Another Deception

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Authors: Pamela Carron

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Another Deception
Wings of Deception [2]
Pamela Carron

Book two, of Wings of Deception, continues the exciting, romantic drama of Jacks and Honey, as they overcome an evil attempt to destroy their lives. From the famous Neshoba County fairgrounds of Philadelphia, to New York, the Greek Island of Chios, and the Pocono Mountains, Jacks and Honey's faith is tested.
Asa, now inhabiting Jacks former college room mate, lures Jacks to him by using his biological mother as bait. He is desperate to control Jacks, as he did his grandfather, to keep control of the birth of the Blue Moon baby, soon to be born.
Frank Dear is the new partner to Detective Cranford, and has his own secrets connected to the same evil people, who are in positions of great power throughout the city of New York.
Jean, a hometown friend of Honey's, finds love while house sitting in the Pocono Mountains, where she brings Honey back to recover serious injuries from a hit and run accident.
You will enjoy familiar characters and fall in love with new ones that this story brings to you.

Another Deception



Book two of Wings of Deception
















Another Deception

Copyright © 2012 Pamela Carron

All rights reserved.


ISBN-13: 978-1481064934




Another Deception



For my children, Sonya, Wendy, Tiffany,
, and Trey.
It is because of you that I write. For the many victims of child abuse, it is because of you I write. For advocates of abused children, it is because of you I write. For Aubrey Carron, whose continued support encourages me
and for my sisters, Joan, Joyce, Mary, and Vanessa, who are my biggest fans


Special thanks to Gil and Sue Terry for a lovely time of writing in the Pocono’s, with four beautiful pets and to Galatea and
, in
, Greece, for sharing their home and pets with me, as I endeavored to finish this book. I came home a bit wiser than when I left!
, to my dear friend
, for taking the time to show me her beautiful paintings and some of her favorite parts of Greece, t
hank you.      




Another Deception


To God be all glory and praise forever!


































Another Deception

The family was large and dysfunctional;
be honest sometimes it was pure hell

The mother too trusting and conventional, the father, Oh God, how can I tell?

He was split down the middle, divided into two people was

No this is not a riddle, you ask, how can this be?

Sometimes he was a fun daddy but then, there was a bad side they would see

The days
were filled
with fear of when and what would he do, who would it be…?

A struggle it was, them early years, from town to town, from school to school

Quickly learning that not all is as it appears, that good people don't always rule

Suffering in silence through thick and thin, it was bad when he was out of ‘the’ church

Got a little better when he was in.
Family and friends applauded his search

What was wrong, could not they see? The terror reflected in the children's eyes

The man was not what he seemed to be. So each in turn said their good-byes

young to leave, too scared to stay. Truths buried, minds warped, for many years

Some turned to a false one, believing his way. Some turned on some, till the mother died in tears.

soul crying out in despair, at the chaos the enemy could create

The world no longer could she bare. Now, unto the end of the age that all flesh will live

We must wage a war with weapons He did give. To break the chains that binds the hearts of all

Who choose to let in, demons from that great





























he room was dark, but for where the fullness of the moon caused a slice of light to cross over the large four-posted bed where Honey lay sleeping peacefully, after a hard day’s work at the cabin. The light came from a small opening of the drapes and fell across her face. Eyes, which were wide and clear when awake,
were now closed
, with lashes lying dark against her white skin. It was eerily quiet except for the hum of an osculating fan, used more from habit than necessity, for its ability to lull one to sleep with its own unique brand of music. 

      Though she was in a deep sleep, an unfamiliar sound of screeching jerked her into a waking state. Throwing back the covers, she slid quietly from her bed without turning a light on, peeking out the window to see if there was something out there. She always left the patio light on and it gave a vague light across the backside of the house, but nothing she saw could have made the noise. Turning the lamp on about to go into the front room, she stopped still. The noise came again and this time she could swear she heard her name called. The voice sounded strangely familiar, and she hurried toward the front door calling out,

“I’m coming!”

     She was not expecting Jacks until the next day, but thought maybe he finished his business sooner and took an earlier flight.  Reaching the door, she looked out the peek window, but saw no one. She put her hand on the knob, intending to open the door but something strange happened. As she was turning the lock, she heard a voice distinctly say,

“Do not open the door.”

     She could not tell where the voice came from, but she jerked her hand back as if it had touched something hot. Confusion overwhelmed her and her mind raced as she looked all about the room. There was no explanation, but she felt certain that to open the door would be extremely dangerous. Disturbed and a little on edge, she went into the kitchen to make a cup of hot tea and saw the stove clock had 2:35 in bright green numbers.
…she thought, as she sat at the breakfast bar long enough to drink the tea. Then getting up, she headed back to her room, deciding she must have had a bad dream.

     Back in her room, she took one last look out the bedroom window before climbing back into bed, only to lie awake remembering the nightmares she used to suffer in the past. It was those, which led Carol to her the day her life changed forever.

     She thought back to th
day when Carol and her parents visited her at the clinic. How that visit set her on a journey to fill the void she had in her heart. A void now filled with Jesus Christ. How her life had changed after then! Now she had a church family, which she adored and studied her Bible daily.

      She had met Jacks, a love she never even dared hope to find, when Carol was involved in a court case with him representing the ACAA. The ACAA was the America Child Abuse
in Jackson and because of Carol’s special
was led to believe she was a victim. It was not true, and the case ended well. She and Jacks however, was only beginning the relationship, which ultimately led to their unconventional, double wedding with close friends Dwight and Sheila.

