Baby Love (65 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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              He pushed me back onto the couch; his fingers captured a breast, massaging it gently.  He lowered his head and his lips found my nipple; he suckled it gently his tongue swirling around my nipple.

              "Mmmm," he said, "You taste so good baby."

              He went to my other breast doing the same.  My sex was dripping wet.  I was feeling saucy by this time.

              "I have other nectar for you to enjoy, Trey," I purred.

              He was between my legs, placing one on each of his shoulders as he lowered his face to my sex.  His lips and tongue made love to me there.  He tasted my nectar; he moaned with me in mutual pleasure.

              "You taste so sweet baby," he breathed against me down there. 

              His tongue continued to swirl around my clitoris. His fingers explored inside of me, pressing gently against my swelled sweet spot.

              My breathing was coming faster and I moaned in anticipation of having him inside of me.

              "What baby?  Tell Trey what you want?"

              "I want you to make love to me Trey.  I want you to give me another baby."

              "Your wish is my command Tylar."

              He rose up off of the couch and pulled me with him.  He positioned himself onto a sitting position on the couch and placed me on his lap, straddling him.  I stroked his erection with my hand.  He raised me up and positioned me over his manhood.

              "Are you wet enough baby?" he asked.

              "Umm hum," I answered.

              He straightened his legs out so he was actually in a half-sitting, half-reclined position with his legs spread out in front of him.  He gently lowered me down upon his erection.  I heard him catch his breath as he fully penetrated me.  I squeezed my legs together tightening him inside of me.

              "Careful baby," he cautioned, "I don't want to come too quickly.  I want us both to enjoy this."

              I relaxed my legs a bit.

              "That's my girl," he said softly, clasping the back of my head with his hand and lowering it to his face.

              His tongue thoroughly probed my mouth; our tongues playfully danced and explored each other.  I felt butterflies each and every place he touched me.  His hands massaged my breasts tenderly.  His hips gently started a slow and rhythmic thrusting.  I could feel my uterus squeezing him gently.

              His hands lifted my ass up and down as I swiveled my hips in a circular motion feeling the head of his penis hitting my special place. 

              "Ahh God baby, what are you doing to me?"

              "I am loving you, Trey," I answered him; "I am loving you with every inch of my body."

              We both quickened at the same time; his thrusting increased in rhythm, my uterus contracted tighter in response.  We felt our orgasms mounting toward sweet release.  Trey stopped his thrusting; I felt his penis throbbing its impending release.  My uterus contracted squeezing his manhood tighter."

              "Oh God," he rasped as he emptied his love inside of me.

              I whimpered in pleasure as my orgasm pulsated around his.  I felt my liquid release join his.  I collapsed on top of him my breathing fast and shallow.  I so loved him in every way possible that a woman can love a man.  He wrapped his arms around me protectively; his breathing was ragged and shallow.  We were both spent.

              "I love you so much Tylar."

              "I love you Trey with all of my heart."

              I knew that Trey and I had made a baby that evening.  Somewhere my guardian angel had been watching over me protectively.  She wanted me to know that with Trey it was truly all about me.

              We ate our dinner over candlelight at our dining room table.  We were affectionate all through the evening.  As I climbed into bed that night thoroughly exhausted and satiated I knew that life on earth didn't get much better than this.  I had so much to be thankful for.  I had my Trey and Preston; I had found my father who I adored and who adored me; I had my best friend Gina; I had Trey's wonderful family that I loved dearly.  God had blessed me in so many ways.

              Trey and I had drifted off into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms.

              It was much later that we were both awakened by a ruckus coming from Gina and Tristan's room.  I awoke first hearing the loud voices.  I rose up looking at the clock on the nightstand.  It was nearly one a.m.  Trey awakened right after I did.

              "What the hell is going on?" he asked, groggily.

              "I think maybe Tristan and Gina are arguing."

              "Jesus Christ - what now?"

              We lay there listening to hear what was taking place.

              "I love you Tristan can't you see that?"

              Gina was crying; her tone was pleading.

              "How can I fucking believe anything you say Gina?"

              Tristan was enraged.  I had never thought that he had it in him to sound so angry.

              "Because it is the truth, Tristan!  Why are you letting Ian come between us?"

              "Me?" he asked, his tone sounding incredulous.

              "How can you possibly say it's me?  My God Gina - Ian didn't come between you and me.  No by God, he came between your fucking legs!"

              "What the hell?" Trey said starting to get up out of bed.

              "Trey, no.  Stay out of this.  It is between Gina and Tristan."

              "What?  What are you saying Tylar?"

              "I'm just saying that whatever their issue is should stay between Tristan and Gina.  We don't need to be involved."

              "I'm thinking that you know exactly what the issue is.  You are protecting Gina at the expense of my goddamn brother!"

              Trey was shouting at me; he hadn't done that in a very long time.

              "Trey it’s not like that at all.  I'm not 'protecting' anyone.  I don't want you or me to be involved in this."

              "That's too fucking late Tylar," he spat.  "If you or your fucking BFF or whatever it is that you two call each other have somehow conspired to hurt my brother then it damn well is my business."

