Another Deception (2 page)

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Authors: Pamela Carron

BOOK: Another Deception
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      Late that afternoon, pulling up to the brown ranch style house, Jacks hurried in to change into some comfortable work clothes. The traffic was horrendous coming through Philadelphia, but then he had forgotten that it was ‘Fair' time in the small Mississippi town he now lived in with his bride.

     The town overflowed with people from all over the United States during this time of the year. Not only hundreds of cabins built on the grounds brimmed over with local owners and their guest, but thousands of RVs also dotted the landscape inside and surrounding the fairgrounds for miles.  Jacks had done his due diligence on this famous activity, excited to become part of it for the first time.

     The cabin was the center of activity for families staying at the fair and the front porch the most popular place for sitting, visiting and just watching the neighborhood activities. Established in 1889, this fair was nicknamed “Mississippi's own Giant House Party.” The Neshoba County Fair also played host to the political forum for state, local, and on occasion national politicians to make their speeches at the Pavilion in Founders Square. News media from around the state would converge on the Square to cover all the anticipated speeches.

     Being the end of July, the weather was at the height of Mississippi’s hot and humid season. It was Jacks’ most disliked time of year. Not that he had seen many July’s in Mississippi. This was only his second, but he well remembered the last one and was prepared for the sweaty weather by carrying a large kerchief and bottle of water with him as he made his way to the cabin where he was to meet Honey. It was his first experience of the notorious fair, since he lived in Jackson during the last one and was far too busy with the ACAA to pay much attention to it. According to Honey, everyone should go at least once in a lifetime. He had to admit, it sure was different!

    One, two, three, he counted, as he turned first left then right. His directions brought him to a narrow three-story cabin, painted a bright yellow. It belonged to Honey’s cousin, Brenda and her husband Butch Wells. Inherited from Brenda’s parents, they would not be making the trip home this year with Butch battling cancer. She had asked Honey to take the responsibility for opening it up and getting it ready for other family this year and Jacks had volunteered his

    He stood now in awe, gazing down the row of colorful houses. People were coming and going, some carrying supplies to last throughout the fair and some had workers doing various repairs that needed doing before the next weekend. He had offered to replace a board or two the last storm claimed and fix a broken window.  It was actually the first time he had been to the cabin and he stood in front of it thinking how odd it seemed to him that people took this cabin time so seriously.

    People were laughing and yelling at each other from house to house, as hammers banged and electric tools buzzed, while dogs were barking and children were playing hide and seek in and around the rows of houses. Crazy, was what Jacks was thinking when he heard Honey’s voice in the mix of it all.

“Hey! What are you waiting for, an invitation?”

    She was hanging out an upstairs window, her laughter sounded like music to him, and he responded heartily to her teasing.


“Hey! Grab the water jug on the way in, will you?”


     Honey’s heart caught in her chest as he grinned up at her. What she felt went much deeper than the physical, although, as she hurried down the stairs, she felt a hot blush just thinking about the kiss she was anticipating. Her flushed face only enhanced her beauty to Jacks as he sat the water jug down and took her into his arms, first holding her close in a hug, then indulging in the sweetness of her lips for the lingering kiss they both had been waiting for. When he finally pulled back looking into her eyes, he questioned her.

“Has it been only a week, it seems like forever!”

      She could not agree more.

“I know, huh? I thought today would never get here. I missed you so much!”

      He kissed her again before responding, thinking how he never tired of kissing her soft lips.    

“Bet I missed you more and calling fifteen times a day did not help either. From now on I go, you go, deal?”

     Honey laughed at him but she felt the same way. She never wanted to be apart again. She curled up on the sofa next to him whispering things in his ear that he loved to hear and smiling when he expressed his love for her. When the excitement of seeing each other after the long week settled down, they caught up on other things and she shared her dream.

“It was just so weird and so real! I even found the tea bag in the sink this morning where I got up in the middle of the night. Then I go back to bed and the dream continued! I never want to spend another night apart from you Jacks, really! All I want is to have a normal and happy life with you and maybe we can even try to have a baby before I get too old. I hate evil things and…Oh Jacks, why do I still dream of it? I wish evil did not even exist! Never mind, I will not ruin today by keeping on talking of it! I want to talk about good things. Tell me about your trip up to New York.”

     Jacks looked into her eyes. They were so beautiful and bright. He had learned in the last year what it was that caused that brightness. He liked to call it the ‘Jesus light,’ for she swore that she did not have it until she became a true Christ follower and he believed that, for since he also came to believe in Jesus , that same light now reflected in his own dark eyes.  Only months after accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart, he was a changed man. Whereas, once he had no belief in a creator or creation, he was now a firm and devout convert from Atheism.

    “It went as well as expected, as far as depositions go. You know how those things are. I answered a couple hundred questions in four different ways. My money is on the fact that they still did not believe me even after that. I hope I never find out if those people get that kid back because if they do and I know about it…”

     He was speaking of a case he worked on before leaving New York involving a special needs child and the foster parents accused of mistreating her. He had worked the case up and the system was just now getting to it. They agreed that he would not have to appear in court as a witness if he came and did his deposition now.

