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Authors: Rebecca Ann Drake

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The Vampire Coven of London

Written by: Rebecca Ann Drake


This book
is dedicated to everyone who has supported me over the last 5-6 years and for
everyone who has believed in me, without your words of encouragement and
friendship I wouldn’t have found the strength to finish what I’ve started. And
to everyone who laughed at me and poked fun at me when I told them I was
writing a book...... up yours!


Madison Davies was just like any other 22 year old, she read
trashy magazines, enjoyed shopping for the latest fashions, gossiping about
guys and going for drinks with her best friend, Stephanie. From the outside,
Madison had a normal life with a normal job and normal friends, but beneath the
surface lied a burden which had laid heavy on Madison since she was a little
girl – her Father, Phil. Madison Mother had died tragically in a car accident
when she was 7 years old, since that day, Phil had given up on the world – his
only comfort was a bottle of whisky. Madison had taken care of her alcoholic
Father since her Mother’s passing, unconsciously dedicating the rest of her
life to taking care of him. Then on one normal Tuesday night, something would
occur which would change Madison’s life forever.

Madison now finds herself in a new city, sculpting herself a
new life that she had always longed for. Unknowingly, she enters a world where
the things that go
in the night really do exist. As she finds
herself accidently getting involved with a Jealous Vampire and becomes
increasing infatuated with another Vampire called Brendan. Things take a turn
for the worse and she finds herself fighting for her life. As Brendan fights to
protect Madison from the Vampires and Demons which pursue her, she learns that
nothing is as it seems and reality & fantasy begin to collide together.

The only thing Madison will learn in her fight for survival
is that sometimes in life there is only loss…


The Vampire Coven of London



Chapter One: Madison

Chapter Two: Home

Chapter Three: London

Four: Nightmares

Five: The fresh start

Six: House of Hell

Seven: The Truth Will Set You Free

Eight: A day to Remember

Nine: Safe House

Ten: Secrets.

Eleven: Stephanie

Twelve: Breaking point.

Thirteen: The Coven

Fourteen: Into the Darkness

Fifteen: The Worse to Come

Sixteen: Promises

Seventeen: Sacrifice.



Chapter One: Madison

Davies was just like any other 22 year old, she enjoyed shopping for the latest
fashions, watching reality TV programmes and reading trashy magazines about the
latest celebrity gossip and going to parties and Gigs with her best friend
Stephanie. The only thing that stood out from Madison’s somewhat normal life
was the burden that had laid heavy on her shoulders since her Mother died
fifteen years ago. This burden was one of the hardest burden’s anyone could
have inflicted on them. This burden was called Phil, Madison’s father. Phil was
a short man, bolding with extremely thinning white hair around the sides of his
head. He was fairly chubby with deep lines creased into his forehead and around
his eyes. He had been handsome in his younger days, but now age had gripped
hold of him turning him bleak and tired.

Madison had
lived in the same small three bedroom house in Thatcham for as long as she
could remember. The house was decorated exactly the way it had been when
Madison’s Mother was alive. After her Mother died tragically in a car accident,
Phil gave up on life. Phil loved his wife so intensely that he simply couldn’t
cope with normal everyday life without her being a part of it.

After the
tragic accident, Phil disappeared for two weeks leaving Madison alone in one of
the most utterly heart wrenching moments of her life. Without any real
explanation to why Heidi, Madison mother, had passed away so suddenly, Phil
dropped Madison off at Stephanie’s house after collecting her early from school
without a single word of comfort. Stephanie’s Mum, Julie, was like a second
Mother to Madison and always welcomed her with open arms; after all, Julie had
lost a close friend in Heidi. Phil promised Madison that he would return for
her later after he had been to the Hospital and Police station and he hardly
hugged her goodbye as he abandoned her in the doorway of her Mother’s closest
friend. Phil never returned that evening or any other evening after that - he
didn’t return for two weeks. Julie comforted Madison through the worst time of
her life, holding her tight when she felt like she was falling apart, stroking
her hair as she slept uneasily through the nightmares of her Mother’s accident.
From that day Julie would always be there for Madison and she may have not have
been her biological Mother, but she was the closest thing to it. Julie had
gotten divorced when Stephanie was just a baby never giving Stephanie the
chance to meet her real Father - not that Stephanie really cared. She had
always told Madison, “
If he wants to know me, he would be here and he’s not,
so I don’t want to know him either”.

In many
ways Madison looked up to Julie, she had an amazing inner strength that helped
her decipher the bullshit that was fed to her by the many ass-holes that she
went out with. No one could ever fill the place in Madison’s life where her
Mother should be, but Madison was willing to make a little extra room for Julie
and Stephanie who was more like a sister to her.

