Authors: H.L. Mencken
consols, 244
constable, 243, 344
Constantine, 512
Constantinopoulos, 485
constituency, 120, 245
constitution, 614
contact, to, 194
contact-manager, 288
container-engineer, 290
contested election, 245
controled, 406
controlled, 406
controversialist, 165
conventionitis, 179
convocation, 248
coo, 602
Cook, 485, 488, 496
cook, to, 580
cook-book, 234
cook coffee, to, 215
cookery-book, 234
cookey, 108
cookie, 234
cooking-stove, 234
cook-stove, 234
cooler, 149, 580
coon, 153, 169, 170, 264, 296
Coons, 482, 483
coop, 344
Cooper, 481, 485
cooper, 344
cooter, 113
cootie, 573
cop, 40, 243
c.o.p., 209
cop a mope, to, 581
copious, 128
Copoulos, 486
copper-bellied, 137
copper-head, 114
Coraopolis, 530
corbigeau, 214
cord, 247
cord, to, 118
cord-wood, 128
Corey, 494, 496
Corlaers’s Hook, 532
corn, 7, 12, 42, 85, 106, 122, 234; -belt, 144, 239; -brake, 122; -broom, 122; -cake, 122; -cob, 122; -crib, 115, 122; -cutter, 122; -dodger, 115, 122; -factor, 245; -fed, 122; -flour, 234; -fodder, 122; -fritter, 122; -grater, 122; -hook, 122; -husk, 122; -juice, 122, 149, 568; -knife, 122; -market, 256; -meal, 122, 234; -pone, 122; -shuck, 122; -snake, 122; -stalk, 122; -starch, 122, 234
corned-beef, 352
corned willie, 573
corner, 544
corner, to, 141, 231
corner-loafer, 156, 256
Cornhill, 546
Cornielsen, 481
Corn Laws, 122
Corn moon, 106
Cornstalk, 537
corp, 461
corporation, 244; -lawyer, 246; -profits, 244
corpse, 287; -maker, 137; -reviver, 149
corral, 92, 152
corral, to, 152
Correia, 494
correspondence-engineer, 290
corridor, 238
corset, 301
Cortlandt, 532
corus, 401
cos, 260
cosma, 413
cosmetician, 179, 288
Cosmopolis, 530
cosmos, 413
cost, to, 440
Costanza, 509
coster, 234; -monger, 234
Costilla, 543
cosy, 393
cotched, 429
Cotica, 524
cotilion, 406
cotillion, 406
Cotton, 499
cotton, 234; -belt, 239; -wood, 234
Cottonwood, 529
cottonwood, 536
Cottonwood Crossing, 554
couch, 254
Coughlin, 504
cough up, to, 227
coulda, 443, 444
coulee, 151
council, 245
Council Bluffs, 535
councillor, 243
council-school, 241, 243
counterfeiter, 243
counterfoils, 244
county, 414; -farm, 293; -home, 293
coupé, 347
coupla, 443, 471, 570
Courey, 496
court, 386, 547
courtesan, 305
courthouse, 539
Courtney, 512
Coury, 496
cove, 536
cover, 346
cow, 364; -beast, 361;
-boy, 152; -brute, 306, 361; -cage, 583; -catcher, 96, 146; college, 187; -creature, 301, 302; -critter, 302; -hand, 152; -juice, 582; -puncher, 152
Cowan, 498
cowcumber, 129
Cowhide, 536
cowhide, to, 114
Cow-Tail, 536
Cox, 308, 485
Coyne, 498
coyote, 150, 536
cozy, 393
crab, to, 263
crab-cocktail, 247
crabfest, 218
Crabtree, 495
Cracker, 552
cracker, 7, 101, 122, 123, 234 267
crackerjack, 264
crack up, to, 143
Craig, 478
cranberry-bog, 115
crane-navvy, 239
crank, 145, 231
crap, 584
crape, 409
craps, 86, 264
crash, 182, 184
crash, to, 578, 581, 602
crass, 16
Crawfish, 536
crawfish, to, 142, 148
Crawthumper, 552
crayfish, 105
crazy-bone, 239
crazy-quilt, 116, 145
Crček, 489
cream-cracker, 235
creamery, 176
creature, 341
Credilla, 522
credit, 242
