Babies for Nikki (39 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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Alex nodded, kissing the back of her neck lightly as he guided his shaft alongside Butler’s, pushing in slowly. He stopped several times, allowing Nikki’s body to open further and accept him. When he found himself seated inside her as far as he could go, he let out a sigh of relief and joy.

The three of them were breathing heavily. It took every bit of strength the men had not to move. Nikki’s body held them snugly, and they knew of no more perfect place to be. To be inside of her together was to find ultimate peace and joy. Her body held them tightly. She was warm and wet, and she welcomed them completely and without reservation.

“Are you okay, Nikki?” Alex whispered against her neck.

Her moan caused both men to look at each other in concern. Alex nearly pulled out, he was so worried, but Nikki stayed him with a hand on his hip.

“Don’t you dare pull out of me,” she told him angrily.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he told her quietly.

“You’re not hurting me,” she insisted, looking over her shoulder at him. “Having you both inside of me is the most incredible feeling.”

“Really?” Butler asked her quietly. “Don’t tell us what you think we want to hear, Nikki. Are you sure we’re not hurting you?”

Nikki smiled slowly. “You’re hurting me so good,” she told him, winking at him before turning to look back at Alex and doing the same thing. “Now somebody better start moving because I need to be claimed.”

The growls that greeted her words made Nikki smile, but that quickly turned into a moan of pleasure as both men moved as one inside of her. She could feel their cocks pulling out of her before plunging deeper than she ever thought was possible. It was the most intense and incredible feeling she had ever experienced. Their thrusts intensified, making her moan continuously at the pleasure of their lovemaking. Just when she thought she would lose her mind from the pleasure, she felt both men latch onto the sensitive space between her neck and shoulder and bite down.

Unbelievable pleasure surged through her and slammed her into a mind numbing orgasm. She could feel the men sucking at her shoulder and was immersed in the wash of emotions she felt as their seed was released deep inside of her. She could feel the pulsing of their cocks and the warmth of their release, and she felt full to overflowing.

Both men groaned as their cocks knotted, and they were anchored deep inside their mate’s body. They could feel their seed finding its way to her womb, and they both said a prayer that the Fates would gift them with the creation of their babies as a result of this joining.

In that moment, Nikki felt as if she were being wrapped in white ribbons of light. The ribbons coursed through her body and tied the three of them together irrevocably.

These men are going to kill me with pleasure!

Oh, sweetness, we’ll gladly die right along with you.

Butler’s voice was clear as a bell inside her head. She thought for a moment that she had to have been mistaken.

Uh, Nikki, I think we forgot to tell you about the ability to speak to each other and share thoughts with each other once we claimed you.

Alex’s voice held embarrassment and a little bit of shame.

Nikki turned to look at him over her shoulder. “You think?” she accused. “That might have been a good thing to tell me, you know.”

“Sorry, sweetness,” Butler apologized, reaching up to turn her face toward him. “I guess we were so caught up in loving you, we didn’t think about it.”

Trust in the joining.
A woman’s voice, so clear and kind, spoke in her mind.

Nikki’s eyes widened with fear and she looked at both men. “Did you hear that?” she whispered.

Both men looked at each other then returned their attention to her. “I didn’t hear anything,” Alex answered honestly.

“Neither did I,” Butler added. “What did you hear?”

“Nothing,” Nikki responded immediately. She was sure she was losing her mind.

“Mate, you heard something,” Butler stopped her. “What did you hear?”

Nikki sighed, knowing that both men would certainly kick her to the curb once they heard her tell of the delusion. She wasn’t so sure she wasn’t crazy herself! Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and sighed, opening her eyes to look at both men.

“I heard a woman’s voice tell me to trust in the joining.”

Both men smiled at her instantly. Alex closed his eyes and laid his head against her temple. Butler leaned into her neck and kissed it gently.

“We are truly blessed,” he spoke softly against her ear.

“What do you mean?” Nikki’s voice was barely above a whisper. They obviously believed that what she had heard was a reality, not her delusion.

Alex lifted his head and looked down at her. His eyes were bright with happiness as he smiled down at her. “The Fates have stepped in to tell you that our joining was destined to be. You have been blessed with their message.”

Nikki looked up at him silently. This was a lot for her to process. It scared her, but she couldn’t deny what she had heard. And she wanted more than anything to believe that her life with these men was going to be amazing.

“So. One more thing. I felt you guys swelling inside of me,” Nikki told them, fighting not to smile at the embarrassment that seemed to sweep over both men. “Did you forget to tell me about that, too?”

They actually blushed at her words, making her heart melt at their sweetness. She wasn’t really mad at them. It actually felt pretty damn good when they knotted deep inside her. It still felt really good, actually.

“So it felt good, huh?” Alex teased.

“Hey! Are you going to be eavesdropping in my head from now on?” Nikki demanded.

Both men chuckled, holding her tightly between them. She could feel their contentment, and she could feel their decidedly smug attitude at having pleasured her.

She squeezed the inner walls of her vagina, pulling a moan of pleasure and one last spurt of seed from both of them. She smiled at the thought of their seed deep inside of her and snuggled against Butler’s chest, loving the feel of Alex’s body draped over hers.

Love you, Mate.
Alex’s voice whispered softly in her head.

You’ve made us so happy.
Butler’s gentle voice added.
Love you.

I love you more.

Nikki’s words filled their hearts. They counted themselves lucky men to have found such a loving mate. They would spend the rest of their lives making sure that she knew every day how much she meant to them.

Now who’s going to get up to get something to clean us up? I call dibs on staying in bed!

Both men smiled against their mate, licking at their mating marks on her shoulders and kissing them lightly. They felt a contentment settle deep within them. They couldn’t be happier. Nikki was finally theirs. She was good and truly claimed.

