Angela's Salvation (9 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Angela's Salvation
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Walking with determined strands, he led her to the cross, and expertly buckled her wrists and ankles into the smooth leather cuffs waiting for his arrival.  Her slim form was stretched perfectly, and he allowed his hand to run over the silky smooth skin of her back and then her softly rounded ass.  Not one blemish marred her gorgeous flesh, and he hoped that by adding some color to those twin moons he would feel some desire.

Leaving her attached to the cross, he walked over to a large wooden chest and pulled out a paddle.  It was one of her favorite toys, and he wanted her pleasure tonight, even if he found none in the act he was about to commit.  They rarely spoke in these sessions, and for once he was grateful for the silence.  With a perfection of skill he began warming her up with the paddle until she moaned for more and he allowed his strikes to become more forceful. 

Her back arched into every fall of the leather paddle and her cries of contentment gave him some small amount of satisfaction.  A splash of rose tint now covered her ass, and he still felt no arousal at the sight.  Frustrated at his inability to feel, he reigned down the strokes harder against her flesh until she cried out in distress.  Immediately stopping, he caressed the silken mounds, and whispered soft words of praise for her pain.

Releasing her wrists and ankles from their bonds, he pulled her into his arms to comfort her.  Normally he would take her after a paddling, but his body was just not in agreement tonight, so he walked her over to a large leather couch, arranged her body so her legs were splayed wide for his eyes, and walked back to the chest.  Removing a large dildo, he returned and pleasured her until she found release.

"Is everything alright Master," she whispered softly in respect, having never known him not to fuck her after a session. 

"Everything is fine, sweet girl, I'm afraid work is a little more stressful than usual this week and I'm not at my peak." Pulling the phallus from her clenching sex, he tossed it aside then pulled her into his arms, cuddling her.  He knew she would sterilize it after he left, and he needed to hold her to show that he cared about her well-being.

"Sir you know if you need to talk, I am always here for you," glancing up with a smile she idolized this beautiful man and never wanted him to feel burdened.

He caressed her hair and smiled warmly, knowing she would indeed be there for him no matter what he needed.  They had been friends for entirely too long for him not to be honest, so he decided to share his burden with her.  "I've met someone that I can't have," he gave a familiar smirk, and winked down into her smiling face.

"Surely there is no woman who could resist you Master?" Winking back, she couldn't imagine any female not worshipping his beautiful body.  He was tall, with broad shoulders, muscled in all the right ways, with a face that belonged on
magazines, and hung like a Russian race horse.

"Your confidence in my appeal is overwhelming Tracy," he chuckled softly.  He was vain enough to know that most women found him handsome, but very few knew of the darkness that filled his mind.  "I
could never share this lifestyle with her, I think it would destroy her."

"Master could we just step outside of the dungeon and talk about this?"  They had agreed in the dungeon there would be a certain mindset they always followed, and she could tell he needed a friend right now, more than a willing slave.

He gave a brief nod of his head, knowing that if anyone could get his head back in the right place, it was Tracy.  He watched as she picked up the used toy and placed it in the sink at the back of the room before dressing in a robe. 

"Marcus won't be home tonight, so we can talk freely in the study, Sir."  She waited for him to lead the way out, giving him the respect he deserved in the sanctuary.

Walking upstairs, he allowed his thoughts to muddle through his mind, knowing that he should be focused on Tracy tonight, and not the lovely Angela.  Walking into the study, he found the standing bar and poured himself a glass of scotch.  "Would you care for something?"

"Just tonic water for me, Nolan, thank you."  It was easy to transition back to her normal self, they'd done this for years.  She waited until he handed her drink before walking over to the loveseat and resting casually.  "So tell me more about this woman," she encouraged, very interested in the person that could make him so confused.

"I won't divulge her private information, except to say she was abused greatly in her life and has risen above great odds to make it to the show."

"Well you know that women who have been abused, and men for that matter, sometimes do very well in this lifestyle.  I think we can both attest to that." She smiled warmly, waiting for him to consider her words.

"I do agree that if it hadn't been for this, for you, I would still be a complete wreck Tracy, but outside of what she suffered she's so innocent that I think it would do her more harm than good.  She hasn't let another man touch her since that family member."  He wondered which case was worse, being overly sexual or turning away from desire all together.

Taking a sip of her water, she thought about what he was saying.  "It sounds to me like she might need this more because of what you're saying, how old is this woman?"

"She's twenty-two, just turned."  That sounded so young, even though he was only ten years her senior. 

"How long has she been out of the abusive situation?"  Maybe enough time hadn't passed yet for her to feel comfortable enough to allow another
person the physical intimacy, she pondered.

"Five years," he shook his head at the thought of him going without physical fulfillment for that long and gave a small chuckle.
  "I was just thinking how hard it would be to refrain that long."

"Some women aren't as sexually needy as you are Nolan," she gave a small laugh, while rolling her eyes.  "But if she hasn't allowed herself to enjoy another in all that time, it seems she may need someone to help her feel
its okay to have sex?"

"That someone needs to be gentle and understanding of the fact that gaining comfort in that capacity is going to require all their patience." He certainly didn't fit the bill of a sweet, tender, lover,
but the thought of her having sex with another man made him sullen.

"I've seen you in your sweet Dom mode, Nolan," she winked playfully, because she also knew he could be a sadistic Master if the situation or his need called for it, "so maybe you could only show her the gentle side until she's comfortable?"  She wanted him to be happy, and if he wanted this woman, then he deserved to have her.

"Yes Tracy, you see just how sweet I was with your sexy ass tonight," he chuckled.  "Speaking of, I hope you're able to sit down tomorrow." 

