Anything but Love (11 page)

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Authors: Celya Bowers

BOOK: Anything but Love
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She reached for the phone. “Dr. Matthews.”

“Hello, Dr. Matthews,” Cole drawled. “How are you feeling today?”

“Fine.” She wasn’t giving in to temptation this time.


“No.” Every time she had dinner with this man, they ended up in bed.

“Can you speak in more than one-word answers? I know I’m not a pregnant woman, but I think I deserve your complete attention.”

Kendall wanted to say something cutting to him, but her tongue wasn’t working and her heart was remembering the last time she was in his arms.

Cole took advantage and pressed on. “I was thinking you could come over for dinner. We need to talk.”

Oh, that didn’t bode well. “Just say it now.”

“I don’t want to do this over the phone. I’ll even make you a simulated burger while I’m grilling my T-bone steak.”

“Cole, I’d rather you just tell me now what’s so all-fired important.”

“Tonight,” he promised and ended the call.


A few hours later, and after much debating, Kendall finally arrived at Cole’s. She’d decided to dress casual since this was probably the good-bye dinner and all. She wore a snug-fitting tank top, cotton shorts, and her favorite sandals. Might as well be comfortable when Cole handed her her walking papers.

She rang the doorbell and waited. Cole answered the door looking like a cover model for a fashion magazine. He was dressed in a silk shirt and shorts, showing off those sexy legs. It was so not fair, she thought. She glanced down and noticed he wasn’t wearing any shoes. Even his long feet looked sexy. Life was really not fair.

“Kendall,” he said, leaning forward for a kiss and making contact.

She was getting lost in the soft kiss when she remembered the reason for this meal. He was going to dump her. She freed herself from his arms. “You said you wanted to talk,” she said as sternly as she could muster.

He looked down at her. “Yes, I did, and we will. Later.” He motioned for her to enter the house. “First, we’re going to sit down and eat my wonderful dinner.”

Once she was inside, she smelled the aroma of meat. The steak smelled wonderful and, for the first time in ten years, she wanted to eat a piece of beef. “What exactly did you fix?” She followed him into the kitchen.

He stopped walking. “You’re not allowed in my kitchen. Sit.” He pointed at the dining table that had been elaborately set with candles, linen napkins, and gold trimmed plates. If her mother had taught her one thing, it was china. She could usually determine the brand of china by the weight of the plate. Most likely Wedgwood, she guessed, and there was only one way to find out for sure. She took a seat and waited for Cole to retreat to the kitchen.

“I’ll be right back,” he said as if on cue and left the room.

She nodded and quickly picked up the plate to cure her curiosity. She was right. Wedgwood. High-end Wedgwood. Was this a remnant of his marriage?

“My mom bought me those as a housewarming gift,” he said as he brought in a large bowl of salad. “She claims they are the best money can buy. I guess I should ask you if they are, since you’re checking out the label.” He placed the bowl on the table.

Kendall’s mind stumbled over a logical explanation and couldn’t think of one, so she decided to go with the truth.

“I was curious.”

He chuckled as he took a seat. “You’re not even going to try to say that you weren’t looking? I’m shocked.” He handed her a salad plate.

She scooped up some of the rabbit food, as he called it, and shrugged. “You caught me. I admit it. I’m surprised you have fine china.”

“Do you have fine china?”

“Yes. It was a gift from my mother.”

He lifted his fork to her. “To our mothers.”

She hated when he was smug. “What did you want to talk about?”

He shook his head. “After dinner.” He took another bite of salad. After he chewed the correct amount of times, he said, “And before we make love.”

Kendall choked on the romaine lettuce. “Oh, no. That ship has sailed. You can’t call me over to break up with me and then still expect me to sleep with you.”

It was Cole’s turn to choke on his salad. “What are you yammering about?”

“The reason you wanted to have dinner in the first place.” She vowed not to give into tears, but she was losing the battle fiercely.

Cole slowly understood. “Oh, you think I called you over here, set a romantic table, and cooked you dinner to kick you to the curb. Woman, have you totally lost it? Besides, I didn’t think you wanted a relationship, being one of those independent women and all.”

“Cole, I’m confused. Why did you invite me over?”

“Kendall, I invited you here to dinner because I like your company. Yes, we had some amazing sex, but that’s not the only reason I invited you over. I do have something to discuss with you, but I think we need to discuss what I am to you first.”

Now she’d gone and done it. She’d hurt his feelings. “Cole, I don’t know the answer to that question.”

