BareBottomGirl (18 page)

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Authors: Sarina Wilde

BOOK: BareBottomGirl
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Her father pushed back his chair, excused himself and
stepped out onto the screened porch. When Greer started to go after him, her
mother stopped her.

“Give him some thinking space. You’ve thrown a curve at him.
I know he’s always dreamed of walking you down the aisle. We thought that would
be with Markus, but the accident ended that.”

“Mommy,” Greer began, reverting to her childhood nickname. “Can
I tell you something?”

“You can tell me anything, Greer. You know that.”

“I had doubts even before the accident that Markus and I
would be able to make things work. We were too alike. I think it had simply
become comfortable. Since Liam and Chas have entered my life, I’ve realized I would
never have been happy with Markus, not for keeps.”

“Do these two men make you happy?”

“Oh yes. They…they cherish me. That’s such an old-fashioned
word, but it fits. I feel loved when I’m with them, scars and all.”

“Your scars are not who you are.”

Greer smiled. “That’s what I’ve been told, by both of them.
Oh Mom, Chas is helping me to get past the panic. Liam is teaching me
sculpture. I’m working at my art again, using my talent in a new direction.
They make me a better person.”

Her mother leaned over and hugged her. “Go talk to your dad
while I make coffee. Take him for a walk. Tell him what you’ve told me. When it
comes right down to it, Greer, all he really wants is for you to be happy.”

She found him standing out in his garden. While her mother
dabbled in a lot of crafts, her father was the gardener, and not just
vegetables. Sure, they’d had a great vegetable garden growing up, but it was
flowers—roses—that were his real passion. That’s where he was now, standing
amidst the fragrant bushes, gently stroking his fingers over a bloom.

He looked up at her approach. “You know, I’ve been
fascinated by flowers since I was just a kid. Not a good thing when you live in
a working-class neighborhood in one of the poorer sections of town. I got
called pussy and pansy a lot.” He stopped and grinned. “Left a lot of bloody
noses back there too—most of them belonging to people I pounded. Having a
unique interest or perspective on life can open you up for a lot of ridicule…a
lot of abuse. My own dad was one of the people who thought I was a pansy. He
died before I got into law school, before I met your mother, before we had you.”

Greer tucked her arm through his. “You’re wonderful with
flowers and gardening, Daddy. I’m glad you never let anyone dissuade you.”

He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small, sharp knife
and cut a rose. As he examined it, held so gently between his fingers, he said,
“You remind me of this flower. I look at you and you seem so delicate that the
slightest wind or blow could tear you apart. I worried about you growing up. I
worried about your relationship with Markus, though I never said anything to
your mother about that. I should have.

“I ached for you after the accident, but, you know, that’s
when I finally realized you were more than just the beautiful blossom. You also
had thorns. They came out in the grit and determination you showed while you
were in the hospital, in the way you fought through the panic attacks and tried
to rebuild a life for yourself.”

He handed her the bloom, using his thumb to wipe away the
tear that had escaped her lower lashes to hover just below.

“You’re making another choice that will test your abilities
to adapt and weather criticism. All I need to know is if this is what you
really want, because you see, I now know that like the rose you hold, you can
weather a lot more than I think. You’re tough Greer. And I want you to know, I
love you no matter what choices you make.”

“Oh, Daddy.”

“If you love both these men, then I’ll learn to deal with
that. I only ask one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I want them back over here for dinner, and I want my free
shot at them.”

Greer laughed. “I think we can arrange that.”

By the time she headed home, Greer was smiling. On the
passenger seat next to her, was a small bouquet of roses her father had cut
from his garden, but by far the most precious bloom was the pink one with just
a hint of an orange blush to it, the first one he’d given her.

Chas’ car was around back, next to Liam’s pickup truck. She
pulled in, curious at the lack of lights in the house. They were probably in
Chas’ office and she couldn’t see that window from this side of the house.
After picking up her flowers, she went to the back door and entered the
kitchen. Under the light over the stove was a note.

Come upstairs. L.

