Anything but Love (8 page)

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Authors: Celya Bowers

BOOK: Anything but Love
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Max knew Monday morning was going to be different, and Kendall’s closed office door just proved it. He walked to Jami’s desk to inquire about his missing-in-action boss. “Any word from Kendall yet?” He sat on the corner of Jami’s desk.

Jami shook her head. “It’s only a little after eight, Max, and she doesn’t have a consult until eleven.”

Max smiled at Jami. If only. If only he wasn’t trapped in a loveless marriage, and Jami wasn’t tethered to that son-of-a-bitch she was married to, they could be together. If, that is, Jami could get over that whole race thing.

“Max?” Jami laughed as she reached for the ringing telephone. “You’d better wake up or Dr. Matthews is going to have your hide for daydreaming.”

Max sighed. One day. One day, he’d stop worrying about things he couldn’t control. He watched as Jami became rigid and her answers to the caller became very curt. That meant only one thing. The soon-to-be-ex.

“No, Karl. You cannot move back in, and it’s not up for discussion.”

Max wished he had some of Jami’s willpower.

“Karl, I said no. I know Dylan is your son too, but until you have a drug test proving you’re clean, he’s off limits.” She hung up the phone and took a deep breath. She looked up at Max with eyes glistening with tears. “Do you have any idea how hard that was?” She reached for a Kleenex and wiped her eyes.

Max slid off the desk and hugged Jami, not giving one ounce of care about Kendall’s rule of no public displays of affection. “Yes, Jami, I know how hard this is for you. I know what you’re feeling. I feel it, too. You deserve to be happy, Jami. So does Dylan.” Giving in to his feelings, he kissed her.

He expected her to pull away, but she grabbed him and returned his kiss with the same intensity. When they finally separated they were both out of breath. Jami grinned at him as she wiped lipstick from his face. “Looks like we’ve been thinking the same thing.”

Max nodded. He hadn’t dared hope she felt the same. Well, yes, he had, but now what? “Looks like.” He leaned forward to kiss her again, but the phone rang. “I bet you a granola bar that’s Kendall.”

Jami giggled and glanced at the caller ID display. “It’s her.” She answered the phone with her cheery voice. “Good morning, Dr. Matthews’s office.”

Max listened as Jami nodded at whatever Kendall was saying. Probably a list of things for Max to have done before she arrived.

“Sure, Dr. Matthews, I’ll tell him.” Jami ended the call.

Max pulled out his PDA, ready to make the necessary adjustments in the day’s schedule. “Okay, what does she want me to do?”

Jami shook her head. “Nothing. She says she’s bringing breakfast for the staff and apologized for oversleeping.”

Maxed dropped the PDA on the desk. “What did you just say?”

“Close your mouth,” Jami said. “You heard correctly. She’s bringing breakfast.”

“Oh, you mean her version of breakfast.” Max picked up the PDA and began checking to make sure the handheld computer was still operable. “Bagels, fruit, cottage cheese, soy milk, and juice,” Max drawled, imagining the meatless meal.

“No, Max. Dr. Matthews said she was stopping by the Donut Hut.”

Max dropped the PDA again. “You’re trying to tell me that a strict vegetarian is going to the greasiest food pit in Arlington? Her arteries will clog instantly the minute she walks into the joint.”

Jami nodded. “And she sounded unusually chipper this morning. You know how grouchy she is in the morning and how she despises people being late.”

Max studied the facts before him. Kendall sounding happy and volunteering to bring breakfast didn’t sound so out of the ordinary, but for her to set foot inside the most fattening place in town, something miraculous had to have happened, he mused. He grinned as the light bulb clicked on in his head. Cole was to have escorted Kendall to the charity dinner Saturday night. He’d stood Max up yesterday for a Sunday afternoon of drinking and watching some sporting event at the local pub. Could it be true?

“Max, why are you looking like that?” Jami began typing on her computer keyboard. “Why do you think she’s in such a good mood? I’ve worked for her for over five years and have never known her to sound that chipper on the phone.”

Max nodded. “I’m sure she’ll enlighten us when she gets here.” If his suspicions were correct, she should be singing Cole’s praises when she arrived.

* * *

Today was the day for changes, Kendall decided as she parked her car in the hospital’s underground parking lot. For some strange reason, she felt happy, as if only good things could happen to her that day.

