Another Deception (19 page)

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Authors: Pamela Carron

BOOK: Another Deception
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carried on as if she were not even aware of the tension between her grandson and Jean. Having butted out, she did not intend to butt in again, but she would watch, with interest, the developing story. She knew what the outcome would be, for God’s ‘will,’ would be done. She had a light step and a song filled the air everywhere she went around the house and for some reason it irritated both Jean and Hidey!

     For three days, it rained day and night so that every stream, creek, and river in the area was overflowing with profusion. When it finally quit, the sun came out in full force, as if in apology for its long absence.

   With the sun, came Honey’s ability to talk again. At first, it was only an indefinable hoarse whisper but her words became clearer as the day went on and everyone rejoiced with her as she worked hard to put together a sentence. This, along with the progress of the exercises, encouraged Honey to try even harder to recover. As she worked at overcoming the physical trauma of the hit and run, she also prayed for peace about it in her heart, for she could close her eyes and see the car as it slammed into her and the last thing she saw was the blurred face of the driver of the car. She kept these things to herself for she was not ready to share, but she prayed for God to put forgiveness in her heart for such a brutal act and she prayed for Jacks. She remembered his last words to her and understood why he had to do what he was doing. The best thing she knew she could do for him besides
was to get well for him. With this topmost on her mind, she kept the whole household coming and going with physical therapy of one sort or another.

     While Honey worked hard to get well, Jacks landed on the island of Chios, in Greece. It was true. The much-advanced jet took less time flying there than it took flying commercial to Mississippi. The flight provided him with every luxury imaginable for a flight and he was very comfortable. Relaxing, but not too much, he actually enjoyed being the only passenger. Two very attractive attendants saw to it that he wanted for nothing and sure Asa was monitoring him, he managed to flirt just to authenticate his role as the old Jacks, making sure to keep it light.

     A car awaited him at the landing strip and he slid right on into it, anxious to get to wherever he was going. It was odd, but he had no fear at all and this gave him a boldness he was going to find he needed.

     The car took him to a place not like anything Jacks expected. In place of the drab darkness, there was a beautiful, modern house built on top of a hill, overlooking the sea. Drowned in sunlight that peeked out from the clouds covering the sky, it was nothing less than magnificent.

     Jacks could not help but to wonder if this was the influence of Garrett, for he knew Garrett loved a good show of things. It made him start wondering about the man who Asa had used before. What caused him to appear in mourning a lost love? Could it be a possibility that was exactly how it was for him? While maybe a loss for him, with Garrett, it was just the opposite. He always had craved limelight and the finer things in life. He had also been quick to give up almost total control of his life that Asa may live in him.

     As the car parked in front of the place, he prepared himself for what he knew was a meeting with a devil.

     Once inside, a woman who did not speak motioned for him to follow her. He did so, noting as they walked, the brilliant design of the interior. His guess was that Garrett sure must have at least a little control left for it suited him to perfection. The expensive décor and fine paintings were symbolic of what his old school chum would have in his home.

     The woman opened the door and as he passed by her, he said politely,

“Thank you.”

     He did not expect an answer and got none, but when he looked into her eyes, he saw tremendous sadness and it bothered him. The instant their eyes met, she lowered her head and quickly disappeared. Jacks walked through the door to receive the shock of his life!

     Standing, waiting for him was indeed Garrett but it was a much improved, as far as looks go, Garrett. Gone was the scarred face from fighting acne as a teen, the irregular nose and flat forehead.
, his hair was much thicker and rich in color than Jacks remembered.

     He approached Garrett as most would a snake but then cautioned himself to remember how he had always treated Garrett in the past. Similar to how an older brother would treat his younger brother. Noting the slicked back style his hair was done in Jacks teased,

“Garrett, Garrett, what have you done to yourself? I must say it is a vast improvement, but come on, you didn’t really do all this to look like me, did you?”

“Do not flatter yourself, Jacks. I am happy you decided to come. I have gone to great lengths to assure you of a delightful stay. Let us go onto the veranda. It is so nice out we can enjoy the beauty of the view while we catch up on everything.”

“Sounds wonderful.
First thing, I want to hear about
you. All this since we saw each other last? I know it has been a year or more for you but for me it was just yesterday you were sitting in my office, a lapdog for Morgan and Abe. Looks like you have arrived!”

     They crossed the floor of the large sitting room, as some would call it, for there were not one but two seating arrangements gracing the room but also, Jacks noticed one section of the room held a massive media center with the largest in home screen he ever saw. He agreed with himself that it
could very well be called
a media room also.
What the heck
, he thought, who cares
what the room
is called
. Keep your mind clear Jacks. You have to concentrate now

“Ah, here we are.”

     Garrett crossed over the threshold of the large opening onto the veranda with Jacks following him. Leaving the door open, they each took a chair on either side of a table where sat a picture of some sort of iced drink but when offered it, Jacks refused. There was no way Garrett would drug him, if he could help it.

“I have had too much already to drink on the plane, thank you though.”

     He caught the look of amusement as the man asked,

“You do not mind if I have some?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

     He watched as Garrett poured and drank half a glass as if proving a point and then asked,

“Why Greece?”

