Arielle Immortal Passion (4 page)

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Authors: Lilian Roberts

BOOK: Arielle Immortal Passion
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Anyone who looked at Eva and Arielle would have seen two girls too scared to do anything
trust their horses. They started out at a slow trot and, little by little, Arielle started to relax the topline. The saddle was comfortable and she began to feel a bit more secure. She could see that her friends were all skilled in horsemanship methods. They had great command of their horses. Eva too looked as if she was doing well.

After a while, Arielle too began to relax, and actually enjoy herself.

Chapter 2

ields and meadows blooming with beautiful wildflowers and wonderful trees surrounded the stables. Behind the stables, were a small lake and a couple of creeks. As they rode, everyone had questions for Sebastian, who was happy to explain that for centuries the place they were riding through had not changed much. The area was famous for the abundance of colorful rhododendrons. It was well known that people came from miles away to enjoy them and to take photos with their families.

Their trail was abundant with a variety of foliage, and the top of the hill offered a fantastic opportunity for a smooth and exceptional ride. They rode through a magnificent landscape, with the beautiful ocean always in view, the strong scent of lavender and jasmine perfuming the air.

They passed through waterfalls with exposed limestone rock formations that created stunning overhanging rock cliffs. Sebastian explained that this area included the only such rock complex in France, with centuries old woodlands, rock walls, and vertical drops.

Arielle was looking out at the ocean, completely mesmerized, when she heard Ian call out, “Who is that girl up on that hill?”

Every head turned in unison to follow the direction Ian was pointing.

In the distance, a tall slim woman was standing on the top of a hill, gazing down at them. She was a bit too far away for anyone to be able to make out her face, but a sudden cold chill coursed down Arielle’s spine. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Fear consumed her mind, and the intensity of the emotion practically knocked her off the horse. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t tear her gaze from the sight of her nemesis; she was sure that she was looking at Annabel.

The woman’s hair swirled in all directions. Her long dress was swaying in the breeze, giving her a creepy look, almost like a ghost. Suddenly, recognition crashed into Arielle’s brain and her heart started to hammer in her chest as fright spread across every nerve of her body. She tried to draw a breath but failed, and she began to falter.

She could hear voices coming from miles away, but she was unable to make out a single word. She closed her eyes as a wave of nausea washed over her, and then she started to fall.

Sebastian had moved his horse next to hers, knowing instinctively that something was amiss. His strong hands locked around her waist; he pulled her off her horse and onto his lap. He looked down at her pale face and his arms enveloped her tightly against the solid muscles of his chest.

“Arielle… Arielle,” he whispered anxiously. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

She didn’t reply. She nestled deeper into his embrace. Sebastian held her close for a long moment. Then swinging his leg over the horse, he slid to the ground, carefully holding Arielle’s limp body to his chest.

He sat on the ground and held her between his legs. He wrapped his arms around her protectively, and pulled her tightly into his embrace. She sighed deeply and rested her head against his chest.

He watched Ian and Eva dismounting. They approached eagerly, concern etched across their faces.

“What’s wrong?” Eva asked.

“I’m not sure,” Sebastian murmured, not wanting to discuss the woman on the hill with them.

“Humph, she was fine one moment, and the next she was falling off the horse,” Eva remarked, and smiled lightly.

Of course, Sebastian knew precisely what had scared Arielle. The woman on the hill was Annabel, and Arielle had recognized her.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” he said reassuringly. Relief enveloped Ian and Eva, but deep inside Eva knew there was more to this situation with her friend than Sebastian was letting on.

Shortly after, Arielle started to feel better. She opened her eyes and shifted uncomfortably. Looking up into Sebastian’s emerald gaze she smiled, and tipping her head up slightly, she pressed a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry, I delayed the outing,” she said. Sebastian pulled her back into a kiss, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

“We have all day,” he said, without letting his lips leave hers. Then, surging to his feet he bent down, and gripping her arms he pulled her to her feet and right into his arms.

“God, you scared me.”

“Sorry,” she said again, apologetically. Turning toward Ian and Eva, she saw them watching her carefully. She gave them a soft smile, and reiterated, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil the ride. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Do you still want to ride?” Eva asked.

“Yes… yes… absolutely,” she replied, and waved dismissively. “I’m fine now.”

Eva reached for her hand and pressed it softly. “You do know that I don’t mind if you want to change your mind.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Ian called, clasping Eva’s hand. “You can’t use Arielle and this episode to get out of riding.” He pulled her toward their horses chuckling, leaving Sebastian and Arielle alone.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said unconvincingly.

“What in the world came over you?” he asked, his words low and gentle.

“I looked up on the hill and saw Annabel. Did you not see her?”

His eyes closed in frustration, and he nodded. Irritation surged though him and his mouth settled into a straight line. He inhaled deeply, trying to suppress an explicit curse.

“I’m worried that she will create problems for us,” she said quietly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. Let’s go riding,” he said, raising his hand and gesturing toward the horses. He tucked her hand in his and gave her a warm smile. “You don’t want to keep your friends waiting, do you?”

“No, of course not,” she said and waved to Eva and Ian, letting them know she was all right. “We’re coming,” she called out, forcing a wide smile on her face.

“That’s my girl.” Sebastian was aware of the battle she was fighting, between her fear of horses and her desire to please him. He placed his two fingers under her chin, and tilting her head back, he set his lips on hers with passion. “I love you, will you please start trusting in me?”

