Another Hood Love (8 page)

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Authors: Jontu'

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Romance

BOOK: Another Hood Love
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“Yea Jah damn, why you sweating me? Trust, you made yourself clear this morning,” she said while rolling her neck just as Laela and Jaeda walked up with the rest of the squad. Laela walked to my side and reached up to kiss me as she put her arm in mine; I kissed my babe back and winked as Ericka watched with a mug on her face.

“Oh hey E, what’s good?” Laela greeted.

“Sup,” Ericka responded, and turned to walk away.

“Somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed I see,” Laela said in regards to Ericka’s attitude as we all walked off to our cars. I didn’t respond; I just grabbed my babe’s hand and relished in my moment. We were headed to the City to go eat at The Franciscan crab restaurant, and I was feeling like the man.


The guys’ graduation was great and now that it was finally over, and school was out for the summer; we spent more hours out on the block. Since the night that the Squad had hit Mess’ loved ones, we hadn’t heard a peep from him. His crew was light compared to the niggas we had backing us, and I see now that he wanted no problems but either way, it was a green light on that nigga once he came out of hiding. We were on alert still because you could never be too sure about what a person was cooking up. Jah and I hadn’t been able to spend much time together since the last few weeks; the guys had made a few trips out of town, just watching over the girls that we had working on the road. In two weeks we would all be taking a quick trip out of town, and two of the girls that we used to make runs would be along with us. B had a guy that had a line on traveler’s checks and these exclusive bank flats that we really needed. We were bringing in a lot of money out of state, but we wanted to switch up our approach; it was too many niggas out here using the same kind of work, and it was getting hot. We were about to spend twenty bands on just cards alone; we had 5 girls and were copping enough to press up two hundred cards each, and the cards went for twenty dollars a card. The numbers we had from this Russian cat were legit, so the money we would make on the flip would be sweet.

The greatest part about the money that came out of these runs is that we didn’t have to kick out a percentage to Uncle Ken or anybody above us; we were in charge. There was nobody orchestrating the plays, and B did all the pressing so we didn’t have to pay anybody to press up our work. The girls made $5,000 off each run and whatever unsalable merchandise that they acquired; so far we had no issues, and everything was running smoothly. This trip would be a little of business and pleasure for us all. The whole squad was going, in addition to Ericka and this girl Raj that made the runs. I didn’t too much like the bitch Ericka; it was just something about her I didn’t trust, but she was a go getter and I would leave her be until she got beside herself. She thought I hadn’t peeped the shade she threw at my sister constantly, but I did and she had better stay in her lane, because I wouldn’t be doing any playing with her ass if and when she stepped out of line. I was definitely my sister’s keeper.

I was rushing across town to make it to the soul food spot before they closed. They had some bomb ass macaroni and cheese and I was trying to catch them so I could meet Tone at his place, so that we could have a little cupcake time before we went out tonight. I had gone to get my hair, nails, and shopping done earlier with Laela. I hadn’t spent much time with my baby, and I was really in need of his presence. I was pushing Tone’s 2010 Acura TL; that boy had more cars than he knew what to do with, but I didn’t mind because it gave me options as well. I liked this car because it was smooth as shit and, his tints were perfect for when I was just trying to chill and not be seen. “

“He should just let me have this car,” I thought out loud. Shit, Tone was buying a new car every couple of months anyway, and I drove this car more than he did. I loved my car, but sometimes it was too flashy and those foreign whips were a lot of maintenance. I pulled into the parking lot where the restaurant was located and opened my door; soon as I did, a thick cloud of weed smoke exited right along with me.

“Damn little mama u smoking that loud huh?” a tall dark-skinned guy said as he was walking up to his black Camaro that was parked next to me. He was dressed in some too baggy jeans with a white tee and some old ass Jordans; basic. “Riding good, smoking good and looking good, how old are you little mama?” he asked.

“I’m 16 and you look too old for me,” I said as I smiled and kept walking.

“Shit, age don’t mean shit if your mind frame is mature,” he had the nerve to say. I shook my head as I entered the restaurant to order my food. Niggas nowadays didn’t give a damn about nothing but pussy; they would defy all rules just to have their way, pervert ass niggas.

Tonight was my cousin Tommy’s 21
birthday party at this strip club in the City called Purple Paradise, and my Uncle let it be known that it was imperative that the Squad be in the building and dressed to the nines. This party was red carpet and sure to be packed to capacity. The way Uncle Ken kept going on and on about the party, you would have thought it was his birthday. I was scrolling through Instagram when I came across a picture that caught my eye. I tilted my phone to the left and the right; shit, I even turned that bitch upside down because I knew good and well my eyes didn’t see what they think they saw.
Hell no!!
I thought, I screenshot the picture and was about to send it off until the guy behind the counter interrupted my thoughts.