Greer put the flowers in a vase and set them in the middle
of the table, then grabbed two of the blossoms to give to Liam and Chas before
dashing up the steps. When she reached the top, just a faint glow shone from
the master bedroom. Curious now as to what they might be up to, she padded
softly forward. Only light from several candles scattered atop the furniture
brightened the darkness. Their warm glow fell on the table near the loveseat
where a bottle of champagne rested in a bucket of ice with three flutes
standing nearby. Nestled on the tray with the flutes was a small box.

The flowers fell to the floor. Chas caught them before they
hit. Greer wasn’t sure where he’d come from. She saw Liam standing in the
doorway to the bathroom. Both men were in suits and ties, smelling of expensive

“Have a seat, Greer,” Chas pointed to the love seat.

She swallowed around the lump in her throat.

“What’s all this?” She sat, nervously smoothing the short
skirt of the sundress she’d donned before going to her parents’ house.

Liam sat next to her with Chas perched on the arm next to
him. They seemed a bit nervous, something out of character for them, but Greer
was nervous right now too. She glanced at the box on the table. She didn’t want
to speculate. Deep down, she was afraid to hope.

In desperation, she whispered, “Please say what you have to
say. You’re making me nervous.”

Liam picked up the box. “This belonged to my grandmother.
Chas collected it from my safe deposit box this morning.”

“Open it, Liam.” Chas bumped his shoulder. “You’re making me
nervous too.”

He held the box between the tips of his fingers and used his
other hand to flick the lid back. Inside the satin-lined box nestled a golden
band with an exquisite pear-shaped diamond surrounded by smaller stones,
forming a delicate starburst. It twinkled in the candlelight.

“I know you haven’t been here long, but you know how we feel
about you.” Liam cleared his throat and looked at the ring.

“You already know we want you to stay,” Chas picked up. “We’d
like to make that official. We’re in love with you, Greer. We want to marry

Tears welled and spilled. Greer could almost touch the panic
from both men. She held up her hands, not surprised to find them shaking. When
she’d told her parents about her relationship, she’d expected to hear some
remonstrances. Instead, they’d supported her. Now the two men she’d already
admitted she cared about were proposing.

“Greer?” Liam ventured.

“If it upsets you, we can leave things as they are,” Chas
tacked on.

“No. I mean, yes. I mean, yes, I’ll marry you. One of you.”
She laughed nervously. “Who am I marrying?”

They looked at each other before Liam spoke. “We thought me,
you know, since we live here, and then there’s Wyatt. It just seemed to make
more sense. Chas doesn’t have any family. If you’d rather it was him, that’s

Greer leaned forward to touch her lips to Liam’s cheek. When
she felt Chas cup her face, she turned to kiss his palm. “It’s both of you. I
know legally it can be only one. If you think it should be Liam, that’s fine.
Chas can be the best man and with both of you standing there, it will be like
saying my vows to both of you.”

Liam slipped the ring on her finger. “It’s a little big. I’ll
have it sized tomorrow.”

She looked at the two of them. “I love you.”

Liam smiled and snatched up the champagne bottle. “Let’s
drink to that idea then we want to take you out dancing. You know, kind of like
a date. We haven’t done that.”

Chas stepped into the bedroom where Greer kept her clothing
for a minute, reappearing with a dress bag in hand and a pair of strappy,
high-heeled sandals hanging from his fingers. Greer could only stare. It was
like stepping into a fairy tale beyond imagination. Two gorgeous guys who were
falling all over themselves for her.

“Am I awake?”

Liam laughed. “Yes. I hope you don’t mind. While you were
out, we went shopping for you. We weren’t sure you had any party girl dresses,
and I want you to come to the unveiling at the Museum this weekend. That’s originally
what we went to find—a dress for that.”

Chas interrupted. “But we decided we wanted to celebrate our

“Wasn’t that just a little cocky?”

“We’re more than happy to supply cocky, but we’d really like
to take you out. You have no idea what saying yes means to us.”

She thought she just might. She felt like Cinderella as they
helped her change. The dress hugged her body, and normally would have made her
cringe with its spaghetti straps. But they’d even considered that, finding a
sequined bolero jacket she could wear over the top of it. She twirled in front
of them, got a pat on the butt, a deep kiss from both, then they took her out
on the town. If she was Cinderella, she really hoped it would never strike

Chapter Thirteen


The club was hopping. Several people greeted Liam by name,
but he was well-known enough that was to be expected. Greer saw the glances
directed toward her, Chas and then to the ring on her finger. The curiosity was
rampant, people obviously wondering exactly whose ring it was she wore. Both
men were attentive, keeping her firmly in between them as the music throbbed
around them.