Creed, 522
creek, 7, 12, 70, 115, 121, 341, 609
creep, to, 430
Crenshawe, 503
creole, 112
creosote, 155
crep, 352, 430, 437
crěpe, 409
crescent, 547
Crespigny, 503
creton, 401
crevasse, 98, 151
crew, 430
crib, 583
cricket, 248
crickthatch, 119
Crile, 483
crime, 603
criminal, 293; -assault, 304; -engineer, 290;
-operation, 304
Crippiny, 503
crisco, 173
crise, to, 192
crispette, 173
Crist, 512
Cristsylf, 459
criteria, 412
criterions, 413
critic, 380
critikin, 118
crix, 586
croaker, 577
cronic, 401
Cronkhite, 483
crook, 167, 227, 565
crookdom, 178
crook the elbow, to, 150
crope, 430
crossed, 398
crossing-plate, 96, 146
cross, purposes, 128, 231
crossroads, 539
crosswordpuzzleitis, 179
crotchet, 250
croud, 384
crow, to, 430
crowd, 30, 383, 384
crowd out, to, 227
crowed, 430
crower, 308
crown, 116
crucified, 398
cruller, 108
crum, 402, 406
crumb, 406
crummy, 582, 583
crypt, 248
cuanto, 376
cub, 227
Cuba, 349
Cubéan, 353
cucaracha, 112
cuckoo, 562
Cueller, 487
Cuffee, 524
Cufrey, 524
Cufry, 523, 524
cultus, 150
Cump, 517
cunning, 257
cupiding, 561
curate, 248, 249
curator, 325
curb, 393
curb, to, 199, 394
curet, 411
curette, 411
curio, 169
curled, 561
curricula, 412
curriculas, 413
Curry, 494
curse, 316
curse, to, 430
curse out, to, 229
Curtis, 486
Curtiss, 499
curv, 403
curve, 367
Curzon, 497
Cush, 524
cushion, 583
cuspidor, 216
cuss, 74, 169, 170, 231, 316, 350; -word, 167
cuss, to, 430
cussed, 430
cussedness, 145
cuss out, to, 430
Custer, 480
customable, 119
customize, to, 193
custom-made, 234
cut, 182, 227, 261
cut, to, 199, 430, 440, 580
cut across lots, to, 121
cut a swath, to, 142
cute, 120, 226
cutex, 173
cuticura, 173
cut no figure, to, 95
cut no ice, to, 232, 565
cut-off, 144
cut one’s eye-teeth, to, 568
cut out, to, 38
cut paper-dolls, to, 562
cutting, 239
Cy, 252
cyar, 364
cyclery, 176
Cyclone, 537
cyclone, 231
cyder, 389
cymbi, 113
cypher, 389
Cyril, 518
cystoscope, to, 197
Czar, 537
czar, 390
Czeslaw, 510 d, 335 348, 352, 360, 368, 375. 397. 410 438, 447
da, 113
dachshund, 155, 347
da-da, 113
daffy, 464
dago, 86, 110, 231, 294, 295. 305; -red 222
dahlia, 155
Daisette, 522
Dakoming, 537
Dakota, 526
dalite, 407
Dalsemer, 500
Dalsheimer, 500
Dame’s Quarter, 537
damfino, 316
damn, 205, 313, 318, 464
damnation, 316, 317
damndest, 316
damned, 317, 464
damphool, 316
Dan, 509, 519
dance, 329, 335, 336, 337, 338
dance, to, 581
dance-hall, 227, 581
dance marathon, 180
dancethon, 180
dancingest, 463
D. & D., 208
dandy, 257
danger, 24
Daniel, 506, 509, 511, 515
Daniel of St. Thomas, 518
Daniels, 490
Danielson, 489
Dǎnila, 509
Daniliwsky, 490
dansant, 409
dansant-engineer, 290
Danylchenko, 489
Danylchuk, 489
Danylshyn, 489
dar, 339
Darby, 503
dare, 375
dare, to, 430
dared, 430
darken one’s doors, to, 100, 119
dark-horse, 148
Darky, 520
darky, 120
Darlene, 521
darn, 316, 317
darned, 317
darnfoolski, 222
daSilva, 501
das’n’t, 430
dast, 430
dat, 367
data, 338, 412
Dauphine, 547
Dauud, 513
davenport, 254
Davenporter, 549
David, 506, 510, 513, 515
Davidovitch, 498
Davis, 477, 498, 499