Chapter 16


Nikki took the steps two at a time, hurrying toward Laurie’s room. She carried a large canvas bag that was filled to overflowing. Knocking on Laurie’s door, she waited impatiently for her friend to answer her knock. There was no sound from within the suite.

Nikki knocked again. “Laurie, are you okay?” she called firmly, fear filling her at her friend’s silence.

“Come in, Nikki,” Laurie’s muffled voice called to her.

Nikki opened the door and rushed inside, closing the door behind her without looking, only knowing it was sealed by the slam that she heard. She made her way through the living area to the door to the bedroom and opened it quickly. Seeing Laurie lying in the bed, cuddled under the soft blue comforter, sent a rush of fear through her. Her best friend had been through so much. Having her ex attack her and one of the pack members try to poison her had been more than frightening for all of them. Thankfully, Laurie was fine, and so was the baby she was carrying.

Nikki climbed up onto the bed, quickly tossing the canvas tote toward the foot of the bed before she lay down gently beside her best friend. Reaching out, she took Laurie’s hand in hers and squeezed it lightly, smiling at her as she looked at her friend’s sleepy gaze.

“How’re you feeling?” Nikki whispered, her eyes filled with concern.

“I’m fine,” Laurie insisted, sighing softly. “All of you need to stop hovering over me.” She pushed at Nikki’s shoulder, loving the immediate laugh that escaped her. “So, how about you? How do you like being a claimed woman?”

“Now, how the hell did you know that?” Nikki blurted out, astonished.

Laurie touched her nose with her index finger. “I can smell Alex and Butler on you.”


“No, I’m kidding,” Laurie teased. “I can see their claiming marks.” She pointed to the healed marks on Nikki’s shoulders, clearly in view because of the spaghetti straps of her light blue sundress.

Nikki looked at her own shoulders and groaned. “Duh,” she moaned. “I think I lost some brain cells during the claiming.”

“That good, huh?”

“Oh, yeah!” Nikki answered immediately, unable to prevent the blush that covered her cheeks.

“I’m glad, Nikki,” Laurie told her quietly, her soft smile sincere. “Are you feeling okay? You aren’t hurting?”

Nikki’s blush deepened. “I’m fine.” Turning to face her friend, she couldn’t help the emotions that were filling her. “I can’t believe how they took care of me afterward, Laurie. I’ve never felt so cherished in my entire life.”

“So, they bathed you together in a tub filled with the healing salts?”

At Nikki’s nod, Laurie smiled, enjoying tormenting her friend for a change. Usually Nikki was the one to tease her. It was really fun to have the tables turned.

“Did they rub in the herbal ointment so you’re not so sore?”

Nikki nodded once again. “Yes, and they made sure to rub it in really deep inside of me,” she told her, her voice barely above a whisper.

“And did you enjoy the healing properties of their saliva as well?” Laurie asked her seriously, wiggling her eyebrows and ruining the intensity of the moment.

Nikki covered her face with the comforter as embarrassment flooded her. “You are so going to hell, Laurie,” she mumbled against the blanket.

Laurie’s giggles filled the room. She reached out and took hold of the blanket, pulling it down slowly to reveal her friend’s mortified expression.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, laughing with pure enjoyment. “I really am, Nikki.”

Nikki couldn’t prevent the smile escaped her. “I guess I deserve it for teasing you all these years,” she admitted reluctantly.

“Yeah, you do,” Laurie agreed.

She reached out and took Nikki’s hand in hers, the humor leaving her slowly. Nikki squeezed her hand lightly.

“I really am okay, Laurie,” Nikki told her quietly. “I’ve never been so happy in my life.”

“I’m glad.”

“So, how are you feeling, little mother?”

“Tired, but really happy.”

“About damn time,” Nikki whispered.

Laurie nodded. “You, too.”

Nikki sat up and reached for the canvas tote, upending it so that the multiple skeins of baby yarn and crochet hooks spilled out onto the bed. Laurie sat up slowly and reached out to touch the soft yarn.

“I brought this from my apartment,” Nikki told her, reaching for a hook and the soft blue yarn. “I figured you could teach me how to shield my thoughts from Alex and Butler while we crochet your baby some booties and hats.”

“You need to use the pink yarn, Nikki,” Laurie told her, smiling.

“You know that already?” Nikki was stunned. “How?”

“Jace and Jackson shared a vision the baby sent them.”

“Wow,” Nikki whispered. “Those visions are freaking amazing, aren’t they?”

“Have you had visions, too?”

Nikki nodded slowly. “I saw myself giving birth to twins.”

Laurie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Twins,” she whispered. “Just like me!”

Nikki nodded. “A girl and a boy.”

“That’s wonderful. Do Alex and Butler know?”

“They saw the vision, too.”

“I’ll bet they’re happy about that.”

Nikki smiled and picked up the skein of soft pink baby yarn to begin the booties for her best friend’s daughter. “They want us to have a houseful of kids,” Nikki said softly. “I think they’re going to be amazing fathers.”

“Do you think you’re already pregnant?”

“I don’t know. Do you think it could happen that fast?”

Laurie shrugged as she reached out to take a skein of pink yarn, a skein of blue yarn, and a crochet hook from the bed. “I got pregnant the night Jace and Jackson claimed me. You might have gotten pregnant when Alex and Butler claimed you.” She looked at Nikki seriously. “How do you feel about that?”

“I think I’m overwhelmed,” Nikki told her honestly.

“But if you’re pregnant, will you be okay with that?”

Nikki set down the pink creation she was working on. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, absentmindedly stroking the softness of the baby yarn to soothe herself.

“I’m afraid to hope, Laurie,” she admitted honestly. “I’m afraid that I’ll jinx it if I say I want it or think that it might be true.”

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