Baby Love (58 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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              "Trey you're insufferable today; what the hell has gotten in to you?"

              He gave me a wicked smile.  I knew that look.

              "Hey Mom," he called out to Susan in the kitchen, "Can you watch Preston while Tylar and I take a nap?"

(Oh my God - I was going to kill him!)

              "Well of course darling," she replied, "Nana wants to spend some quality time with her grand-daughter."

              Trey gave me his impish grin taking my hand and pulling me behind him up the staircase.

              "Trey," I implored once we had reached our suite, "Don't you think that may have been a bit

              "She's fine with it," he replied, his hands raising my sweater up over my head.

              "You heard her baby - she thinks Preston needs a brother or sister.  Besides, it's been like four days."

              Trey and I spent a delicious hour on our "nap." 

Afterward we both showered and changed.  I was reapplying my make-up when he came in to blow dry his hair. 

              "Seriously Tylar," he said, "I really would like to consider starting to expand our family I mean if you think it is the right time."

              "I thought we agreed to start trying this summer Trey?"

              "I know we did baby; it's just that I don't want our next child to be that far behind Preston.  I remember what it felt like with Nigel and Tristan being so close in age and then years later, I came along.  They both thought of me as a royal pain in the ass."

              "I think they still do," I said smiling at his reflection in the mirror.

              Trey grabbed me from behind lifting me up in his arms and twirling me around.

              "You have one smart mouth on you don't you wife," he said in faux admonishment.

              "Okay, okay," I said giggling.  "I will agree to not use birth control after we move into our home.  How about that?"

              "Sounds good to me baby," he replied, capturing my lips in a lingering kiss.

              "I love you Tylar."

              "I love you Trey."



              I finally got a chance to catch up with Tess at dinner.  She seemed radiant for some reason.  It was obvious that her marriage to Nigel agreed with her.  She went on about how much Preston had grown; I filled her in on what had happened with my father and that we were still trying to get some proof on what had happened with my mother.

              "Tylar," she said her eyes wide, "You have such strength and tenacity.  I truly hope in my heart that all of this leads to justice for you. That was such a tragedy to lose your mother to circumstances such as you described.  I am so glad for you that out of all of the tragedy you were blessed with finding your father."

              "I know," I replied, "It felt really strange at first but now he is just my dad, you know?"

              She leaned over and hugged me.

              "I want only the best for you," she said.

              Trey and I bathed Preston and got her in her pajamas.  Susan had moved the crib into their suite and asked if Preston could bunk in their room for the night.  Trey had no issue with it naturally.

              I nursed Preston on our bed while Trey visited downstairs with his family.  I hadn't had much alone time with my baby girl today.  I watched as she nursed, talking to her.

              She smiled releasing my nipple and pointing to a recent portrait of Trey's mother and father that was on the wall in the suite.

              "Na-na, Papaw," she said.

              "Yes Preston," I replied excited about her extended vocabulary.

              She seemed to pick up new words and names on a daily basis.

              Once she had fallen asleep I carried her down to their suite and tucked her into her crib.

              I was tired for the day and got changed into my pajamas and reclined on our bed falling asleep before Trey had come to our suite.

              Tristan and Gina arrived at the manor just a bit after ten o'clock the following morning.  I could tell something was up the minute they came into the foyer.  Gina greeted Susan and Clive warmly and then gave me her eye signal that said she needed to see me alone.  I nodded looking over to where Trey was sitting in the living room engaged in a conversation with Nigel.  Tess was over on the other couch playing with Preston.  It was clear to make my exit.

              When I got to our suite, Gina was already there stretched out across our bed on her stomach.  She looked miserable.

              "Gina what is it?  What's wrong?"

              "Tristan knows that I'm pregnant," she replied with obvious irritation.

              "Hey, I did not say a word.  I swear."

              I sat down next to her on the bed.

              "Yeah I know that you didn't.  It is totally my own damn fault."

              She clasped her hands behind her head, ruffling her spiky blond hair.

              "What the hell happened?"

              "Stupid me tossed that EPT stick into the trash can in our bathroom.  I forgot what a total neat freak Tristan is.  He was emptying our bathroom and bedroom trash cans to take down to the dumpster before we left to come here and happened to spot it."

              "Holy shit.  What did he say?"

              "Oh - he is ecstatic!  He wanted to know when I had planned on telling him the good news."

              "What did you say?"

              "I told him that he had ruined my New Year's surprise and acted all injured about it."

              "So you
are not
going to tell Tristan there is a possibility that the baby is not his?"

              Gina propped her hands up under chin and looked over at me.

              "Would that make me a horrible person Ty?  I mean come on it isn't as if the baby is going to be born with a British accent or anything?  Besides the chances are only slim that Ian might be the father."

