Angela's Salvation (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Angela's Salvation
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"I don't know, I think I'd rather pay someone to shop for me if we ever get that rich," Angela grinned, enjoying all her new things, but not sure she was really the shopping type of person.  While Lizzie picked out the most revealing clothes she could find, she kept her choices modest, knowing she'd never feel comfortable showing her body that way.  Outside of the bikini Lizzie swore she'd regret not buying, everything else fit her modesty index.

They'd picked up a few suitcases to pack all their things in before they left the mall, and by the time they'd gotten back to the hotel, they only had an hour to pack before they were picked up for their flight.  It took them the entire hour to force everything into the luggage.

"So how long is this flight," Angela asked as their bags were taken downstairs by a bellhop they followed behind.

"Only three hours, it's a fifteen hour drive, so I'm glad they paid for the plane ride."  Lizzie tipped the luggage boy, and waved at their host as she appeared in the lobby.

Angela made her way to the hotel van, trying not to be nervous about flying for the first time.  They made it through security in what she would find out later from Lizzy, would be record time because of the influence of the producers on the show.  Given first class seating, Angela decided if you had to fly this was definitely the way to do it.  Every need they had, which in her case wasn't many, was met by the attentive stewardesses. 

Watching the clouds from the window was an experience that Angela knew she'd never forget.  Instead
of being nervous, the feeling of soaring through the sky had been exhilarating, and she hoped she got the chance to do this again someday.  Lizzy chatted all through the flight and she smiled at how friendly her new friend was.  She had no doubt in her mind at all that she'd never forget the young woman sitting beside her.  Not having Rachel here would have been agonizing without her new friend.

When they finally landed, Angela wasn't sure if she was happy or not.
  The experience had been incredible and it was with a sense of loss that she walked out of the airport terminal.  That melancholy feeling ended the minute they were escorted into two separate limousines. She felt like giggling the minute she was seated inside the luxurious vehicle.  "They really go all out," she whispered, floored by how they were being treated.

"This show brings in so much revenue, trust
me they're getting their money's worth out of us," Lizzie grinned and poured a glass of champagne.  Handing Angela one, she held it up for a toast.

Angela had never been a drinker, but a glass of champagne,
definitely couldn't hurt she thought as she clinked glasses with Lizzy and smiled.  "To being a superstar," she agreed when Lizzie toasted her.  The brunette sitting across from her rolled her eyes, seemingly offended by being in the same car with them.

"Enjoy it while you can ladies, this show will be won by me,"
Trish allowed her eyes to roam over the two women in distaste.  She was so much better than these little wastes of time she was forced to endure the company of.  She had been trained by the best, and had no doubt that walking away with the prize would be her shining moment.

"Wow, conceited much?" You're what, 30?" The younger man sitting at her
side chuckled softly at her audacity.  "Devon Myers, ladies, future country superstar." He smiled at Angela and Lizzie, gave a smirk to Trisha.

"First of all you little bug, I'm twenty-five, and if you're little hillbilly mind knows what opera is, I was trained by the best in the industry." 
Trisha glared at the younger man wearing cowboy boots and jeans looking like he'd just walked off a farm.

"Um nice to meet you Devon, I'm Lizzie, and this is Angela, where are you from?"  Ignoring the catty woman sitting across from them, Lizzy hoped she could change the topic of conversation.  She'd never been one for confrontation, and found it was just a complete waste of positive energy.

Ignoring the witch next to him, he gave his best smile, "I'm from Texas, and how about you lovely little ladies?"  He noticed the smaller blond, Angela, lowered her eyes, so he looked at Lizzy and smiled brighter.  He believed that if a woman didn't want your attention you shouldn't give it to her, so he turned to the one that did.

"I'm from New
York; I'm attending music school there." Lizzie thought the cowboy in front of her was one of the cutest men she'd seen in a long time and couldn't wait to get to know him better.

"New Jersey," Angela whispered, keeping her eyes down, having no interest in talking to this guy or any other for that matter.

"Maybe I will have a little competition," Trisha laughed as if that idea was comical.  "I'm Trisha, and I'm sure you'll be hearing much more about me soon, but I'm also from New York."  She'd be watching Lizzie a little more closely knowing she had formal training though.  No one was standing in her way of winning this competition, it was hers alone to win and any person that tried, she'd destroy.

"I thought you looked familiar," Lizzie stated begrudgingly.  She didn't like the vibe this woman was putting out, but she refused to be as catty as she was. 
"You worked with Bella St.Clair, right?"  Bella was one of the most celebrated private instructors at her college, and she hoped to work with her in senior year.

"I was working with her, I graduated a few weeks ago," pleased that her competition understood just how much training she had, she allowed a small smile.

"Being trained is fine, but some of us were just blessed with natural talent, and in my line of music the training actually is more of hindrance."  He'd seen more than a few of his friends ruin their country voices by taking formal lessons and had opted out.

"Yes, country is such a primitive form of music
, that having the twang removed has caused issues I've heard," Trisha stuck her nose up in the air in contempt of that form of music.

"I happen to enjoy country music," Angela spoke up in defense, not liking to hear anyone degraded.

"So I assume you haven't been formally trained either?" With a sneer, Trisha glared at her.  "Let's hope that trend isn't the way they decide to go this year."  There were many things she could fight against, but the judges couldn't be swayed if they had the desire to find a certain genre of talent for the season.  Since a country artist had won the year before, she hoped it wouldn't be a repeat.

