, but
for once since the accident that had killed Markus, she was willing to see.
Even if it scared the shit out of her.

Right now, though, she was thirsty. She shuffled from her
bedroom into the darkened kitchen. Only the faint light over the stove provided
any illumination. Almost on autopilot, she retrieved a glass from the cabinet,
shoved it beneath the water spout on the fridge door then slowly drank.

Her gaze wandered to the hallway. Light shone from the
family room and she wondered if Chas and Liam were still watching TV. Since her
finger throbbed, she decided she’d ask Chas if it was okay to take anything

She drew nearer the doorway and stopped. The sounds coming
from inside the room weren’t from the television, and they were as unmistakable
as could be. Greer swallowed as another masculine groan of pleasure floated out
into the hall. She should go. She really should turn around and go back to her
room. Right now. This was none of her business.

She took a step forward, her bare feet moving soundlessly on
the polished wood.

They would fire her. Being open about their relationship
probably didn’t include allowing her to play voyeur. She took another step
forward until she was even with the open doorway but concealed by the shadows.

Oh Lord. They were both naked, their gorgeous, muscular
bodies wrapped around each other, their clothing scattered around the room as
if they’d thrown it off in a hurry to get at each other. An ache in her heart
made her suck in a breath. She’d had this once, but never with the intensity
she recognized between these two men. Chas’ golden hair lay in stark contrast
to Liam’s dark locks. Both men were bronzed by the sun—everywhere—making it
obvious what time they spent by the pool was most likely unclothed.

Almost unaware she did so, Greer rubbed her shoulder. She
could never do that. Not any longer.

She took another step forward, watching them kiss and
caress. So much more intimate now the barrier of their clothing was gone. They
were beautiful. She wanted to paint them.

She wanted to touch them.

Greer leaned on the edge of the doorway, still hidden by the
darkness in the hall and the angle from which she watched. Her hands fisted her
T-shirt as she fought the urge to touch herself.

“Suck me, Liam,” Chas whispered.

Liam lifted his face. “Again?”

Chas chuckled. “You know I can never get enough of you.”

Liam shifted, kneeling on the floor, turning Chas until he
could stroke his cock and balls. The ache in Greer’s heart zipped straight to
her pussy. If she touched herself, she knew she’d already be wet. One hand
spread on her thigh, she fought the urge to touch, afraid she would make a
noise, afraid they would notice. Afraid they would stop.

She should go. This was private, between Liam and Chas. Not
her. Greer stepped back into the shadows, her eyes still glued as she took one
last look at the two of them. Liam lowered his head, swirled his tongue around
the glistening head of Chas’ cock then took him deep in his mouth. Swallowed
him. It was incredibly sexy. Her nipples pulsed in sync with her pussy.

And so did her hand. Greer cradled it in her other. No way
was she going to interrupt them. She would find some acetaminophen in her purse
and make do.

After slipping back into her room, she turned on the bedside
lamp and rifled through her bag until she found the small bottle of pain
reliever. She took two, turned the light off, and lay back. The sound of the
television set drifted faintly through her closed door. Although she couldn’t
hear Chas and Liam, Greer had no trouble at all visualizing them, and the
reality of what she had seen was so much more vivid than what she had imagined
earlier. As she lay in the darkness, faint moonlight streaming in through the
tall windows, Greer smoothed her uninjured hand down her belly until her fingers
touched the moist flesh between her legs.

Already throbbing from what she had seen earlier, Greer
stroked and flicked her clit. Was it wrong to think of both Chas and Liam
touching her? It didn’t feel wrong, and Greer found it impossible to separate
the two men in her mind. She slipped a finger inside, stroking and pressing
while the heel of her hand continued to rub her clit. What would it feel like
to have two men kissing her, caressing her? Biting her lip, Greer squeezed her
eyes shut and let her climax wash over her.


Chas turned his head and stared out into the hallway.

“What is it?” Liam growled.

“I thought I heard something.”

Liam stood, his cock semi-hard and so very touchable. “You
think it was Greer?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I should check on her.”

Liam arched a brow. “I think we should finish what we were
doing. If it was her, she’s obviously not ready to join us. We’d only embarrass

Liam came back across the room, his hand stroking his cock
back to hardness. “Where were we?”

“At the point where you were going to fuck me with that hard
cock sticking out like a damn baseball bat.”

Liam laughed. “My version of the Louisville Slugger. You
ready to be the bat boy?”

Chas snorted. “That’s so bad.”

“You’re laughing.” Liam knelt in front of Chas’ splayed legs
and slowly shifted position until their cocks rubbed together. “Grab the lube,
Chas, and get me ready.”

Chas’ heart pounded with a mixture of love and lust. He
would never get enough of this man.

He rose early the next morning out of habit, showered and
donned fresh scrubs. The sky was just beginning to lighten when Chas padded
silently down the back steps leading directly into the kitchen. Everything was
still dark. He started the coffee, then knocked softly on the door to Greer’s
apartment. Getting no reply, Chas turned the knob and went inside. The curtains
filtered the early morning light, but it was enough to illuminate her slight
form curled beneath the blankets. The thick rug muffled the sound of his steps
as he neared the bed.

She slept soundly on her side, her injured hand curled
loosely near her cheek, and her dark hair tousled around her head. She was so
pretty. Just seeing her like this made his heart pound and his palms sweat.
Unable to stop himself, Chas leaned down, brushed her hair back and placed a
soft kiss on her cheek. Her lashes fluttered open.

“Chas?” she murmured sleepily.

“Good morning. How are you feeling?”

“It’s throbbing some.” She started to sit, but he pressed
her gently back.

“Stay. I’ll bring you something.”

“I should start the coffee.”

“Already done.” He went to his bag and brought back a couple
of pills and a glass of water.

“What are these?” she mumbled.

“Just a little stronger version of Tylenol. It will take the
edge off.”

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