BareBottomGirl (13 page)

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Authors: Sarina Wilde

BOOK: BareBottomGirl
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“I’ll get him settled and be back.”

Liam nodded. After they’d left, he wandered around the
downstairs, going to Chas’ office. Julie had made it more than plain she either
knew or certainly suspected what his relationship with Chas really was. He
stroked the smooth surface of the desk. She wouldn’t dare make an issue of
that, but if she suspected they were living as a threesome? He worried about
what she could do, not to him—people expected artists to be eccentric—but her
spite could affect Chas and Greer. The everyday world traveled in twos, not

If Greer wanted to travel that road.

Liam sat, leaning his arm on the chair and rubbing his
forehead tiredly.

“Are you okay?”

Greer had just entered the room, her brow knitted in
concern. Liam shook off his worries and smiled, patting his lap. “Come here,
baby. Have I told you how great you are with Wyatt?”

“I love him.”

She said it so simply, so matter-of-factly. Liam wrapped his
arm around her when she sat on his lap, tilting her head into his neck. An
aching tenderness he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt filled him. He blinked away the
moisture in his eyes.

“Stay with me tonight?” he asked quietly, wanting more than
anything to be able to hold her close.


Greer wasn’t quite sure about Liam’s mood. In some ways, he
seemed needier to her right now than Wyatt. Something was bothering him, but he
obviously didn’t want to talk about it. No matter. She would stay with him not
because he asked but because it was what she wanted too.

“Of course I will.”

He turned his head, running his lips along her cheek until
he brushed her mouth. His fingers tangled in her short hair, holding her steady
so he could plunder her with his tongue. Greer slid her hands over his
shoulders and pressed her aching breasts to him.

“God, Greer. I want you here, now.” She felt the hard press
of his swollen cock against her hip, and she thought of the toys she’d
discovered in the desk. She felt the need in him. It was more than a hard-on,
more than sex. It was in his eyes, and she wanted to see that warmth there burn
even brighter.

“Play with me, Liam. Show me what to do with you and Chas.”

“Fuck!” He scooped her up carrying her with him as he shut
the door. “Lock it!” he growled.

Greer’s nipples tightened at the lust in his gaze. As soon
as he deposited her on the top of the desk, he was stripping her clothes off as
if he couldn’t get her naked fast enough. She shifted and lifted, helping him
until she was nude and open to his hot perusal.

“Now you.” God, was that husky voice hers? Her eyes were
glued to him as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. Maybe it was from working
with his hands and power tools so much on larger sculptures, but his upper body
was well developed, muscles shifting and bunching in the mellow lamplight. When
his hands went to the waistband of the sweats he’d pulled on, Greer stopped

“Let me.”

The soft, clinging cotton of his pants left no doubt of his
already supremely aroused state. As she stripped off his sweats and his boxers,
his cock sprang to attention, its tip already slick.

“Suck me, Greer.”

She sat in the chair, turning him toward her and cupping his
sac in one hand while she licked along the length of his shaft and covered the
head with her mouth.

“That’s it.”

Gently rubbing his balls, she slid her mouth farther,
bobbing back and forth as she felt him swell even larger. His testicles
tightened, so she pulled on his sac.

“That’s it, baby. Long and slow.” His hips pumped as though
he were keeping the utmost rein on his control, and his fingers slid through
her hair and over her scalp. “I like this, just you and me, but I want to have
you and Chas do this together, have you both sucking me off. Then I can watch
him fuck you. Would you like that?”

She lifted her mouth from him, looked into his slumberous
gaze. “Yes. More than you can imagine. But right now? It’s you I want.”

He lifted her, set her on the desk and spread her thighs.
She trembled from nerves and need, but the steadiness and gentleness of his
touch relaxed her. Liam leaned forward, brushing his lips with hers. Greer
answered the question in his touch by teasing him with her tongue and moaning
as he deepened the kiss. His hands stroked restlessly over her shoulders and
down her arms before moving in to cup her small breasts.



