Angela's Salvation (2 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Angela's Salvation
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Stepping off the bus, they were told by the driver it was two blocks to the auditorium and they began their walk.  The heels were killing her feet already, but Angela refused to complain at all.  She'd managed to nod off for the last hour of their trip, but her eyes still felt like they were filled with dust.  When they finally arrived they were amazed at the long lines already in place.

Her stomach filled with butterflies as they waited in the long lines, and she shifted from foot to foot, trying to take off the pressure from the heels she wished she'd have forgone.  All around her people were singing, or playing instruments
and it was almost like an alien world where all the creative people flocked together.  It was such an eclectic mix that for the first time in her life she felt completely at home.

"Can you believe all these people," Rachel laughed, looking around at the thousands of people surrounding them.

"I know we've seen it on television, but it's so much different actually being here." Angela was so filled with nervous anticipation that she worried she'd not be able to open her mouth at all to sing.

Angela was given a number and they found their way to the bleachers, sitting down.  All around her were people with expressions ranging from desperate hope to stuck-up confidence, and she felt the sensation of being just one small blemish in the presence of greatness as she listened to them.
The talent here was amazing, and she couldn't help but feel she didn't deserve to be among such perfection.

"You can just get that look off your face right now, Ang," Rachel stared at her intently.  She'd seen that look on her friend's face before, and she refused to allow it today.  She was so much better than the voices surrounding her, and before this day was over she hoped the judges would prove to her once and for all how talented she truly was.

"Listen to them Rach, these people have probably had years of training, how am I supposed to compete?"  This was such a huge mistake she told herself.  There was no way she could compete against this talent; she'd been a fool to think there was even a chance for her.

"Bullshit Ang," she whispered for her ears only, "I don't care how much training any of them have had, you're a natural and could outshine any of them without lifting your little pinky."
  As the auditions continued, Rachel was sure Angela could out sing any of these people without even trying.

Knowing that she had to say that, she was her best friend after all, Angela kept her opinion to herself.  She knew Rachel well enough to understand that any negativity would be squashed with her arguments.  She just hoped that when she didn't make it, her friend wouldn't be overly upset. 

When her number was called, she was nothing more than a bundle of nerves.  "Well this is it," Angela's voice trembled as she stood and made her way down to center stage.  "Wish me luck," hoping she could walk down the bleachers without busting her ass, she gave Rachel a quick wink.

"Knock 'em dead Ang," smiling brightly, she couldn't wait to hear her friend's incredible voice amplified over the stadium.

She made it to her spot, and gave a tentative smile to the panel of judges.  It was like being given an audience with the President of the United States, being before these people who'd filled her television screen.

"What's your name love," one of the female pop diva's asked with a warm smile

"Angela Wilkerson," she stuttered softly into the microphone, hoping her knees didn't give out on her.

"What are you singing for us," the male judge who was known throughout the music industry questioned.

"It's a song I wrote myself," she didn't wait for them to ask her to sing, she knew if she didn't do this now she'd probably hyperventilate and never make it through the number.  Closing her eyes, she belted out the lyrics that reminded her of all the things she'd been forced to deal with in her life, and let the music fill her soul.

At the end of her performance, she finally opened her eyes, and heard the thunderous applause from the contestants in the auditorium.  Blushing deeply, she clenched the microphone nervously in her hands and looked at the judges.

"How long have you been writing songs Angela," the pop diva smiled her way.

"Since I was sixteen, so about five years now." Her voice was shaking again, how she'd turned off the nervousness for the song she never knew, lowering her eyes she waited for the rejection she knew had to come next.

"That's some talent you've got there," the male judge said in appreciation, "but I wonder if you've got what it takes to be a star?" He addressed the other judges, and waited for them to remark.

"Definitely some raw talent there, but there's something missing, I'm going to say put her through though." The female pop diva remarked.

At the end
all the judges agreed except for the recording professional.  "It looks like you've made it through to the next round; just polish it up for the big leagues."  He gave Angela a nod and she stood there for a few seconds in complete amazement before walking off to where those selected were led.

Angela was still stunned as she was led inside a small office and given a packet that explained everything she'd need to know about her trip to the next audition.  Her mind still couldn't wrap around the fact that they hadn't kicked her ass out the front door, and she nodded politely as she was given instructions.

Making her way back to Rachel, her stunned mind couldn't even fathom what having this opportunity meant for her.  Rachel was on cloud nine and jumping up and down in excitement as they left the auditorium.  She wasn't going home, that much she remembered from the informal meeting in the office.  It had never entered her mind that she wouldn't be returning on the same bus they'd arrived on and she was stuck out in limbo.

"So what do we do now," Angela asked still stunned by everything that had happened to change her life in one day.

"We go get some food and read over all this shit in the packet, that's what we do superstar!" Rachel was as excited as her best friend and couldn't wait to see what the next step was.  They walked a few blocks until they found a small diner.

Over greasy hamburgers and fries, they took in the information from the packet and were amazed at what the next month would be like. 
Angela would be flying out in the morning then staying as a guest in an exclusive hotel in sin city, all expenses paid, including a clothing allowance.  She would have lessons all during the day and photo shoots, and her only free time would be at night.

