Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love

Read Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love Online

Authors: Kayla Lords

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #submission, #dominance, #love relationships, #bdsm domination and submission

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Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love

By Kayla Lords

Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love
Kayla Lords

Published by Kayla Lords at Smashwords

Copyright 2014 Kayla Lords

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Adventures of Sir and Babygirl photo
Can Stock
Photo / yurmary

Discover other titles by Kayla Lords:

The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl

The Big Game

Author's Note:
Please note that all characters that are engaged in sexual activity
in this work of fiction are older than 18 and are consenting

This book is for my readers who've told me they
connect with the characters and learned something about themselves
in the process. You humble me.

Dear Readers, the Sir and Babygirl
stories are written as standalone short stories that are meant to
be read one by one, but when put together in a format like this,
they tell the story of two people building a relationship together.
Rarely do I worry about the chronology of each story except to keep
them in an order that makes sense. A few days may pass or a few
weeks. To me, the timing is irrelevant. What matters is what
Johnathan and Katie go through together and apart to make their
relationship work. If you're confused about when something happens,
know that I never go too far in the future and that time continues
to move forward for them, as it does for us. I hope you enjoy
watching these two people grow as much as I do!
~Kayla Lords

Table of Contents

Three Little

Babygirl Needs to

Sir Fixes

Taking What He


Connect with Kayla

Three Little Words

I love
you, Babygirl.” Johnathan stared into the mirror. The words rolled
off his tongue effortlessly. “I love you, Babygirl. You are my

Uh, Dad?
Did you say something?” Johnathan's head whipped to the side at the
sound of Jason's voice. “Who are you talking to?”

And what
the hell are you doing lurking outside of my bedroom?” His voice
was harsher than he intended. Being caught practicing a declaration
of love embarrassed the hell out of him.

Dad.” His teenage son sounded just as embarrassed as he felt.
“Justin and I are headed out to play some ball and grab a

home by midnight.”

A murmured, “Yeah, okay” trailed down the

Johnathan sighed and looked in the
mirror again.
What will I do if she

He felt his breath catch at the thought of losing
Katie. He knew she was still skittish about their relationship, but
he also knew that he had to let her know how he felt. He had to
tell her. Tonight was the night. He'd made reservations at a little
Italian place downtown where the owners spoke Italian and nothing
came out of a jar.

Straightening his tie, Johnathan took one last look
in the mirror before heading out. Dialing as he walked to the car,
he knew tonight would be magical for both of them.

The sound of her husky voice made his heart pound.

there. How's my Babygirl?”

She giggled. “I'm good, Sir. Are you on your way?” He
noted the anxiousness in her voice.

Babygirl, I am. Someone sounds a bit impatient.”

trying not to be, but it's been too long. I'm ready for you to be
here!” If he didn't know better, he could imagine Babygirl stamping
her foot at him.

Sir navigated the streets of his neighborhood before
finally hitting the interstate, flying down the road to see his
Babygirl. She chattered on about her day, her daughter Olivia's
upcoming birthday, and her fears and concerns. He listened with an
indulgent smile on his face.

I know
what to do about that,” Sir replied after a lengthy diatribe from
Babygirl about her stress level from a hectic job, crying
four-year-old and a pending visit from her mother.

Her giggle caused a tightening in his pants. “I bet
you do, Sir.”

I've got
exactly what you need, girl.” His voice was almost a growl. “And
don't you ever forget it.”

Sir's thoughts turned to his plans for the evening.
The boys were old enough to be left on their own for the night, and
he was taking full advantage of that fact. He thought about his
packed bag in the trunk. Shorts, tee-shirts, and a few new toys to
play with tonight. His palm itched at the memory of the last time
he turned Babygirl's ass red. His cock hardened as he pictured the
look of rapture on her face after the last hard spanking followed
by an even harder fucking. He knew exactly what she needed to dim
the noise in her mind and allow her to relax.

BUMP! SCREEEEEEECH! Sir's car bumped and shuddered
along the road.

Fuck! A
flat tire!” Sir gripped the steering wheel and pulled onto the
shoulder of the road.

Are you okay? Is everything okay? Sir?!”
She sounded
close to

sweet girl. I'm fine. It's just a flat tire.” Sir quelled his
growing aggravation at the delay in order to soothe her. “Let me go
so I can deal with this, and I'll give you a call as soon as I'm
back on the road. It shouldn't take too long, Babygirl. I lo...” He
choked back the last words. “I'll call you soon.”

Babygirl's voice shook. “Okay, Sir. Please be

I will.” Sir ended the call and threw his
phone into the passenger seat.
Damn the
luck! A
flat tire was the last thing he
needed tonight.