She had been about to say small, but stopped, her neck and
back arching as he moved over her throat. When his lips suckled her nipple, the
tugging sensation pulled a whimper from her. Liam switched his attention to the
other breast, but didn’t let up. His fingers moved over her belly, and Greer
automatically tilted for him, eager to feel his touch between her thighs,
stroking her pussy.

Back and forth, his fingers glided along her slippery folds,
making her writhe as desire throbbed. She needed him…oh, yes. He pressed
against her clit. She nearly sobbed in frustration as his fingers traveled back
down, one slipping inside her, but a moment later he was tonguing the aching
little bud of flesh. And then she did sob.

There was nothing else in the universe but his mouth and his
hand, solely focused on bringing her pleasure. Greer arched back, her hips
pumping against him, wanting…wanting. The cry that left her lips was low,

“Please…Liam…please.” She couldn’t articulate what she
wanted. Her body needed him, needed his cock inside her. Barely aware, she
heard the slide of a drawer, the tearing of what she could only assume was a
condom packet, then Liam was pulling her forward, so she straddled him where he
sat in the desk chair. She grasped his shoulders for balance, feeling him
guiding the blunt head of his cock to her swollen opening. She ached for him,
for what he could give her.

As soon as Greer felt the pressure, she drove down, gloving
him inside her and drawing a rumble of pleasure from him.

“Easy, baby,” he growled. “I want this to last more than a
few seconds.”

He pumped his hips, slowly, and she answered him. They set a
rhythm. As Liam leaned back in the chair, he cupped her breasts and tweaked the
nipples. With each flick of his thumbs, a tug of pleasure shot through her
body, straight to her pussy.

His hands were everywhere, caressing, guiding, playing,
until her fingers dug into his shoulders and she came hard.

“That’s it. God, I love to watch you come,” he growled as he
leaned forward, branding her with another deep kiss. His hands held her hips in
place while he surged, driving in and out of her until his head fell back and
he climaxed, shiver after shiver shaking his big body as he groaned.

Greer slumped against him, so boneless she doubted she could
ever move again. Their chests heaved from their exertion. Weakly, Greer leaned
her forehead against his shoulder.

“Is it always like this?” she asked.

“Only with you and Chas.” Liam’s hands trembled as he stroked
over her hair to her shoulders.

“Come upstairs with me.”

“I don’t think I can walk,” she managed to murmur.

“Then I’ll carry you.”

He stood, setting her on the desk again while he stripped
the used condom off and casually tossed it in the trash. He picked her up in
his arms, laughing softly when she squealed.

“What about our clothes?”

He winked at her. “Don’t worry. The maid will get them
tomorrow and be able to think about how much fun we had in here.”

He carried her up the back stairs so they were nearer the
master suite. The last thing Greer wanted to have happen was for Wyatt to
awaken and see them parading past his room in the buff. Not good.

Liam closed the door with his foot before carrying her over
to the king-sized bed. After setting her on her feet, he patted her butt. “Turn
back the covers and climb in. I’ll be back in a minute. I just want to check on

“I can do that,” she protested.

“Nah. I got it.”

Greer watched him pull on a pair of sweats before he padded
from the room into the hall. She pulled back the comforter and slipped between
the sheets, stretching as contentment flooded her. She felt as though she’d
just emerged from the darkness and finally found rays of light—Liam, Wyatt and

Chapter Nine


Chas leaned back in his desk chair and frowned. Dr. Samantha
Marlow obviously had a friend in scheduling because he discovered most of her
shifts had been altered to coincide with his. Or, like this weekend, his had
been switched to match hers. So not happening. On top of the fact she just wasn’t
his type—he’d recently discovered a penchant for petite brunettes—he had never
and would never compromise his ideas about keeping work separate from play.