After two
weeks of absolutely heart wrenching agony and complete distress, Phil arrived
back at Julie’s door. He was dirty and his hair was matted into a huge bird’s
nest which rested on the top of his head, his clothes were covered with large
brown stains and he had somehow managed to lose his shoes within his two week
absence. His whole body reeked of whisky and this unknowingly at that point
would become a smell which was very familiar to Madison. Julie being the
protective substitute Mother that she was insisted that Phil returns to collect
her once he had cleaned up. After Phil had washed and dressed in fresh clothes
and the strong, vile, smell of whisky had died down until it was only just
noticeable on the back of his breathe - Phil returned to collect Madison. Julie
called Madison from the foot of the stairs; she collected her backpack and
headed towards the front door. Stephanie who had always been nervous of Phil
grabbed Madison’s hand and squeezed it tight as they stepped down the staircase
together. Not needing to make eye contact with Stephanie, Madison knew that she
was scared for her, but what could Julie and Stephanie do? Phil was her legal
guardian and Madison always felt she had a responsibility to Phil. Looking up
from the pale grey colour of the carpet, Madison caught a glimpse of the frail
old man that was now standing before her in her Father’s place. His once large,
beautiful eyes were now lifeless and blood shot and the spark that had once
glistened in them had now completely disappeared. His face and body was now
presentable, but his eyes couldn’t hide the pain that was still raw behind
them, the once happy and loving Father had also died along with Madison’s

Since that
moment, for the last fifteen years Phil had committed himself to seeing the
of every Whisky bottle. Every day he was drunk or getting drunk and for the
best part of the last six years, Phil had spent majority in an alcohol induced
coma. Weeks would fly by and Phil would remain the same - led on the sofa
surrounded by a black cloud of whisky fumes. He would hardly eat or drank
non-alcoholic fluids – he was slowly killing himself. He lived off of fresh
air, tobacco and whisky. Madison had virtually brought herself up. She learnt
how to cook, clean, sew and iron. She looked after both of them, with a little
help from Julie.

Phil never
seemed to notice Madison within his state of grief; months would past before he
spat a few slurred words of nonsense at her. Even when he did eventually make
eye contact with her, his expression was vague, staring straight through her
into the empty space of the room behind.
On the few days Phil was more coherent than usual, Madison would take
this opportunity to convince him to seek help. Phil would ignore her or refuse
by taking a large swig from the whisky bottle – it was hopeless and he was too
far gone to see sense now.

a Doctor or social worker would visit and Phil would make himself scarce,
leaving Madison to discus Phil’s drinking and ‘episodes’ with them. Phil had a
severe alcohol addiction and the Doctor called his comatose episodes
Phil’s mental state was so fragile and unstable that his mind took
time out
leaving him paralysed and incapable of looking after himself for days,
sometimes weeks at a time. The good days were far and thin constantly over
shadowed by the bad days.

The Doctor
and psychiatrists offered Madison ‘help’ if she felt that Phil was too unfit to
remain in her care, but Madison always refused their help. Phil was the only family
she had left and she thought it was her duty to take care of him. When the
periods of
were over he
would return to normal, drinking obsessively throughout the night and sleeping
on the sofa in front of the TV throughout the day.
The house constantly smelt of whisky and
stale cigarette smoke and the same sight and smell would hit Madison as she
walked through the front door each night, Phil’s comatose body slumped on the
sofa surrounded by whisky bottles and fag butts. This was a sight that made
Madison sick to her stomach and pulled on her heart strings as she gazed upon
Phil’s lifeless and grief stricken face. The soulless eyes that had once shone
so brightly now resembled nothing but empty holes. Since Heidi had died,
Stephanie became more than just a friend to Madison; she had become her rock,
her sister – her best friend. When Phil momentarily awoke from his alcohol
induced coma at times things could get really bad in the Davies household. In
certain circumstances Phil could become frantic, delirious and sometimes
He had never hurt Madison
psychically but the comments and words that he spat at her were hurtful and
revolting. The furniture always saw the worst of Phil’s rage - the living room
would be destroyed; broken plates and whisky bottles would litter the floor.
The coffee table would be broken in two and whatever else stood in Phil’s path
would be smashed. When Phil was on the war-path, Madison knew to avoid him at
all costs. She would climb out of her bedroom window, drop down onto the roof
of the bay window and jump down onto the front garden. She would then run down
the road to Stephanie’s house like she was running for her life. There, she
didn’t need to hide her feelings and she could let the pain out. Julie was
never aware that Madison stayed over during these circumstances and she always
swore Stephanie to secrecy. If Julie had been aware she would have begged
Madison not to ever go home and she couldn’t afford to do that, her Father
needed her and there was too much guilt on her shoulders to abandon him
completely. There was a part of her that felt responsible for the way Phil was,
she knew that her Mother dying had pushed Phil over the edge and understandably
she had the pressing feeling that she could have done something to prevent it.
Maybe be a better behaved at school? Madison was always in trouble at school,
mainly for getting in fights and not doing her homework – since her mother had
died anyway. The other girls at school hated Madison because she was different,
but the boys liked her because she was different – mysterious, which just
angered the girls more. Where there were teenage girls, there were hormones and
hormones equals jealousy and anger. So when the most desired boy in school
became attracted to Madison, she was the one punished for it even though she
showed little interest in him. She too had always been drawn to the silent,
mysterious type and unfortunately for him - he wasn’t it.

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