“Hey pretty lady, what can I get for you today?” he asked with his southern accent. I smiled at his accent because you didn’t hear that southern drawl out this way much.

“Hello,” I said sweetly. “Can I get two dinner plates to go, one with oxtails and rice, greens, and macaroni and cheese with a side of dressing, and the second turkey wings and rice, black eyed peas, and yams with a side of mac please?” I said, placing my phone in my purse. I was heated by the picture that I had just seen and soon as I got back to my car, I would definitely address the situation.

“Sure, it’s an extra $2.75 for the third side, is that okay?” he asked.

“Yes, sure is,” I replied as I continued to the register. Kash Doll’s “Run Me My Money” began playing from my purse. I retrieved my phone and saw that it was Uncle Ken calling me. I’m sure he was just calling to make sure that we had all street business wrapped up before we came out tonight.

“Hello,” I answered before it rolled over to voicemail.

“Hey, is everything straight?” he asked.

“Yeah, I had Rico and Lexis hit up all our blocks and give the workers that will be posted up their instructions already,” I replied as the cashier interrupted my conversation to tell me my total. I pulled out a dope boy knot from my purse and handed her fifty dollars, and told her to keep the change. Since all the lieutenants were going to the party tonight, our blocks would only be lightly covered so we had everybody slightly switch up the way we normally handle things, so that there would be no hiccups. Mess was still in hiding and if he wanted to hit us, tonight would be the perfect night to do so knowing that we would all be away from the hood.

“Alright, well as long as ya’ll got everything under control then I will see you guys later tonight,” Uncle Ken replied.

“Sure thing Unc, holla at you later on,” I ended the call before he could say anything else. I said thank you to the cashier and left the restaurant, going to my messages so that I could send the screenshot I had taken earlier.

I hopped in the driver’s seat and just as I found the contact I was looking, for my phone began to ring. I quickly answered it.

“Hey bae, I’m on my way as we speak,” I hurriedly spoke into the phone as I backed out of my parking space and pulled off.

“Okay just checking on you, see you in a second then.” Tone hung up and I did as well. I exited the freeway, pulled into the Valero gas station, and got out to pump my gas; the sun had set about an hour ago, so darkness had just set in. The gas station was pretty quiet for a Friday night, so instead of having one of the knocks pump for me, I had to do it myself.

As I was placing the gas nozzle back on the pump, I noticed a familiar face, I hurriedly jumped back into the car before I could be spotted and started my ignition. They were pulling out the opposite side of the gas station, so I had to move quickly to not lose them. I reached in my glove box and hit a button that shifted the deck open, and revealed a secret compartment where my gun was located. I checked the chamber to make sure my hammer was loaded as I pulled behind the four door Lexus in front of me; I remained a safe distance as I tailed them. I couldn’t risk trying to call anybody to tell them what was going on and losing the person in front of me. Once they took a right at the next corner I did so as well. It was a dark street and I wasn’t sure if they had somebody that lived over this way, so I pulled over near the end of the block, killed my lights, and watched the car finally park about five cars in front of mine.

I kept my engine running, and I was glad that the tints were dark enough to where they couldn’t see who was behind the wheel. For a wanted man, I would have thought that this nigga would have been a little more cautious. I watched as the nigga Mess hopped out his whip and walked a few feet away from his car, leaving the door wide open and his music blasting Lil Boosie and Keyshia Cole’s “Black Heaven.” He turned his back to me and angled his body towards a bush to pee. I hopped out my car and left the driver side door ajar, and quietly approached him. Soon as I got behind him, I placed the barrel to the back of his lop sided head.

“You slippin’ my nigga,” but before he could fully reach for his gun, I pulled the trigger twice and jogged back to my car. I hopped in and backed all the way off the street before turning around and turning my headlights back on. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before the police would be called; the street was quiet and residential, so I know somebody would be calling Oakland PD because of the loud music, and in turn would discover Mess’ body.