Maybe the man in her bed that morning had a little something to do with it, but still, today was a start. She spotted two transporters taking a smoke break. The young men froze as she waved them over. They hurriedly put out their cigarettes and ran to her.

“Yes, Dr. Matthews, I know we aren’t supposed to smoke there, but designated smoking is clear on the other side of the hospital. Our break would be up by the time we got there.”

Kendall held her hand up to stop him from babbling. “That’s fine. I really just needed some help carrying this to the nurses’ station in my department.” She opened her passenger door to reveal several boxes and several gallons of orange juice, milk, and apple juice. “I’d be willing to share some with you guys for carrying it for me.”

The two men looked to each other for guidance, not quite used to this Dr. Matthews. For ten years she’d ruled with an iron hand. Everyone feared her, even the other doctors.

“Are those donuts in there?” the man asked as Kendall loaded his outstretched arms with the third box. “Smells like those weenie things.”

Kendall was quite confused, but then it cleared. “Oh, you mean kolaches? Yes,” she said, speaking of the sausage wrapped in pastry and drenched in butter. “I bought quite an assortment, so you can pretty much have your choice.”

“I thought there was a ‘no food’ rule in your department?” the other man commented, hoisting gallons of juice in his strong arms. “I mean…”

Kendall knew exactly what he meant, mostly because it was her rule. “Yes, I know. I started the rule, so I think I can break it. What do you guys think?” After she picked up the last gallon jug of reduced-fat milk, she closed the door and activated the car alarm.

“Hey, if you can make the rules, then you can break them.” He motioned for Kendall to precede them. “And everybody knows you’re the boss around here.”

Those words would have once brought her joy, but today they didn’t. Those words reminded her that in channeling all of her energy into her job and the charity hospital, she’d lost herself. Outside of Staci, she didn’t really have any female friends. She was going to change that starting today.

* * *

A few hours later after the chaos of the morning settled down, Kendall approached the nurses’ station where Jami and Keerya were busy working. She’d worked on her speech for the last hour and could only hope for the best.

Keerya was eating a kolache and typing one-handed on the computer. Jami was filing. Both women had their backs to her, which was just as well. If they saw her coming they’d instantly go into their serious work mode.

Kendall cleared her throat and stepped with purpose to where the women were working. “Good morning. I hope the donuts were good. I should treat you guys more often for all the hard work you do for me. In fact, I would like to start with lunch. You can order anything you want. Don’t worry about the cost, and it doesn’t have to be vegetarian either. I won’t force my food choices on you.” She reached into the lab pocket and pulled out her credit card. She pushed the card toward Jami. “Just bring it to me when you’ve ordered.”

“Yes, Dr. Matthews,” Jami answered, pocketing the card. “Would you like us to order you something? Dr. Diaz? Her first appointment is today at one.”

“I forgot all about Staci with all that’s happened this weekend,” she murmured. She’d definitely give her friend an earful when Staci came in for her first sonogram. “Jami, you’re worth a million dollars. Thank you for reminding me.”

Jami glanced at her. “Speaking of money, how did the charity dinner go?”

Kendall averted her eyes, knowing she probably still had the look of a woman in love, or at least deep lust. “It was fine. Cole was a complete gentleman.” And we had a lot of sex, she mused, knowing she couldn’t say that part out loud.

“That’s good.” Jami resumed her filing.

For Kendall this was do or die, sink or swim, feast or famine. She took another step toward the nurses. “Look, guys, I’m going to say this just once. I know you guys have been with me a long time and you each have been going through crises. I just want you to know that I’m here for you both. I have the reputation of being distant, but that’s only because I want Briarwood Hospital to always be known as the prestigious hospital it is today.” Kendall laughed. “My goodness, I sound like one of those boring CEO people. What I’m trying to say is that I would like you to consider me a friend as well as your boss. And please call me Kendall.” She decided to clear out of the room and give the nurses some time to digest what she’d just said. Hopefully, they would know her words were genuine, but only time would tell.

* * *

Jami watched Kendall’s hurried steps down the hall. Something was definitely up with the good doctor. Jami shook her head as Keerya grabbed a remaining chocolate donut. “What happened to the diet for the new you?”