Liam ordered another bottle of champagne. They toasted their
engagement. Prying eyes be damned, she accepted kisses from both men.

“Dance with me,” Chas said in her ear as the beat slowed
enough they could dance in each other’s arms. Greer nodded. Under the table,
Chas reached across to stroke Liam’s thigh, their gazes connecting for an
instant. “If it speeds up, join us on the next number.”

Liam smiled, his dark eyes gleaming as they skated over both
of them.

Greer hadn’t been dancing since her accident. Markus hadn’t
really liked dancing, but she had usually dragged him onto a dance floor to
shuffle around for a slow dance or two. Chas was a far cry from that, guiding
her skillfully around the crowded space. As the number ended, someone spoke at
her side.

“Greer?” She turned to find herself facing Markus’ older
brother and his wife. For just a second, her breathing accelerated, but she
felt Chas’ hand slowly rub her back, reminding her to relax and control her
breathing so she didn’t panic.

“How are you, Steven? Trish?” Greer congratulated herself on
how normal her voice sounded. When Trish’s eyes went to the ring on the hand
she had resting on Chas’ arm, she started to panic again. Chas pulled her into
his side and stuck his hand out.

“Hi, I’m Chas Lynch, a friend of Greer’s.”

“Steven Spencer. This is my wife, Trish.” Steven glanced
between the two of them. “It’s been too long, Greer. We’ve missed you.”

She wasn’t certain how to respond. Liam saved her from
having to.

“Greer, darling.” He took her hand in his and Chas stepped
back just a bit. She wanted them both with her, but knew that wasn’t going to
work. This was how they would be, how their public perception would move
forward. She glanced at Chas, wondering if he felt shut out, but when their
gazes connected, she saw encouragement and understanding there.

“Liam, this is Markus’ older brother, Steven and his wife

Liam stuck out his hand. Trish’s eyes widened. “You’re Lee

He smiled. “I’m Greer’s fiancée. In fact, we’re celebrating
our engagement tonight. Dr. Lynch, our friend, was kind enough to accompany us.
We were just toasting that. Will you join us?”

Greer felt trepidation. After all, this was Markus’ brother.
He smiled at her, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I’m happy for you, Greer.
Markus would be too.”

“Thank you, Steven.”

“We’d be happy to toast your engagement.”

In other circumstances, Greer knew she would be on the verge
of panicking. She had avoided people she’d known before the accident out of a
need to forget and build a new life, but she was beginning to realize being
with Chas and Liam would make that impossible. Both men were prominent in their
fields, and like Liam, she had grown up in the area. She had tried to prune her
ties, even pull up her roots without actually leaving, but in the end, she was
too deeply entwined with the place she called home.

“You okay?” Chas whispered in her ear as he helped her slide
into the booth.

Greer smiled at him. “I am, Chas. I really am.”

They got two more flutes and poured more champagne for
everyone. Steven was the one to lift his glass to her. “To your every
happiness, Greer. Like I said, we’ve missed you, and I know I speak for Markus
when I wish you and Liam the very best.”

“Did you meet through your art?” Trish asked. “Does this
mean you’re working at your painting again?”

“I…” Liam squeezed her hand softly.

“Greer is working with me in my studio. She’s very talented.”

Steven glanced at Chas. “Did I hear Lee say Dr. Lynch? You
wouldn’t be at St. Mark’s would you?”

“I am. I have to say you look familiar.”

Steven grinned. “It’s Dr. Spencer. I’m with the East End
Women’s Clinic.”

They talked a while longer, Greer beginning to feel more
relaxed about being out and seeing people from her past. When Steven and Trish
finally excused themselves, she was able to give them both a hug and a kiss
with genuine feeling behind it.

Chas’ arm wrapped around her shoulders. “You did great.”

She gazed at him as she leaned her head into Liam’s
shoulder. Her partners, her support system. She needed to be with them, show
them what they meant to her. “Let’s go home. Let’s make love.”