“Yes… yes… I will.” She drew a deep breath and tried to smile. “Again, I’m sorry,” she said coyly.

She squealed, completely startled as Sebastian bent down and swept her into his arms, as if she was completely weightless.

“What are you doing?” she giggled.

“I’m putting you on your horse,” he replied, and with a quick move he lifted his arms and set her up on the saddle.

“Oh,” she bellowed, inhaling sharply, and her stomach tightened once again. She blinked and tried to get accustomed to being on the horse again.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking up and locking her gaze. She smiled and leaning down, she ran her fingers down the side of his face and his breath hitched.

he thought. The sensation of her touch made him feel alive. His gaze lingered on her face for a long moment, and then he turned and vaulted onto his horse. Leaning forward, he ran his hand over the magnificent creature’s mane. Then, turned to look at Arielle once again. “Are you ready, baby?” he asked. Arielle nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it again when Ian’s voice called out.

“That woman is gone!” Arielle and Sebastian turned toward the hill and saw that Annabel was indeed gone. Their gaze locked again and Sebastian’s lips moved silently, mouthing the words, “I love you.” Arielle smiled softly.

“Let’s go!” Sebastian called out, and the four of them set out to catch up with Troy and Gabrielle. Arielle rode quietly, trying to stop the wild thoughts from whirling around her head.

Was Annabel always going to be lurking somewhere in the background, just waiting for a chance to destroy her happiness? The joy was gone for Arielle. Eerie thoughts entered her head.
The fact that I’m on a horse doesn’t seem to be of any importance,
she thought.
I’m riding with no fear of Whisper now because Annabel holds every fear my mind could produce. I’ll have to face her at some point in time, but does it have to be now, while on this glorious holiday with our friends?
She wants to kill me, and I’m panicking.

She swallowed hard and kept her thoughts to herself.
I can’t panic… I can’t panic
she kept repeating until she finally started to calm down and regain her faculties. Turning and looking behind her she saw Sebastian watching her, waiting for her to say something.

“I’m fine.” She smiled wide, and Sebastian relaxed. Loud whistles ahead of her made her turn around again, and snap out of her eerie thoughts. She saw Ian and Eva waving eagerly out into the far distance. Troy and Gabrielle were standing on their horses, utterly unmoved, like two glorious riders in a beautiful painting filled with lush fields, the ocean a backdrop. Wow! They looked like they belonged in the pages of a Gothic book. Her lips turned up in amazement and she snorted, thinking of Gabby and her goofy ways.

“What happened to you?” Gabby called as they approached.

“Arielle didn’t feel very good, she went limp on her horse,” Eva said, offering an explanation.

“What? Are you okay?” Gabby asked, affectionately.

“Yes, yes, I’m fine, thanks, Gabby,” Arielle replied, quietly, wanting to change the subject.

They all set out toward the open fields. They were now crossing a graveyard that was located about a mile away from the house, the hoof beats muffled by the thick grass on the ground. Gabrielle asked about the cemetery and Sebastian was happy to explain that this was a family cemetery that had been there for a few centuries. Several members of his family were buried in the large vaults. They all felt that they had stepped back in time, and they were all incredibly interested in the family history.

Meanwhile Arielle was shivering, thinking about Annabel and what was still to come. It seemed that every time they spoke about death and cemeteries, Annabel’s vision was there, ready to torment her, ready to ruin her life. She recalled the feeling of Annabel’s eyes piercing through hers, filled with revulsion. Instinctively she covered her face with her hands, as if she would be able to erase that picture from her mind. She felt stressed and scared, and she knew that this wasn’t escaping Sebastian’s notice, or that of her friends for that matter. They all looked concerned.

“What’s the matter, Arielle?” Eva asked.

“Nothing, I think I got something in my eye, but I’m okay,” she said, trying to hide her feelings.

Sebastian wasn’t buying it, and he moved his horse next to Arielle’s, watching her carefully. They were on their way back to the house, and she could hear her friends talking with excitement about the ride. But Eva was quiet, and so was Arielle. They were both looking forward to setting their feet on the ground again.

Still, aside from the unsettling incident of the woman on the hill, Arielle had to admit that she had enjoyed the ride, and learning about the place. Sebastian reached up and, setting his hands on her waist, he helped her off the horse. His arms pulled her close. He leaned in and held her to a kiss.

“You looked so great on that horse. I want you to learn to ride with me, share this passion of mine,” he murmured, kissing her again.

“I will,” she promised.

They were served an exquisite dinner, and they all ate with great appetite. Sebastian told them about his amazing family background, and the more he talked, the more questions their friends had for him. As for Arielle, she could listen to him talk forever.

“There’s something magical about him,” Eva whispered in Arielle’s ear.

“Yes, there is…” Arielle thought, but she didn’t say anything, she just nodded agreeably. Gabrielle was the only one who knew the truth about Sebastian and Troy.

“How wonderful it must be to belong to such an old and great family,” Ian exclaimed. Sebastian just put his hand over Arielle’s and squeezed it.

“Thank you, Ian,” he said shyly.

It was very late when they all decided to go to bed. Ian put his arm around Eva’s waist and pulled her toward the massive staircase. “Come on, baby, let’s go to bed, I’m tired,” he said. Turning around to face their friends they bid them goodnight and climbed the stairs slowly. Once they were out of sight, Troy turned to look at Arielle.

“What happened out there?”

Arielle arched an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said, pretending to be oblivious.

“Come on, Arielle, Eva told us that you went limp on that horse. Spit it out, what happened?”

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