Anything but Love (9 page)

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Authors: Celya Bowers

BOOK: Anything but Love
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Cole laughed. “Okay, I guess I’m going the wrong way, huh?” He started to search the cabinet nearest the refrigerator. Bingo! He grabbed the bag and began to pour the contents into Jordan’s silver doggie bowl. “I can’t believe she feeds you this stuff.” He filled the dish and replaced the gourmet food back in the cabinet. “That stuff cost the equivalent of a steak dinner,” Cole commented.

But Jordan didn’t care, or at least he was ignoring Cole while he ate.

While Jordan munched on brunch, Cole listened to his stomach rumble. “I guess it’s time for some human food.” He opened the refrigerator and got the disappointment of the day. There wasn’t a slice of bacon, a patty of sausage or a sliver of hope of any kind of meat in her newfangled fridge. Vegetarian. He’d forgotten Kendall didn’t eat meat. “That’s the first thing I’m changing around here, Jordan.”

He walked to the coffee pot, deciding on caffeine instead. As he turned on the faucet, his last remark hit him square in the heart. Was he actually making plans of the emotional kind with Kendall? For Kendall? He knew what she used to feel, but what did the woman in her think about him now?

He didn’t get much chance to think about it. The phone rang. Should he answer it? The phone rang again. He picked up the cordless phone and glanced at the Caller ID. It was the hospital, but most likely it was Kendall, so he picked it up. It wasn’t Kendall, it was Max. Cole groaned inwardly as he greeted his friend. “Hey, Max.”

“Don’t you ‘hey Max’ me, dude. I know what you did this weekend,” Max teased. “I don’t want you to elaborate on details, ’cause that’s just too weird. But how do you feel?”

“Exhausted,” Cole admitted. “After I walk Jordan, I’m heading home to sleep for about two days.”

“Not today, bud. Unfortunately, it’s the real reason I called. The board was so taken with your donation to Kendall’s hospital that they want to capitalize on it. They want to do a PSA with you and Kendall.”

Cole rubbed his head. This couldn’t be happening. “You can’t be serious. The last thing she wants is publicity about the hospital.” He knew she’d blame him for this.

“I know that, but this will generate more money for the hospital. Holly Banton of CNT called today, and that’s what really got the ball rolling.”

Cole felt his blood chill. He’d thought he’d rid himself of the over-aggressive reporter. “Did you say Holly Banton?”

“Yeah. She kind of suggested a human interest story on the hospital on the ‘America’s Heroes’ segment. Then she suggested a PSA on Kendall and your donation.”

“I just bet.”

“Cole, I’m sensing there’s a problem,” Max said. “I did think it was strange she called us, but the chief administrator jumped on board with the idea before I could warn Kendall.”

Cole tried not to hyperventilate. “Yes, there’s a big problem. I know Holly.”

“Why does the tone in your voice tell me that you’d rather not hear that name?”

Cole sighed. “I met Holly years ago, and she’s one of the reasons I came back home. She’s not just an aggressive no-holds barred ace reporter when she’s on the job. She’s like that all the time.”

“So I’m guessing she set you in her sights.”

“Yes, she did. I wasn’t interested. She’s too bossy and demanding. Everything has to be on her timetable. She wanted me to forsake promised appearances, deadlines, but the deal breaker was two years ago. She used me in a story, and not in a good way. I lost a multimillion dollar book deal because of her lies.”

“Well, you were interested,” Max concluded.

“After that little stunt, no. My agent filed charges against her and CNT, and they settled out of court. The only good thing that happened was Holly was demoted to proofing copy, but to me it’s still not enough. I wish I could make her pay for what she did to me.”

Max nodded, understanding Cole’s pain. “So what did you do after that?”

“After all the dust settled and CNT publicly apologized, I got a new deal with my publisher and I left New York. I just had to get away. I spent almost six months in Ireland thinking about what was actually important to me. There was really nothing left for me in New York, since Holly had sullied my name. My son didn’t want to have anything to do with me, or so my ex-wife said. Finally I came back home. No matter how crappy your life gets, you can always come home.”

* * *

Kendall stared at Staci as she plopped down in the chair in her office. There were two ways to play this. She could pretend Staci wasn’t her dearest friend on the planet and treat her as a stranger, or she could tell her honestly the dangers she faced. She chose the latter. “Staci, we’ve been friends a long time. I have to be honest with you. Your blood pressure was slightly elevated. I know you have a weakness for Mexican food, but you’re going to have to start eating better. You’re not a spring chicken, you know.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Miguel has been cooking. After his mother left he started on this kick. But I told him we had to stop eating like that, so things will return to normal. What I want to know is, who has put a spring in your step?”