He’d learned the negative side from his parents. A doctor
and a nurse, they had started out working together until after he was born.
Then his mother had switched from working at a hospital to working in private
practice. As they spent more and more time apart, their interests
changed—including who they wanted to have sex with. After his father had
discovered his mother was doing more than taking temperatures and checking
blood pressure for the head of the practice where she worked, the shit had hit
the fan at home, and Chas had ended right squarely in the middle of it.

When their marriage had finally split apart, he’d seen how
it had destroyed his father. His dad had come from nothing, worked his ass off
to get into medical school, and truly loved being a general surgeon. But he had
done all of it for a reason—to support the family he’d thought he could count

So no, dipping his pen or his prick in the company ink was
absolutely not happening. He started to pull out his cell and call Liam, but
when he saw how late it was, he shoved it back in the clip at the waistband of
his scrubs. The smart thing to do would be to get a couple hours’ sleep—if he
could. Saturday night in a major metro area usually meant an influx of
surgeries big and small. He leaned back in his chair, propping his feet on the
desk and letting his head rest against the padded chair back.

It seemed he’d barely closed his eyes when his team’s scrub
nurse was shaking him. “Dr. Lynch, wake up. We’ve got victims from an accident
in Spaghetti Junction coming in.”

Chas was instantly awake and alert. It was something he’d
trained his body to do. Now all it took was hearing the words Spaghetti
Junction and accident to know the rest of this night was going to be busy.

* * * * *

Wyatt was out like a light. Liam tucked the covers more
securely around his son’s sturdy body and softly brushed a curl from his
forehead. God how he missed having him here all the time.

Liam swallowed hard, trying to keep his temper in check. He’d
attempted to keep things civil for Wyatt’s sake, but he’d never understood why
Julie demanded custody. She didn’t want Wyatt, not really. He’d had to all but
threaten her to stop her from getting an abortion. At first, it might have been
the newness. Wyatt had been a reason for people to pay attention to her, but as
their son grew, her attention had waned. More and more often, she was on the
phone asking Liam to take him, but not giving him any real rights. He didn’t
care. He’d take his son on any terms. As he straightened, he passed his hand
over his face. He wanted a normal life.

How much of a joke was that? He was in love with a man and
more than halfway in love with his new housekeeper. What the hell was he
thinking? He pulled the door mostly closed before he padded back down the hall
toward the master bedroom. In his heart, he worried where he was headed. Experience
had taught him it wasn’t possible to have everything. It wasn’t possible to
have Chas, to have Greer…and to have Wyatt.

Liam paused in the open doorway to the master bedroom, his
gaze taking in Greer, sprawled on her stomach. The covers had slipped below her
waist. In the soft light, her scars were barely noticeable. She wouldn’t see it
that way. People always seemed to be harder on their own imperfections—real and
imagined—than they were about imperfections in others.

She shifted, one arm creeping over her head. From the side,
he had a wonderful view of the swell of her breast. A perfect, creamy globe,
just large enough to hold and caress, but small enough she would maintain her
shape as the years passed. As he neared the side of the bed, he traced the
flowing lines of her body. Despite being petite, her limbs were long and
graceful, the swell of her bottom generous because of muscles developed over
years of swimming and skiing. Lord. He started to adjust his swelling cock
inside his sweats. Then he realized he could simply strip them off and join

For a little while, at least, he didn’t have to make a
choice. He could have it all. If that was selfish, so be it, but for once he
wanted to experience a woman who cared about him, not his name or his money. He
didn’t want to analyze his emotions. He simply wanted to feel them. Greer
offered love and affection, and Liam badly needed exactly what she was ready to

She didn’t stir as he pulled the covers back. He planned on
kissing every inch of her, starting at her toes. Suiting actions to ideas, he
pressed a kiss to the delicate arch of each foot, licked his way around her
ankles and nibbled along her calves. When he reached the sensitive skin behind
her knees, he kissed gently, touching the tip of his tongue to her before
continuing up her thighs.

