Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love (4 page)

Read Sir and Babygirl: Bound by Love Online

Authors: Kayla Lords

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #submission, #dominance, #love relationships, #bdsm domination and submission

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Babygirl looked into his eyes, leaning in for more.
Chuckling to himself, Sir wrapped his arms around her, pulling her
close, and devoured her mouth with his. Her lips parted, her tongue
meeting his. He lapped at her tongue. Sharp teeth teased her lips.
She responded with her entire body, wrapping her arms around his
neck, standing on tip-toe, as if she would crawl inside of him if
she could.

Sir pulled away, smiling at Babygirl's swollen lips.
He gazed into her eyes, taking in the distant look that replaced
the stressed one that greeted him moments before. Taking her hand,
he lead her into the living room.

Sir whistled between his teeth. “Damn. I didn't
realize one little girl could do so much damage.”

With a slightly calmer tone than before, Babygirl
recounted the afternoon's adventures. As she spoke, tension filled
her voice again. Sir snaked his hands over the back of her head,
into her hair, and pulled. Her voice trailed off into a

sweet girl. Sir is here now. We'll deal with this together, ok?”
She nodded, squirming and fidgeting. “Is something wrong,

She blushed a deep red. “You make me squirmy, Sir,
when you do that.”

Do what,
Babygirl?” He didn't hide the amusement from his voice. “This?” He
gripped her hair tighter and pulled her head back until she was
looking into his eyes. She nodded, whimpering again.

You like
that, huh? I'll have to remember that for later.” Sir released his
grip on her hair. “Now, let's deal with the situation at hand,
shall we? Can Olivia come downstairs?”

Babygirl sighed. “I can't leave her up there all
night, I guess. Although finding some gypsies to sell her to isn't
the worst idea ever, either.” Sir tipped his head back as he
laughed, long and loud.

remember when the twins made me crazy like that. Of course, their
mother had to deal with the brunt of it.”

Babygirl humphed. “Well, maybe your ex and I have
something in common after all.” She had little use for Sir's
ex-wife after witnessing plenty of needless bits of drama caused by
a woman who refused to listen or take sound advice, even when she
later admitted she should have listened.

come down here, please.” Babygirl kept her voice relaxed, knowing
that Olivia would stay calm as long as she did.

Mama?” Olivia walked downstairs, the picture of innocence.
“Mith-ter John!!” The little girl ran to Sir and wrapped her arms
around his knees.

Sir's heart melted at the sight of Olivia. Babygirl
didn't see it, but her daughter was a miniature of her mother.
Bending over, he picked her up, bringing Olivia to eye level.

there, Miss Olivia.” The little girl giggled. “We need to have a

Sitting on a nearby chair, he balanced Olivia on his
knee. Looking at her sternly, he asked, “Did you make this mess?
And did you get in trouble today?”

Olivia nodded, tears filling her eyes. “Ah, ah, ah.
None of that. You're not in trouble with me, but you do have to
make things right.” She nodded again, her lower lip trembling.

I'm going
to help your Mama in the kitchen, and I want you to pick up all
your toys in here and put them where they go, ok?”

Mith-ter John.” Her whisper was barely audible to her

Sir set her down on the floor and
turned his back, confident in Olivia's compliance. He took Babygirl
by the hand and lead her into the kitchen. Babygirl sighed. “How do

He chuckled. “I have a way with the women in your
family, I guess. Just wait until I meet your mother.” Babygirl
smirked, knowing her mother was a formidable woman who wasn't
easily charmed.

She told Sir about the clog in the sink, the dishes,
and the forgotten roast. Lamenting her memory, her stress, her lack
of preparation, Babygirl heaped as much blame upon herself as one
woman could.

whoa, whoa. Enough of that. You're talking about someone I love
very much.” Babygirl looked at her feet and blushed. “Here's what
we're going to do. Let's go out for dinner, my treat. When we get
back, I'll deal with the clog, and you deal with dishes. Sound


Before she could protest, Sir called for Olivia to
put her shoes on and grabbed Babygirl's car keys off the counter.
Within moments, they were out the door and headed to dinner.




Later that night, Babygirl came
down stairs, exhausted but content after a raucous meal with her
two favorite people. She smiled at the sight of long, jean clad
legs sticking out from underneath her kitchen sink.
I could get used to this kind of
. She shook her head, willing
herself to block those kinds of thoughts. Sir hadn't indicated any
kind of interest in taking their relationship any further, and she
wasn't going to push him in that direction.

Babygirl leaned against her kitchen counter and
continued to watch Sir work. “Enjoying the view from up there?” His
muffled voice teased a smile out of her.

yeah.” She giggled. “You should become my full-time handyman,

Maybe I
will. Is Olivia asleep yet?”

Yes, Sir.” Babygirl's eyes widened as she
realized what he's implied.
My full-time

then get your ass upstairs and get naked for me. I want you
kneeling at the door when I get done here.” Babygirl felt her body
react to the darkness in his voice. “And before you say a word,
these dishes can wait until tomorrow.”

Sir.” Her voice grew husky with desire.

Babygirl bolted upstairs. Her heart was racing, blood
pounded in her head. She yanked off her shirt, throwing it in the
corner, not bothering to check if it landed anywhere near the
hamper. Leaning over to pull down her shorts, she caught the scent
of her own sex. Moisture gathered between her legs.

Yanking off the last of her clothes, Babygirl
strained to hear footsteps up the stairs. The worst feeling in the
world would be to let him down and not be ready for him. She raced
to the door and knelt. Spreading her knees wide, she sat back on
her heels. She bowed her head and placed her hands, palm up, on her
thighs. A sense of calm descended over her as she waited.