The only regret Angela had was that Rachel couldn't stay with her.  She would have a roommate, it stipulated in the packet, and no outside guests were allowed.  "What am I supposed to do without you for an entire month," she worried frantically

"You're going to soak up all the experience you can and call me and let me know
you're okay that's what."  Reaching over the table she squeezed her friend's hand.  "This is your chance, Angela, and I want you to promise me you'll give it everything you've got."  Today was the type of thing that made dreams come true she thought, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

"I don't know if I can do this without you, Rach."  Rachel was the only constant in her life, and the thought of being without her was terrifying.  Yes, this was a dream come true, but she thought it would be with her best friend by her side.

"One month Ang, and then we'll go from there."  She didn't like the idea of her best friend up there fending for herself anymore than she did, but this was an opportunity she refused to let her walk away from.  "You can do this honey, and just think of all the publicity and what that's going to lead toward."

Rachel was seven years older and since the day they'd met she'd taken care of her.  The thought of being in a huge city without her was almost more than she was willing to give in order to live out a dream. 
"I can't do this Rachel," biting her lip until it was painful, she wanted to return home and hide in her comfortable little sanctuary that she'd given her.

"Damn it Ang, you can and will do this." Rachel was furious, not at her best friend, but at the people in her past that had done this to her.  She was such a beautiful, talented girl, and they had destroyed her self-esteem so badly that she couldn't see past what they'd made her think of herself.  "You will not let them win this time!" 

For the last four years she'd worked her ass off to build up the self-confidence that piece of shit stepfather had taken from her with his abuse.  She didn't date, and any time she was alone she freaked out to the point she had anxiety attacks.  Even the counselor, for the few visits she could afford at mental health, had little success in taking away her fear.  The anxiety meds she took worked in an emergency, but it had been Rachel's constant presence that kept her calm enough to take the job at the bar and not freak out when anyone got out of line.

She knew what life without Rachel was going to be like.  The constant nightmares, the fear that he'd find his way into her room, the overwhelming terror that made it hard to breathe when a man looked at her with any hint of desire.  She wasn't sure she could do this, but wanted to make Rachel happy at the same time.  "I'll try, Rach, that's all I can promise." 
Even thinking about being alone, made her want to jump on the bus and head back home.

"That's all I'd ever ask of you honey," finishing up their meal, they walked to the hotel.  This was going to be a
huge month for Angela, and she sent up a silent prayer that God would watch over her since she wouldn't be there to hold her hand.

Watching Rachel walk away was like seeing her lifeline disappear, and she made it up to the room she'd been given like it was death march.
  All she had was the clothes on her back and the pills in her purse to make it through the night.  As she met her new roommate, she at least was happy that it wasn't one of those stuck up diva's that thought they ruled the world.

"Isn't this the most exciting day of your entire life, I'm Lizzy Beaumont," she held out her hand wondering why the other young woman didn't seem as excited as she was about being chosen for the show.

Lowering her head, she took the other woman's hand and forced a smile, "I'm Angela Wilkerson, and yeah it is, I'm just a little nervous."  She gave a self-depreciating laugh.

"I'll save the nerves for the next audition," Lizzy grinned, "I noticed you didn't bring in a bag, didn't you think they'd pick you?

Lizzy's excitement was contagious, and she seemed to be a nice person which helped her relax a little.  "I honestly didn't think I had a chance."

"I feel like I've spent the last two years on the road, so I always pack for whatever," she grinned, "We look about the same size, so if you want to borrow something until they take us shopping tomorrow, feel free."

She wasn't sure how she felt about borrowing the stranger's clothes, but the thought of sleeping in the expensive dress made her decision easier.  "If you're sure you don't mind, I might take you up on that offer."  Angela was amazed at how easy it was to talk to this bubbly young woman.

"From what I understand, they will be giving us our own debit card tomorrow, so anything you use we can just replace," Lizzie was so excited that she
could barely stand still.  "So where are you from?"

They spent the next few hours getting to know each other and Angela felt like she'd just walked into her new
roommate's life.  They were like night and day; Lizzie had been studying music at one of the music colleges, and prepping for this audition for most of her young life.  She was the same age, and it was strange to feel comfortable with someone so different than herself.

Her lack of sleep finally caught up with her, and she begged off to take a shower and took Lizzie up on her offer of clothes for the next day, sleeping in the hotel robe that night.  When her head hit the pillow, she had no time to dwell on her new surroundings as sleep pulled her in and held her soundly until the next morning.

She awoke to Lizzy chatting non-stop and dressed in her roommate's denim mini-skirt and a cotton tank top.  Since she only had her heels for shoes, she was looking forward to buying a pair of tennis shoes in a few hours.  They both decided to go without makeup and pulled their hair up into pony tails for the shopping trip. 

When they met up downstairs with the other ten contestants
, and their guide, Angela was a bundle of nerves.  They were all given a five thousand dollar debit card, and instructed that the clothing they bought was not for the show, but their own personal needs since a designer would take care of the other needs. 

Angela had never had five thousand dollars to spend on clothing or anything else for that matter, so she was excited when Lizzie asked her to shop together.  They were given free reign at the mall
and she followed Lizzie around like a lost puppy dog, taking her lead on what they would need for the next month.  It was like starting her life over, because she had nothing with her.  By the time they'd finished she felt like she'd worked eight hours in a factory.

"That was so much fun, I wish I could do that every month and who knows maybe after this show both of us will be able to." Lizzie was giggling in enthusiasm.

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