I finally let out a deep breath; it felt like I had been holding it in since I first spotted him at the gas station. It was crazy how I was now so caught up in this life. A few months ago, I didn’t want anything to do with these streets or my uncle’s plan, but since I had been thrown in it everything was coming full force. I had just caught my first body, and I didn’t feel anything but relieved. I was tired of worrying about when Mess was going to strike back; we had killed his daddy and his girlfriend, and wounded his baby mama. He was laying low for a minute but I knew he was planning to strike back full force, and to see him today just proved he probably was going to take advantage of this night to hit. I had been so zoned out thinking about what had just taken place that I didn’t even realize I had pulled up to Tone’s house. I was shaken from my thoughts by the knocking at my window. I unlocked the door and Tone opened it, helping me out of the car.

“What’s wrong Jae Money, why you looking like that?” he asked as he hugged me around my waist.

“I just knocked Mess down,” I said barely above a whisper.

“What! You lying, where? What happened?” Tone grabbed the food out the car and we made our way into the house. Once we had sat down on the couch to eat, I had told him what happened from beginning to end.

After I was done, he turned on the police scanner application on his phone to see if the incident had been called in yet. After about fifteen minutes, the call was dispatched out saying that an African American man had been found in the 6100 block of Monadnock Way, with bullet wounds and assumed to be DOA. Tone turned the scanner off and kissed my forehead. I checked the time on my phone and figured I could get in an hour nap before it was time to head to the club. I got up and stretched then, flopped right back down on Tone, who was sitting back twirling a blunt in between his fingers. I took the blunt out his hand and grabbed the lighter off the coffee table to light it.

“My nigga Jae Money a gangsta now,” Tone laughed.

“Don’t play Tone, we are not going to keep bringing this up,” I said as I laid back and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was knocked out cold.


It’s supposed to be a lot of hard working going on but who the fuck can focus all this twerking going on, someone put a order in for a chicken…

I was twerking around the room as I was trying to get dressed for Tommy’s party tonight. I was trying to change my mood, but I really wasn’t feeling it. I had a lit blunt between my lips; I hit it hard as I wrapped my hair around the wand curler. I was going for the edgy and sexy look tonight, with big loose curls and dark makeup. I wasn’t in a sweet mood, and I wanted my look to portray my mood. I had this denim romper that I had purchased online, and I had paired it with these red fringe heels and a red Tory Burch T-Lock clutch. My lips were black, and I had the shadowy effect on my eyes with the black eye shadow. I was thinking about everything, trying to numb all the emotions and black out my thoughts with the weed and a bottle of Avion. I was for sure going to be faded before I even reached the club. The shit with the nigga Mess was weighing heavily on my brain because I was tired of looking over my shoulder waiting for his pussy ass to strike.

It had been almost a month and he was still in hiding. Our blocks were on high alert, and it was definitely a green light on that nigga if he was spotted. I couldn’t wait until we were rid of him for good. Shit, the nigga was messing with my sanity and I was simply over it. On top of that, I don’t know what Jah’s problem had been lately but he had me twisted in a major way. We had been arguing like crazy lately; every time we were together his phone was ringing off the hook, but he would just ignore the call. When I asked him who it is, he either ignored my question altogether or gave me some fake excuse about it being somebody playing on his phone.

We had been spending less time with each other, and he was just acting downright weird. I had a feeling he was messing around with other females, but I had no proof. I swear, if he was on some shady shit, we were going to have some issues, I didn’t have time for him to be playing games with my feelings. Shit, we had money to make and if he wanted to play games, he could do that shit on his own time. I was trying to be chill tonight and not trip off the small shit, but I swear if he was on that funny shit when he got here, I was liable to cut his ass.

I was riding with Jah to the party, and Jaeda and Tone were riding together; the rest of the Squad was going to meet us there, but Tamia and Jamiya were supposed to follow us there. They wanted to ride with me, but I told them I was riding with Jah and I wish I would let those little thots get too close to my man. Jamiya thought she was slick always giving my nigga the googly eyes; she better quit playing with me before I gave her ass the black and blue eyes in return.

I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

“Come in!” I yelled over the music playing from my Beats speaker. Jah walked in a couple of seconds later wearing a red Polo button-down with some dark grey button fly 501’s, and some black and red velvet high top Giuseppe sneakers; his jewelry was simple, a small platinum Jesus piece, and the cord bracelet that Uncle Ken had gotten him and Tone for graduation. Damn, my babe was looking good as hell and he would want to wear red like me. We were so in sync; that’s why I was so bothered by his actions lately. He was smelling real good as he approached me and leaned in for a kiss.

“What’s good baby?” he said as he flipped my hair over my shoulder.

“Shit, I’m pretty much ready, just have to put my heels on,” I said as I relit the blunt I was smoking on, handing it to him after I took a quick hit.