Keerya also grabbed a plastic cup for more juice. She filled her cup and stuck her tongue out at Jami. “I decided the old me was just fine. Everyone can’t be shaped like you. You have poor Max drooling over you every time he sees you.”

Jami couldn’t keep the giddiness out of her voice. “Really? Do you think so?”

Keerya gasped. “Jami, are you actually thinking of a relationship between you and Max? I’m not against it. I’m a diehard romantic and believe everyone should get some whenever possible. I know you and Max will work it out. You’ll see. He’ll finally decide to fight for what he really wants.”

Jami wished she knew if what he wanted and what she wanted were one and the same. “Why do you think Dr. Matthews is in such a good mood?”

Keerya laughed. “Only one thing will put a smile on that woman’s face. A man.”

“But who?”

* * *

At high noon, Max burst into Kendall’s office, stalked to her desk and planted his hands palm down. “Okay, missy, I think I’ve respected your privacy for long enough. I need details.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Max.” Kendall pretended to study her calendar, not wanting to look Max in the eyes.

“You know, you lie horribly,” Max chuckled. “Come on, Kendall, I know he was your escort for the charity thing, and I know you didn’t come home Saturday night. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that you guys are attracted to each other, no matter how much you’re trying to fight it. Come on, say it. Say, ‘Max, you were right.’ ”

That did it. She couldn’t hold her straight face for one more minute. She laughed. “All right, you win. You were right.”

“See, do I know you or what?” He sat in the chair with a satisfied, smug look on his tanned face. “I knew something had to be up for you to allow us to eat on the floor.”

“Max, I’m not that bad. I just wanted everyone to make good eating choices,” Kendall lied.

“Did you kiss Cole with that mouth?”

Kendall sighed. “Yes, I did. Many, many times, if you want to know the whole truth.”

“So did you break in the box of condoms?”

Kendall’s memory flashed back to just how many times she and Cole had made love. “You could say that.”

Max winked at her. “That Cheshire cat grin you’re wearing tells me that you probably used the entire box.” Max didn’t give her time to answer. “I’m glad you finally let go and had some fun. I haven’t seen you look this relaxed in a long time.”

Kendall couldn’t deny it. Cole had her seeing stars. “I feel relaxed.” Actually she felt as limp as a wet noodle. She’d had every intention of sending Cole home when he appeared on her doorstep last night, but one taste of those lush lips and she had been as helpless as the babies she delivered.

Max rose. “You look very contented. Does this mean you’re dating? Or you a slam, bam, thank you, sir, woman?”

Kendall didn’t know what kind of woman she was at the moment. On one hand, she wanted to see Cole again on a social level, but the more practical hand told her she could never be happy with a writer. No matter how many millions he had.

* * *

Cole heard a distant thump somewhere in the recesses of his brain, but he didn’t want to open his eyes. If he did, then last night would turn out to have just been a dream. But the laxness in his body told him that it wasn’t a dream; it told him that he had participated in a sexual marathon.

Slowly the thumping got louder, and now he heard Kendall’s heavy breathing. He fought opening his eyes as long as he could. “Baby, I’m too tired. I can’t.” He reached out to caress her, but instead felt something hot and furry. His eyes sprang open, and instantly he started to chuckle. “I think you gave me a heart attack.”

Jordan looked him and barked.

Cole glanced around the room. Kendall’s side was missing one very sexy woman, and he realized why when he set his gaze on the bedside clock. “Oh, my God, that can’t be right. It can’t be almost one in the afternoon!”

But it was one o’clock. Kendall had left him in her bed and probably expected him to walk her dog or something. Cole had no intention of walking or feeding her dog. He had to maintain the upper hand. Jordan crept over to where he lay and give him a big, fat, wet good morning kiss.

Cole laughed. He was dog-whipped already. “All right, man. You win. You know you’re setting the men’s movement back by making me feed you.”

Jordan barked and scampered off the bed.

Instead of being upset, Cole shrugged off the situation and looked for his clothes. After slipping on his boxer shorts and jeans, he headed downstairs. By the time he reached the kitchen, Jordan was waiting for him beside his feeding bowl. “I know you’re probably starving,” Cole murmured. “I just have to find your food.” Cole planted his hands on his waist and tried to get his bearings. “If I were dog food, where would I be?” He started searching the cabinets to his immediate right. Jordan began barking fiercely.

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