      It was not all he had to share about his trip, he had some interesting news, but he wanted to wait. Honey said no talk of anything evil and it did have to do with Asa in an indirect sort of way. They were going to have dinner with Dwight and Sheila so he decided he would share his news then.

“What do you say I get these boards up so we can get out of here? I am hungry. I talked to Sheila on the way over, and she says she has a pot roast that will be ready to eat for dinner if we want to come over. Do we?”

     Honey laughed at his enthusiasm with the pot roast but it did sound good and her friend was fast becoming adept at southern cooking.

    “Sounds good to me, I already told Sheila we would come. I will finish upstairs with the window while you nail those boards unless you need me to help you?”

     She knew already that Jacks was not accustomed to using carpentry tools.    

“I got this!”

     He laughed adding,

“How hard can it be?”

     He was ready less than an hour later to commend those who did carpentry for a living and had much more appreciation for them. When Honey came down he was nursing a beat and battered thumb sheepishly, but the chore was completed and Honey somewhat impressed with the job done.
Jacks was
everything she could ever want in a life partner but handy man he was not. They left and swung back by their house so they could shower and change before dinner.

    Four months had passed since Jacks and Honey came home from Vegas with their friends, Dwight, Sheila along with seven young men and women, some of them still in their teens. Jacks knew how blessed he was that his spiritual eyes were opened and he was able to thwart the attempt of the evil Asa to possess his body.

     How surprised everyone was when he and Dwight both brought home brides from Vegas. It was now an assumption that it was a planned elopement and only a very few trusted friends knew the truth of what really transpired during the week they were away with evil Asa holding them prisoners for several days. It had been crazy how they escaped! Nothing but the hand of God could have been responsible for the outrageous events, which led to their flight. All Jacks could think about was that he had almost lost Honey.

     It was his idea to make the stop at a small chapel close by the entrance to the airport and have a double ceremony. With the seven kids as their only wedding guest, the two men ended the horror of
captivity on a more happier note by the simple vow of unity to the woman they each loved.

     How easy it had been for him to commit the rest of his life to loving and cherishing Honey. Without question, this was the happiest time in all of his forty-one years. Even in spite of
efforts to take over his life. He often thought about how different it would be for him now, if the plan set in motion had worked or if he had never moved to Mississippi. If...but then he had moved to Mississippi and had met the most wonderful woman and he had married her.

     He was whistling as Honey stepped into the shower with him and all thoughts of Asa, the devil, and everything associated with him, fled from his mind as he grinned, thinking that Sheila’s pot roast was just going to have to wait!

     Silently and unseen by the natural eye, two angels stood charge over the home, waiting and watching, lest any evil entity decide to attack the two humans they were protecting.                          























n Faith Chapel’s Parsonage kitchen, there was an adorable, plump little girl sitting on the counter as Sheila put the final addition to the salad she was making to go with the roast.

“There! Now all we have to do is set the table and wait for Poppa to get here! Uncle Jacks and Auntie Honey are coming too.”

     Gem’s solemn round eyes sparked an interest at the mention of her Poppa and she responded by vigorously shaking her head up and down.  Sheila laughed at her enthusiasm and lifted her down from the counter top.

“Come on, sweet thing. You can help me with the table. Do we want candles?”

     Gem responded by clapping her hands while chanting,

“Candles, we want candles!”

     She then took Sheila’s offered hand and they went to the dining room to set up the table. For her benefit, Sheila made a big production with simple steps of preparing the table for dinner.

     The two of them got along better than Sheila had even hoped for and after four months of being a stepmom, Gem was already calling her Mommy. For that, she was grateful, for they had just found out she was expecting a baby and she was so excited to add to her wonderful family.

     Dwight was thrilled at having another little one, as Gem was growing fast and she was not a baby any more. Almost three, she could hold her own in conversation with an adult. It would be good for her to have brothers and sisters to grow up with and both he and Sheila wanted a large family. He was also happy that Gem had taken to Sheila so well. He knew that when the right time came, they would share with her about another Mommy, who now lived with Jesus. When he thought about Kim, his heart still hurt but since Sheila came into his life, the pain was easier to bear and the love he felt for Sheila, took nothing away from the love he had shared with Kim.

     Aside from pasturing the Chapel’s church, Dwight also worked seasonally as a crop duster. It was a long day for him and he was tired. He came through the door to the sight of his wife and daughter giggling as they put candles in the candlesticks. His heart swelled with pride and he felt his eyes sting. He was thankful that God had placed Sheila in their lives. Gem looked up and squealed when she saw him but he held his hand up to stop her from running to him.

“Baby, don’t touch me, I have stinky poison all over me. Let me shower and I will squeeze you ever so tight with a hug. I will only be a minute.”

     He smiled at them with what Sheila called his ‘
’ of Bonanza smile.

“Something smells mighty good. My girls have been busy! Umm, let me go clean up. Be right back for my hugs and kisses.”

     Sheila called after him as he headed for the bedroom.

“Okay. There is clean clothes laid out on the bed, oh, and we have company coming for dinner. I invited Jacks and Honey. Jacks got home today and Honey was working at the cabin, so I figured it would be nice for them not to have to cook.”

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