Shrugging out of his coat, Sir rolled up his sleeves,
and began to get to work. Muttering obscenities to himself, he
pulled the spare out of the trunk. In the same instant he saw the
puddle in the road next to him, a Mack truck barreled through it
without slowing down. Dirty, oily water splashed over him, soaking
his clothes and causing him to reel backwards, losing his balance.
He landed in the dirt, the spare tire rolling down the embankment
away from him.

For fuck's sake!” Running down the slope
after the runaway tire, Sir felt like a fool.
A damn fool
, he thought to himself. A
few minute delay for a flat tire was one thing, but now he was
filthy, grimy, and, as he inhaled deeply, stinking of road grime.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

Sir muscled the tire up the embankment, grunting and
cursing all the way. Setting the spare against his car, he thought
about the picture he must have made for passersby. He felt a
growing amusement bubble deep in his belly and throat. Throwing his
head back, Sir howled with laughter. Knowing he probably looked
like a loon laughing on the side of the road only made him laugh
that much harder.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Sir got to work
changing the flat. As he jacked up the car, he realized that plans
had to change. There was no way he was going to the cafe looking
like this, and he wasn't going in khaki shorts and a tee-shirt,
either. It was too bad; that place would have been the perfect
setting for his plans.

He unscrewed the lug nuts, using his frustration as
fuel to move the stubborn metal. New plans had to be made, but
what? A late night dinner at some place more casual, along the
beach maybe? Babygirl would understand that he needed a shower, of
that he was sure. Yes! Followed by a moonlit stroll along the
beach, it would be a perfect setting for the first “I love

Smiling to himself, Sir hummed as he finished
changing the tire. He made a mental checklist as he gathered up the
tools and the flat tire. He'd take a shower when he got to her
place. They'd take her car to dinner – and he would drive, of
course. Tomorrow, they'd deal with the tire before he got on the
road to head home. “So it wasn't my original plan, but I do love it
when a plan comes together.”

Back in the car and on the road, he called her and
told her the change of plans. He felt his groin tighten at the
relief in her voice as they spoke. His knuckles went white as he
gripped the steering wheel and pictured her waiting for him. The
taste of her skin and the smell of her hair lingered like a phantom
in the car with him.

comin' for you tonight, girl.” His voice sounded gravelly to his
ears. “This is going to be one night you won't forget.”

Babygirl sighed with pleasure. “Sir, we don't have to
go anywhere. I'd be happy just spending the evening here at home
with you.”

I know
you would, but I have something special planned

Sir.” God, he loved the tone in her voice when she acquiesced to
him. Verbal submission when physical submission was not an option.
He felt his pants tighten again.

What the
- ?” Sir slammed on his brakes as he realized all the traffic ahead
of him was standing still. “Damn it! The flat tire put me just
enough behind that I'm in rush hour traffic, Babygirl.”

Oh, you
poor thing! It'll be slow going now.”

He quickly realized how right she was. “Let me let
you go. I want my full attention on this traffic so I can make it
to you safe and sound, sweet girl.” He allowed his voice to soften,
the pent-up emotions pouring forth. He desperately wanted to tell
her that he loved her.

course! If you can, let me know when you're close, okay,

Yes, Babygirl.” He heard her giggle as they
disconnected the call, his words echoing her earlier ones.
Silly girl

Flipping through radio stations, Sir picked up a
local traffic report.

I-10 is
gridlocked. Not just with rush hour traffic, but a major accident
at exit 395 is slowing everything down even more!”

Sir growled in annoyance. Another
damn delay! He could feel his blood begin to boil causing him to
sweat through his clammy clothes. Shaking his head, he realized
being pissed off wouldn't make him this hot. He reached over to the
vents and realized they were blowing hot air.
Great! Just fucking great! Now I get to boil in the car
because the air is out!

Rolling down the windows, desperate for cooler air,
Sir realized that the temperature was no better outside than in.
Without the speed of the car to move the air, the heat overwhelmed
him and the car. He watched the temperature gauge on the car begin
to climb. He knew he had no choice; he had to pull off the

Five minutes later, he was on hold with the towing
company. The recorded voice assured him that his call was very
important to them and someone would be with him shortly.

Grumbling to himself, he knew his plans for the
evening were completely shot. It would take the truck at least an
hour to get to him through this traffic and then another hour to
get to her place – or to the mechanic nearest her. Kicking a pebble
near his shoe, he sighed. He had wanted it to be perfect, and now
he wasn't sure what to do.

Maybe a light dinner at her place and then a walk
along the beach? He didn't want her to cook for them tonight. He
rejected any and all fast food places. The first night he said, “I
love you” to his Babygirl wasn't going to be over greasy french
fries and heart-attacks on a bun.

How can I
help you today, Sir?” The friendly voice on the phone interrupted
his thoughts. “Are you somewhere safe?”

Yeah, I'm
fine, but I need a tow, please. The car overheated. I'm stuck on 10
in rush hour.” He was sure he sounded as pathetic as he

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