He wadded up his napkin and threw it on the table, shoving his chair back. He rose and reached for her hand. “Okay, dinner is postponed until we figure out what’s going on.”

He took her hand and led her to the living room. They sat on the couch. “Okay, Kendall, tell me what I am to you. Am I just your handy man, only good for sex and little else?”

She heard the angry undertones in his voice and didn’t want to provide any more fuel. “No, Cole.”

“Then what? I’m getting mixed signals here. You’re telling me that I’m not your boy toy, but that’s exactly how you’re treating me. You never tell me what’s going on with you. If Max wasn’t so loose-lipped when he drank, I’d never know anything.”

“Cole, you’re asking me to give you something I can’t. I can’t be that open with anyone. I think of you as more than a human sex toy.”

His hazel eyes glared at her. “No. Max told me what he had to do to get you to open up to him. Whose sin am I paying for?”

She couldn’t admit it. It would sound childish and petty. She ducked her head. “No one.”

In a very unCole-like manner, he grabbed her by her shoulder and turned her toward him. “Look, I think I’ve been pretty patient here, but I need some answers.”

Kendall’s teary eyes tried to focus on Cole, but it was useless. He kept going in and out of focus. “After my divorce, I channeled all my energy into work. There I have maintained certain distance from everyone. Now I realize I was wrong and can still have friends at the hospital and my integrity not be challenged. It’s hard breaking down a wall I’ve tried so hard to build.” She realized how incredibly selfish that sounded. “I’ll try to do better.” She wiped her eyes.

Cole nodded. “That’s all I ask. Now that we have all that taken care of, I’ll tell you why I invited you to dinner.”

She wiped her eyes. “I’m listening.”

“My son, Taylor, is arriving tomorrow. He’s moving here.”

She wasn’t expecting that. “Why couldn’t you just tell me that on the phone? I was worried for nothing. How old is your son?”

“He’s sixteen. He wants to visit, but I know his mother. She’s not going to let him back in the house once she finds out he’s been here.”

Kendall nodded.

“So I guess our dates will have to take place at your place.”

She almost nodded. “You might want to rethink that little plan. Jami and Dylan are moving in tomorrow.”

“In where?”

“My house, silly. Jami’s having marital problems and I offered her my house for safety. Her husband is crazy, and I don’t want her coming to harm.”

“So you had your own little drama going on. Were you going to mention it to me?” Cole stood and began pacing the room. “I can’t believe you. This is exactly what I’m talking about. This affects both of us.”

“Oh Cole, calm down. You kind of blew my thought processes with your ‘we need to talk’ thing. I was scared.”

He chuckled. “You, scared? I must be dreaming.” Cole sat beside her and pulled her into his arms, kissing her as if there was no tomorrow.

Kendall felt the blood in her body boil with each thrust of Cole’s tongue. She was drowning in passion, and this time she wasn’t going down alone. She returned his kisses with even more ardor until they were both swept away.

“We’re going upstairs,” Cole said between kisses.

“Uh-huh,” Kendall moaned. She unbuttoned his shirt and shoved it off his shoulders. “No more talk.”

* * *

It was much later when Cole forced his eyes open. Kendall’s naked body was snuggled next to him and she was snoring lightly, the sound of a contented woman.

His hands roamed her warm body, happy for the moment just to hear her moan in her sleep. One of those sultry moans jump-started his engine. He kissed her awake. Her arms instantly wrapped him in an embrace and returned his kisses. Neither spoke, knowing what they both needed. Knowing that nights like these were going to be a thing of the past, they let their bodies speak for them.

Kendall thought she heard the phone ring downstairs, but wasn’t sure. “Was that the phone?”

Cole shook his head. “Let it ring. It’s not Taylor. His flight doesn’t land until tomorrow afternoon.”

His kisses took away any other worries she might have had, including not using any protection.

* * *

Taylor Highpoint snapped his cell phone closed. Although it was past midnight and he was sure his mother wasn’t in the house, he had to get out of there before all the walls closed in on him.

He wanted to tell his father he was coming earlier than expected since his mother had found out he’d called his father and, as expected, had hit the roof.

“Why are you calling that man? He doesn’t want to see you. He wants nothing to do with you,” she said with a straight face. She didn’t mention that she’d scrolled through his cell phone to check his calls to get that information.

Taylor decided it was time for some real answers, which he knew he wouldn’t get from his mother. “Mom, what do you have against Dad? I know he sends you child support every month and still you act like he’s a deadbeat.”

His mother stared at him. “How do you know about the child support?”