dawter, 381
day-coach, 147
daylight time, 234
dayyan, 217
D-Cady, 517
D. D., 273, 281
de-, 194
deacon, to, 140
dead as a door-nail, 570
dead-beat, 37, 144, 167
deader’n, 464
dead-head, 228
dead-head, to, 147
dead pan, 587
deaf, 340
deal, 182
deal, to, 430
dealt, 430
dean, 242, 248, 274, 279, 289; of women, 241
Deane, 507
dear, 311
death-knell, 587
debamboozle, to, 194
Debaun, 495
debenture, 244
De Bon, 495
debt, 383
debunk, to, 174, 194, 199, 226
debunking, 174
debut, to, 192
début, 347, 409
débutante, 409
debutramp, 561
decalog, 400
deCasseres, 501
deceit, 380
deceived, 310
decent, 303, 308
deciev, 402, 403
deck, 144, 236
decoy, 325
ded, 403
deed, to, 7, 117
deep, 368, 465
Deering, 482
defect, 325
defence, 383, 394
defense, 386, 394
defensive, 394
defi, 169
deficit, 325
definit, 399, 401, 403
deft, 128
DeGrasse, 514
degree-day, 242
degrees of frost, 246
Degrofe, 539
dehorning-engineer, 290
deign, 380
Dejean, 481
dejelly, to, 194
De La Haye, 481
Delaware, 525, 530
Delaware Water Gap, 535
delayd, 403
Delhi, 540
de l’Hôtel, 482
delicate condition, 304
delicatessen, 155
delicatessens, 412
delinquent, 293
deliveress, 75
deliver the goods, to, 227
dell, 115
Delmar, 538
Del-Mar, 537
Delmarva, 538
Delmer, 523
delouse, to, 194
Delphia, 521
Delsey, 524
demagogue, to, 192, 196
demean, to, 121, 165
Demetrios, 512
Demikof, 478
deminition bow-wows, 317
demisemiquaver, 250
demmed, 317
demolition-engineer, 289
Demon Rum, 244
demonstrate, 325
Demopolis, 530
demoralize, to, 118
Demos, 512
De Moss, 512
Demosthenes, 512
dendanthropology, 117
Denis, 481
Dennis, 505
Denny, 481
dénouement, 409
Denva, 521
Deodolphus, 524
depart, 335
deposit-slip, 244
depot, 147, 151, 409
dépôt, 409
deputize, to, 7, 118
deputy-pro-chancellor, 241
derange, to, 118
Derby, 503
derby, 234, 239
Dermen, 497
Dermenjian, 497
Dermott, 479
derned, 317
derrière, 307
DeRue, 522
desave, 161
Desbrosses, 547
Des Champs, 495
deserv, 401
Deshong, 481
desk, 150, 254
Des Moines, 541
desperado, 152
dessert, 247
destitution, 15
destructor, 234
det, 383, 401, 403
detainer, 583
determin, 401, 403
determine, 383, 384
detour, 236, 325
dettor, 401
develop, 391
develope, 391
De Vere, 479
device, 394
devil, 318
devil-dog, 574
devilinsky, 222
devilled-crab, 247
devotee, 412
dewax, to, 194
Dewey, 512, 516
DeWitt, 506
diagnosticate, to, 197
diagram, 402
diagramme, 394
dialog, 394
dialogicians, 179
diamond, 250, 341, 583
diamond-cracker, 583
Diarmuid, 479
diarrhea, 411
diarrhœa, 411
diary, 341
dick, 577
dicker, to, 118
dickey-seat, 237
dicta, 412
dictograph, 173
did, 430, 442
diddle, to, 22
did I say no?, 217
didn’t, 352
Diego, 110
diener, 220
dierne, 317
diet-kitchen-engineer, 290
die with one’s boots on, to, 142
diff, 170
different, 466
different than, 472
dig, to, 430, 436
diggings, 98, 145
dilatory, 24
Dillehay, 481
diminute, to, 75
din, 128
dinah, 577
dindon farouche, 214
dindon sauvage, 214
diner, 170
dinge, 296
dinger, 583
dingus, 176, 210, 211, 263
dinky, 464
dinner, 240
dinner-bell, 97
dino, 582
dioxygen, 173
dip, 368, 576
diphtheria, 352