              "I would never conspire to hurt anyone Trey!" I sobbed.  "How could you possibly think that?"

              "Then for the love of God Tylar, tell me what you know.  Tell me now."

              I was sobbing by this time; I had completely shut out the argument that was still going on between Gina and Tristan.  This had been a perfect night for me and Trey; it had turned into a nightmare in minutes.

              I relented and told Trey the details of Gina's pregnancy.  He was horrified that I had not told him sooner.

              "You mean to tell me that you were going to sit by silently and let that bitch make a fool out of my brother?"              "Trey for god sakes in all likelihood that baby is Tristan's.  I encouraged Gina to be upfront with Tristan because I felt that he would understand.  My God, her last time with Ian was before she was ever with Tristan."

              "Oh, so that makes it alright?  She had a fucking obligation to let Tristan know what had happened with her and Ian once she found out she was pregnant."

              "Trey, I agree with you.  Had I been in Gina's situation that is exactly what I would have done.  That was not my decision to make though."

              "I get that Tylar," he replied, "But let's face it.  If anyone has any influence over Gina it is you.  You could have persuaded or convinced her to talk to him."

              "I don't roll that way and you know it Trey.  I'm sorry but I believe to each his own.  Gina was making her decisions long before she met me.  I don't come into someone's life and suddenly take the wheel like that."

              "Oh so now what are you saying?  You think that I'm a 'Nazi' just like Gina says?"

              I was totally getting pissed with the whole conversation.  It had somehow morphed into a major fight between Trey and me on our magical night together.  I suddenly felt like going into the bathroom and giving myself a high-pressured douche just in case we had conceived.  I did not deserve to be at the receiving end of his anger.

              "Well I guess if the swastika fits, counselor . . ."

              Trey immediately threw the covers off of us and exited the bed with his pillow and a blanket.

              "Where the hell are you going?"

              "I'm going to sleep on the couch Tylar.  I guess I don't know who you are anymore."

              He barreled out of the room slamming the door behind him.

              I buried my face into the pillow sobbing uncontrollably.  From somewhere out in the apartment I heard another door slam.  I was still sobbing when I felt someone climb up on the bed.

              "Trey," I said turning my tear-stained face from the pillow.

              "No girlfriend, it's me," Gina said whimpering. 

              She was all cried out I could tell.

              "What the hell happened?" I asked her wiping my eyes.

              "Oh shit Ty.  It was awful.  I got a call from Ian late this afternoon.  Apparently someone at the club called him and told him that Tristan had told several of the workers that I was expecting and how thrilled he was by it.  He gave them my tentative due date and of course one of them obviously still loyal to Ian decided to phone him and tell him the good news."

(Holy shit!)

"So Ian makes a mad dash to the club and decides to share with Tristan the details of our last interlude including date and time.  I told you that it was just several days apart from when Tristan and I first made love."

              I was horrified at the chain of events that had occurred this evening as a result.

              "So anyway Tristan being the sweetie that he is gave me the benefit of the doubt.  You know - he figures that Ian was still jealous and just trying to make trouble for us since he saw the little scene that Ian had made at the club a few weeks back so he blew it off."

          I nodded waiting for Gina to continue.

              "So anyway, Ian presents Tristan with a piece of mail that he had picked up from the condo that night he came by to collect his mail from me. It was postmarked the day before I had received it at the condo.  It had not been opened and had Ian's name on it with our condo address.                He told Tristan to open it.  He said that he had no clue about the contents of what was inside but guaranteed  Tristan that it would answer the question as to whether Tristan could be 100% positive that the baby I carried was his or not. You will never guess what was inside that envelope."

              "What?" I asked practically screeching.

              "It was a letter from the Fulton County Urologists Group where Ian had gone a couple of weeks prior to get his sperm tested for fertility."

              "A couple of week

              "Oh yeah," Gina said, "The bastard wouldn't do it for me when I nagged him to.  Seems that Shelly wanted to know for sure whether he was sterile or not so she insisted he get tested and the son of a bitch did!"

              "So what were the results?"

              "The results were that Ian has a normal sperm count."

              "Oh my God," I replied.

              "Yep," she said, "So Tristan is all freaked out at me thinking that I purposely withheld this information about Ian hoping to trap him!"

              "Damn it Gina," I hissed, "I told you that you should have told Tristan from the get!"

              "Please Ty, no lectures!"

              "So what happened at the end of your argument?" I asked.  "By that time Trey and I were in the middle of our own because he accused me of covering for you."

              "No shit?"

              "Yeah, Gina no shit."

              "Well Tristan told me that I have lied to him by omission and that he can't be with someone that he can't trust no matter how much he loves her.  Then he left."

              Gina started crying again.

              "Don't cry Gina.  Let's get Trey in here and explain everything to him.  I know that he will understand once he hears your side of it."

              "Trey's not here," she sobbed.


              "No…after he heard Tristan's side of the story the Hot Nazi ducked into the laundry room and got some street clothes on.  They both left.  I don't know where they went or if I will ever see my Tristan again," she sobbed.

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