“It’s the law, Mom. And I know if he hadn’t you would have his name all over the newspapers.”

His petite mother walked to him. “You don’t understand what he’s done to us.” She gave him her best sorrowful face, the one that had won her an Oscar and an Emmy.

“To us?” Taylor asked incredulously. “Don’t you mean to me? You divorced him, remember?”

She sighed. “You’re too young to remember those horrid details. Don’t let me see his number in your phone again or don’t bother coming home.” She made her dramatic exit and headed upstairs to her bedroom.

That was the moment Taylor decided to make his break, so to speak, to Arlington that night. He knew he couldn’t live another night in this house.

Now he shoved his prized possessions into a duffel bag and tossed the keys to his Mustang on the bed. The car had been a bribe for him not to call his father. Taylor was tired of living a life of lies. His mother had fed him so many lies in the last ten years about his father and paternal grandmother, he didn’t know what or who to believe anymore. He had to know the truth. And there was only one way to do that. He had to live with his father.

Taylor gave his room the once-over, then left the house for the last time. He’d cashed out his checking and savings account, so he had enough money for a cab to the airport. Soon he would be Texas-bound.


Cole woke up the next morning feeling as if someone had taken his body out and run it over with a truck. A really big truck. He yawned, stretched, and rubbed his hand over his face. What had he been thinking the night before? These sex marathons with Kendall were going to have to stop soon or he’d definitely land in the hospital from exhaustion.

The woman in question shifted against him, mumbling something about Jordan needing to go out. But she hadn’t brought Jordan with her the night before, which meant Kendall’s mutt had to go to the bathroom with urgency. He threw back the covers to get out of bed and laughed at himself. Here he was ready to go walk someone else’s dog. Was he that far gone? He had his own set of issues to deal with that day and he didn’t have time to walk Jordan anyway. Taylor was arriving that afternoon and he hadn’t finished furnishing the room yet.

Kendall’s warm hand caressed his naked back. Lord, that woman could get him hard no matter what part of him she touched. “Where are you going?”

Cole gave up on all his thought processes and crawled back in bed with her. “Right here.” He drew her into his arms and kissed her. “Good morning, baby.”

Kendall smiled and hugged him. Her lips were swollen from all the kisses they’d shared through the night. She looked well loved and beautiful. “Morning, Cole. You wore me out last night. I’m going to have to ration you from now on.”

“What?” He kissed her again and let his hands caress her slender hips. His hand dipped between her thighs and he smiled as he found her moist and ready. “I see someone has been thinking about me.” He moved his fingers back and forth, Kendall could only moan her approval.

She grasped his upper arms as her eyes drifted closed. “I-I—. When you do that, I don’t have a choice.”

He increased the pressure, sending her over the edge. “You always have a choice, baby.”

She shook her head, gasped and then screamed, “Cole?”

He was just beginning to think he was all that and a bag of chips when he heard the tone in her voice. It wasn’t a scream of passion. It was a scream of fright. He finally followed her gaze. Oh, my God. “Taylor?”

“Yeah, Dad. I took an earlier flight. I got in a couple of hours ago and sacked out on the couch. I heard noises so I came up here and found you and…”

Kendall pulled the covers further over her body. She looked so cute when she was caught off guard. Cole had to focus on the issue of his son. “Taylor, give us a few minutes and we’ll be downstairs.”

Taylor nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Cole took a deep breath. He hadn’t intended for Taylor to find him like this. He really hadn’t intended for Taylor to find Kendall like this. He’d planned a quiet night out for him and his son, but now all those plans had changed.

“You didn’t know someone else was in the house?” Kendall accused as she wrapped the sheet around her slender body and rose from the bed. “You think he heard us?”

Cole laughed, watching her pace the room frantically. The king-sized sheet dwarfed her body. She looked like she was headed to the nearest toga party. Kendall was quite a different person when she wasn’t in control. She was nervous and let her guard down, appearing more human. He rather liked it. “Yes, I’m sure he did. I told you you were loud. People in Dallas County probably heard you, and that’s thirty miles away.” He reached for his discarded boxer shorts and slipped them on.

She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “He probably thinks I’m your bit of stuff,” she mumbled.

“Bit of stuff?”

Kendall stopped her pacing and looked at him. “You know, your little
something something

Cole knew she was just rambling. “Oh, I thought you were getting all UK on me. I don’t hear that term much outside of British television.” He would have said more, but Kendall was staring at him as if he’d just grown another head.

“He probably thinks I’m a tart or something,” she mumbled. “I need to get out of here.” She glanced around the room for her clothes. “I can sneak out of here without him seeing me if you divert his attention.”

