Backtracker (52 page)

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Authors: Robert T. Jeschonek

BOOK: Backtracker
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All right,
said Billy.
So, that
s what you
re afraid he was doing here yesterday. You think maybe he spotted some nasty shit about to go down, and he couldn
t get anyone else to help him head it he was either trying to get your folks to do something, or he was trying to do something himself.

nodded Dave, hunched and pacing, swiftly running out of patience.

s something really bad comin
down the pike, we
ve gotta
stop it...
we can stop it. From what Larry said, we don
t have much of a shot,
cause not only are you related to the people you think he
s trying to save, but both of us know he
s psychic. On top of that, for all we know,
might be the one who
s really in trouble here.

Dave said gruffly.

The big problem is, we don
t know jack shit,
continued Billy, drumming his fingers on the counter.
We don
t know for sure if Larry was here because
he had
a psychic vision, and if he
have a vision, we don
t know squat about it. We don
t know when, where, or how it
s gonna
happen, so we really can
t do anything to try and stop it.

Unless we follow my family around twenty
four hours a day,
added Dave.

Right, and that
s impossible. There
s no way we can keep track of them all the time, and anyway, there won
t be anyone to watch out for you.

I don
about me,
shot Dave.
m just worried about my parents and Jeff. I think we oughtta
be out there right
, keeping an
on them.

You said yourself it probably wouldn
t do any good,
said Billy, shaking his head.
You can
t follow Jeff through his classes all day, and you can
t follow your folks around work. Anyway, if we tried that, they
d probably think we
re both a couple bricks short of a load.

I think we should at least follow them for now,
insisted Dave.
I think there
s more of a chance that something will happen to one of them when they
re all split up.

rejected Billy.
s not the way to go, man. I mean, according to what Larry told you, we
re screwed from the get
go. We probably won
t be able to do anything to help your folks, since you
re part of the family and we both know Larry
s psychic. According to his rules, it
d be useless for us to chase your brother and folks around.

ve got to at least
flung Dave.
Damnit, we can
t just
here! This is my family
re talking about!

Calm down,
said reprovingly.
We aren
just gonna
sit here, okay? Seems to me, though, if something
s gonna
happen, we can
t handle it ourselves. If what Larry told you is true, we
ll have to get somebody else to do the dirty work...somebody who isn
t part of your family and who doesn
t know about Larry
s powers.

Like who
huffed Dave.
re we gonna
get, and what good
s it gonna
if we don
t know what
s coming?

s what we
ve gotta
do first,
Billy stated decisively.
ve gotta
find out
s coming...
coming. We
ve gotta
get Larry to fill us in on this deal.

ve already thought of that,
said Dave.
s why I wanted you to help me. I figured you could keep tabs on my family, and I could go see Larry in the meantime.

said Billy.
of us see Larry. No
are we gonna
split up, man...not as long as there
s a chance you might be the one in danger.

Dave chucked snidely.
So we just hang my whole family out to dry.

s no other way to
ly said with conviction.
what Larry told you is true, and
he was here yesterday because something awful
s gonna
happen, we
ve gotta
get someone
to stop it. We can
t do
till we find out more from Larry, and we
ve gotta
do it together
cause I
m not
etting you outta
my sight!
Momentarily agitated, Billy looked away from his friend; rubbing the bridge of his nose, he released a long sigh. When next he spoke, his voice
so sharp.
Look, I
m being totally serious here. As far as I can tell, this is the way it has to be.

Still pacing, still dissatisfied with Billy
s ideas, Dave shrugged.

Now, c
said Billy.
I think it
s about time we dug up our boy Larry. Where
s that phone number you said you had?

Calling him won
t do any good,
declared Dave.
I had a hard enough time dragging anything out of him in person, and I doubt he
ll say anything over the phone.

How do you
he won
t say anything on the phone? Maybe you softened him up enough the other night, so he
ll sing like a birdie.

Believe me, he won
t. Larry gets lockjaw when it comes to this psychic stuff.

No harm in trying,
shrugged Billy.
It might save us a lot of time, man. At the very least, we oughtta
be able to find out if Larry
s home.

Still pacing, Dave mulled it over for a moment.
What if we scare him off
he asked hesitantly.
What if he just makes tracks the minute he finds out that we wanna
talk to him? I mean, if he
trying to stop something terrible from happening, he won
t wanna
tell us a damn thing. He won
t want us in the way.

nodded Billy,
but if he
out to stop some disaster, he
ll probably tell us right off the bat. If he was here yesterday to do something else, like get that
you told him you have, he
ll probably just say so, and we can relax.

Yeah, but what if he lies? What if he just tells us something like that to get us off his back?

What if, what if, what if,
Billy chanted mockingly.
ve gotta
lay off the
bud. We
ll never get anything accomplished if you keep sweatin
over every little thing that can happen.

If he lies, I
ll have no way of
Dave snapped shrilly.
I need to
the guy so I can tell if he
s laying it on the line!

How do you know he didn
t lie to you the other night? From what you
ve said, Larry
s a damn good liar, right? So how do you know he wasn
t bullshitting you the other night?

He wasn
clipped Dave.
The way he acted, I could tell.

Could you
queried Billy, raising his sandy eyebrows, slowly drumming his fingers on the counter.
Maybe he
s just a good actor, too.

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