I gathered my things and checked the time; it was already 9:30, so it was definitely time to do it moving. We still had to cross the bridge, and traffic into San Francisco was no joke at this time on a Friday night, because everybody was either on their way to party or to go eat.

“T, Jamiya, y’all ready or nah?” I yelled as I made my way down the stairs. I ran right into Tamia as soon as I hit the last step, “Damn bitch, watch that shit,” I said, giggling a little.

“Yeah we’re ready, MyMy come on!” she yelled to Jamiya, and we all left out the house and headed towards our cars. The rest of the house was already gone; my uncle and aunts had gone ahead to make sure everything was straight, and Tommy had gotten dressed at his little girlfriend’s house.

Soon as we got in the car, Jah’s phone began to ring; he pulled it from his pocket and looked at it before silencing it and placing it on his lap. I stared at him, but his ass acted like he didn’t feel me burning a hole in the side of his head.
This nigga
, I thought. His phone began to ring again, and this time I grabbed it. I looked at the screen and it said E, so I answered it.

“Hello,” silence. “Hello!” I said a little louder, “Stupid bitch!” I yelled before hanging up and calling the number right back.

“Man you tripping my nigga, give me my shit,” Jah said as he reached for his phone. I leaned away from him as his phone rang again from the same number. Once again, I answered it.

“Who the fuck is this?” I said into the phone; silence. I hung up; I didn’t have time to play these games with them or Jah’s ass. “Jah, who the fuck is that?” I said as I gave him the evilest glare that I could muster up.

“Man you on that bullshit blood, that’s my nigga E, his phone must ain’t got no service or something,” he said as he grabbed for his phone again; this time, I handed it right to him. “You over there getting mad for nothing; you need to kick back with your retarded ass.” He started the car, and I just stared at his ass.

“Maybe I should just drive my own car,” I said while shaking my head.

“Hell nah you not, you already faded and I be damned if you wrap your whip because you mad over nothing, bruh please,” he said and pulled out the driveway, with my cousins trailing us as we headed toward the freeway. I turned the music up and retrieved the bottle of Avion out of my purse as I sat back and thought about what my man was trying to hide from me. Jah and I didn’t say anything to each other the entire way to Frisco. I was heated and just wanted to be left alone. I was so mad I didn’t even take any selfies to post on my Instagram.

Once we were close to the club, I texted Jaeda to see where she was at, and she said that they were parked and sitting in the car smoking. I swear, she smoked more than most niggas I knew, but I guess that was her way of keeping sane and calm. I definitely needed to keep calm before this fool drove me all the way crazy. Once we parked, we walked up the street to the club; we could have used the valet to park, but Jah didn’t trust anybody to park his cars. He said he had no reason to trust the valet not to steal, and he didn’t want to even put himself in a position to have to beat somebody’s ass.

Once we got close to the club, Jah grabbed my hand and we walked up to the red carpet, and posed for the cameras as we entered the club. I looked up and realized that the club sign now said “The Hideout” and not “Purple Paradise.”
That was a quick change
, I thought and stepped in, letting Jah’s hand go.

“Cut that shit out Lae,” Jah leaned down and said sternly into my ear. I turned away and admired the club; the inside had been completely remodeled. The club looked really good; where there were once tables, they were replaced with two rows of movie theater style seats that wrapped around the stage. On both sides of the stage, there were these glass boxes with neon lights coming from the floor underneath, with a dancer in each. This place looked much better than how it used to. Soon as we entered, we were led upstairs to the VIP section, where my family and the Squad were already seated and popping bottles.

It was still early, but there were a considerable amount of people already inside. As we sat down, Tamia and Jamiya were stepping inside the section as well. A waitress had walked over, and Jah had ordered a bottle of Rose’ once she had taken everyone else’s orders. I was surprised, because the California strip clubs didn’t even sell liquor. I nodded my head to the music, then stood up from my seat as I moved to the other side of Jah so that I could sit next to Jaeda. I was so disgusted with his lying ass and I missed my little sister; she was looking cute and feeling Godly in her all-white. She was cute in a pair of high waist shorts and a high low boyfriend top, with some dark green peep toe booties. I leaned in and kissed my sister on the cheek, and she smiled as she took a sip from her water bottle and then returned a kiss on my cheek.

“What you in here looking angry for?” she grilled me.

“Ask ya ugly brother,” I responded as I rolled my eyes.