Kendall had known Staci would cut to the chase, but she didn’t want to give in so quickly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kendall attempted to change the subject. “Now about these test results.”

“Oh, forget the tests for now. I want to talk about you and Cole.”

How on earth could she have figured that out? “Who said I was with Cole?”

Staci waved a perfectly manicured hand in front of her face. “Oh, please. I know he rocked your world. I could tell when you guys were at the restaurant that you wanted each other. I’m just glad you unlocked the vault and dusted off the cobwebs. How was he?”

Staci always got to the heart of the matter. “I can’t believe you asked me that.” Kendall opened the file folder, attempting to steer the conversation away from Cole. “Now can we please get back to your consultation?”

“Not until you give me the thrust-by-thrust replay,” Staci teased. “I’m pregnant, I need some excitement.”

Kendall seldom found herself pinned against a wall, but Staci could be stubborn when it suited her, and today was the day. Besides, she was ready to share the details with someone. “All right, I’ll give you some of the details.”


Hours later, Kendall just wanted to go home, take a hot bath, and go to bed early. Her body was paying her back for having sex all weekend. Every muscle ached with each and every move she made.

She glanced at her desk clock and sighed. It was barely four o’clock and she was ready to go home. She had planned to work on plans for the charity hospital, but as her mouth stretched wide for yet another yawn, she gave up on the pretense of working and decided to check out for the day.

She gathered her briefcase and her shoulder bag and headed for the nurses’ station. Since it was early evening, the only person at the counter was Jami. Kendall neared the counter and heard her gentle sobs.

Kendall walked to Jami’s desk. “Jami, what’s wrong?”

Jami’s brown face looked up. She didn’t try to hide her tears. Not that she could have. “Dr. Matthews, I didn’t hear you.”

Kendall grabbed a vacant chair and sat beside her. Not being a very touchy feely person, Kendall was at a loss as how to approach her. Jami needed comforting. Kendall tentatively placed an arm around Jami’s shoulders. “Never you mind that, Jami. Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?”

“It’s Karl.”

“Your husband? I thought you guys were separated.” Kendall moved closer to Jami.

“We are. Were. He called me today and told me that he was going to sell the house. He said he couldn’t afford child support since he didn’t have a job. If he sells the house, Dylan and I will have nowhere to go.” The tears started all over again. “He claims he can’t keep the payments up on the house.”

“Does he realize you’ll get half the proceeds, according to Texas law, because you’re married?”

“Yes, I told him that. I think that just infuriated him more. He said he would move back into the house since he had no intention of giving me one dime.”

“You know, sometimes men make me sick,” Kendall said. “What are you going to do?”

“I have no idea. I could rent an apartment, but I don’t have a rental history. Karl and I have been married for the last seven years, and before that I lived with my parents, but they’ve passed away since then, and my sister now lives in New York. The few places I could afford want a huge deposit. I just can’t do all that right now. I mean, I make good money, but I have to pay for daycare, car payments, and utilities. I just can’t do it.”

Kendall knew what it was like to have your back against the wall. “Why don’t you move in with me until you get your footing? I live in a gated subdivision, so you’d be safe from Karl.”

“Dr. Matthews, I couldn’t. Dylan would wreck your house.”

“I told you to call me Kendall. I would love to have you guys there. I have the room. I’m not trying to force you, so just let me know if you decide you want to.”

Jami looked at her with those teary brown eyes. She grabbed a Kleenex and hastily dried her eyes. “Thank you for the offer, Kendall, but surely Karl will come to his senses.”

It wasn’t that Kendall thought Jami should have jumped at her offer; she just wanted Jami to know she had an option. “You should never be dependent on a man, Jami. Is your name on the deed to the house?”

“No. He had it when we met and we never bothered to change it.”

Kendall reached for a notepad, a gift from the medical sales rep, and scribbled her address and phone number. She handed the small piece of paper to Jami. “I’m not saying that you have to stay at my house, but you do have the option.”

Jami took the oversized Post-it and stuffed it in her jacket pocket. “Thank you, Kendall.”

“I know it’s your decision, Jami. Just know that I’m here if you ever want to talk. I’m ready to listen, and I don’t judge.”

“I appreciate that, Kendall, but I have to work this out for myself.”