     She wished he were home now from a business trip to New York! She dared not call him at this hour, as it would freak him out. Her good friend Jean, who she could count on to talk with her, no matter the hour, had left town to go house sit in the Pocono Mountains. She would be gone for three months, while finishing a book she was writing. Half the time they talked her phone kept dropping the call

So, stop being a baby and talk to your Heavenly Father! He is always ready to listen.
She advised herself, so she prayed and talked to him, feeling much better afterwards. She then lay thinking about how happy she was being Jacks’ wife and how she longed to be a mom like Sheila. Her professional life
was filled
with children who had issues and she considered herself a good child therapist, but she longed to hold a baby of her own in her arms.

     As her thoughts drifted, she grew drowsy at last, but before she could return to her deep sleep, there was another loud noise outside her window, which jerked her back awake. Startled, she lay still, listening, trying to identify the noises. It now sounded like moaning, along with the screeching. For lack of a better description, she thought it sounded like a bunch of women fighting…or something inhuman. 

     Suddenly, she realized it could be something else. Pastor once gave a lecture on evil spirits.
Lord, could it be evil spirits outside my home
  It was now banging and making such a huge racket
she wondered if the neighbors could also hear. She started praying again.

“God has not given me a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind.”

     As she was praying, a calm feeling came over her. It was a feeling of not being alone...her eyes flew open and in the darkness of the room, she saw a tall male figure illuminated by a soft glow which surrounded it. At first, she did not know what to think and she could not say a word. She just looked at him and he did the same to her.

“Where did you come from?”

"He who is above all has sent me."

“Why are you here?”

“I am sent to protect you.”

     He sensed her fear subsiding and was delighted she could see him. It was not always so.

     A sense of calm and love emanated from him and Honey felt embraced by it. It was a vaguely familiar feeling and for a split second, she almost remembered something. She sat up on the edge of the bed. He stood firmly planted at the foot.

“Do you have a name?”

“I am called Ragas.”


     The name rolled off her tongue with ease and she asked,

“Are you an angel?”
She was noting the absence of any sign of wings.

“I am your protector and a son of the Most High.”

     There was a silence between them and Honey studied him with curiosity and some disbelief. She felt she could trust him. He looked human, only bigger and his garment was a brilliant white with no apparent seams. It fell to feet clad with gold sandals and not sure, but it looked to her as if there might have been several layers. A sash
was tied
around his waist. There were no other adornments and none needed, for the simplicity itself was magnificent. His face was smooth and while youthful in appearance, at the same time seemed age old. His eyes were like pools of oil with a ring of gold around them and his dark hair fell short of his wide shoulders. He seemed so familiar to her that she asked,

“Have I seen you before?”

“Not since you were a child.”

“I had a friend when I was small. I remember him a little. Are you him?”

     Ragas smiled as he nodded, sensing she was trying hard to remember.

“It is not meant for you to remember all, only for you to know that you are safe. I am here to protect you until the end.”

“The end?”

“This is the generation of the fig tree and the end of this Earth age is nigh.”


      She thought for a minute on all she had learned about the parable of the fig tree and not fully understanding asked,

“I know something about that, but isn’t it true that no one but the Father knows the time for this?”

       Ragas smiled broadly,

“True, but He surely expects that His elect will certainly know the season, for all things are told in the Word. There is nothing new under the sun.”

“I see…”

     At that point, another massive noise interrupted him and Honey jumped up as Ragas moved to stop her from running to see what it was. It was beyond her comprehension of what could be happening.

You must not venture forth.”

     Ragas stood in her path as she insisted.

“We have to see what is going on!”

“Wait. You cannot see of yourself. I will show you, but you must stay behind me.”   

     Stretching his hand forward, Honey watched as he pointed toward the outside wall of her bedroom. It faded away and in the darkness of the night, astounded, she watched a fierce battle all around her house. On the ground and up in the air. There were so many fighting! She could easily tell the difference between the two sides. There were dark massive entities with evil countenances locked in combat with entities of light, also massive forms similar to Ragas. Honey gave a scream, as one of the dark ones looked like he was going to come crashing down on top of her. He was so
she could see the loathing in his evil eyes and smell the foul odor he emanated.  Ragas reached his hand out and taking the thing by the neck he flung him away, ordering him to the abyss and then he caused the sight of fighting to go away so that they were alone again, closed up safely inside as the noises of the battle continued.

    Though Honey could no longer see what was happening, the sounds still pierced her ears.

“Why are they fighting?”

“Because the evil one sends them out to destroy you, as you are one of the set aside ones who must one day witness before the false one. I tell you, that you are never to fear those who may kill your flesh body but rather remember He who is able to kill both body and soul. You must not worry, for this son of YHVH is here to defend you for the Master.”

     He hushed, listening intently, then said,

“This battle has been won and you will not be bothered for a time, so now you must rest. They will return
you must be ready for what is to come. Your path is set on a course, which
cannot be altered
by man. The forces of the evil one are strongest in this generation but fear not, for the Kingdom of the Most High is coming and the rightful King will again sit on the throne of David.”

     He took his stance at the foot of her bed, tall, strong and warrior like, as she climbed back into it, pulling the covers up under her chin. Surely, this was the strangest dream ever and she would wake any moment now, but just in case, she murmured, sleep fast settling over her.

“When will I see you again? Will I see you again?”

     Ragas was already fading from her sight, leaving her with his final words,

“Soon, you will indeed see me again.

     The next morning, she vaguely remembered what she thought was a dream and tried to put it out of her mind while she hurried to dress and drive out to the fair grounds to work on getting the cabin ready for the upcoming fair. She was also excited for Jacks was due to leave New York on a noon flight and should be coming in the late afternoon. She busied herself by shopping for supplies and getting started on the work anxious to pass the time.                                 

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