America's Nazi Secret: An Insider's History (54 page)

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Authors: John Loftus

Tags: #General Fiction

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The Oil Card

Global Economic Warfare in the 21st Century

by James Norman

Challenging the conventional wisdom surrounding high oil prices, this compelling argument sheds an entirely new light on free-market industry fundamentals.

By deciphering past, present, and future geopolitical events, it makes the case that oil pricing and availability have a long history of being employed as economic weapons by the United States. Despite ample world supplies and reserves, high prices are now being used to try to rein in China—a reverse of the low-price strategy used in the 1980s to deprive the Soviets of hard currency. Far from conspiracy theory, the debate notes how the U.S. has previously used the oil majors, the Saudis, and market intervention to move markets—and shows how this is happening again.

Softcover $14.95 (ISBN 0977795390 ) • 288 Pages

Expendable Elite

One Soldier’s Journey into Covert Warfare

by Daniel Marvin

Foreword by Martha Raye

A special operations perspective on the Viet Nam War and the truth about a White House concerned with popular opinion

This true story of a special forces officer in Viet Nam in the mid-1960s exposes the unique nature of the elite fighting force and how covert operations are developed and often masked to permit — and even sponsor — assassination, outright purposeful killing of innocents, illegal use of force, and bizarre methods in combat operations. Expendable Elite reveals the fear that these warriors share with no other military person: not fear of the enemy they have been trained to fight in battle, but fear of the wrath of the US government should they find themselves classified as “expendable.” This book centers on the CIA mission to assassinate Cambodian Crown Prince Nordum Sihanouk, the author’s unilateral aborting of the mission, the CIA’s dispatch of an ARVN regiment to attack and destroy the camp and kill every person in it as retribution for defying the agency, and the dramatic rescue of eight American Green Berets and hundreds of South Viet Namese.

—Special Victory Edition—

Commemorating our Free Speech Federal Court triumph that allows you to read this book exposing the true ways of war!

Read the book,”They” don’t want you to!

Daniel Marvin is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Special Forces and former Green Beret.

Softcover: $19.95 (ISBN 0977795314) • 420 pages • 150+ photos & maps

Fighting For G.O.D.

(Gold, Oil, Drugs)

by Jeremy Begin, Art by Laureen Salk

This racehorse tour of American history and current affairs scrutinizes key events transcending the commonly accepted liberal/conservative political ideologies — in a large-size comic-book format.

This analysis delves into aspects of the larger framework into which 9/11 fits and scrutinizes the ancestry of the players who transcend commonly accepted liberal/conservative political ideologies. This comic-book format analysis examines the Neo Con agenda and its relationship to “The New World Order. This book discusses key issues confronting America’s citizenry and steps the populace can take to not only halt but reverse the march towards totalitarianism.

Jeremy Begin is a long-time activist/organizer currently residing in California’s Bay Area. Lauren Salk is an illustrator living in Boston.

Softcover: $9.95, (ISBN 0977795330) 64 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Radical Peace

Refusing War

by William Hathaway

This symphony of voices — a loosely united network of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists in Afghanistan, Europe, Iraq, and North America — vividly recounts the actions they have personally taken to end war and create a peaceful society. Frustrated, angered, and even saddened by the juggernaut of aggression that creates more counter-violence at every turn, this assortment of contributors has moved beyond demonstrations and petitions into direct, often radical actions in defiance of the government’s laws to impede its capacity to wage war. Among the stories cited are those of a European peace group that assisted a soldier in escaping from military detention and then deserting; a U.S.-educated Iraqi who now works in Iran developing cheaper and smaller heat-seeking missiles to shoot down U.S. aircraft after U.S. soldiers brutalized his family; a granny for peace who found young allies in her struggle against military recruiting; a seminary student who, having been roughed up by U.S. military at a peace demonstration, became a military chaplain and subverts from within; and a man who expresses his resistance through the destruction of government property — most often by burning military vehicles.

William T. Hathaway is a political journalist and a former Special Forces soldier turned peace activist whose articles have appeared in more than 40 publications, including Humanist, the Los Angeles Times,Midstream Magazine, and Synthesis/Regeneration. He is an adjunct professor of American studies at the University of Oldenburg in Germany, and the author of A World of Hurt, CD-Ring, and Summer Snow.

Softcover: $14.95 (ISBN: 9780979988691) •240 pages • Size: 5.5 x 8.5

Fixing America

Breaking the Stranglehold of Corporate Rule, Big Media, and the Religious Right

by John Buchanan

foreword by John McConnell

An explosive analysis of what ails the United States

An award-winning investigative reporter provides a clear, honest diagnosis of corporate rule, big media, and the religious right in this damning analysis. Exposing the darker side of capitalism, this critique raises alarms about the security of democracy in today’s society, including the rise of the corporate state, the insidious role of professional lobbyists, the emergence of religion and theocracy as a right-wing political tactic, the failure of the mass media, and the sinister presence of an Orwellian neo-fascism.
Softcover: $19.95, (ISBN 0-975290681 ) 216 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Fleshing Out Skull & Bones

Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society

Edited by Kris Millegan

“From original 19th-century rosters and nearly forgotten archives right up to recent aerial photos of the Bonesmen’s ‘Tomb,’ no stone is left unturned in this must-read book for anyone desiring to know the truth behind this mysterious organization which has produced an unnatural number of national leaders. Names are named—including President George W. Bush—and the group’s affiliation with a German Illuminati cell revealed, all in one well-documented volume.” —Jim Marrs, journalist and author, Rule by Secrecy and The War on Freedom

This chronicle of espionage, drug smuggling, and elitism in Yale University’s Skull & Bones society offers rare glimpses into this secret world with previously unpublished documents, photographs, and articles that delve into issues such as racism, financial ties to the Nazi party, and illegal corporate dealings. Contributors include Anthony Sutton, author of America’s Secret Establishment; Dr. Ralph Bunch, professor emeritus of political science at Portland State University; Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, authors and historians. A complete list of members, including George Bush, George W. Bush, and John F. Kerry, and reprints of rare magazine articles are included.

Kris Millegan is the son of a CIA intelligence official. He has written articles for
High Times
Magazine. He lives in Oregon.

Softcover: $24.95, (ISBN 0-975290681 ) 216 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5


The 18th Century Bavarian Illuminati

by Terry Melanson

The shadowy Illuminati grace many pages of fiction as the sinister all-powerful group pulling the strings behind the scenes, but very little has been printed in English about the actual Enlightenment-era secret society, its activities, its members, and its legacy … until now.

First choosing the name Perfectibilists, their enigmatic leader Adam Weishaupt soon thought that sounded too bizarre and changed it to the Order of the Illuminati.

Presenting an authoritative perspective, this definitive study chronicles the rise and fall of the fabled Illuminati, revealing their methods of infiltrating governments and education systems, and their blueprint for a successful cabal, which echoes directly forward through groups like the Order of Skull & Bones to our own era.

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