“I know. I just wanted you to know that you have a friend. If you need a few days to get your bearings, I understand.”

Jami nodded, finding some composure. “I need to work to keep from going nuts.”

Kendall understood completely. Chaotic thoughts of work were better than idle thoughts of a marriage gone bad. “You know, when I was going through my divorce I surrounded myself with things that made me happy. I worked crazy hours, went to the spa almost daily, and listened to classical music.”

Jami laughed. “These days, it’s Dylan for me and having good friends.”

“I hope that includes me,” Kendall said hopefully. “I want you and Keerya to look at me as the slightly older sister and know that you can always come to me.”

“You don’t know what those words mean to me, Kendall. Especially now.”

Jami’s phone rang and Kendall listened to the one-sided conversation. She could easily tell it was Max. The biggest giveaway was that larger-than-life smile plastered on Jami’s face.

“No, I’m fine. Kendall is here right now. No, you don’t have to have come back to the hospital. I promise I’ll call you if any trouble starts.”

Feeling dismissed, Kendall rose and left Jami to her phone call. She walked to her car and headed home. Now she was really drained. She didn’t even feel like putting together a salad, and turned into her favorite Chinese restaurant and ordered some stir-fried rice.

After getting her food, she resumed her journey home. When she let herself in her house, Jordan met her at the door. He was barking loudly and demanding attention. Kendall snickered. “I know I’ve been a bad mommy. I promise you’re my main focus tonight.” She walked to the back door and let him out.

While Jordan was enjoying the outdoors, Kendall dashed upstairs for a quick shower. After pulling on shorts and a T-shirt, she headed back downstairs.

She poured some food in his bowl and let him back inside the house. “I know you’re ready to come back inside.” Kendall watched him as he ambled to his dinner. While he chomped on his meal, Kendall emptied the container of rice on a plate and heated it in the microwave. She had just sat down at her formal dining room table with her meal and a glass of wine when the doorbell rang. “This had better be good,” she mumbled, throwing her linen napkin on the table. She stomped to the front door and looked through the peephole. “This man has a lot of nerve.” She opened the door. “Can I help you?”

Cole stood in her doorway dressed in casual slacks and a silk shirt, looking like a million bucks. “As a matter of fact you can.” He walked past her and entered her house without so much as an invitation.

Kendall stood slack-jawed, as her mother would say. That wasn’t the answer she was expecting, especially since they’d shared so much the previous weekend. She expected…well, she didn’t know what she expected, but that wasn’t it.

“Are you going to close the door?”

She closed the door before she answered. “Why are you here?”

“Something smells good.” Cole walked to the dining room and took a seat at her table. “That looks good. Where’s the meat?”

“I don’t think I invited you,” Kendall said, reclaiming her seat opposite Cole. “Besides, I thought you had a manuscript to finish.”

Cole nodded. “Plate?”

Kendall was confused. “What?”

“Can I have a plate? Or do I have to eat with my hands?”

Kendall rose and retrieved a plate for him. She placed it in front of him. “You know that’s my dinner?”

Cole scooped some rice on his plate. “Oh, we can go out for some real food later. We need to talk.”

Kendall couldn’t believe he was acting as if he lived there or something. “What are we talking about?”

Cole ate the rice in a few quick bites and drank her glass of wine. “That was good.”

“You ate my dinner,” Kendall complained. “Let’s get that talk over with so I can find something else.”

Cole smiled, irritating Kendall all the more. “Two things. The first, last night was amazing. I hope there will be many more to come. The second is that your board wants us to do a public service announcement to get more donations for your hospital.”

That killed her appetite in a hurry. “This is just as I feared. The board wants to capitalize on the fact that a famous writer donated the money. I don’t like this. The whole idea of the hospital is anonymity. I don’t want to publicize the fact that people need to visit a charity hospital.”

Cole nodded. “I know, but we can work around that. We could film general areas and without patients. If they need to see people, we could always hire actors.”

“That’s dishonest,” Kendall said, but she thought his idea could work.

“It’s not dishonest. It satisfied everyone involved. CNT wants to do the story, and it will be on national television. You could get a lot of money that way. You could have all the money you need for that cancer center you want to build.”

She could also hire the appropriate personnel for the job. The possibilities would be endless with a larger budget. She could help even more people. Maybe it was worth a little smoke screen. “So what’s in it for you?”

“Basking in your beauty.” He rose and headed for the living room.

Kendall sighed and followed him. “Look, Cole, I’m not some starstruck fan. I know what’s what.” She wanted to beat him to the punch.