“Why not?
Is it not one of the most beautiful places on this Earth?”

     Without waiting for Jacks’ nod, he continued.

“I have always loved this island. You see that partial building on top of that mountain. It used to be a castle.
Ah, a lovely one too.
Ten centuries ago, it stood as a wonder to the rest of the world and now
at the deterioration.
See where the wall is gone?
Even from here, you can see the magnificence of what there is left of it. I used to visit it often...I mean this island.”

Hmm, I never knew you to come here before.”

“It has been a while since school, Jacks. Do you really think you know the places I have vacationed through the years? Really, my boy, we have traveled in differently circles, haven’t we?”

“Yes, that is true, we have. What have you done to your face? Now, I know you did not look like this the last time I saw you. I kind of liked the way you were.”

“You detested me Jacks, at best you only tolerated me because you felt sorry for me. Now I have a confidence I never had before. Just a nip and tuck here and there, made all the difference.”

“Not true Garrett. I looked on you as a brother. Sure, you got on my nerves at times. Nevertheless, did I not look out for you when the bigger kids bullied you in school? Yes, I did. Did I get you dates for all the important stuff in college? Yes I did. I think I always looked out for you.”

“Maybe that is so, but now I need no help from anyone.
At least not in the dating department.
I do
need your help Jacks and that is why I brought you here. I hope I can count on you.”

“I can try.
Especially since you have a connection with the guy who took over my practice and are going to help me get it back.”

“Ah, yes, the practice.
All in good time, Jacks, all in good time. Are you hungry?”

“Not particularly, but I probably could eat something a little later.”

“Then it shall be done as you wish. You have questions for me about your past year so let us deal with that, shall we? Keep in mind that we have not been connected since your departure to Mississippi.”

“Why did I go there?
Why not somewhere else?”

“You went because you accepted a job there. Head of something or other and I remember you saying that your mother’s family was from there also.”

“I do remember that somewhere along the way, someone indicated to me that, yes. With no last name, it would have been futile for me to search for relatives. I
, did I? Find relatives in Mississippi, that is?”

“As far as I know, you found nothing but a wife down there.”

     Jacks shuddered at the way Garrett said the word, wife. The thought of Honey almost caused him to lose his composure. He hoped and prayed she was getting better.

“So I was told. Sheila informed me that I married someone named Honey. What kind of name is that? I bet I was drunk since she said we both got married in Vegas!
Drunk as a skunk!
Remember those days?”

     He laughed and Garrett laughed with him. In reality, Jacks wanted to punch him in his new face! Instead, he questioned Garrett further.

“What else can you tell me?”

“I can only confirm what Sheila already told you. You moved to Mississippi, on some godforsaken lake or something and the woman you married is a bit touched if you get my drift. She belongs to some cult down
the same one Sheila belongs to. You are far better off without these nutcases in your life, trust me!”

     The last thing Jacks felt for the man was trust.

“I have no reason not to, do I?”

     Garrett gave him a sharp look and Jacks warned himself to be more careful.

“None, what so ever!”

“So, Sheila was right about all that, only she left out the cult thing. Was she right when she told me you had gone to the devil?”

     At these words, Garrett stood up. Gesturing at his surroundings by a swipe of his arm, he answered Jacks question with one of his own.

“If you can call all of this, dear friend, going to the devil, then why not come with me?”

     Jacks laughed and stood with him. Walking to the rail, he carefully turned his back on Garrett and said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

“It looks as if I just may have to do that.”

     His words meant for Garrett, fell heavy on his soul and he knew he was fencing with an expert at manipulation and it certainly was not his friend, Garrett, who barely passed his physiology classes.

“But, I must say I think my appetite is back. I bet you have everything you know I love, waiting!”

“Yes, I do!”

     Garrett was wearing a smug look on his face as they left the veranda and the room to find one that had a table fit for a king, prepared for them. As Jacks said, there was every one of his most favorite dishes beckoning him on.

     If Garrett noticed that Jacks ate sparingly, he gave no indication. Jacks could only pray that the food and drink was drug free.

     When finished the same woman appeared and silently took away the dishes with the help of a younger woman who kept bobbing to Garrett as if he were a king. The older woman seemed to avoid looking at Jacks but when her eyes did connect with his, he had the strangest feeling.

     When they left the room, Jacks asked Garrett about her,

“The older woman seems strange to me. Does she have a story?”

     Garrett frowned,

“She speaks no English is why she acts as she does around foreigners. Does she interest you?”

     Jacks shook his head and laughed.

“Not in the way you mean. You know what I like. No offense, if she belongs to you. She is very attractive.
I was just wondering, that’s all.”

     The woman’s name was Jessie and she was shaking when she returned to the kitchen.
He is here. I have to tell Mother, he is here!
She rushed out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs to her mother’s rooms. Not that she would comprehend, with the added drugs the old man had been giving her since taking part of her finger! Boiling with rage just thinking of what he had done, made her stop a minute to calm down before entering.

       The woman sat in a chair looking out the window. It was all she ever did now. It was the drugs. Jessie went over and knelt
her, picking up the still bandaged hand.

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