The waitress came and set our bottles down at our table, and left just as quickly as she had come. Once the waitress had disappeared, Uncle Ken stood up and grabbed all of our attention. He was looking nice in an all-black Ralph Lauren Black Label suit, with some black Gucci loafers. I focused on what he was saying as he smiled brightly; he proposed a toast to Tommy’s birthday, and then explained that not only was this a celebration for Tommy, but also a celebration to another level of business.

Apparently he wanted to surprise us, because once he said that he now owned this establishment, I was definitely surprised and excited for him as well. This was a big step for him as a business owner; I raised my glass to toast. I guess all that money he was getting between the streets and the women he had working the clubs, along with his other business ventures, was paying off tremendously. My uncle lived modestly, so you could never really tell how rich he really was. He and my aunts began to turn up; both Shae and Quita were popping their asses all on him. I decided to enjoy this night as well, so I continued to sip from my glass and let loose.

Sage grabbed my hand and pulled me away from my seat, and we began to twerk as the DJ played Rae Sremmurd’s Throw Some Mo I was lightweight loaded, and this party was a great distraction from all the bullshit. I spotted Tommy looking drunk as hell as he sloppily kissed his girlfriend, while a thick light-skinned stripper gave Tommy a lap dance, so I pulled my phone from my clutch I began to take random pictures of everybody, and then took selfies with the squad, including Tamia and Jamiya. Jaeda and I weren’t super buddy-buddy kicking it with our cousins, but we were cool enough to chill with no shade being thrown. We were in our section turned up until I felt the energy shift. I looked up as Ericka and her patna stepped in the section, with these goofy ass mugs on their face. I stopped dancing and watched as she came into our booth, as if this was where they were supposed to be. I mean, they did jobs for us but they weren’t Squad, so baby had it twisted if she thought she could come get fucked up over here; she better go spend her little money at the bar like everyone else. Sage turned towards Ericka and her friend that was looking ridiculous in a neon pink dress that looked a little too tight for her body.

“I think y’all might be in the wrong section,” Sage said as she pointed to the sign that said Reserved. Ericka began laughing as if a joke had been told.

“No sweetie, we were invited to this VIP section,” she said as she pointed around the booth.

“By who?” Jaeda jumped in front of Sage and said, looking around the VIP at everyone. She looked extra pissed, so I went and stood next to my sister. I wasn’t sure if they had some fonk that I didn’t know about, but I was rocking no matter what. Again, this bitch began to laugh. I swear, she must have been three parts retarded or something, all that laughing for no reason. Soon as I stepped forward, I felt Jah come and grab my arm.

“Man leave that shit alone Lae, let’s go throw some money,” he said into my ear. I must have turned and looked at him as if he had sprouted two heads.

“Nigga the fuck I look like leaving my sister when it’s obvious there is an issue?” I was heated. At that moment, everything began to come together but before I could say another word, Ericka began to speak.

“So Jahlil, it ain’t cool for us to chill in your section? We not good enough to sit with the Squad?” she yelled with extra emphasis on Squad. I was stuck as I watched Jah’s face turn into stone as he stared at this dizzy bitch.

“Bitch you playing with fire and I suggest you get ghost before you get fucked up,” he seethed as he inched towards her. Tone and Rico got up and grabbed him to pull him away.

I finally caught my voice and I almost couldn’t even tell that the words had come out of my mouth I was so pissed.

“Jah, you fucking this rat ass bitch?” I yelled. He didn’t say anything; he just stared at me.

“Don’t lie nigga, I dare you to lie in my sister face!” Jaeda yelled. I turned and looked at her. “I was going to tell you earlier, but hella shit was going on and I didn’t have a chance,” Jaeda pulled her phone out and showed me a screenshot from Ericka’s page. It was a picture of her and Jah lying in bed. Jah was sleep, and this bitch had clearly snuck and took the picture while she had the chance. I hated dumb bitches like her that knew they are the side bitch, but always felt the need to try and flex on somebody with these whack ass
behind the back
pictures of niggas. The shit was weak as fuck, and I was pissed the fuck off.

I turned around and punched Jah in the mouth. I couldn’t believe this dumb ass nigga was fucking around on me with a bitch that was in my fucking face. Ericka snickered as her and her ugly ass friend slithered out the booth. I turned around and grabbed the bottle of Rose’, and threw it at that nigga as I ran up out the booth.

“You shady as fuck,” I heard Jaeda say as she ran to catch up with me. I went straight to the bathroom and I felt like the room was spinning, so I leaned against the sink trying to gather my bearings. I was so mad that I couldn’t cry or think – I was definitely seeing red, and I would probably stab Jah’s ass if he came anywhere near me at this moment.

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