“Obviously you don’t know.” He sat on the couch and motioned for her to join him.

Kendall hesitated, not wanting him to think he had an upper hand, mainly because he did. In the end, she sat beside him. “Okay, Cole, tell me what I don’t know.”

He took a deep breath. “You have your little speech all ready because you think I’m going to break your heart. I have no intention of breaking anything. I have every intention of making love to you tonight.”

Kendall didn’t think her body could take another round of lovemaking with this man. Her brain would definitely turn to mush. “Cole, I thought you wanted to talk.”

He leaned back on the couch, looking very at home on her suede sofa. “I can multitask. I can do a lot of things while I’m making love to you.”

His voice had taken on that sexy timbre that sent shivers down her spine. He could he make her feel that way without even touching her! “You said you wanted to talk.” She had to do something to get her mind off making love with this man or she would be in a world of trouble.

* * *

Cole smiled and enjoyed his moment of triumph. He’d actually caught Kendall off guard. “Why don’t you move closer?”

“I think I can hear you just fine from here.” Kendall grabbed a pillow and placed it between them. “Now what were we talking about? The PSA?”

“How about the fact we nearly used a box of condoms. I had to buy more today. Want to see how many we can use?”

“Cole, are you always like this? I think I liked you better when you were being an arrogant jerk that day you sprained your ankle. Horny Cole is not very becoming.”

“You’re just trying to find something non-sexual to focus on. Or at least that’s what I’m trying to do, and it’s just not working.”

Kendall cleared her throat. “You were mentioning something about hiring actors if needed. How are we going to do that and the reporter not know and expose us as frauds?”

“We’ll talk about the hospital and I’ll talk about my new book, which happens to be set in a hospital much like Briarwood. We can get publicity for both, and it won’t cost a dime.”

“What am I supposed to say to this reporter?”

Cole shrugged. He had an idea, but didn’t know how to present it to Kendall. He didn’t want her thinking he was trying to take over the whole thing. “How about I come up with a little script and you can look it over. Say tomorrow night over dinner.”

“Sounds like you’re the one winning this deal,” Kendall mumbled.

He moved the pillow from her iron grasp and tossed it on the floor. “Some would say so.” He moved closer to her. “Some would say you’re trying to play hard to get.”

Her mouth hung open and Cole took full advantage. He kissed her slowly and hungrily, his mouth devouring hers, before he eased his tongue inside her mouth. He felt the surrender as she drew him closer.

But Kendall had a different plan for him. She broke the kiss, stood and straightened her shirt. “Don’t just stare at me.” She held her hand out. “I think you’re trying to turn me into horny Kendall.”

* * *

The next morning, Kendall heard the unmistakable sounds of a man in her bed. Her companion was snoring. Kendall pulled the sheet up to her neck and turned over slowly.

Cole lay on his side facing her, and had the nerve to wear a smug grin on his face. Kendall couldn’t believe she’d succumbed to temptation again. She sighed and lightly tapped Cole on his shoulder. “Cole, get up.”

“What time is it?” He never opened his eyes. “It can’t be that late.” He stretched his arms and reached for her.

Kendall yelped, but went into his embrace easily. “Cole, you have to leave.” She didn’t really mean it, but she had to say something.

He rolled on top of her, pinning her beneath him and his monster erection. Finally, he opened those beautiful hazel eyes and stared at her. “Okay, now that you have me up on all accounts, you have to do something about it.”

“Cole, we don’t have time for this, or at least I don’t. You’re a writer, so you make your own schedule, but I have patients to see.”

Cole ignored her protests and kissed her. Kendall was lost in the feeling of his very experienced hands traveling her slender body, making her body sing for orgasmic penetration.

Her body wiggled as his long fingers entered her. She was trying to think of a reason to make him stop, but her brain wasn’t working. Her legs were, as they parted to give him better access.

He reached for something under the pillow. A condom. “You were saying something about getting to work on time.” He opened the packet with his mouth and slipped it on with the urgency of a horny teenager.

Kendall stared at him. “What?”

Cole smiled. “Now let’s stop talking, at least with our mouths, and let our bodies continue this conversation.” He withdrew his finger and entered her with one strong stroke.

Kendall gasped, wondering how many times the human body could experience an intense orgasm before totally collapsing. It could be an experiment worth researching. Cole would definitely be the perfect study.

He withdrew quickly and moved off her body. “Am I hurting you?”

Kendall reached for him. “Only if you stop.”

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