Cole sat on the bed, trying to contain his temper. “No one is sneaking anywhere. We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re two adults who happen to enjoy each other’s company.” He took a deep breath and stood. “We’re going to take a shower. Then we’ll have breakfast with my son and I will introduce you officially.” He walked to Kendall and grabbed her hand before she could take flight.

Still Kendall countered him. “Cole, the last thing you need is a third party here today. It’s hard enough since you haven’t seen your son in a year.”

Cole shook his head as they entered the bathroom. “It’s actually been about four years since I’ve seen him. We’ve only started talking by phone the last year. So the road is going to be rocky regardless of whether you’re here or not. His mother has been feeding us both lies, so we’re going to have to start somewhere.” He turned on the shower, closed the bathroom door and discarded his shorts.

Kendall stood before him still wrapped in his bed sheet. With a gentle tug the sheet pooled around her feet. Cole smiled at his handiwork. She had marks all over her body.

Kendall glanced past him into the oversized mirror and noticed the marks. “Cole, look what you did. You’re awful.”

He offered his hand to help her in the shower. “You didn’t say that last night or this morning. As a matter of fact, you were begging for it.” He pulled her under the spray of water.

Kendall sputtered her reply. Whatever she said was lost under the waterfall. Just the effect he wanted. It took a few minutes, but the water worked its magic and she eventually calmed down. He moved closer to her body and began washing her as she leaned against him. It felt great to be this close. Wishing this moment could last forever, but knowing that it couldn’t, Cole cherished every second.

* * *

An hour later, Kendall sat on Cole’s bed waiting for him to finish getting dressed so they could get breakfast over with. Their shower had been wonderful and she wished she could do that every morning, but knew it was probably very unlikely.

He finally walked out of the bathroom, dressed casually in shorts and T-shirt. “Are you ready to eat?”

She was ready to get out of this house. “Sure.”

Cole walked toward her and offered his hand. “Come on. Let’s go see what Taylor is up to.”

She took a deep breath and took his hand. “What if he hates me?”

Cole kissed her on the lips. “How could he hate you?”

“I wish I had your sunny disposition.” Kendall hoped Cole was right, but she had a funny feeling the morning ahead was going to be nothing but trouble.

They entered the kitchen and Taylor greeted them with breakfast already prepared. Cole helped Kendall with her chair, then showered his son with praise, right after he made introductions.

“Wow, Taylor, this looks great.” Cole cleared his throat. “Son, this is my friend, Dr. Kendall Matthews. Kendall, this is my son, Taylor.”

Kendall extended her hand to Taylor. “It’s nice to meet you, Taylor. Your father has told me so much about you.” She could see a lot of Cole in his son. Taylor had his father’s honey-brown complexion and hazel eyes. His curly hair was cut short. She couldn’t tell if the boy had his father’s smile, because he was wearing a scowl. Typical teenager, Kendall thought. He reminded her of her nephew, Trey. “Breakfast looks wonderful.”

Taylor looked at his bounty and shrugged. “I just made eggs, bacon, and toast. I had to do something to kill the time.”

She didn’t miss the bite in his remark. Now Kendall was faced with a dilemma. Although she was a vegetarian, she’d have to eat bacon that morning.

They ate breakfast in silence. Kendall felt the walls closing in on her. The lack of conversation was beginning to get to her. “Taylor, how was your flight?”

He looked at her, hazel eyes cutting straight to her soul. “Long.”

“Why didn’t you call and let me know you were coming earlier? I could have met you at the airport,” Cole said.

Taylor looked at Kendall again. “I tried to call last night before I got on the plane, but it just went to your voicemail. I guess you were busy or something,” he accused, looking directly at Kendall.

If she could have run out of the room in a dramatic exit, she would have, but life had a funny way of spitting on her from time to time, like today. All she wanted to do was to go home, but here she was stuck in the breakfast from hell.

“We were probably out or something,” Cole lied. He grabbed her hand and whispered to her. “Don’t worry, honey. It will be fine.”

Taylor stared at Kendall for an extremely long time. “What kind of doctor are you?”

“I’m a women’s doctor,” Kendall said.

Taylor nodded. “Oh, like an OB or a gynecologist?”

Kendall nodded. “Yes, I am. I deliver babies.”

“Any lately?”

“No. I have one due next week.” Kendall hoped she sounded calm. “What brings you to Arlington?”

“My dad.”

Cole joined in the conversation. “Did you tell your mother you were coming here?”