              "Oh Gina I don't know.  I think you owe it to Tristan to be honest about what happened.  I mean it's not like you slept with Ian
you had already started a relationship with Tristan, right?  I really think that he will understand."

              "You are probably right Ty.  But the thing is now he is going to wonder why I waited to tell him something this significant.  It makes me look not only slutty but sleazy, too."

              She started crying and I understood that she was struggling with this decision.

              "Do you want me to talk to him Gina?"

              "Oh God no, Ty.  He can't know that you know."

              "Why?  He knows we are BFF's."

              "Tristan is funny about some things.  He is all pumped about making the announcement to the family."

              "He's not going to do that this holiday?" I asked.

              "I asked him to wait until after I saw my OB/GYN.  I am so emotional; I don't know what I would do if Tristan walked out on me.  I really love him Ty."

              "Gina just relax and not stress out about it right now, okay?  Now is not the time or the place for you to approach him on this anyway."

              Secretly I so much wanted for just one of the Sinclair family holidays to not be interrupted by some sort of fucked-up drama.

              "Okay," she sniffed;               "I will wait until we get back to Atlanta."

              "Okay good.  Just put this out of your mind and enjoy being with Tristan and his family for the next couple of days."

              "I would like to go over and visit Aunt Becky; I do want to share this with her."

              "I think that might be a good thing," I stated. 

              I knew her Aunt Becky would help her gain some perspective on this and console her in a motherly way.  That was what Gina needed at the moment.
















              After lunch I bundled Preston up and took her out to the horse barn to visit Derringer.  I had brought some cut carrots with me.  I held her on my hip and showed her how Derringer would eat the carrots from my hand.  He chomped them noisily and then would nuzzle my closed hand when he wanted more.  She was delighted watching me with Derringer.  I brushed him one-handedly and she leaned in to pat him on his silky mane.

              I kept repeating the word 'horsey' to her to see if she caught on to that word as quickly as she had to the others.  So far, she had not rewarded me with her rendition of it.  I wanted to walk up the trail to where the cottages were for some reason.  Even though I had lived in one of them a little less than two years ago, it seemed like a different era to me. 

              I carried her with me up the trail pointing out the different cottages and who they belonged to as if she would know these people.  Nothing had changed much.  As I came up to the first cottage I had occupied I saw the door open and Mark came barreling out.

(Oh My God - Mark was still here!)

              "Tylar?" he hollered loudly, hurrying up to me on the path.
              "Damn I thought that was you when I looked out my window.  Same sexy little saunter as always."

              "Same flirtatious Mark I see," I teased.

              "And who might this beautiful little angel be?"

              "This is our daughter, "Preston Michaela Sinclair," I announced proudly.

              Preston had her fingers in her mouth but when Mark looked down at her and smiled, she gave him a big dimpled grin.

              "Look at those little teeth coming in," he said with a grin.  "I bet she has some bite to her just like her mama."

              "Yeah, right," I laughed.

              "Seriously Tylar, she is the picture of you."

              "Are you serious Mark?  I think she is a female version of Trey truthfully."

              He studied her for a moment.

              "Well she has his eyes and coloring; but the rest is all you babe."

              "Hey, not to change the subject," he started, "But I understand Derringer will be leaving here in a few weeks."

              "Yes - our house is nearly finished complete with a horse barn and riding arena.  We hope to board horses and I've decided to teach dressage."

              "Well good for you," he replied.

              "What are your plans Mark?"

              "Well I've been put in charge of the track and breeding stock.  It's all worked out pretty well."

              "Do you ever see any of the others?"

              "The crew that was with you last year all graduated this past spring; with the exception of Jenna who finished grad school and is teaching in Fairfax.  Clint graduated but still works over at 'the Belle; Rodney moved to Houston taking a job there; Luke moved to Fairfax around the same time as Jenna.  I'll let you connect those dots."

              I laughed.

              "It seems like a million years ago," I reflected.

              "I'm really glad that things worked out for you and Trey, Tylar - speaking of which, I think your man has come to look for you as we speak."

              I turned to look in the direction of the path leading up to the cottages and sure enough Trey was on his way.

              Mark gave me a pat on the shoulder and took off walking the path towards the 'Belle.  I turned returning back down the way that I came and caught up with him.

              "I wondered where you had gone off to," he said, pulling Preston from me and circling his free arm around my waist.

              We walked back down the path towards the horse barn.

              "I wanted to see Derringer and introduce Preston to him.  She was enamored of course."

              "Horssey."  Preston squealed as we walked through the barn and she spotted Derringer again.

              Trey laughed hugging her closely.

              "I see we have yet another equestrian in the making," he commented.

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