Greer moaned in her sleep, shifting again by bending a leg
and giving him better access to the shadowy area between her buttocks and
thighs. Liam crawled up the bed, kissing the tops of her thighs before running
his hands along the path his mouth had just traveled.

It was the hitch in her breathing as his fingers teased
along the edge of her bottom that alerted him. She was awake. How long she had
been he wasn’t sure, but he really shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, he
hadn’t been gone long enough to really give her a chance to fall into a deep

With a wicked grin, he cupped her butt cheeks in his palms,
using his thumbs to part them and bare the tight little pucker of her anus. His
cock went on instant alert.
Down boy. It’s not your turn yet.
One brow
arched, he blew and watched her muscles tighten in response.

“I know you’re awake,” he purred. “Let me know how you like

Dipping his head, he dragged his tongue from the top of the
cleft to her anus, slowly circling, then laving it with the flat of his tongue.
Greer jerked, tilting her bottom for more and making Liam chuckle. He wanted to
keep it up forever, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to. She was simply too
responsive. Still, he’d promised himself Chas would be the one to take her back
here first, if she wanted it. From her reaction, it would seem she did.

But he could get her ready for him, couldn’t he?

Kissing his way farther, he shifted, sliding his aching cock
between her thighs. While he kissed along the skin of her shoulder to her neck,
he bucked his hips, dry humping so close to the spot he’d love to bury himself.
He slid his palm over her bottom.

“Have you had anyone back here, baby?”

“N-no.” A delicate shiver shook her.

He’d swear his cock had just swollen to twice its normal

“Markus was the only…and he never…”

“Never played with your pretty ass?”

He was going to come if he didn’t stop. Right. Now. Liam
rolled to the side, but kept one hand on her butt, gently stroking.

“Was what I just did okay?”

“Yes.” She turned her head on the pillow to stare at him,
eyes huge. “It felt amazing. Does it feel the same for you?” She blushed.

Liam trailed his fingers along the crack of her ass. Laying
his head on the pillow next to her, he smiled. “Yes. Most of the time, I’m top,
but Chas loves to eat me. It is amazing. You want more?”


“I have some toys we can try.”


Greer blushed. She knew it from the heat blossoming on her
from head to toe. Toys? Somehow she knew he wasn’t referring to Cabbage Patch

“What kind of toys?”

“Vibrators, handcuffs, nipple clamps, butt plugs.”

Holy crap
. “You use all those?”

Liam stroked a finger down her spine, making her shiver as
he paused right at the top of her butt.

“Only for fun.”

“I don’t know…”

Liam kissed her shoulder. “No worries. I think for tonight,
my fingers and my tongue are more than enough.”

Greer wanted to tell him to go ahead. She wanted to see
these toys, but she’d finally hit an area she wasn’t sure about. She remembered
seeing the cuffs in the desk drawer in Chas’ office, but thinking about having
them on her was altogether different.

“Suit you?”

She nodded.

“Roll over on your back, baby,” Liam instructed as he
reached into the nightstand drawer and returned with a bottle. At least she
recognized that. He set it on the table and pulled her into his embrace. “You’re
so hot. I want to have you ready so once Chas has rested, you can take us both.
Think about it. Chas will take you first, then once we’ve rested, I’ll lie on
my back. Chas will help you mount me, let you sink your ass on my cock. Once I’m
in, Chas will fuck your pretty pussy.”

As he’d described what they would do, his fingers had slid
between her thighs, stroking and probing the juicy folds of her pussy.

“So wet, Greer. So sexy.”

His finger slipped a little farther, passing over her taint
and slowly circling the opening of her ass. Every nerve in her body leaped in
response, making her push toward that finger. Liam chuckled, such a low, dark
sound that nevertheless made her call his name.

“More, Liam. Please.”

He grabbed the lube, squirted some onto his fingers.