No I haven't trained, but I don't really label myself as a country singer, more pop and blues."  She wasn't sure why she was answering this snotty woman, most of the time she just hung her head and avoided confrontation. 

"I heard you sing for the auditions, you're really good," Lizzy grinned, and liked the idea that her new friend wasn't so full of herself like most of the people she met in these competitions.

"Thanks, I just enjoy singing and making it this far has been more than I ever expected."  Angela was amazed at how comfortable she felt around Lizzy.  Normally it took her months to feel that way with a new person.

"I think that's what this is all about," Devon grinned, "you've got to do what you love."

"Yes be proud that you've all made it this far, that way when you lose it won't be so heartbreaking." Trisha smirked and pulled headphones out of her purse, effectively shutting them all out.

Shaking her head at the woman's snide comments, Angela laughed softly feeling even more of her tension slipping away.  She even managed to smile at Devon when he rolled his eyes at the woman's behavior. 
The small conversation passed the time until they arrived at the five star hotel they would spend the next month at.

Angela's eyes took in every inch of the immaculate lobby they were led into, and
marveled at the extravagance.  She felt like Cinderella at the ball as they were escorted upstairs to the suite she and Lizzy would share.  The living area was bigger than her entire apartment back in New Jersey, and she couldn't help but gasp in wonder.

"Sure beats a college dorm room," Lizzie grinned, and walked around the suite getting to know it better.

"It even has a kitchen," Angela grinned, thinking that she would love to cook in a place like this.  Cooking was one of the things she did really well, outside of singing.

"My cooking consists of whatever I can warm up in a microwave," Lizzie giggled.

"Well if we don't want to order room service every day, I'm pretty good with food." Angela blushed, hoping she wasn't sounding too conceited.

"The gods have smiled down on me," Angela laughed, "I haven't had a home cooked meal since Christmas, I'm so taking advantage of you."

They shared a laugh and Angela opened the full-sized refrigerator. "This thing is stocked to the max," she exclaimed, surprised that they had went out of their way to do something like this. 

"I guess they want us to save a few dollars from their tab by eating in some," grinning, she was amazed at the assortment of food.

A knock on the door pulled them out of their fascination in the kitchen.  Lizzy went to answer it and was met by an attendant holding two packets.  She smiled as she took them, and then retrieved her purse to give him a tip.  She was shocked when he turned it down, stating he wasn't allowed to accept money during their stay here.  As he left she could only guess the producers of the show paid their tips as well.

She took the packet Lizzy handed her and sat down at the island bar, opening it.  Inside was a list of her schedule for the week, and she was amazed at how much time would be spent preparing for the next part of their audition.  Her morning would start at nine with an hour vocal class with the group,
and then at ten she had a private vocal instructor that she'd work with.  At eleven they had stage instruction, then an hour lunch after that. 

A personal physical trainer would meet her after lunch for an hour,
and then various meetings until five would take up the rest of the hours of her day until Saturday and Sunday in which she was free to do whatever she wished.  "This is a crazy schedule."

"They plan on working our butts off," Lizzy grinned, excited about getting started. 

"Seems like it, well we have the rest of the day at least to get settled in."  With that thought in mind, they unpacked their suitcases in their separate rooms.  When she was done she called Rachel, explaining everything that had happened since she left.

For the next half hour
they caught up and Rachel seemed overwhelming pleased that things were going so well with her friend.  "You just remember how much I'm rooting for you back home honey, and make me proud."  She couldn't wait to see where this journey led her best friend and always knew she was meant for more in this life than she had previously been given.

With tears in her eyes
she ended her conversation, wishing that Rachel was here sharing this all with her.  She often wondered what her life would have been if Rachel hadn't shown up and knew that she owed her more than could ever be repaid.  Wiping away the tears, she took a quick shower, dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank, then walked back out in the living area.

Finding Lizzie there, she asked if she was interested in exploring and with her agreement, they joined up with Devon and discovered the huge city of Las Vegas.



3 Nolan



"Do we have any really promising talent lined up," Nolan Fitzgerald sat back in his chair, contemplating the head shots of the new entertainers before him.

"There's a few that have potential, other's will be just eye candy for the show." Sanders had been in this job way to long, he thought to himself, sitting across the desk from his long term employer, bored at the idea of another season.

Each year twenty-five dreamers of the best talent they could search out
was brought on their show, and seven would walk away with major recording contracts, and one would have the elusive dream of guaranteed stardom.  He'd come a long way from the young musician playing his piano in dive bars over the last ten years, and was now a force to be reckoned with.  His label was the most influential one in the business and if you wanted to be a star, his name was all it took.

He'd given up his own dream of
fame to take over the business his father had helped grow.  The man had been a genius in the music industry, even if his attributes as a father had little merit.  His death eight years ago, even though he knew he should feel some guilt for thinking it, had been the best day of his entire existence. Ronnie James had made his life a living hell in more ways than he cared to ever talk about, but he had taught him how to run a business with a skill that no other could compete with.

"Give me a rundown of the top ones, and let's see if we can make them famous."  It wasn't ego that gave him his confidence, it was the fact that he knew this business
completely and had yet to fail.

handed over nine folders then paused as he held the last one in his hands.  This one he wasn't sure of yet, she had some crazy pipes, and a girl next door look, but unless her stage presence improved she'd be overlooked by the audience.  "I'm not completely sold on this girl, although there's some potential."  He handed the folder over watching as Nolan opened it.

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