She lost track of time, kneeling and waiting. For
once, she didn't feel the ache in her knees or thighs. Anticipation
took away any physical pain. Babygirl's breath quickened when she
heard the creak of the stairs. He was finally on his way up.

She heard the click of the hallway
light turning off and the sound of Olivia's door being pulled
closed. In her excitement to get upstairs, she'd forgotten about
making sure Olivia's room was blocked off from any noise they might
My noises, not his

As the door opened, Babygirl looked down, hoping she
was the image of calm submission instead of a bundle of sexual
energy and nerves.

girl,” murmured Sir as he walked into the room. She dared to look
up into his eyes. Smoldering was the only way to describe the look
he was giving her. Babygirl felt her nipples tighten.

Knowing better to move without direction to do so,
she looked down again and waited while he readied himself. Every
detail stood out to her – the clink of his buckle, the sound of his
zipper, the soft thud of his pants hitting the floor. When he
removed his shirt, she caught a whiff of his soap and aftershave.
She inhaled deeply, savoring his scent.

Did you
say something, Babygirl?” She was startled to realize that she'd
moaned as she'd inhaled.

no Sir. I, um...” She hesitated, feeling foolish.

Out with
it, girl.”

I could
smell you from over here, and I liked it. I love how you smell.”
Her cheeks were on fire.

Sir smiled. “I see.”

Babygirl listened intently as he
moved around the room, hoping for a clue as to what was coming
next. Her body tensed in anticipation. She began to feel an ache in
her thighs and pressure in her knees. Swirling thoughts filled her
What if I can't do what he wants?
Does he want to do something new? Can I handle the pain? I can't
always handle the pain. I want the pain. Oh God, I want -

come stand by the bed.” His words cut through her spiraling

Standing with as much grace as she could muster with
creaky knees and tired thighs, Babygirl walked to Sir's side of the
bed. He was lying in the middle of the bed, pillows propped behind
his back so that he could sit straight. She looked at him, puzzled.
Where was the crop? The flogger? What about a vibrator or a

Lay over
my lap, Babygirl.”

Sir had never given her this kind of instruction, and
nothing in his face or voice gave anything away. She complied
immediately, feeling awkward staring at the stitching in her purple
and gray comforter with her bare ass in the air. She wondered if
she looked silly or fat. The dimples her in thighs and bottom were
a source of constant annoyance to her.

Pulled once again from her thoughts, Babygirl moaned
low in her throat as he ran his warm hands over her skin. The heat
from his hands always felt like it could melt her insides and was
the most comforting thing she'd ever felt before.

You like
that, girl?” Sir whispered.

yes, Sir, I do.” She shifted slightly, wiggling her bottom from
side to side.

SMACK! Babygirl shrieked in pain and surprise. Her
flesh burned where his hand made contact.

SMACK! SMACK! Two strikes, one right after the other,
not too hard, but still painful. She keened, low in the back of her

Do you
like that, Babygirl?”

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Before she could answer, Sir's
hand struck three times in one spot. Babygirl writhed in his lap,
crying without tears. He stroked her skin, soothing her.

Dipping a finger between her legs, Sir chuckled low
in the back of his throat. “You like this don't you, girl?”

Babygirl whimpered and squirmed, parting her legs to
grant him further access. Her body convulsed as he added a second
finger, stroking her labia and inserting both fingers deep

SMACK! Sir continued to stroke her pussy as he
spanked her ass.


Babygirl could hear the slurping noise as Sir's
fingers moved in and out of her body. She knew she couldn't orgasm
without permission. The pain and pleasure kept her mind


Babygirl whimpered and hissed, unable to form words
or thoughts. The strikes were becoming harder and harder. The
pulsing in her core was stronger. In between one breath and the
next, Sir placed a finger on her clit. She shrieked as her hips


at will,
Babygirl.” Sir's voice tore through her.

Her body convulsed, shaking and shuddering in time
with the stroking finger on her clitoris. She was so close. So, so
close. The blows stopped raining down on her ass. Sir kneaded and
pulled the globes of her ass, punishing her hot skin. Babygirl
panted loudly.

Taking his hand off her ass, Sir wrapped her hair in
his hand and pulled her head back. His other hand continued its
assault on her pussy. The swirling on her clit became more
insistent, quicker than before. Babygirl made small whimpering
noises. The burning pressure began to grow between her thighs,
moving down her legs and up into her stomach. The movement never
ceased. The pull in her scalp didn't let up. She could feel the
burn in her bottom. Finally, she felt her body convulse violently,
and she cried out, burying her face in the bed beneath her to
stifle her cries. Her hips bucked against Sir's lap.

She vaguely felt him let go of her hair. The scent of
her own musk filled her nose as Sir removed his hand. She didn't
even care when she heard him suck her juices from his finger.

Mmmm, you
taste so sweet, girl.” Sir's voice was filled with satisfaction.
Babygirl could only continue to whimper softly, her hips jerking
every so often with an orgasmic aftershock.


Before the shuddering subsided, the relentless
spanking continued. The pain was less intense now, even though she
knew the blows were harder.

SMACK! One side.

SMACK! Then the other.


Over and over again, Sir's hand slammed into one part
of her bottom and then another. Babygirl didn't register the pain
and barely reacted, only gasping softly from time to time. She was
pure sensation.


The last blow was the hardest, and Babygirl yelped
slightly, jumping from the impact. She laid her head down on the
comforter, all the energy draining away. She felt loose, empty, and
a bit like a ragdoll. Her mind was quiet.

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