“Spread your legs for me, baby.” As soon as she had, he
grabbed an extra pillow and shoved it under her butt, raising her hips for
easier access. Scooting between her spread legs, he gave her pussy lips a long,
leisurely lick, his eyes holding hers, before he lowered his face and suckled
her aching clit.

One of his fingers slid inside her vagina, pumping and
withdrawing. He pulled almost all the way out. Another finger circled her anus,
teasing the tight opening.

“So tight. Push against my finger.” She did what he asked. “Thatta

It slipped inside her at the same time his other finger
pushed back into her vagina. Filling her from both sides until she was positive
she was going to pass out.

As her bottom adjusted to the penetration, Greer began to
move back in counter to his rhythm. His thumb bumped her clit. Greer pulled her
legs to her chest, giving him more room. Liam grinned and went back to eating
her like there was no tomorrow.

She thought about his finger in her ass, wondered how it
would feel to have something else there as well. Would it feel as full? Would
it hurt? She had to know.


He lifted his head, her dew glistening on his mouth and
chin. “What, baby? You all right?”

She nodded. “Could we…try…a toy?”

His eyes narrowed and he licked his lips. “Oh yeah.
Something small. A plug you can leave in to help stretch you.”

Keeping his finger in her ass, he rolled back over and
extracted a box from the nightstand drawer, handing it to her.

“You choose.”

Greer opened the box, barely daring to look inside. When she
opened her eyes, she saw a set of five plugs in varying sizes. The largest one
made her eyes pop wide. Liam must have seen her expression because suddenly he

“I think maybe the smallest one would be good to start. Hand
it to me.”

His voice had changed subtly, becoming firmer, more commanding,
but not in any way that made her feel as if he were bullying her. Instead, it
gave her comfort, making her feel like she could rely on him and his knowledge.

She watched him coat it thickly with lube, then he stroked
it along her folds and around the opening of her ass. Greer couldn’t help the
whimper that erupted. Before she had time to form an apology and tell him
everything was fine, he was there with the plug, pushing inside her sphincter
muscles as easily as his finger had.

“That’s it baby,” he soothed. “See how easy that was?” He
grabbed a condom and suited up.

“What are you doing?” she squeaked.

He grinned. “I’m going to fuck your pussy a little bit while
you have this plug in. Then if you’re good, we’ll move up a little bit in size
until you tell me you’ve had enough.”

As he crawled up her body, he dipped his head to lick her
nipples. Greer started to cover them, always a little paranoid because they
poked up so stiffly.

“No baby,” Liam told her. “Don’t cover them. They’re
beautiful. Grab my dick and guide it in.”

She reached between them, circling his shaft and pulling him
forward. Oh Jesus! The sensation of him pushing into her while she had the plug
in her ass was indescribable, but just when her body had started to really
crank up again, he stopped and pulled out.

“Let’s try something a little larger.”

All Greer could do was nod mindlessly, wanting to feel more
of the incredible stretching and fullness the plug plus his penis provided.
Liam repeated the process two more times before Greer looked at him. “That’s

He nodded then pumped his hips, pistoning in and out of her
while his hands cupped and squeezed her ass. A wave of feeling so strong she
feared she would faint overwhelmed her. She came for him, over and over again.

In the aftermath, Liam stroked her cheek, kissed her
forehead and told her to sleep. As she curled up, she knew he was cleaning up
from their lovemaking. Never had she felt as treasured. Having Liam and Chas
with her would only add to it.

* * * * *

“Thanks, everybody.” Chas looked around at all the members
on his surgical team, his gaze skipping over Samantha Marlowe. That was a
scheduling situation he’d be taking care of in short order, like as soon as he
left the operating room.

Chas made sure he wasn’t alone with her. After stripping off
his operating room garb, he slipped his other shoes on and stalked down the
hall. In a matter of minutes, he’d cleared the way to move Sam Marlowe into a
different rotation that wouldn’t cross paths with him.

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