Devil's Food Cake Murder

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Authors: Joanne Fluke

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Books by Joanne Fluke















Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation





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This book is for Lois and Neal Meister,

perfect examples of everything that’s

wonderful about Minnesota.


A big hug for Ruel, who’s tasted every single recipe in this book. (What dedication! What loyalty!) Not only that, he’s also my in-house story editor.

Hugs all around for the kids and the grandkids. I have a great family!

Thank you to: Bev & Jim Pehler, Mel & Kurt, Lyn & Bill, Lu & Sheba, Gina & Fiona, Adrienne, Jay, Bob, Laura Levine & Mark, Amanda, John B., Judy Q., Daryl Groves, Dr. Bob & Sue, Richard & Krista, R.T. Jordan, Billy, Mark B., and Angelique.

Special thanks to my incredible Editor-in-Chief and friend, John Scognamiglio, who always goes that extra mile. Life is good with John S. on my side.

Many thanks to Walter, Steve, Laurie, Doug, David, Robin, Karen, and Maureen.

Thanks to Hiro Kimura for the delectable Devil’s Food Cake on the cover. (I’d love to dive into that fudge frosting!) And thank you to Lou Malcangi for designing this gorgeous dust jacket.

Thanks also to all the other talented folks at Kensington who keep Hannah sleuthing and baking up a storm.

Thank you to my friend Trudi Nash for joining me on book tours, keeping up with my hectic schedule, taking marvelous photos, and convincing me that she actually enjoys it.

And thanks to David for holding down the fort while she’s gone.

I’d like to congratulate the winners of the Mystery Guild recipe contest. Edwina Gadsby, Linda Sifuentes, and Leslie Holmes contributed recipes that are so yummy, we almost had a three-way tie. You’ll find all three recipes—Edwina’s Chocolate-Covered Raisin Cookies, Linda’s Mocha Trifle, and Leslie’s Butterscotch Bonanza Bars—in this book.

Thank you to Arman at House of Time Jewelry in Granada Hills, CA, for advising me on expensive jewels even though I didn’t buy that impressive rose cut diamond ring I described in the book.

Special thanks to Romantic Times Book Review for choosing Hannah Swensen as the best amateur sleuth of 2009! (I had a wonderful time at the awards ceremony in Ohio.)

Thank you to Dr. Rahhal, Dr. and Mrs. Line, and Dr. Wallen for their expertise. And special thanks to Carol at Dr. Line’s office for the information on chocolate allergies.

Thanks to John at Placed4Success for Hannah’s movie and TV spots, for keeping my IT system current, and for assisting at events.

Thanks to media expert Ken Wilson for his energy, his savvy, and for knowing the word “barista.”

Hugs to the nothing-short-of-marvelous food stylist, Lois Brown, for making my recipes look scrumptious on camera and for giving some of her favorite recipes to Hannah.

Thanks to Jill Saxton, superb copy editor and good friend.

Thank you to Sally Hayes for sharing recipes for all sorts of wonderful treats. Sally’s recipes really are to die for!

Thanks to Kathy Allen for testing almost all of these recipes in her so-small-you-can’t-fall-over kitchen.

Thanks to Danny Grimm for explaining cuts of meat to me and telling me what they’re called in various parts of the country. I was happy to find that brisket is brisket all over!

Thank you to JoAnn Hecht for catering Hannah’s launch parties. You’ll find one of her delicious cookie recipes, Nutmeg Snaps, in this book.

Thank you to Jamie Wallace for keeping my Web site, up to date and looking great.

And big hugs to everyone who gave me family recipes to try. Hannah’s got a whole lot of baking to do!


Books by Joanne Fluke


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Devil’s Food Cake Murder Recipe Index

Baking Conversion Chart

Chapter One

“You’ll never see a hearse towing a U-Haul!”

Hannah Swensen turned toward the parlor doorway as she recognized her friend Claire’s distinctive voice. She could hear her laughing in the parsonage hallway, obviously delighted by the twist on the old adage, You can’t take it with you.

“Claire?” Hannah called out, but there was no answer. That was odd. She’d clearly heard Claire and that meant Claire and her new husband, Reverend Bob Knudson, must be back from visiting sick parishioners at Lake Eden Memorial Hospital.

“Bob? Claire?” Hannah called out again, but no one appeared in the doorway. All was perfectly silent outside the cozy sitting room where Hannah had been visiting with Reverend Bob’s grandmother, Priscilla Knudson, and copying the octogenarian’s recipe for Red Devil’s Food Cake.

Hannah got up and walked to the window to see if she could spot Bob’s car. The scene outside could have been lifted straight from a Christmas card. The birch tree on the other side of the driveway was filled with winter birds enjoying the suet that Grandma Knudson hung from the branches. There were red birds, and blue birds, and green birds, and black birds with iridescent feathers that seemed to be perched on every branch. They reminded Hannah of gems suspended from a white gold filigreed pendant. Lake Eden, Minnesota, could be truly beautiful in the winter…cold, but beautiful. If the KCOW weatherman was correct, the mercury in Grandma Knudson’s outside thermometer would shiver in the bulb at the bottom of the scale, poking its head up for only a brief period and then sinking down out of sight again.