"Me and my ass are perfectly fine, and you wouldn't go that far with me if you didn't know I loved it."  He had never pushed beyond any of her limits without speaking with her before hand and getting her agreement.  It was one of the reasons she enjoyed playing with him so much.

"She deserves some happily ever after guy Tracy, and we both know that I'm not that person."  For the first time in his life he found he wanted to be capable of that type of commitment.

"Don't sell yourself short, maybe the reason you haven't committed is because none of the women you've been with were worthy of you
r love that way."  She hated when he doubted himself, it was not the man she came to know and respect.  "I mean honestly Nolan, you have so much to offer a person."

He wondered if he were capable of that type of dedication, the longest relationship he'd ever had was with Tracy and it was only because she wasn't truly available.  "I just couldn't hurt her that way."  It didn't matter what he wanted, he thought to himself, she was already a fragile little angel and he couldn't cause her more pain than she'd already suffered.

"I know this is going to sound crazy, but you have no idea if she even wants a forever with a man, I mean she is young."  Tracy couldn't believe how much he obviously cared about this woman already.  "Have you ever considered that even if the two of you were together only a short time, she might be able to move on with her life again?"

He hadn't considered that, she had kissed him back, he reminded himself.  It had been obvious even in that small amount of affection that she desired something more.  Was it possible he could help her and not hurt her by teaching her to find passion again?  She was twenty-
two and had the chance for fortune and fame right now, what if she didn't even care about a long term relationship at the moment?  The wheels were definitely turning in his head now.

Tracy smiled as her suggestion seemed to sink in, and hoped he would truly consider what he had to offer this woman.  There wasn't a jealous bone in her body when it came to Nolan, his happiness made her happy.  He'd given her so much in the last five years, that all she truly wanted was for him to get the things he deserved.  There were few men that could deal with the crazy relationship she had with her husband, but he had never judged her.

"It's something to consider," he smiled, and for the first time tonight he felt a sense of relief.  Pulling her impulsively into his arms, he hugged her tightly. "Thank you Rachel, you always know just the right things to say."  It wasn't a light compliment, she was one of the most intelligent women he knew.

She smiled again, and finished her water.  "Are you staying tonight?"

"Can I take a rain check?"  His mind was so full of the possibilities with Angela, that he didn't think it was fair to stay with her while he was thinking of someone else.

"Absolutely," winking, she stood up and walked over to put her glass on the bar.

He stood as she did, and walked over to place his glass next to hers.  Leaning down her gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.  "I'm going to call it a night then Tracy."

She hugged him once more and smiled as he walked out the door more content than when he walked in.
Tracy hoped that the woman knew just how lucky she was to have caught his eye.  There was no doubt in her mind that if she gave herself into his care she would discover a world of passion waiting in his arms.


7 Raising the Odds



Angela ran into Lizzie as she made it into the hotel lobby, and was glad to have her bubbly attitude to take away the earlier feeling of longing and confusion that kiss
ing Nolan had left her with.  They joined Devon and the rest of the group and made plans to go out to one of the karaoke bars.  After going back upstairs to dress in a pair of comfortable jeans and a silky tank top, she joined back up with her group. With ten people in their little gang, she felt comfortable enough as they finally walked into the smoky club.

It had only taken a few performances and drinks before everyone in the bar knew they were the latest contests on Overnight Sensation.  The press showing up was definitely not what any of them intended when they made their plans.  The owner was ecstatic at all the extra business and publicity, and gave them drinks on the house.

All the fanfare made Angela nervous and she allowed herself a few shots of tequila with her friends, before she knew it she was beyond tipsy.  She, Lizzy, and Nolan sang an upbeat country song together, and Angela was amazed that she wasn't nervous at all.  That was all it took to make her join in the next round of shots and the five or six later ones that came.

Nolan got the phone call a little past midnight that his stars were out doing the town and was furious at their behavior. 
Sure, their little party would give them tons of publicity for the show, but if anything negative happened it could force the television network to fine his company.  With a barely controlled temper he made his way down to the infamous bar with Sanders and a company van, intending on hauling them all back to the hotel without a scene.  When he arrived and saw how drunk Angela was, all his good intentions went straight to hell.

Walking over to her table he glared at her like she had grown two heads, and raised his voice to be heard above the music.  "Do any of you have any idea how this is going to look on tomorrow's front page," he kept his eyes on Angela but spoke to all of them.

Angela giggled, way past the point of reasonable thought and shook her head.  "Nope, but I have a feeling you're going to tell us Nolan."  Tipping back another shot, she plopped her elbows up on the table unsteadily, and rested her head in her hands, smiling at him.

The fact that she looked sexy as hell in her inebriated state did little to cool down his raging temper.  "If any of you plan on being on this show, I'd advise you to walk out to the van and
get back to the hotel, NOW!" The reporters heard the commotion and aimed their cameras at the scene unfolding.

"Just fucking great," he mumbled under his breath as his performers staggered out the front door to drunken applause from the patrons.  All of them except Angela, who tried to stand up but fell back in her chair giggling hysterically.  Without any hesitation, he moved over, lifted her in his arms, and walked her back out to his car, sitting her safely inside before going back to make sure Sanders had the rest of the group.

"Make sure they all get to their rooms, and inform security that no press is allowed to talk with any of them before morning."  This was going to be a public relations nightmare, he thought as he walked back to his car.  Angela had passed out in his front seat, and luckily for her she did because at the moment he was pissed as hell.  He'd have little problem taking her over his knee to make up for the trouble that little group had caused him tonight.

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