All Chas could think about traveling back to the house was
getting Liam and Greer naked. They had already taken her together, but tonight
it would be different. Tonight there were promises of commitment, and he wanted
them together. All three of them making love, moving forward into a future that
now seemed so much brighter. As they walked to the house, he knew his erection
was already tenting his slacks. When Liam opened the door for them and his
jacket gaped, Chas saw his too. For Greer. All of it would be for her.

Chas watched Liam lock the door behind him. Their eyes met
as Chas drew Greer into his arms. Was Liam going to let him take the lead? Chas
brushed his lips across Greer’s forehead, down her cheek to the sensitive indentation
below her ear and finally over to her mouth.

“You taste of champagne,” he whispered against her lips. “Come
upstairs. Let Liam and me love you together. Are you ready for that again,

She melted into him. “Yes.” A shiver vibrated through her. “So,
so ready. Having you together will be even more beautiful now.”

Liam came up behind her, leaning his head around to kiss
Chas on the mouth before nibbling his way down Greer’s neck. “Lead the way,” he
growled to Chas. “I’ll carry her.”

They stopped her in the center of the room. While Liam
kissed her, Chas slipped the jacket from her shoulders. It was a sign of how
comfortable she’d become with them that she allowed it without any hesitation.
Once the jacket was gone, he slowly lowered the zipper in the back, kissing the
skin he bared as it gaped farther and farther open. When he knelt on the floor
behind her, Chas slowly tugged the fabric down and pressed his lips against the
small of her back just above the sweet curve of her ass.

Lord, he would never get tired of this view, her
heart-shaped derriere making his cock go painfully rigid. Needing some relief,
he released his own zipper and pulled his dick free. While it throbbed and
jerked, he helped Greer step out of the dress pooling at her ankles, removing
the strappy heels as he did so.

He ran his hands up the silky length of one leg to the very
top of the stocking, his cock twitching as his fingers brushed against skin
even silkier than the sheer material. Greer moaned and shifted, her movement
bringing his fingers much closer to the hot core of her. Chas inhaled her
arousal, and before he could stop, a low growl erupted from his throat.

“I need to taste you. Want to bury my face right here.” He
touched his fingers to her and Greer pressed against them.

“Not yet!” Liam snapped it out as a command. “Put yourself
back in your pants and strip for us while I play with her.”

Fuck that was hot. He loved it when Liam pulled shit like
this. He obeyed instantly and watched with eyes that felt heavy as Liam sat in
the loveseat at the end of the bed and pulled Greer into his lap. Chas couldn’t
take his eyes off her pert little breasts and their pebble-hard nipples.

As Liam cupped one of those delicious globes and teased its
tip, his other hand dipped beneath the black lace of her boy pants, cupping and
rubbing her mound. Chas watched, swallowing as he loosened his tie and slowly
drew it from beneath his collar. After casually tossing it aside, he shrugged
out of his suit jacket and let it fall to the floor.

“Watch me,” he whispered. Greer’s gaze avidly tracked his
fingers slowly and methodically unbuttoning his dress shirt. He let it gape
open, but didn’t remove it yet. No, that would come later. With the palm of his
right hand, he rubbed down hard over his stiff cock, smiling as Greer moaned
and shifted restlessly, pushing against Liam’s caressing fingers.

Liam looked at him. Their gazes locked as they both
wordlessly acknowledged how anxious they were to take this woman together, cocks
rubbing with only the barest of separations.

Chas toed off his shoes, slowly unbuckled his belt, and slid
it from the loops at his waist. With a flick of his fingers, the top of his
slacks opened and he slowly eased the zipper down, letting them gape and sag.
Greer licked her lips, her fingers gently flicking one of her own nipples while
Liam turned her just slightly so he could lick the other.

Chas stared at Liam’s hand, still busy beneath the lace of
her panties. Even several feet away, he felt her heat, inhaled her aroma. He
spun around, giving them his back as he let his slacks fall. Still facing away,
he reached into his boxers and cupped his testicles in one hand while he slowly
pumped his cock in his other. Throwing his head back, Chas moaned as he
imagined Liam’s fingers sliding in and out of her slick pussy. He wanted her
ass tonight, while Liam fucked her pussy.