Taylor shook his head. “No, I just couldn’t take it anymore.”

Cole threw the napkin on the table. “Damn, I was afraid of this. Call her right now and tell her where you are. I talked to my attorney yesterday, and we need to establish you came here on your own and I didn’t coerce you, or I’ll be up on kidnapping charges courtesy of your mother.”

Taylor shot an angry glance at Kendall. “Dad, we can talk about it after she leaves.”

“She, as you put it, is a part of my life. So she can hear what kind of trouble we’re in,” Cole said, darting a glance in Kendall’s direction. “Got it?”

Taylor cut his eyes at her. “Got it.”

Kendall felt the morning would only get worse. She needed to make her getaway as quickly as possible. The clock struck ten, increasing the tension at the table. She had patients that afternoon and she needed to prepare for them. It would give her the perfect excuse to get out of the line of fire without being a total wimp. She cleared her throat as she rose from the table. “I really need to get going,” she told the men at the table. “I have patients this afternoon.”

Cole nodded. “I’ll call you later. Give Jordan a kiss for me.” He winked at Kendall.

Kendall smiled back at him. “I sure will.” She glanced at Taylor, who was frowning at her at the moment. “It was nice to meet you, Taylor.”

“Where do you live?” Taylor asked.

“About four houses down.” She started to the front door. She heard some hushed whispers, and then Taylor stopped her by stating he wanted to walk her home. The last thing she needed this morning was to be interrogated by some sullen teenager. But he was special to Cole, so that would make it bearable. “Thank you, Taylor.”

“I’m ready when you are.” Taylor didn’t really want to walk this woman home, but his father had insisted and he wanted to please him, at least for now. He didn’t like the way his father looked at her. His father had never looked at his mother like that.

Kendall gathered her purse and opened the front door. “Let’s go.”

They started walking in silence. “I have a nephew, Charlie III, who’s eighteen. We call him Trey. He’s going to Princeton in the fall. He’s very excited about going. That’s where Charlie, my oldest brother, attended. He’s an attorney.”

“Don’t you ever shut up?”

If that shocked her, she didn’t let it show. “I was only trying to keep up conversation. I don’t remember Trey being so surly at sixteen.”

“I’m sure he didn’t catch his father getting busy, either.”

“Your father is human,” Kendall said.

“Yeah, but he’s not supposed to be doing that. You guys were acting like teenagers. What does your son think about you spending the night with my dad?”

Kendall stopped walking and stared at him. “I don’t have any children.”

They resumed their journey. “Well, who’s Jordan? And what kind of mother would leave her son alone?”

Kendall laughed. “Oh, I get it. I’m sorry, Taylor, Jordan is my dog. Your father was being sarcastic. He thinks I spoil him.”

They stopped in front of a large townhouse. Kendall walked to the front door and unlocked it. They entered the house and Kendall disarmed the alarm. She glanced around the room. “Jordi, Mommy’s home.”

Taylor listened as Kendall’s voice became more frantic each time she called for her dog and he didn’t come. He watched as she ran upstairs, slammed doors, and ran back downstairs. She had tears streaking down her face. “I can’t find him! Help me!”

Taylor didn’t know what to do. He had no idea what kind of dog he was looking for. “Where else can I look?” He just wanted to go back home.

“Check the garage.” She pointed to the door to his left.

He did as he was told. He noticed the doggy door, and thought maybe Jordan was just napping in the garage. He opened the door and laid eyes on the coolest car he’d seen. It was a top-of-the-line Jaguar, the sports model. Endless nights on the Internet told him that car was very expensive. He also noticed a small dog napping under the car. “Kendall, I found him.”

Kendall was in the garage in an instant. In a fit of celebration, she hugged Taylor. Jordan woke at the sound of Kendall’s voice and scampered out. “Thank you so much for finding him.” Kendall leaned down and picked Jordan up, hugging him fiercely. “I was so worried.”

Jordan kissed Kendall, but he growled at Taylor. Instinctively, Taylor stepped back, fearing the little mutt knew his agenda.

“It’s okay, Taylor. He just doesn’t know you. Let him smell your hand.”

Taylor tentatively held his hand out and the dog sniffed it, then licked it. Kendall smiled. “See, he does like you.”

“Yeah, he does.” Taylor only hoped his father would take to him as quickly as the dog did. He’d gotten on the wrong side this morning with his harsh treatment of Kendall, but watching her and the dog changed his attitude about her. In all his years, his mother had never worried about his absence and probably never loved him, her son, the way Kendall loved her dog.

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