Hannah’s gaze dropped to the driveway that ran along the width of the house and into the garage. There were no tire tracks in the freshly fallen snow. Had Bob and Claire parked in front of the parsonage for some reason?

Puzzled, Hannah crossed to the doorway and stepped out to peer down the hall. It was deserted. She was about to return to the parlor when Grandma Knudson emerged from the kitchen, carrying a tea tray with coffee and sample slices of what she called her best company cake.

“Are Claire and Bob back?” Hannah asked, quickly relieving Grandma Knudson of the heavy tray.

“Not yet. I asked Bob to call when they left the hospital so that I could put on a fresh pot of coffee.”

Hannah retraced her steps to the sitting room and set the tray down on the coffee table in front of the couch Grandma Knudson called a “davenport.” It had been reupholstered last month by a member of the Holy Redeemer congregation who had chosen the material and the color. The forest green couch that had gone so well with the green and yellow striped wallpaper had been recovered with bright pink velveteen in a hue that reminded Hannah of the contents in a Pepto-Bismol bottle.

“Would you pour, Hannah?” Grandma Knudson asked, as Hannah settled down on the pink davenport again. “I know young ladies like you prefer coffee mugs, but there’s something so civilized about sipping coffee from bone china cups.”

Hannah reached for the silver coffeepot and carefully filled two cups. She set them on their matching saucers and was about to hand one to Grandma Knudson when she reconsidered. “I wonder if we might be better off having our coffee in the kitchen,” she suggested, glancing down at the generous slices of chocolate layer cake with fudgy frosting that her hostess had placed on matching bone china dessert plates.

“Why is that, dear?”

“I’m worried that I might spill something on your pink davenport.”

“Don’t give it a second thought,” Grandma Knudson told her, reaching out to retrieve her cup and saucer. “Every time I sit there, I hope I’m going to spill something. Unfortunately, Donna Lempke Scotchguarded this darned thing after she recovered it. Every single stain I’ve managed to make just wipes off.”

“Well…that’s good.”

“No, it’s not. It means I’m stuck with this pink monstrosity, and it’ll probably outlive me!”

Hannah wasn’t sure exactly how to respond. Half of her wanted to laugh because Grandma Knudson hated the color of her davenport so much, she was actively trying to ruin it. But the other half of her wanted to cry because Grandma Knudson thought she’d die before the couch could be reupholstered again. Since Hannah really didn’t know what to say, she picked up her dessert plate and took a bite of Grandma Knudson’s Red Devil’s Food Cake.

“Mmmm!” Hannah gave an involuntary exclamation of pure pleasure. The sweet, fudgy melt-in-your-mouth goodness of the frosting was tempered by the deep, dark chocolate of the cake.

“Thank you, Hannah,” Grandma Knudson said with a smile. “I’m glad you like my cake. And I’m very flattered that your mother is going to serve it at her book launch party. Now…what made you think Claire and Bob were back?”

“I was sure I heard Claire’s voice in the hall. And I’m almost positive I heard her laugh.”



“You didn’t hear Claire. You heard Jacob.”

“But it was Claire’s voice. I recognized it.”

“Jacob can imitate Claire. What did he say?”

“You’ll never see a hearse towing a U-Haul,” Hannah said, repeating the words she’d heard.

“Then it was definitely Jacob. He was with Claire and Bob in the church office when they were trying to find something to put on the billboard sign for Sunday. Just wait until I tell them! They’ll be so pleased he learned something new.”

Hannah knew there was some information she wasn’t getting. “Who is Jacob?” she asked, deciding to cut straight to the heart of the matter.

“He’s Pete Nunke’s mynah bird. Bob agreed to keep him while Pete recovers from back surgery.”

Hannah laughed. “Well, Jacob fooled me. I really thought he was Claire. Does he imitate you, too?”

“Not me. And not Bob either, at least not yet. He says two things he learned from Pete, though.”

“What are they?” Hannah took another forkful of cake. It was so delicious, she wanted to just put her head down and inhale it.

“The first one is, Brrr, it’s cold out there! And I won’t repeat the second one. It has something to do with the weather and someone digging a well, though.”

A possible phrase popped into Hannah’s head, but she wasn’t about to utter it in the parsonage. “Has Jacob learned anything else since he’s been here with you?”

“No, and it’s not for lack of effort. Bob and Claire have been trying to teach him to say his name, but he doesn’t seem interested.”

The phone on the end table rang, and Hannah took another bite of her cake while Grandma Knudson answered it. The cake layers had a slightly reddish tint and Hannah remembered that the recipe she’d copied had called for a half-cup of cocoa powder. Cakes made with cocoa powder often took on a nice mahogany color. She reread what she’d written on the recipe card that Grandma Knudson had given her and realized that the deep, dark flavor she’d failed to identify initially must be from the strong coffee that complemented the chocolate. No wonder this cake was so good!

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