He dropped his shorts, the only thing still on him was the
dress shirt with a tail long enough to cover his butt cheeks. Slowly, as slowly
as he could, he drew it off his shoulders, baring the back he knew Liam loved
to bite, and finally letting the shirt drop to give them a full view of his
ass. Eyes closed, Chas went back to slowly pumping his dick while he pulled on
his sac with his other hand. God, he probably should have put on a cock ring so
he could last longer, but it was a little late now.

“Turn around,” Liam growled. “Show us what you’re playing
with, Chas.”

He glanced over his shoulder, saw Liam’s hand rubbing faster
and faster beneath the lace, while Greer had her head thrown back against his
shoulder, her eyes bare slits and her cheeks flushed as she tossed her head
back and forth.

“Pump your cock, Chas, while I make her come. Isn’t she
pretty? Our woman. Our fiancée.”

Chas speeded up, concentrating his efforts on the plum,
already slick with pre-cum. He was panting. He couldn’t help it. It was just so
fucking hot to stand there naked in front of them, jerking off while Liam was
still fully clothed, even his tie still neatly knotted, and Greer sprawled on
his lap wearing only silk thigh-high stockings and lacy panties, her body
already flushing in the first throes of orgasm.

“Step over here and come for us, Chas.” Liam’s smile was
dark and aroused, his voice no more than a growl of desire.

“Fuck yeah.” He stepped between Liam’s legs, right up
between Greer’s splayed thighs while his hand moved faster and faster along his
shaft. As she arched against Liam’s hand and cried out, Chas fisted his dick,
pointing it at that black lace and groaning as he shot cum over her and Liam’s
hand. It splashed onto the sleeve of his suit coat, but Liam just smiled and

“Yeah. Now you sit with her while I get out of my clothes.
You get a breather before round two.”


Liam didn’t tease as he stripped like Chas had, but he did
stop to touch himself as his gaze fell on her and Chas. Greer stroked her hands
over Chas’ pecs, circling his nipples with her fingers until they stood out,
hard as little diamonds. As her hand drifted across the ridged muscles of his
stomach to his reawakening cock, she saw Liam mimic her motion, his hand
slipping beneath the waistband of his slacks. His dark eyes drifted shut, his
lips parting slightly, and Greer felt the ache of arousal start all over again
at the sight.

“Strip, Liam,” she murmured. “Let us suck you.”

He groaned, toed off his shoes and nearly ripped the rest of
his clothing from his body. Eyes now bright with passion, he strode over to
them, stopping with his feet braced in front of the loveseat. Chas was the
first to take him between his lips, gliding along Liam’s shaft. Greer took just
a moment to watch. Both these men were hers, and the knowledge they wanted each
other as much as they wanted her was the most incredible turn-on.

As soon as Chas came up for air, Greer replaced him, loving
the silky feel of Liam’s shaft, the warm, clean taste of him. His fingers
combed through her hair and she continued working him with her mouth and

Now Chas touched her, sliding the stockings from her legs,
lifting her hips so he could strip the boy pants from her. Greer moaned around
Liam’s cock when Chas dropped to the floor, parted her legs, and started
tonguing her clit, licking all the way to the tight pucker of her asshole.

“That is so damn hot,” Liam growled, “watching you with your
mouth on me while Chas has his face buried in your sweet little pussy.”

And it was hot. Chas worked his fingers in and out of her
while he teased her clit into an aching mass of nerves. Liam held her head
steady while he thrust gently between her lips. Greer tried to concentrate on
pleasing him, but her thoughts scattered before the sensations Chas created
with his nibbling and sucking. Her pussy wept for him, his fingers gliding in
and out. His rhythm changed, one finger sliding around her anus before pushing

“Have her straddle your lap, Chas,” Liam growled from
somewhere over her head. “Keep loosening her with your fingers, and we’ll love
her together.”

“Please,” she whispered, looking into Chas’ blue, blue eyes.
“I need you inside, need both of you there.”

He smiled, touching her cheek with his fingertips, and
kissed her softly before saying, “Put me inside her, Liam, then you come too.”

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